864 resultados para population control
Los estudios del poder han volteado hace tiempo a la biopolítica, vista como la intromisión e injerencia del poder y la política sobre la vida. Se da en positivo y en negativo. De ahí la discusión sobre el control social, como una expresión de la biopolítica moderna. La conexión entre biopolítica y población no es menos significativa que la manera cómo el poder administra y regula los nacimientos y la migración así como la calidad de vida de los conglomerados sociales
El presente estudio tiene como objeto analizar la abundancia y distribución de la urraca en función de las diferentes matrices de usos del suelo y gradientes ambientales. Este trabajo se ha centrado en la Comarca de la Marina Baja (Alicante), una región con 578,8 Km² de superficie. La zona cuenta con una vegetación climática de carrascal de termotipo mesomediterráneo y ombrotipo seco y subhúmedo. Se han realizado un total de 396 transectos para estimar la abundancia de la urraca durante los años 2006-2008, en diferentes matrices del paisaje: natural, abandono, regadío y secano. Las abundancias relativas, la evolución de la especie, el efecto sobre otras especies de caza y el efecto que tiene el control poblacional de las urracas se ha obtenido de 21 encuestas realizadas a los gestores de los terrenos cinegéticos. El análisis de los resultados, muestra una mayor abundancia de los individuos en zonas de cultivo de secano (IKA=0.76 aves/km) y cultivos abandonados (IKA=0.73 aves/km), siendo los valores medios anuales cada vez mayores desde el inicio del muestreo. El análisis múltiple de regresión lineal de la abundancia de urraca con la matriz de usos del suelo muestra una relación significativa y positiva con el abandono antiguo (p<0.01), el frutal de secano y las zonas húmedas (p<0.05), mientras que no hay relación significativa (p>0.05) con los índices del paisaje. El análisis ANOVA muestra que las variables significativas influyentes sobre el número de urracas son: matriz de usos del suelo, latitud/ombroclima, continentalidad y la interacción usos del suelo:continentalidad (p<0.05). La urraca ha experimentado un aumento en sus poblaciones desde principios de la primera década del actual siglo. Los cotos que realizan un control sobre la población de urracas tienen un efecto positivo que se ve reflejado en la menor afección sobre otras especies cinegéticas.
Bajo el paradigma de modernización y desarrollo norteamericano -y en un contexto de Guerra Fría-, durante la década de 1960 se adecuaron a la realidad chilena programas de control de natalidad que no sólo buscaron disminuir las altas tasas de mortalidad materno infantil, sino que además respondieron al proyecto de seguridad hemisférica norteamericana de contención a posibles revoluciones populares en países del Tercer Mundo.
Cystic echinococcosis is a highly endemic parasitic zoonosis that is present in the Southern Cone countries of America. For several decades, various prevention and control programmes have been implemented in different countries and regions, with varying results. In Uruguay, a new control programme was implemented in 2006 that employed new strategies for canine diagnosis and treatment, dog population control, diagnosis in humans, epidemiological surveillance, and health education, including community participation. The control programme in Uruguay addresses the control and surveillance of the disease from a holistic perspective based on Primary Health Care, which has strengthened the community’s participation in developing and coordinating activities in an interdisciplinary manner. Similarly, the control programme that is currently implemented is based on a risk-focused approach. The surveillance and control measures were focused on small villages and extremely poor urban areas. In this study, the strategies used and the results obtained from 2008-2013 are analysed and discussed.
BACKGROUND Given moderately strong genetic contributions to variation in alcoholism and heaviness of drinking (50% to 60% heritability) with high correlation of genetic influences, we have conducted a quantitative trait genome-wide association study (GWAS) for phenotypes related to alcohol use and dependence. METHODS Diagnostic interview and blood/buccal samples were obtained from sibships ascertained through the Australian Twin Registry. Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping was performed with 8754 individuals (2062 alcohol-dependent cases) selected for informativeness for alcohol use disorder and associated quantitative traits. Family-based association tests were performed for alcohol dependence, dependence factor score, and heaviness of drinking factor score, with confirmatory case-population control comparisons using an unassessed population control series of 3393 Australians with genome-wide SNP data. RESULTS No findings reached genome-wide significance (p = 8.4 x 10(-8) for this study), with lowest p value for primary phenotypes of 1.2 x 10(-7). Convergent findings for quantitative consumption and diagnostic and quantitative dependence measures suggest possible roles for a transmembrane protein gene (TMEM108) and for ANKS1A. The major finding, however, was small effect sizes estimated for individual SNPs, suggesting that hundreds of genetic variants make modest contributions (1/4% of variance or less) to alcohol dependence risk. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that: - 1) meta-analyses of consumption data may contribute usefully to gene discovery; - 2) translation of human alcoholism GWAS results to drug discovery or clinically useful prediction of risk will be challenging, and; - 3) through accumulation across studies, GWAS data may become valuable for improved genetic risk differentiation in research in biological psychiatry (e.g., prospective high-risk or resilience studies).
