993 resultados para postoperative care


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O objeto de estudo são os eventos cardíacos resultantes da infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona em pacientes que evoluíram com fibrilação atrial em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Os objetivos foram descrever as características dos pacientes que receberam infusão contínua de cloridrato de amidoarona, apresentar a prevalência de bradicardia e hipotensão encontrada nos pacientes que receberam infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona e discutir as implicações dos achados para a prática dos enfermeiros a partir da prevalência encontrada de bradicardia e hipotensão decorrente da infusão contínua desta substância. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, documental, por meio de análise de prontuários e avaliação quantitativa dos mesmos. Desenvolvida em uma unidade de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em um hospital universitário pertencente à rede sentinela no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foi considerado hipotensão em presença de PAS menor que 90 mmHg e bradicardia em presença de frequência cardíaca menor que 60 bpm. As variáveis que caracterizavam a população do estudo e as aferições de pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca foram transcritas para um instrumento de coleta de dados dos anos de 2010 e 2011, gerando 1782 horas de infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona em 27 pacientes cirúrgicos (10,50%). Tratou-se de uma população predominantemente feminina, com idade a cima de 60 anos, período de internação superior a uma semana, apresentava hipertensão arterial prévia (59,26%), era portadora de fibrilação atrial (55,56%) e o diagnóstico cirúrgico de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea foi predominante (70,37%). Os dados mostram que 85,19% dos pacientes eram portadores de pelo menos um fator de risco, 70,37% apresentavam dois fatores de risco e 55,55% apresentavam três fatores de risco para desenvolver fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Foi encontrada uma prevalência de 85,19% pacientes que apresentaram bradicardia, 66,67% apresentaram hipotensão e 59,26% apresentaram tanto bradicardia como hipotensão. Foram 160 episódios de bradicardia com 6,40 episódios por paciente e 77 episódios de hipotensão com 4,2 por paciente. A bradicardia ocorreu principalmente entre 48 e 72 horas do inicio da infusão. Já a hipotensão aumentou progressivamente nas primeiras 48 horas de infusão. Na presença de bradicardia a intervenção mais frequente foi redução da vazão de amiodarona já na presença de hipotensão, a manutenção de infusão de noradrenalina foi a conduta mais regular. Como estratégia de melhoria para segurança do paciente, foram elaboradas condutas como método de barreira para prevenção de eventos adversos como a bradicardia e hipotensão. Os principais cuidados de enfermagem a serem implementados pelo enfermeiro foram o levantamento de fatores de risco para a fibrilação atrial, a detecção da fibrilação atrial, a manutenção de monitorização cardíaca contínua, aferição horária do ritmo cardíaco e o controle da frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial, objetivando intervir precocemente em presença de hipotensão ou bradicardia.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av livskvalitet efter överviktsoperation samt främjande omvårdnadsåtgärder. Metod: Litteratursökning utfördes i PubMed och Cinahl med Full Text. Sökord var följande: Bariatric, Bariatric Surgery, Quality of life, Bariatric patient, nursing, postoperative care samt treatment outcome. Dessa sökningar kompletterades med manuella sökningar. Efter genomgång avseende inklusions- och exklusionskriterier valdes sammanlagt 16 artiklar ut för denna litteraturstudie. Huvudresultat: Bestående viktminskning hos kraftigt överviktiga patienter visade sig ha ett stadigvarande resultat på livskvaliteten. Pre- och postoperativ uppföljning med hjälp av ett multidisciplinärt vårdprogram gynnade ett varaktigt resultat i form av viktnedgång och ökad livskvalitet, framförallt genom livsstilsförändringar. Slutsats: Forskning stöder insättandet av omvårdnadsåtgärder för överviktiga patienter som genomgått en överviktsoperation. Med kunskap kring hur dessa patienter upplever sin livskvalitet kan sjuksköterskor anpassa omvårdnadsåtgärderna efter patienten, vilket ligger i linje med dagens strävan om personcentrerad vård.


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Primary graft dysfunction, a severe form of lung injury that occurs in the first 72 hours after lung transplant, is associated with morbidity and mortality. We sought to assess the impact of an evidence-based guideline as a protocol for respiratory and hemodynamic management.

