56 resultados para porting


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Aquest projecte neix de la necessitat que té una logopeda de gestionar la informació necessària per al desenvolupament de la seva activitat en iniciar la seva pròpia empresa. Un dels trets més rellevants d’aquest projecte és la portabilitat del programari, atès que aquesta professional exerceix en diferents àmbits i llocs de treball, on no sempre es disposa d’ accés a Internet. La idea és poder utilitzar l’aplicació en diferents ordinadors, sense haver de fer cap instal·lació de programari en l’ordinador on es vulgui executar aquesta aplicació. Així doncs, els objectius principals per a aquest projecte final de carrera són el desenvolupament d’una aplicació web per a la gestió de les tasques diàries de la logopeda i la portabilitat d’aquesta aplicació en un dispositiu de memòria USB


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Nykyaikaiset Java-teknologiaa sisältävät matkapuhelimet kehittyvät vauhdikkaasti prosessoritehon, muistin määrän sekä uusien käyttöjärjestelmäversioiden tarjoamien ominaisuuksien myötä. Laitteiden näyttöjen koko tulee pysymään pienenä,mutta silti moninaista multimediasisältöä äänen, videon ja kuvan osilta voidaanhuomattavasti parantaa JSR 234:n eli kehittyneen multimedialaajennuksen avulla.Erityisesti edistyneet ääniominaisuudet ovat tervetullut lisä, sillä viime aikojen kehitys matkapuhelimissa on saanut aikaan niiden muuntumisen myös kannettavaksi musiikkisoittimiksi. Diplomityössä JSR 234 -spesifikaation tietty osa kehitettiin ympäristössä, joka koostui Series 60 -ohjelmistoalustankolmannesta versiosta sekä Symbian OS v9.1 käyttöjärjestelmästä. Tuloksena syntynyt Java-rajapinta tarjoaa sovelluskehittäjille yksinkertaisemman lähestymistavan Symbianin efektirajapintaan piilottaen samalla alla olevan käyttöjärjestelmänmonimutkaisuuden. Toteutuksen täytyy olla läpikotaisin testattu, jotta voidaan varmentua sen noudattavan tarkkaan JSR 234 -spesifikaatiota. Työssä on esitelty useita eri testausmenetelmiä tarkoituksena saavuttaa projektissa paras mahdollinen laatu.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on analysoida, miten asiakkuuksien arvoa voidaan johtaa ja miten asiakkuusarvojohtamista voidaan tukea asiakkuusraportoinnin avulla. Teoriaosuudessa analysoidaan asiakaskannattavuuden muodostumista, sekä asiakkuusarvojohtamiseen liittyvää asiakkuusstrategiaa ja raportointiin liittyvää asiakastiedon hallintaa. Empiirinen aineisto pohjautuu case-yrityksen asiakkuusprojektiin, jonka tarkoituksena on tunnistaa erilaiset asiakkuudet ja kehittää niitä siten, että kannattavuus paranisi asiakkaan prosessin ymmärtämisen ja tukemisen kautta. Asiakkuus-raportointi on tärkeä seurannan väline asiakkuusarvojohtamisessa ja se vaatii raportoinnilta luotettavuutta, henkilöstön hyväksyntää käytettävistä kannattavuuslaskentamenetelmistä sekä suhteellisten muutosten ja trendien esittämistä, jotta muutokseen voitaisiin reagoida nopeasti.


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Käyttöjärjestelmän uuden version myötä vanhat ohjelmat eivät välttämättä toimi uudessa ympäristössä. Windows-käyttöjärjestelmässä sovellusten yhteensopivuus on aiemmin säilytetty melko hyvin. Uusimpiin Windows Vista ja Windows 7 -versioihin on tehty paljon tietoturvauudistuksia. Niistä johtuen vanhojen ohjelmien yhteensopivuutta on karsittu. Tässä työssä kuvataan automaatiojärjestelmän ohjelmakomponenttien siirtoa uuteen Windows-ympäristöön. Tavoitteena on saada tehtyä ohjeita muille automaatiojärjestelmän kehittäjille. Myös Windowsin tietoturvaominaisuuksiin tehdään katsaus, erityisesti pääsynhallintaan


