80 resultados para polyposis


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Background There is renewed interest in the role played by specific counter-regulatory mechanisms to control the inflammatory host response, poorly investigated in human pathology. Here, we monitored the expression of two anti-inflammatory mediators, annexin 1 and galectin-1, and assessed their potential link to glucocorticoids' (GCs) effective control of nasal polyposis (NP).Methods Total patterns of mRNA and protein expression were analysed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and Western blotting analyses, whereas ultrastructural immunocytochemistry was used for spatial localization and quantification of each mediator, focusing on mast cells, eosinophils and epithelial cells.Results Up-regulation of the annexin 1 gene, and down-regulation of galectin-1 gene, was detected in polypoid tissue compared with nasal mucosa. Patient treatment with betamethasone augmented galectin-1 protein expression in polyps. At the cellular level, control mast cells and eosinophils displayed higher annexin 1 expression, whereas marked galectin-1 immunolabelling was detected in the granule matrix of mast cells. Cells of glandular duct epithelium also displayed expression of both annexin 1 and galectin-1, augmented after treatment.Conclusion Mast cells and epithelial cells appeared to be pivotal cell types involved in the expression of both annexin 1 and galectin-1. It is possible that annexin 1 and galectin-1 could be functionally associated with a specific mechanism in NP and that GC exert at least part of their beneficial effects on the airway mucosa by up-regulating, in a specific cell target fashion, these anti-inflammatory agonists.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Soybean isoflavonoids have received significant attention due to their potential anticarcinogenic and antiproliferative effects and possible role in many signal transduction pathways. However, their mechanisms of action and their molecular targets remain to be further elucidated. In this paper, we demonstrated that two soybean isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) reduced the proliferation of the human colon adenocarcinoma grade II cell line (HT-29) at concentrations of 25 and 50-100 mu M, respectively. We then investigated the effects of genistein and daidzein by RT-PCR on molecules that involved in tumor development and progression by their regulation of cell proliferation. At a concentration of 50 mu M genistein, there was suppressed expression of beta-catenin (CTNNBIP1). Neither genistein nor daidzein affected APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) or survivin (BIRC5) expression when cells were treated with concentrations of 10 or 50 mu M. These data suggest that the down-regulation of beta-catenin by genistein may constitute an important determinant of the suppression of HT-29 cell growth and may be exploited for the prevention and treatment of colon cancer.


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The link between lower and upper airways has been reported since the beginning of 1800s. They share the same pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium lining and the concept of one airway, one disease is quite well widespread. Nasal polyposis and asthma share basically the same inflammatory process: predominant infiltration of eosinophils, mucus cell hyperplasia, edema, thickened basal membrane, polarization for Th2 cell immune response, similar pro-inflammatory mediators are increased, for example cysteinyl leukotrienes. If the lower and upper airways share a lot of common epithelial structural features so why is the edema in the nasal mucosa able to increase so much the size of the mucosa to the point of developing polyps? The article tries to underline some differences between the nasal and the bronchial mucosa that could be implicated in this aberrant change from normal mucosa to polyps. This paper creates the concept that there are no polyps with the features of nasal polyposis disease in the lower airway and through it is developed the hypothesis of the nasal polyps origin could partially lie on the difference between the upper and lower airway histology. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To compare gene expression of the chemokines RANTES and eotaxin-2, its receptor, CCR-3, adhesion molecule ICAM-1 and its receptor LFA-1 in eosinophilic polyps and in control normal nasal mucosa. METHODS: Gene expression was quantified by Real Time PCR in polyps (n=35) and in healthy nasal mucosa (n=15). RESULTS: Eosinophilic polyps showed a higher expression of eotaxin-2 and RANTES, but not of CCR-3, ICAM-1 or LFA-1 compared to control nasal mucosa. CONCLUSION: Eosinophilic polyps present greater expression of eotaxin-2 and RANTES, but not of CCR-3, ICAM-1 or LFA-1 compared to control nasal mucosa.


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This review is addressed two pathophysiologic mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis: the unique remodeling process found in nasal polyp tissue and the immune response of patients with nasal polyposis to Staphylococcus aureus. These two theories converge to the same direction in different aspects, including decreased extracellular matrix production, impaired T regulation and favoring of a Th2 immune response. In patients with nasal polyposis, an exaggerated immune response to Staphylococcus aureus may aggravate the airway remodeling process.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 49 patients submitted to ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis. RESULTS: Ulcerative colitis was diagnosed in 65% and familial adenomatous polyposis in 34%. Mean age was 39.5 years. 43% were male. Among familial adenomatous polyposis, 61% were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Thirty-one percent of patients with ulcerative colitis was submitted to a previous surgical approach and 21% of these had toxic megacolon. Average hospital stay was 10 days. Post-operative complications occurred in 50% of patients with ulcerative colitis and 29.4% with familial adenomatous polyposis. Intestinal diversion was performed in 100% of ulcerative colitis and 88% of familial adenomatous polyposis. Pouchitis occurred in eight cases (seven ulcerative colitis and one FAP), requiring excision of the pouch in three ulcerative colitis. Mortality rate was 7.6%: two cases of carcinoma on the pouch and two post-operative complications. Late post-operative complications occurred in 22.4%: six familial adenomatous polyposis and five ulcerative colitis). Two patients had erectile dysfunction, and one retrograde ejaculation. One patient with severe perineal dermatitis was submitted to excision of the pouch. Incontinence occurred in four patients and two reported soil. Mean bowel movement was five times a day. CONCLUSION: Ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis is a safe surgery with acceptable morbidity and good functional results, if well indicated and performed in referral centers.