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiologic agent of human tuberculosis and is estimated to infect one-third of the world's population. Control of M. tuberculosis requires T cells and macrophages. T-cell function is modulated by the cytokine environment, which in mycobacterial infection is a balance of proinflammatory (interleukin-1 [IL-1], IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and tumor necrosis factor alpha) and inhibitory (IL-10 and transforming growth factor beta [TGF-beta]) cytokines. IL-10 and TGF-beta are produced by M. tuberculosis-infected macrophages. The effect of IL-10 and TGF-beta on M. tuberculosis-reactive human CD4(+) and gammadelta T cells, the two major human T-cell subsets activated by M. tuberculosis, was investigated. Both IL-10 and TGF-beta inhibited proliferation and gamma interferon production by CD4(+) and gammadelta T cells. IL-10 was a more potent inhibitor than TGF-beta for both T-cell subsets. Combinations of IL-10 and TGF-beta did not result in additive or synergistic inhibition. IL-10 inhibited gammadelta and CD4(+) T cells directly and inhibited monocyte antigen-presenting cell (APC) function for CD4(+) T cells and, to a lesser extent, for gammadelta T cells. TGF-beta inhibited both CD4(+) and gammadelta T cells directly and had little effect on APC function for gammadelta and CD4(+) T cells. IL-10 down-regulated major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, MHC class II, CD40, B7-1, and B7-2 expression on M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes to a greater extent than TGF-beta. Neither cytokine affected the uptake of M. tuberculosis by monocytes. Thus, IL-10 and TGF-beta both inhibited CD4(+) and gammadelta T cells but differed in the mechanism used to inhibit T-cell responses to M. tuberculosis.
A variação espacial das características bióticas e abióticas de um ambiente influencia na distribuição de médios mamíferos, sobre diferentes escalas. O Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande (PEIG) possui ambiente bastante heterogêneo e abriga uma mastofauna de médio porte ainda pouco estudada. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito das variáveis físicas, do micro-habitat, da estrutura da vegetação e dos impactos antrópicos na comunidade e nas espécies de mamíferos de médio porte do PEIG. O registro das espécies foi por armadilhas fotográficas e as variáveis do ambiente mensuradas por diferentes métodos nas 49 estações de câmeras. Com os resultados desse estudo inferimos que a riqueza de nove espécies de mamíferos de médio porte nativos, corresponde a esperada para um ambiente insular. As espécies mais abundantes foram Dasyprocta leporina, Agouti paca, Dasypus novemcinctus e Didelphis aurita, a mais rara foi o Leopardus wiedii. A composição da mastofauna difere entre as vertentes norte e sul da Ilha Grande (ANOVA, p=0,01). O maior número de indivíduos foi registrado na vertente sul, onde há o efeito da variação da altitude, menor variação do micro-habitat e menor densidade da população humana. Contudo a estrutura da vegetação não difere entre as vertentes e não afeta as espécies mais abundantes. Essas espécies são sensíveis às variáveis físicas. Há impacto da densidade populacional nas vilas sobre a composição e abundância das espécies de médios mamíferos, apesar da caça não ter efeito nas áreas amostradas. Os mamíferos de médio porte são sensíveis às variáveis de maior escala e podem ter sua comunidade estruturada em função do impacto antrópico. A complexidade de habitat e o controle de habitantes no PEIG são importante para manter a comunidade de mamíferos de médio porte.
A Porfiria Cutânea Tardia (PCT) é uma desordem dermatológica, caracterizada por fotossensibilidade induzida pela circulação de porfirinas que se depositam na pele. Tanto a forma familial como a esporádica são desordens dependentes do acúmulo de ferro. A presença da mutação do gene da Hemocromatose (HFE) é um importante fator de risco para o acúmulo de ferro e pouco se sabe sobre sua prevalência na população brasileira. Da mesma forma, existem poucos relatos a respeito da associação entre mutação do gene HFE e Porfiria Cutânea Tardia. No presente trabalho descrevemos as frequências dos principais alelos e genótipos do gene da Hemocromatose HFE1 em uma coorte de 25 pacientes brasileiros atendidos no HUPE, com Porfiria Cutânea Tardia, durante o período de janeiro 1990 à dezembro 2012, realizando uma correlação da presença desta mutação com a sobrecarga de ferro neste grupo de pacientes. Neste estudo foi utilizado um grupo controle da população fluminense pareado por idade, sexo e grupo étnico informado, para comparar com os dados avaliados dos pacientes com PCT. A pesquisa das mutações genéticas C282Y e H63D do gene da hemocromatose ocorreu através de técnicas de PCR tempo real e e os resultados ratificados por sequenciamento de Sanger. Dos resultados encontrados, não ocorreram diferenças estatísticas significativas nas frequências alélicas e genotípicas das mutações C282Y e H63D entre a coorte com PCT e a população controle. Entretanto, há um forte indício da participação da mutação H63D em um paciente homozigoto, para desenvolvimento da doença, conforme observado na literatura. Dos ensaios bioquímicos, os níveis de ferritina encontrados entre os pacientes portadores de PCT com a mutação H63D foram maiores que os indivíduos sem a mutação.