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Tässä työssä kuvataan erästä kaupallista ohjelmistoprojektia, jossa ohjelmistojen uudelleenkäyttöä tavoiteltiin komponenttipohjaisen uudelleenkäytön ja ohjelmistojen sovittamisen kautta. Projektissa toteutettiin matkapuhelinsovellus, jonka ydin eristettiin uudelleenkäytettäväksi ja sovitettavaksi komponentiksi. Ytimen sovitettavuus verifioitiin sovittamalla ydin toiselle ympäristölle ja edelleen toteuttamalla toimiva prototyyppisovellus sovitetun ytimen varaan. Ytimen sovittamisen sekä prototyyppisovelluksen toteuttamisen vaatima työmäärä oli huomattavasti pienempi kuin ytimen tekemiseen alkuperin käytetty työmäärä. Työssä on osoitettu ohjelmistometriikoiden avulla, että merkittävä osa ohjelmiston toiminnallisuudesta saatiin uudelleenkäytettäväksi sovitettavan ytimen avulla. Lisäksi työssä on kuvattu millaisia kehitysprosessikäytäntöjä projektissa oli käytössä tukemassa uudelleenkäytettävyystavoitetta.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at the 1997 Dagstuhl Seminar "Evaluation of Multimedia Information Retrieval", Norbert Fuhr, Keith van Rijsbergen, Alan F. Smeaton (eds.), Dagstuhl Seminar Report 175, 14.04. - 18.04.97 (9716). - Abstract: This presentation will introduce ESCHER, a database editor which supports visualization in non-standard applications in engineering, science, tourism and the entertainment industry. It was originally based on the extended nested relational data model and is currently extended to include object-relational properties like inheritance, object types, integrity constraints and methods. It serves as a research platform into areas such as multimedia and visual information systems, QBE-like queries, computer-supported concurrent work (CSCW) and novel storage techniques. In its role as a Visual Information System, a database editor must support browsing and navigation. ESCHER provides this access to data by means of so called fingers. They generalize the cursor paradigm in graphical and text editors. On the graphical display, a finger is reflected by a colored area which corresponds to the object a finger is currently pointing at. In a table more than one finger may point to objects, one of which is the active finger and is used for navigating through the table. The talk will mostly concentrate on giving examples for this type of navigation and will discuss some of the architectural needs for fast object traversal and display. ESCHER is available as public domain software from our ftp site in Kassel. The portable C source can be easily compiled for any machine running UNIX and OSF/Motif, in particular our working environments IBM RS/6000 and Intel-based LINUX systems. A porting to Tcl/Tk is under way.


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The Danish Eulerian Model (DEM) is a powerful air pollution model, designed to calculate the concentrations of various dangerous species over a large geographical region (e.g. Europe). It takes into account the main physical and chemical processes between these species, the actual meteorological conditions, emissions, etc.. This is a huge computational task and requires significant resources of storage and CPU time. Parallel computing is essential for the efficient practical use of the model. Some efficient parallel versions of the model were created over the past several years. A suitable parallel version of DEM by using the Message Passing Interface library (AIPI) was implemented on two powerful supercomputers of the EPCC - Edinburgh, available via the HPC-Europa programme for transnational access to research infrastructures in EC: a Sun Fire E15K and an IBM HPCx cluster. Although the implementation is in principal, the same for both supercomputers, few modifications had to be done for successful porting of the code on the IBM HPCx cluster. Performance analysis and parallel optimization was done next. Results from bench marking experiments will be presented in this paper. Another set of experiments was carried out in order to investigate the sensitivity of the model to variation of some chemical rate constants in the chemical submodel. Certain modifications of the code were necessary to be done in accordance with this task. The obtained results will be used for further sensitivity analysis Studies by using Monte Carlo simulation.


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Since its introduction in 1993, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for writing High Performance Computing (HPC) applications on clusters and Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs). The recent emergence of multi-core processor systems presents a new challenge for established parallel programming paradigms, including those based on MPI. This paper presents a new Java messaging system called MPJ Express. Using this system, we exploit multiple levels of parallelism - messaging and threading - to improve application performance on multi-core processors. We refer to our approach as nested parallelism. This MPI-like Java library can support nested parallelism by using Java or Java OpenMP (JOMP) threads within an MPJ Express process. Practicality of this approach is assessed by porting to Java a massively parallel structure formation code from Cosmology called Gadget-2. We introduce nested parallelism in the Java version of the simulation code and report good speed-ups. To the best of our knowledge it is the first time this kind of hybrid parallelism is demonstrated in a high performance Java application. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the 1990s the Message Passing Interface Forum defined MPI bindings for Fortran, C, and C++. With the success of MPI these relatively conservative languages have continued to dominate in the parallel computing community. There are compelling arguments in favour of more modern languages like Java. These include portability, better runtime error checking, modularity, and multi-threading. But these arguments have not converted many HPC programmers, perhaps due to the scarcity of full-scale scientific Java codes, and the lack of evidence for performance competitive with C or Fortran. This paper tries to redress this situation by porting two scientific applications to Java. Both of these applications are parallelized using our thread-safe Java messaging system—MPJ Express. The first application is the Gadget-2 code, which is a massively parallel structure formation code for cosmological simulations. The second application uses the finite-domain time-difference method for simulations in the area of computational electromagnetics. We evaluate and compare the performance of the Java and C versions of these two scientific applications, and demonstrate that the Java codes can achieve performance comparable with legacy applications written in conventional HPC languages. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Performance modelling is a useful tool in the lifeycle of high performance scientific software, such as weather and climate models, especially as a means of ensuring efficient use of available computing resources. In particular, sufficiently accurate performance prediction could reduce the effort and experimental computer time required when porting and optimising a climate model to a new machine. In this paper, traditional techniques are used to predict the computation time of a simple shallow water model which is illustrative of the computation (and communication) involved in climate models. These models are compared with real execution data gathered on AMD Opteron-based systems, including several phases of the U.K. academic community HPC resource, HECToR. Some success is had in relating source code to achieved performance for the K10 series of Opterons, but the method is found to be inadequate for the next-generation Interlagos processor. The experience leads to the investigation of a data-driven application benchmarking approach to performance modelling. Results for an early version of the approach are presented using the shallow model as an example.


