937 resultados para post-adoption services


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Las tecnologías de la información han empezado a ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta en cada uno de los procesos que se llevan a cabo en la cadena de suministro. Su implementación y correcto uso otorgan a las empresas ventajas que favorecen el desempeño operacional a lo largo de la cadena. El desarrollo y aplicación de software han contribuido a la integración de los diferentes miembros de la cadena, de tal forma que desde los proveedores hasta el cliente final, perciben beneficios en las variables de desempeño operacional y nivel de satisfacción respectivamente. Por otra parte es importante considerar que su implementación no siempre presenta resultados positivos, por el contrario dicho proceso de implementación puede verse afectado seriamente por barreras que impiden maximizar los beneficios que otorgan las TIC.


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att sammanställa och analysera kunskapsläget inom befintlig forskning om anknytningsprocessen mellan adoptivbarn och deras adoptivföräldrar och hur denna process kan främjas. Metod var en systematisk litteratur studie baserad på 32 artiklar. I resultatet fann författarna att en bra anknytning är en viktig bas för barns framtida utveckling samt att adoptivbarn löper större risk att drabbas av mental ohälsa jämfört med biologiska barn. En anknytningsrisk som kan drabba adoptivföräldrar är post adoption depression. Adoptivföräldrar behöver mer stöd jämförelse med andra föräldrar samt att det finns för lite stödåtgärder till adoptivföräldrar på barnhälsovården. Babymassage har visat sig vara en effektiv stödåtgärd för att stärka anknytningen mellan adoptivbarn och deras föräldrar. Motiverande samtal används inom pediatriken för att ge information till föräldrarna på ett effektivare sätt.


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The Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GNSS - RBMC is a national network of continuously operating reference GNSS stations. Since its establishment in December of 1996, it has been playing an essential role for the maintenance and user access of the fundamental geodetic frame in the country. In order to provide better services for RBMC, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE and the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform - INCRA are both partners involved in the National Geospatial Framework Project - PIGN. This paper provides an overview of the recent modernization phases the RBMC network has undergone highlighting its future steps. These steps involve the installation of new equipment, provide real time data from a group of core stations and compute real-time DGPS corrections, based on CDGPS (The real-time Canada-Wide DGPS Service) (The Real-Time Canada-Wide DGPS Service. http://www.cdgps.com/ 2009a). In addition to this, a post-mission Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service has been established based on the current Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan (CSRS-PPP) service. This service is operational since April 2009 and is in large use in the country. All activities mentioned before are based on a cooperation signed at the end of 2004 with the University of New Brunswick, supported by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency. The Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan is also participating in this modernization effort under the same project. This infrastructure of 66 GNSS stations, the real time, post processing services and the potentiality of providing Wide Area DGPS corrections in the future show that the RBMC system is comparable to those available in USA and Europe. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


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In spite of increasing significance of Broadband Internet, there are not many research papers explicitly addressing issues pertaining to its deployment and continuance. Previous research on Broadband has mainly focused on the supply side aspect at the national level, ignoring the importance of the demand side which may involve looking more deeply into the factors impacting organizational and individual uptake. In an attempt to fill this gap, the current study empirically verifies the IS continuance model to examine factors influencing Broadband Internet post-adoption behavior of some 1,500 organizations in Singapore. Strong support for the model has been manifested by our results, providing insight into influential factors. Results of the study suggest that that perceived usefulness is the strongest predictor of users' continuance intention, followed by satisfaction with Broadband Internet usage as a significant but weaker predictor.


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A hálózatos iparágakban, ahogy a postai szolgáltatásoknál is, a forgalomban lévő készpénz nagyméretű működőtőkét jelenthet. A Magyar Posta a levél- és csomagkézbesítésen kívül jelentős készpénzforgalmat bonyolít le: nyugdíjakat, segélyeket és készpénz-átutalási megbízásokat továbbít. A forgalom napi ingadozása a vállalat likvideszköz-igényét jelentősen meghatározza. A posta esetében a postahivatalok készpénzgazdálkodása jól működő hüvelykujjszabályokon keresztül történik, ezek a szabályok döntési teret hagynak a hálózat heterogén egyedi szereplőinek. Az egyedi készletezési viselkedést a vállalati működőtőke meghatározásakor figyelembe kell venni. A tanulmány az egyedi készletezési szokások modellezésére új módszertant ajánl, majd a viselkedésmintákat csoportosítva a pénzkészletezésnek, a vállalati működőtőke szintjének és a vállalati likviditási pozíciónak a kapcsolatát elemzi. / === / The cash in circulation within network industries such as post-office services can repre-sent a sizeable quantity of operating capital. The Hungarian Post Office, besides han-dling mail, handles a significant amount of cash turnover, forwarding pensions, welfare benefits, and cash orders. Fluctuation in the daily volume of these is a strong factor in determining the company's liquidity requirements. The management of cash in post of-fices is governed by rules of thumb that operate well; the regulations leave decision-making scope for the diverse individual actors in the network. Attention has to be paid to individual cash holding when determining the corporate operating capital. The study suggests a new methodology for modelling the individual cash-holding habits, and goes on to group the behaviour patterns by analysing the connection between cash holding, level of corporate operating capital, and corporate liquidity position.