从粮食地位、深度开发、科技兴粮、开源节流、人口控制五个方面作了系统的分析 ,提出了综合解决中国粮食问题的基本思路 ,为 2 0 0 0年和 2 0 30年实现 5 .2亿 t和 7.34亿 t的奋斗目标提供科学依据
Timmis J and Neal M J. Investigating the evolution and stability of a resource limited artificial immune system. In Proceedings of GECCO - special workshop on artificial immune systems, pages 40-41. AAAI press, 2000.
Knowledge of the chemical identity and role of urinary pheromones in fish is scarce, yet it is necessary in order to understand the integration of multiple senses in adaptive responses and the evolution of chemical communication [1]. In nature, Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) males form hierarchies, and females mate preferentially with dominant territorial males, which they visit in aggregations or leks [2]. Dominant males have thicker urinary bladder muscular walls than subordinates or females and store large volumes of urine, which they release at increased frequency in the presence of subordinate males or preovulatory, but not postspawned, females [3–5]. Females exposed to dominant-male urine augment their release of the oocyte maturation-inducing steroid 17α,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) [6]. Here we isolate and identify a male Mozambique tilapia urinary sex pheromone as two epimeric (20α- and 20β-) pregnanetriol 3-glucuronates. We show that both males and females have high olfactory sensitivity to the two steroids, which cross-adapt upon stimulation. Females exposed to both steroids show a rapid, 10-fold increase in production of 17,20β-P. Thus, the identified urinary steroids prime the female endocrine system to accelerate oocyte maturation and possibly promote spawning synchrony. Tilapia are globally important as a food source but are also invasive species, with devastating impact on local freshwater ecosystems [7, 8]. Identifying the chemical cues that mediate reproduction may lead to the development of tools for population control [9–11].
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Bioquímica Médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016
Manpower is a basic resource. It is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind '.s use and benefit. As a process· of increasing the knowledge, skills, and dexterity of the people of a society, manpower development is the most fundamental means of enabling a nation to acquire the capacities to bring about its desired future state of affairs -- a more mighty and wealthier nation. Singapore's brief nation-building history justifies the emphasis accorded to the importance of good quality human resources and manpower development in economic and socio-political developments. As a tiny island-state with a poor natural resource base, Singapore's long-term survival and development depend ultimately upon the quality and the creative energy of her people. In line with the nation-building goals and strategies of the Republic, as conditioned by her objective setting, Singapore's basic manpower development premise has been one of "quality and not quantity". While implementing the "stop-at-two" family planning and population control programs and the relevant immigration measures to guard against the prospect of a "population explosion", the Government has energetically fostered various educational programs, including vocational training schemes, adult education programs, the youth movement, and the national service scheme to improve the quality of Singaporeans. There is no denying that some of the manpower development measures taken by the Government have imposed sacrifice and hardship on the Singapore citizens. Nevertheless, they are the basic conditions for the island-Republic's long-term survival and development. It is essential iii to note that Singapore's continuing existence and phenomenal-success are largely attributable to the will, capacities and efforts of her leaders and people. In the final analysis, the wealth and the strength of a nation are based upon its ability to conserve, develop and utilize effectively the innate capacities of its people. This is true not only of Singapore but necessarily of other developing nations. It can be safely presumed that since most developing states' concerns about the quality of their human resources and the progress of their nation-building work are inextricably bound to those about the quantity of their population, the "quality and not quantity" motto of Singapore's manpower development programs can also be their guiding principle.
Condoms are widely accepted as a contraceptive for family planning and population control. It is also accepted as the most effective barrier against sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, the incurable disease. But presence of pinholes and low film strength of condoms make it unsuitable for the purpose. Quality improvement of condoms by reducing the pinhole formation and increasing the film strength is thus an essential requirement for population control as well as for preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Strict implementation of WHO specification of condoms further increases the rejection percentage. This causes higher rejection loss to condom manufacturers because the defects could be identified only at the final stage of processing. If the influence of various factors which cause these defects is known, manufacturers can take remedial measures to reduce the defectives so that rejection loss can be decreased and quality of condoms increased. In the present study, it was proposed to conduct experiments to improve the quality of condoms by reducing the pinhole rejection percentage and increasing the tensile properties, burst volume, and burst pressure. Ageing property improvement also was an important target among other parameters. Until a cure for AIDS is found, a high quality latex condom is the only effective device in the prevention of the spread of HIV, AIDS and STD's. Hence it is all the more necessary to have high quality condoms.