975 resultados para post-biosynthetic events


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Breeding-system studies have been conducted with 38 of the approximately 800 species of Bignoniaceae, and self-incompatibility was found in 31 of these. In species for which the site of self-incompatibility barrier was studied, self-pollinated flowers consistently failed to develop into fruits, even though pollen tubes grew down to the ovary and penetrated most of the ovules. In this study, we have investigated the. oral biology and the breeding system in Jacaranda racemosa Chamisso, with hand-pollination experiments and the histology of post-pollination events. Flower anthesis lasted 1-3 days, and although the frequency of flower visitation was extremely low, natural pollination seemed to be effected mainly by medium-sized bees. Because the conspicuous staminodium favours eventual pollination by small bees, a possible role of the staminodium in the increase of potential pollinators is suggested. Hand-pollinations indicated that J. racemosa is a self-sterile species. Histological analysis of post-pollination events indicated the occurrence of a kind of late-acting self-incompatibility in which the processes of ovule penetration, fertilisation and endosperm initiation were slower in selfed than in crossed pistils. Until the time of self-pollinated pistil abscission, no signs of endosperm malfunction or proembryo development were observed in selfed pistils. Therefore, inbreeding depression is an unlikely explanation for self-sterility in J. racemosa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Self-compatibility in apomictic pseudogamic species is considered fundamental to assure reproduction by seeds in extreme situations, making apomictic species more advantageous than sexual ones in these scenarios. Anemopaegma acutifolium is a polyploidy, apomictic sporophytic species with no endosperm development in ovules of unpollinated pistils, which indicates obligate pseudogamy. Thus, the aim of the present work is to study the breeding system and post-pollination events to test if there is similar pseudogamous development irrespective of pollination treatment. We analysed fruit and seed set obtained in controlled experimental pollinations, as well as embryo number per seed, and the progress of ovule penetration, fertilisation and early endosperm development between self- and cross-pollinated pistils. We found that the species is self-fertile and that spontaneous selfing fruit set is also possible, although emasculated flowers never form fruits. Selfed pistils were as efficient as crossed ones for all parameters analysed, except for a delay in endosperm development observed in the former that may be an effect of the late-acting self-incompatibility. Therefore, the avoidance of selfed pistil abortion seems to be promoted by the presence of adventitious embryos and a normal endosperm. We conclude that A. acutifolium shows apomixis-related pseudo-self-compatibility, as in other self-fertile apomictic species of Bignoniaceae, which confer reproductive assurance and increases fruit-set and persistence ability in fast-changing tropical habitats. © 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.


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OBJECTIVE: The effects of mechanical deformation of intact cartilage tissue on chondrocyte biosynthesis in situ have been well documented, but the mechanotransduction pathways that regulate such phenomena have not been elucidated completely. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of tissue deformation on the morphology of a range of intracellular organelles which play a major role in cell biosynthesis and metabolism. DESIGN: Using chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, and electron microscopy, we imaged chondrocytes within mechanically compressed cartilage explants at high magnification and quantitatively and qualitatively assessed changes in organelle volume and shape caused by graded levels of loading. RESULTS: Compression of the tissue caused a concomitant reduction in the volume of the extracellular matrix (ECM), chondrocyte, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Interestingly, however, the Golgi apparatus was able to resist loss of intraorganelle water and retain a portion of its volume relative to the remainder of the cell. These combined results suggest that a balance between intracellular mechanical and osmotic gradients govern the changes in shape and volume of the organelles as the tissue is compressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results lead to the interpretive hypothesis that organelle volume changes appear to be driven mainly by osmotic interactions while shape changes are mediated by structural factors, such as cytoskeletal interactions that may be linked to extracellular matrix deformations. The observed volume and shape changes of the chondrocyte organelles and the differential behavior between organelles during tissue compression provide evidence for an important mechanotransduction pathway linking translational and post-translational events (e.g., elongation and sulfation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the Golgi) to cell deformation.