Preoperative and postoperative data for patients treated per the guideline (n = 56) were compared with those of a historical control group (n = 53). Patient data such as ratio of arterial Po2 to inspired oxygen fraction, central venous pressure, cumulative fluid balance, vasopressor dose, and serum urea and creatinine were measured and documented at specific times. Primary outcome was severity of primary graft dysfunction within the first 72 hours.

Primary graft dysfunction grade was progressively lower in patients treated after introduction of the guideline (P = .01). Lower postoperative fluid balances (P = .01) and vasopressor doses (P = .007) were seen, with no associated renal dysfunction. There were no differences in duration of mechanical ventilation or mortality. Nonadherence to the guideline occurred in 10 cases (18%).

Implementation of an evidence-based guideline for managing respiratory and hemodynamic status is feasible and safe and was associated with reduction in severity of primary graft dysfunction. Further studies are required to determine whether such a guideline would lead to a consistent reduction in severity of primary graft dysfunction at other institutions. Creation of a protocol for postoperative care provides a template for further studies of novel therapies or management strategies for primary graft dysfunction.


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O megaesôfago, afecção caracterizada por aperistalse do corpo esofágico e relaxamento deficiente do esfíncter inferior do esôfago, apresenta a disfagia como o sintoma mais frequente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional de pacientes com megaesôfago não-avançado nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios de cardiomiotomia videolaparoscópica. Dez pacientes foram avaliados em cinco momentos (pré-operatório e aos 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses após a cirurgia). Os parâmetros antropométricos, hematimétricos e bioquímicos foram estudados nos cinco momentos. CONCLUSÕES: 1) a maioria dos pacientes com megaesôfago não-avançado é eutrófica; 2) o tratamento cirúrgico acarreta melhora do estado nutricional e aumento dos valores do HDL colesterol.


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Purpose: To compare the safety and anti-inflammatory efficacy of a single posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV).Methods: the study included 40 consecutive phakic eyes of 40 patients undergoing PPV for non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage with attached retina (verified by echography), epiretinal membrane or macular hole. At the end of the surgical procedure, eyes were randomized to receive either a single posterior subtenon injection of TA (40 mg in 1 ml) plus sham eyedrops (prednisolone acetate 1% vehicle) postoperatively (group TA), or a posterior subtenon sham injection (1 ml balanced salt solution) plus prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops postoperatively (group ED).Results: There was no difference in the severity of anterior chamber cell and flare between the two groups at any time-point during the study period (p > 0.05). Separate within-group analysis revealed a significant decrease in anterior chamber cell and flare from postoperative day 1 to postoperative days 7, 14 and 28 in both groups (p < 0.05). There was no difference in pain, photophobia, conjunctival erythema, ciliary flush or chemosis scores between the two groups at any time-point during the study period (p > 0.05). Steroid-induced intraocular hypertension was not observed in either group.Conclusions: A single posterior subtenon injection of TA can be as effective and safe as a 4-week regimen of prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops in controlling intraocular inflammation after PPV.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to histologically evaluate the healing of surgically created Class II furcation defects treated using an autogenous bone (AB) graft with or without a calcium sulfate (CS) barrier. Methods: The second, third, and fourth mandibular premolars (P2, P3, and P4) of six mongrel dogs were used in this study. Class II furcation defects (5 mm in height × 2 mm in depth) were surgically created and immediately treated. Teeth were randomly divided into three groups: group C (control), in which the defect was filled with blood clot; group AB, in which the defect was filled with AB graft; and group AB/CS, in which the defect was filled with AB graft and covered by a CS barrier. Elaps were repositioned to cover all defects. The animals were euthanized 90 days post-surgery. Mesio-distal serial sections were obtained and stained with either hematoxylin and eosin or Masson's trichrome. Histometric, using image-analysis software, and histologic analyses were performed. Linear and area measurements of periodontal healing were evaluated and calculated as a percentage of the original defect. Percentage data were transformed into arccosine for statistical analysis (analysis of variance; P<0.05). Results: Periodontal regeneration in the three groups was similar. Regeneration of bone and connective tissue in the furcation defects was incomplete in most of the specimens. Statistically significant differences were not found in any of the evaluated parameters among the groups. Conclusion: Periodontal healing was similar using surgical debridement alone, AB graft, or AB graft with a CS barrier in the treatment of Class II furcation defects.