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This work presents hybrid Constraint Programming (CP) and metaheuristic methods for the solution of Large Scale Optimization Problems; it aims at integrating concepts and mechanisms from the metaheuristic methods to a CP-based tree search environment in order to exploit the advantages of both approaches. The modeling and solution of large scale combinatorial optimization problem is a topic which has arisen the interest of many researcherers in the Operations Research field; combinatorial optimization problems are widely spread in everyday life and the need of solving difficult problems is more and more urgent. Metaheuristic techniques have been developed in the last decades to effectively handle the approximate solution of combinatorial optimization problems; we will examine metaheuristics in detail, focusing on the common aspects of different techniques. Each metaheuristic approach possesses its own peculiarities in designing and guiding the solution process; our work aims at recognizing components which can be extracted from metaheuristic methods and re-used in different contexts. In particular we focus on the possibility of porting metaheuristic elements to constraint programming based environments, as constraint programming is able to deal with feasibility issues of optimization problems in a very effective manner. Moreover, CP offers a general paradigm which allows to easily model any type of problem and solve it with a problem-independent framework, differently from local search and metaheuristic methods which are highly problem specific. In this work we describe the implementation of the Local Branching framework, originally developed for Mixed Integer Programming, in a CP-based environment. Constraint programming specific features are used to ease the search process, still mantaining an absolute generality of the approach. We also propose a search strategy called Sliced Neighborhood Search, SNS, that iteratively explores slices of large neighborhoods of an incumbent solution by performing CP-based tree search and encloses concepts from metaheuristic techniques. SNS can be used as a stand alone search strategy, but it can alternatively be embedded in existing strategies as intensification and diversification mechanism. In particular we show its integration within the CP-based local branching. We provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed approaches on instances of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. The proposed approaches achieve good results on practical size problem, thus demonstrating the benefit of integrating metaheuristic concepts in CP-based frameworks.


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TuCSoN (Tuple Centres Spread over the Network) è un modello di coordinazione per processi distribuiti o agenti autonomi. Il modello di TuCSoN viene implementato come un middleware distribuito Java-based, distribuito Open Source sotto la licenza LGPL tramite Googlecode. Il fatto che lo stesso sia Open Source e Java-based ha reso possibile il suo porting su Android, rendendo il noto sistema operativo di Google un possibile agente partecipante ad un sistema TuCSoN. La tesi descrive il percorso che ha portato dallo studio dell'infrastruttura TuCSoN e del sistema Android alla realizzazione dell'applicazione Android, rendendo possibile a qualsiasi dispositivo Android di partecipare ad un sistema TuCSoN. Nel particolare l'obiettivo finale dell'applicazione Android, e di questa tesi, è rendere lo smartphone un nodo TuCSoN funzionante. La tesi non si pone l'obiettivo di analizzare ed esplorare le funzionalità e le possibilitàa delle due tecnologie principali trattate (Android e TuCSoN) nel loro singolo, quanto quello di esplorare le criticità che un porting di questo tipo comporta, quali ad esempio le differenze intrinseche fra la JVM e la DalvikVM e come aggirarle, o le funzionalità di Android e come utilizzarle allo scopo di realizzare un applicazione che funga da server ad una infra- struttura distribuita, oppure le differenze a livello di gestione della GUI fra Android e plain-java, e di analizzare le soluzioni trovate per risolvere (o dove non era possibile risolvere evitare) tali problemi al fine del raggiungimento dell'obiettivo che ci si era prefissati.


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Il campo della coordinazione può beneficiare di nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il proprio sviluppo o per rendere accessibili le sue funzionalità ad un pubblico più vasto. Il progetto TuCSoN, in particolare, include lo strumento Inspector tramite il quale è possibile monitorare ed interagire con l'intero spazio di coordinazione. Al fine di rendere disponibili queste funzionalità anche al mondo mobile è necessario eseguire il porting dell'applicazione. In questa tesi, perciò, verranno prima di tutto analizzate le caratteristiche principali dei modelli di coordinazione e, in particolare, del modello TuCSoN. In seguito eseguiremo un'introduzione sulla tecnologia Android, che ci fornirà gli strumenti necessari per la creazione di un framework mobile equivalente all'Inspector. Infine verranno affrontate le problematiche principali per eseguire con successo il porting, come ad esempio la necessità di ridefinire l'intera interfaccia grafica o l'utilizzo di nuovi componenti quali i service e le activity. Questa operazione, quindi, dimostrerà l'esigenza di adattare l'Inspector ai meccanismi appartenenti al nuovo ambiente di esecuzione.