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The episodic occurrence of debris flow events in response to stochastic precipitation and wildfire events makes hazard prediction challenging. Previous work has shown that frequency-magnitude distributions of non-fire-related debris flows follow a power law, but less is known about the distribution of post-fire debris flows. As a first step in parameterizing hazard models, we use frequency-magnitude distributions and cumulative distribution functions to compare volumes of post-fire debris flows to non-fire-related debris flows. Due to the large number of events required to parameterize frequency-magnitude distributions, and the relatively small number of post-fire event magnitudes recorded in the literature, we collected data on 73 recent post-fire events in the field. The resulting catalog of 988 debris flow events is presented as an appendix to this article. We found that the empirical cumulative distribution function of post-fire debris flow volumes is composed of smaller events than that of non-fire-related debris flows. In addition, the slope of the frequency-magnitude distribution of post-fire debris flows is steeper than that of non-fire-related debris flows, evidence that differences in the post-fire environment tend to produce a higher proportion of small events. We propose two possible explanations: 1) post-fire events occur on shorter return intervals than debris flows in similar basins that do not experience fire, causing their distribution to shift toward smaller events due to limitations in sediment supply, or 2) fire causes changes in resisting and driving forces on a package of sediment, such that a smaller perturbation of the system is required in order for a debris flow to occur, resulting in smaller event volumes.


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The role of spliced leader RNA (SL RNA) in trans-splicing in Caenorhabditis elegans has been studied through a combination of in vitro mutagenesis and in vivo complementation of rrs-1 mutant nematodes, which lack endogenous SL1 RNA. Three classes of mutant SL1 RNAs have been found—those that rescue the lethal phenotype at low concentration of transforming DNA, those that rescue at high but not low concentration, and those that do not rescue at all. These studies showed that some mutations in the otherwise highly conserved 22-nt spliced leader are tolerated for splicing and post-splicing events. A longer spliced leader also can be tolerated but only when present in high copy number. Changes in the first 16 nucleotides result in the appearance of no SL RNA, consistent with the in vitro studies by others showing that the SL1 RNA promoter partly resides within the spliced leader sequence.


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Provision of information and behavioural instruction has been demonstrated to improve recovery after surgery. However, patients draw on a range of information sources and it is important to establish which sources patients use and how this influences perceptions and behaviour as they progress along the surgical pathway. In this qualitative, exploratory and longitudinal study, the use of information and instruction were explored from the perspective of people undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery. Seven participants undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery were interviewed using semi-structured interviews 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks and 4 months post-surgery. Nineteen interviews were conducted in total. Topic guides included sources of knowledge, reasons for help-seeking and opting for surgery and factors influencing return to activity. Data were analysed thematically according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Participants sought information from a range of sources, focusing on informal information sources before surgery and using information and instruction from health-care professionals post-surgery. This information influenced behaviours including deciding to undergo surgery, use of pain medication and returning to usual activity. Anxiety and help-seeking resulted when unexpected post-surgical events occurred such as extensive bruising. Findings were consistent with psychological and sociological theories. Overall, participants were positive about the information and instruction they received but expressed a desire for more timely information on post-operative adverse events.


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The article seeks to examine the effect of a severance of a joint beneficial title following the House of Lords' ruling in Stack v Dowden [2007] 2 AC 432. If, under Stack, the parties' beneficial interests fall to be treated as identical to their legal interests (in effect, giving rise to a joint tenancy both at law and in equity), how does the mechanism of severance of a joint beneficial tenancy actually operate so as to give rise to separate and unequal shares where the parties' common intention has changed by virtue of post-acquisition events? The question is examined by reference to an ambulatory and new constructive trust, as well as where the parties have entered into an express declaration of trust of their beneficial interests.