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Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a hallmark of the mutator phenotype associated with Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC). The MSI-High (MSI-H) HNPCC population has been well characterized, but the microsatellite low and stable (MSI-L/MSS) HNPCC population is much less understood. We hypothesize there are significant levels of MSI in HNPCC DNA classified as MSI-L/MSS, but no single variant allele makes up a sufficient population in the tumor DNA to be detected by standard analysis. Finding variants would suggest there is a mutator phenotype for the MSI-L/MSS HNPCC population that is distinct from the MSI-H HNPCC populations. This study quantified and compared MSI in HNPCC patients previously shown to be MSI-H, MSI-L/MSS and an MSI-H older, sporadic colorectal cancer patient. Small-pool Polymerase Chain Reactions (SP-PCRs) were conducted where the DNAs from each sample and controls are diluted into multiple pools, each containing approximately single genome equivalents. At least 100 alleles/sample were studied at six microsatellite loci. Mutant fragments were identified, quantified, and compared using Poisson statistics. Most of the variants were small deletions or insertions, with more mutants being deletions, as has been previously described in yeast and transgenic mice. SP-PCR, where most of the pools contained only 3 or less fragments, enabled identification of variants too infrequent to be detected by large pool PCR. Mutant fragments in positive control MSI-H tumor samples ranged from 0.26 to 0.68 in at least 4 of the 6 loci tested and were consistent with their MSI-H status. In the so called MSS tumors and constitutive tissues (normal colon tissue, and PBLs) of all the HNPCC patients, low, but significant levels of MSI were seen in at least two of the loci studied. This phenomenon was not seen in the sporadic MSI constitutive tissues nor the normal controls and suggests haploinsufficiency, gain-of-function, or a dominant/negative basis of the instability in HNPCC patients carrying germline mutations for tumor suppressor genes. A different frequency and spectrum of mutant fragments suggests a different genetic basis (other than a major mutation in MLH1 or MSH2) for disease in MSI-L and MSS HNPCC patients. ^


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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal-dominant disease characterized by the development of hundreds of adenomatous polyps of the colorectum. Approximately 80% of FAP patients can be shown to have truncating mutations of the APC gene. To determine the cause of FAP in the other 20% of patients, MAMA (monoallelic mutation analysis) was used to independently examine the status of each of the two APC alleles. Seven of nine patients analyzed were found to have significantly reduced expression from one of their two alleles whereas two patients were found to have full-length expression from both alleles. We conclude that more than 95% of patients with FAP have inactivating mutations in APC and that a combination of MAMA and standard genetic tests will identify APC abnormalities in the vast majority of such patients. That no APC expression from the mutant allele is found in some FAP patients argues strongly against the requirement for dominant negative effects of APC mutations. The results also suggest that there may be at least one additional gene, besides APC, that can give rise to FAP.


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The evolutionarily conserved protein EB1 originally was identified by its physical association with the carboxyl-terminal portion of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein, an APC domain commonly mutated in familial and sporadic forms of colorectal neoplasia. The subcellular localization of EB1 in epithelial cells was studied by using immunofluorescence and biochemical techniques. EB1 colocalized both to cytoplasmic microtubules in interphase cells and to spindle microtubules during mitosis, with pronounced centrosome staining. The cytoskeletal array detected by anti-EB1 antibody was abolished by incubation of the cells with nocodazole, an agent that disrupts microtubules; upon drug removal, EB1 localized to the microtubule-organizing center. Immunofluorescence analysis of SW480, a colon cancer cell line that expresses only carboxyl-terminal-deleted APC unable to interact with EB1, demonstrated that EB1 remained localized to the microtubule cytoskeleton, suggesting that this pattern of subcellular distribution is not mediated by its interaction with APC. In vitro cosedimentation with taxol-stabilized microtubules demonstrated that a significant fraction of EB1 associated with microtubules. Recent studies of the yeast EB1 homologues Mal3 and Bim1p have demonstrated that both proteins localize to microtubules and are important in vivo for microtubule function. Our results demonstrate that EB1 is a novel component of the microtubule cytoskeleton in mammalian cells. Associating with the mitotic apparatus, EB1 may play a physiologic role connecting APC to cellular division, coordinating the control of normal growth and differentiation processes in the colonic epithelium.