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Discharge planning has become increasingly important, with current trends toward shorter hospital stays, increased health care costs, and more community-based health services. Effective discharge planning ensures the safety and ongoing care for patients,1 and it also benefits health care providers and organizations. It results in shorter hospital stays, fewer readmissions, higher access rates to post-hospitalization services, greater patient satisfaction with the discharge, and improved quality of life and continuity of care.[2] and [3] All acute care patients and their caregivers require some degree of preparation for discharge home—education about their health status, risks, and treatment; help setting health goals and maintaining a good level of self-care; information about community resources; and follow-up appointments and referrals to appropriate community health providers. Inadequate preparation exposes the patient to unnecessary risks of recurrence or complications of the acute complaint, neglect of nonacute comorbidities, mismanagement and side effects of medication, disruption of family and social life, emotional distress, and financial loss.[2], [3] and [4] The result may be re-presentation to the emergency department. It is noteworthy that up to 18% of ED presentations are revisits within 72 hours of the original visit5; many of these are considered preventable.6 It is a primary responsibility of nurses to ensure that patients return to the community adequately prepared and with appropriate support in place. Up to 65% of ED patients are discharged home from the emergency department,7 and the characteristics of the emergency department and its patient population make the provision of a high standard of discharge planning uniquely difficult. In addition, discharge planning is neglected in contemporary emergency nursing—there are no monographs devoted to the subject, and there is little published research. In this article 3 issues are explored: the importance of emergency nurses’ participation in the discharge-planning process, impediments to their participation; and strategies to improve discharge planning in the emergency department.


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Despite the potential for e-commerce growth in Latin America, studies investigating factors that influence consumers’ Internet purchasing behavior are very limited. This research addresses this limitation with a consumer centric study in Chile using the Theory of Reasoned Action. The study examines Chilean consumers’ beliefs, perceptions of risk, and subjective norms about continued purchasing on the Internet. Findings show that consumers’ attitude towards purchasing on the Internet is an influential factor on intentions to continue Internet purchasing. Additionally, compatibility and result demonstrability are influential factors on attitudes towards this behavior. The study contributes to the important area of technology post adoption behavior.


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This chapter focuses on some of the flows of film work between Australia and South Korea and some of the roles taken by Australians in the performance (and particularly the sound) of Koreanness in different film contexts. We explore Korean-Australian collaboration on film, through case studies of Sejong Park's Oscar nominated short animated film Birthday Boy (2004) and two Korean feature films - Musa (Kim Sung-su, 2001) and Shadowless Sword (Kim Young-jun, 2005) - for which Australian firms provided sound post-production services. We show how these films instanciate and expand Korean, Australian, diasporic and transnational filmmaking.


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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This thesis examines physicians’ satisfaction with electronic medical records (EMRs) in the post-adoption phase. More specifically, the study examines how physicians’ satisfaction with EMRs impacts on their intention to continue using as well as extend their adoption of additional functions of EMRs. Expectation-confirmation theory is used with the incorporation of perceived risk as the theoretical framework. The extended theoretical model is used to formulate eight hypotheses to aid in the understanding of physicians’ continuance intentions. A field survey of 135 Canadian physicians that utilize EMRs was performed to test the model empirically. The study found that physicians are willing to continue using and adopting additional components of EMRs. In addition, the empirical results suggest that physicians’ perceived usefulness and perceived risk impacts satisfaction, which in turn influences physicians’ continuance intentions. As well, perceived risk has an influence on physicians’ continuance intentions directly.