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As anomalias dentárias podem ocorrer como resultado de fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estas são geralmente causadas por defeitos em genes específicos, no entanto, eventos pré e pós-natais têm também sido implicados em diferentes tipos de anomalias dentárias. Quando comparados com a população geral, os indivíduos que apresentam fenda labial (FL) e fenda palatina (FP) demonstraram ter uma maior prevalência de anomalias dentárias, tais como variações de número, posição e tamanho, que na sua maioria se localizavam na área do defeito da fenda. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se então, realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre as várias anomalias dentárias que podem estar associadas a FL ou FP, a sua prevalência e as opções terapêuticas recomendadas. Durante os meses de Dezembro de 2012 e Janeiro de 2013 foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados Pubmed atendendo às seguintes palavras chave “dental anomalies” AND “cleft lip and palate”; “oral health” AND “cleft lip and palate”. Na pesquisa empregaram-se os seguintes limites, artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, estudos em humanos, abstract disponível e artigos disponíveis em português, inglês e espanhol. Nesta pesquisa obteve-se um total de 50 artigos. Os artigos encontrados foram seleccionados primeiramente pelo título, seguidamente pela leitura cuidadosa dos abstracts e, finalmente, do artigo por inteiro, daí resultando um total de 17 artigos. Para o melhor entendimento do tema a ser desenvolvido, foram ainda considerados artigos de referência publicados em anos anteriores e livros de Odontopediatria e Genética Orofacial. As crianças com FL ou FP apresentam maior prevalência de anomalias dentárias de forma, número, posição, erupção e estrutura dentária, com localização privilegiada na área do defeito da fenda. Os pacientes portadores desta malformação congénita necessitam de intervenção precoce e acompanhamento continuado ao longo de toda a infância e adolescência, por uma equipa multidisciplinar que deverá incluir o pediatra, cirurgião maxilofacial, médico dentista, terapeuta da fala, psicólogo e cirurgião plástico.


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Ancient DNA (aDNA) research has long depended on the power of PCR to amplify trace amounts of surviving genetic material from preserved specimens. While PCR permits specific loci to be targeted and amplified, in many ways it can be intrinsically unsuited to damaged and degraded aDNA templates. PCR amplification of aDNA can produce highly-skewed distributions with significant contributions from miscoding lesion damage and non-authentic sequence artefacts. As traditional PCR-based approaches have been unable to fully resolve the molecular nature of aDNA damage over many years, we have developed a novel single primer extension (SPEX)-based approach to generate more accurate sequence information. SPEX targets selected template strands at defined loci and can generate a quantifiable redundancy of coverage; providing new insights into the molecular nature of aDNA damage and fragmentation. SPEX sequence data reveals inherent limitations in both traditional and metagenomic PCR-based approaches to aDNA, which can make current damage analyses and correct genotyping of ancient specimens problematic. In contrast to previous aDNA studies, SPEX provides strong quantitative evidence that C U-type base modifications are the sole cause of authentic endogenous damage-derived miscoding lesions. This new approach could allow ancient specimens to be genotyped with unprecedented accuracy.


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BACKGROUND Elevated resting heart rate is known to be detrimental to morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease, though its effect in patients with ischemic stroke is unclear. We analyzed the effect of baseline resting heart rate on myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with a recent noncardioembolic cerebral ischemic event participating in PERFORM. METHODS We compared fatal or nonfatal MI using adjusted Cox proportional hazards models for PERFORM patients with baseline heart rate <70 bpm (n=8178) or ≥70 bpm (n=10,802). In addition, heart rate was analyzed as a continuous variable. Other cerebrovascular and cardiovascular outcomes were also explored. RESULTS Heart rate ≥70 bpm was associated with increased relative risk for fatal or nonfatal MI (HR 1.32, 95% CI 1.03-1.69, P=0.029). For every 5-bpm increase in heart rate, there was an increase in relative risk for fatal and nonfatal MI (11.3%, P=0.0002). Heart rate ≥70 bpm was also associated with increased relative risk for a composite of fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke, fatal or nonfatal MI, or other vascular death (excluding hemorrhagic death) (P<0001); vascular death (P<0001); all-cause mortality (P<0001); and fatal or nonfatal stroke (P=0.04). For every 5-bpm increase in heart rate, there were increases in relative risk for fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke, fatal or nonfatal MI, or other vascular death (4.7%, P<0.0001), vascular death (11.0%, P<0.0001), all-cause mortality (8.0%, P<0.0001), and fatal and nonfatal stroke (2.4%, P=0.057). CONCLUSION Elevated heart rate ≥70 bpm places patients with a noncardioembolic cerebral ischemic event at increased risk for MI.