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Mutations of the human adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) gene are associated with the development of familial as well as sporadic intestinal neoplasia. To examine the in vivo function of APC, 129/Sv embryonic stem (ES) cells were transfected with DNA encoding the wild-type human protein under the control of a promoter that is active in all four of the small intestine's principal epithelial lineages during their migration-associated differentiation. ES-APC cells were then introduced into C57BL/6-ROSA26 blastocysts. Analyses of adult B6-ROSA26<-->129/Sv-APC chimeric mice revealed that forced expression of APC results in markedly disordered cell migration. When compared with the effects of forced expression of E-cadherin, the data suggest that APC-catenin and E-cadherin-catenin complexes have opposing effects on intestinal epithelial cell movement/adhesiveness; augmentation of E-cadherin-beta-catenin complexes produces a highly ordered, "adhesive" migration, whereas augmentation of APC-beta-catenin complexes produces a disordered, nonadhesive migratory phenotype. We propose that APC mutations may promote tumorigenesis by increasing the relative activity of cadherin-catenin complexes, resulting in enhanced adhesiveness and functional anchorage of initiated cells within the intestinal crypt. Our studies also indicate that chimeric mice generated from B6-ROSA26 blastocysts and genetically manipulated ES cells should be useful for auditing gene function in the gastrointestinal tract and in other tissues.


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Aim-Colorectal cancer has been described in association with hyperplastic polyposis but the mechanism underlying this observation is unknown. The aim of this study was to characterise foci of dysplasia developing in the polyps of subjects with hyperplastic polyposis on the basis of DNA microsatellite status and expression of the DNA mismatch repair proteins hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6. Materials and methods-The material was derived from four patients with hyperplastic polyposis and between one and six synchronous colorectal cancers. Normal (four), hyperplastic (13), dysplastic (13), and malignant (11) samples were microdissected and a PCR based approach was used to identify mutations at 10 microsatellite loci, TGF beta IIR, IGF2R, BAX, MSH3, and MSH6. Microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) was diagnosed when 40% or more of the microsatellite loci showed mutational bandshifts. Serial sections were stained for hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6. Result-DNA microsatellite instability was found in 1/13 (8%) hyperplastic samples, in 7/13 (54%) dysplastic foci, and in 8/11 (73%) cancers. None of the MSI-low (MSI-L) samples (one hyperplastic, three dysplastic, two cancers) showed loss of hMLH1 expression. All four MSI-H dysplastic foci and six MSI-H cancers showed loss of hMLH1 expression. Loss of hMLH1 in MSI-H but not in MSI-L lesions showing dysplasia or cancer was significant (p< 0.001, Fisher's exact test). Loss of hMSH6 occurred in one MSI-H cancer and one MSS focus of dysplasia which also showed loss of hMLH1 staining. Conclusion-Neoplastic changes in hyperplastic polyposis may occur within a hyperplastic polyp. Neoplasia may be driven by DNA instability that is present to a low (MSI-L) or high (MSI-H) degree. MSI-H but not MSI-L dysplastic foci are associated with loss of hMLH1 expression. At least two mutator pathways drive neoplasia in hyperplastic polyposis. The role of the hyperplastic polyp in the histogenesis of sporadic DNA microsatellite unstable colorectal cancer should be examined.


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Abstract Causative genetic variants have to date been identified for only a small proportion of familial colorectal cancer (CRC). While conditions such as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and Lynch syndrome have well defined genetic causes, the search for variants underlying the remainder of familial CRC is plagued by genetic heterogeneity. The recent identification of families with a heritable predisposition to malignancies arising through the serrated pathway (familial serrated neoplasia or Jass syndrome) provides an opportunity to study a subset of familial CRC in which heterogeneity may be greatly reduced. A genome-wide linkage screen was performed on a large family displaying a dominantly-inherited predisposition to serrated neoplasia genotyped using the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 10 K SNP Array. Parametric and nonparametric analyses were performed and resulting regions of interest, as well as previously reported CRC susceptibility loci at 3q22, 7q31 and 9q22, were followed up by finemapping in 10 serrated neoplasia families. Genome-wide linkage analysis revealed regions of interest at 2p25.2-p25.1, 2q24.3-q37.1 and 8p21.2-q12.1. Finemapping linkage and haplotype analyses identified 2q32.2-q33.3 as the region most likely to harbour linkage, with heterogeneity logarithm of the odds (HLOD) 2.09 and nonparametric linkage (NPL) score 2.36 (P = 0.004). Five primary candidate genes (CFLAR, CASP10, CASP8, FZD7 and BMPR2) were sequenced and no segregating variants identified. There was no evidence of linkage to previously reported loci on chromosomes 3, 7 and 9.