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Introduction. Feature usage is a pre-requisite to realising the benefits of investments in feature rich systems. We propose that conceptualising the dependent variable 'system use' as 'level of use' and specifying it as a formative construct has greater value for measuring the post-adoption use of feature rich systems. We then validate the content of the construct as a first step in developing a research instrument to measure it. The context of our study is the post-adoption use of electronic medical records (EMR) by primary care physicians. Method. Initially, a literature review of the empirical context defines the scope based on prior studies. Having identified core features from the literature, they are further refined with the help of experts in a consensus seeking process that follows the Delphi technique. Results.The methodology was successfully applied to EMRs, which were selected as an example of feature rich systems. A review of EMR usage and regulatory standards provided the feature input for the first round of the Delphi process. A panel of experts then reached consensus after four rounds, identifying ten task-based features that would be indicators of level of use. Conclusions. To study why some users deploy more advanced features than others, theories of post-adoption require a rich formative dependent variable that measures level of use. We have demonstrated that a context sensitive literature review followed by refinement through a consensus seeking process is a suitable methodology to validate the content of this dependent variable. This is the first step of instrument development prior to statistical confirmation with a larger sample.


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This thesis reports on an investigation at the University Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR), Malaysia focused on students’ needs for student support services. The research addressed a new problem in distance education concerning institutional practices and strategies for providing student support within blended learning contexts, such as at UNITAR. The thesis addresses important matters related to the use of forms of education to address Malaysia’s social, political and economic development.

The study had two main research purposes. The first purpose was to investigate what barriers UNITAR’s students had to completing their study successfully. The second was to investigate students’ support services needs. The latter was divided into six subsidiary purposes. The first subsidiary purpose was to identify and compare the students’ needs intensity for the four categories of support services: administrative, academic, welfare and post-study services. The second subsidiary purpose was to investigate whether there is any correlation between students’ attributes of age, gender, marital status, number of children, enrollment status, distance from learning centre, academic abilities, course satisfaction and academic achievement, with their support needs. The other subsidiary purposes were to compare needs intensity for the four categories of services between men and women, younger and mature-age students, and lower and higher academic achievers.

The research design employed mixed methods, involving both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A series of interviews was conducted with UNITAR staff members during an inventory study of the University. Then, the students were surveyed through a questionnaire that contained closed-ended and openended questions. After analysing and compiling the results of the survey, another cycle of surveys was conducted with selected staff members through email, to validate the findings and obtain their feedback to the students’ views and their suggestions for future improvement. The quantitative survey data were analysed using SPSS, whereas the qualitative data from interview, survey and email were analysed by using content analysis techniques.

The findings of the study demonstrated that UNITAR’s students have problems in their study, which are related to their demographic and institutional attributes, and these affect their needs for four categories of support services. Generally, students attached the highest priority to academic services, followed by post-study services, administrative services and, lastly, welfare services. Four patterns of associations between students’ attributes and support services needs were identified. In particular, support services needs differences were identified between men and women, younger and mature-age students, and lower achieving and higher achieving students.

Drawing the findings of this study, relevant past studies, contemporary practices and constructive views of scholars from the relevant literature, the thesis concludes by proposing an integrated student support framework for UNITAR and suggest how this may be considered and applied more broadly in similar blended learning contexts in Malaysia and beyond.


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Background: Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) occurs in response to an antibody-mediated central nervous system disease and can lead to significant neurodisability. Prior research on family adjustment has described a reciprocal relationship between caregiver functioning, distress and clinical outcome in parents and children with encephalitis. There has been no previous research exploring the experiences of caregivers with a child with AE. Aims: To explore the perspectives of parents and/or caregivers with a child diagnosed with AE regarding (i) their own adjustment from hospital admission to post-discharge, and (ii) their experiences of care and service provision. Methods: A purposive sampling approach was used. Five parents of children with AE participated in a semi-structured interview exploring their experiences of caring for their child and service provision during acute care and post-discharge. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse the transcripts. Main findings and conclusions: Four shared super-ordinate themes with related subthemes emerged: (a) uncertainty, (b) managing our recovery, (c) changes in my child, (d) experiences of service provision. Participants reported emotional distress, often underpinned by recurrent experiences of uncertainty, and ‘loss’ of the previous child, and mediated by coping strategies and social support. While an overall positive experience of inpatient services was reported, parents often perceived post-discharge services as lacking in co-ordination, communication and formal follow-up, resulting in unmet support needs. Implications and recommendations for services, practitioners and future research are discussed.


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This article reports the results of a qualitative study that sought the perspectives of birth parents and adoptive parents following reunification or adoption of children from foster care. Using a participatory action design that actively involved young adults formerly in foster care and parents in the design and implementation of the study, the study focused on the consumers’ perspectives on several issues related to permanency. The article reports findings from interviews with a subset of 27 birth and adoptive families in New York City who were asked about their post-permanency experiences and from interviews with 38 child welfare professionals who were asked to respond to the parents’ perspectives. The article offers directions for child welfare practice and program development.