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Background: Excisional biopsies of gingival overgrowths, performed with safety margins, frequently result in mucogingival defects. These defects may produce esthetic problems and increase the chances of dentin hyperesthesia and its possibility of hindering oral hygiene. Methods: Two clinical cases are reported in which gingival overgrowths were removed by excisional biopsy, resulting in unsightly defects. The first clinical case presents an invasive approach for the treatment of a recurrent pyogenic granuloma in the anterior maxilla, and the second depicts a complete removal of a peripheral odontogenic fibroma in the posterior maxilla. In both situations, the soft-tissue defects were repaired by periodontal plastic surgery, including a laterally positioned flap and a coronally positioned flap, respectively. Results: Periodontal plastic surgery successfully restored the defects that resulted from biopsies, and no recurrence has been noticed in the 5-year postoperative follow-up period. Conclusions: The combination of biopsy and periodontal plastic surgery in a one-step procedure seems to be suitable to remove gingival overgrowths in most areas of the mouth, regardless of esthetic significance. Such procedures seem to restore gingival health, encourage healing, and create both esthetics and function in the excised area.


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Purpose: Interposition of a jejunal tube between the common bile duct and duodenum. Methods: Five adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing on average 22.3 kg (18 to 26.5 kg), were used. Obstructive jaundice was induced by ligation of the distal common bile duct. After one week, a 2.5-cm long jejunal tube was fabricated from a segment of the loop removed 15 cm from the Treitz angle and interposed between the common bile duct and duodenum. Results: The animals presented good clinical evolution and no complications were observed. After 6 weeks, complete integration was noted between the bile duct mucosa, tube and duodenum and a significant reduction in total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase was observed when compared to the values obtained one week after ligation of the common bile duct. Conclusion: The jejunal tube interposed between the dilated bile duct and duodenum showed good anatomic integration and reduced total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels in the animals studied.


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Background: Necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI) is characterized by progressive infectious gangrene of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Its treatment involves intensive care, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and full debridement. Methods: We present two cases of NSTI of the breast, adding these cases to the 14 described in the literature, reviewing the characteristics and evolution of all cases. Case Report: On the fourth day after mastectomy, a 59-year-old woman with ulcerated breast cancer developed Type I NSTI caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which had a favorable evolution after debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The second patient was a 57-year-old woman submitted to a mastectomy and axillary dissection, who had recurrent seromas. On the 32nd post-operative day, after a seroma puncture, she developed Type II NSTI caused by β-hemolytic streptococci. She developed sepsis and died on the tenth day after debridement, intensive care, and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The cases are the first description of breast NSTI after mammary seroma aspiration and the first report of this condition caused by P. aeruginosa. Conclusion: Necrotizing soft tissue infection is rare in breast tissue. It frequently is of Type II, occurring mainly after procedures in patients with breast cancer. The surgeon's participation in controlling the focus of the infection is of fundamental importance, and just as important are broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and support measures, such as maintenance of volume, correction of electrolytic disorders, and treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Once the infection has been brought under control, skin grafting or soft tissue flaps can be considered. The mortality rate in breast NSTI is 18.7%, all deaths being in patients with the fulminant Type II form. Surgical oncologists need to be alert to the possibility of this rare condition. © 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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PURPOSE: The present case describes an inferior alveolar nerve lateralization for implant placement that caused mandible fracture a few days after surgery. CLINICAL REPORT: In this case, a 56-year-old female patient who had a severely atrophied jaw and showing bone height less than 7 mm from the bone crest and the mandibular canal was submitted to surgery lateralization of the inferior alveolar conducted with piezzo. Even with all postoperative care, the patient suffered an incomplete fracture of the mandible a few days after lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve for implant placement. The patient was treated with soft diet and medications for pain and antibiotics, besides removing the implant associated with the fracture. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that this procedure may be conducted in 2 operative periods: firstly, the lateralization of the inferior alveolar; and secondly, after a period of 3 months, the implant placement in a situation of more bone stability. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)