29 resultados para polygamy
Recognition of "difference" in Shari'a: a feminist scrutiny through the lens of substantive equality
The paper looks at the works of notable Islamic feminists to examine whether Islam can be reconciled with a substantive approach to gender equality. Located within contemporary feminist debates related to gender equality, it considers the Qur’anic verses related to two controversial areas of Shari’a law, namely, duty of obedience and polygamy, to explore how Islamic scriptures perceive ‘difference’ and its implications for substantive equality-based legal reforms in a Muslim society.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study examines the social cultural factors that influence HIV/AIDS transmission among women in RWANDA and especially in RUGALIKA sector. Some of those social cultural factors we can say marriage, polygamy, early marriage, poverty, religious beliefs, lack of access to productive resources and lack of education and training. The objectives of the study were to identify the social cultural factors which influence in HIV transmission among women and the constraint of HIV/AIDS among women and to find out how those constraint can be overcome and also to identify the measures that could be take for more prevent the spread of HIV infection to the women and to the all people in general. The research contains 5chapters which are: 1st chapter: general conclusion; 2nd chapter: literature review; 3rd chapter: research methodology; 4th chapter: data analysis and interpretation and the 5th chapter is general conclusion and recommendation. This research was conducted in RUGALIKA sector which has about 2990 women aged between 21 35 years old and thus a sample of 290 women was selected in different region of RUGALIKA sector. After the interpretation of the findings; the most vulnerable group is the women aged between 31-35 years; the vulnerability is due to different factors but most of them we have: poverty issues, polygamy, lack of access to productive resources, lack of education and training, religious beliefs and we cannot forget the physiological factors. After the genocide of 1994, Rwanda has known many orphans; and in RUGALIKA sector young women and girls are often to be sexual exploited in order to survive.
Introdução: A violência doméstica contra as mulheres apresenta-se, na atualidade, como relevante questão social e problema de saúde pública que afeta a maioria dos países. Portanto, não está mais restrita a países considerados do terceiro mundo e tende a ampliarse e a se generalizar. Em Moçambique pouco se investigou sobre a importância e papel das Delegacias de Mulheres no processo de implementação da Lei 29/2009 sobre Violência Doméstica contra a Mulher. Objetivo: Conhecer como profissionais de Delegacias de Mulheres acolhem e encaminham aos Tribunais os casos de violência doméstica; como interpretam o texto da lei, seu alcance, limitação e desafios na defesa dos direitos das mulheres vivendo em situação de violência na cidade de Maputo. Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas entrevistas com 21 profissionais, operadores de Delegacias da cidade de Maputo Moçambique, que autorizaram a entrevista, segundo Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Resultados e Discussão: Os entrevistados apresentaram, em seus relatos, grande identificação com o tipo de trabalho exercido, considerando as Delegacias como espaços significativos para o reconhecimento da cidadania das mulheres, assim como um campo de atuação políticojurídica em defesa dos direitos das mesmas via atuação na implementação da Lei 29/2009. Reconhecem a relevância da Lei, tendo em vista a significativa expressão da violência como prática naturalizada, na sociedade moçambicana, pela cristalização de valores tradicionais do poder masculino sobre as mulheres, secundados por diferentes práticas culturais. Tais entrevistados Identificam alcances, mas igualmente limites no processo de implementação da mesma, destacando a importância de sua maior divulgação em todas as regiões do país, quer urbanas, sobretudo nas periferias, assim como zonas rurais. Destacam, igualmente, a necessidade de maior capacitação dos próprios agentes do setor jurídico, considerando a multiplicidade de aspectos envolvidos na prática cotidiana dos serviços, notadamente nas delegacias, em relação à aplicação e ampliação do alcance da Lei. Considerações Finais: As tradicionais práticas culturais vigentes na sociedade moçambicana apresentaram-se como aspecto limitante para a implementação da Lei, assim como a remissão das penas, prevista na Lei, que, impossibilita a punição do agressor, em termos de detenção, uma vez que substitui a mesma por prestação de serviços à comunidade, pagamento de cestabásica e/ou multas, tendo em vista, sobretudo, sua estreita relação com o artigo 37 sobre a salvaguarda da família. Diante disso, foram sugeridas, para maior alcance e efetividade na aplicação da Lei, modalidades como o trabalho reflexivo com grupos de homens, com o objetivo de desconstrução dos tradicionais valores sobre masculinidade vigentes nas relações entre homens e mulheres nessa sociedade, que mantém tanto a desigualdade quanto a iniquidade de gênero, pela permanência de tradicionais valores culturais, a exemplo do lobolo e da poligamia
Bibliographical foot-notes.
Cover title
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
We measured plasma androgen (combined testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone) (A) and corticosterone (B) in the promiscuous green turtle (Chelonia mydas) during courtship in the southern Great Barrier Reef. This study examined if reproductive behaviors and intermale aggression induced behavioral androgen and adrenocortical responses in reproductively active male and female green turtles. Associations between reproductive behavior and plasma steroids were investigated in green turtles across the population and within individuals. Levels across a range of both asocial and social behaviors were compared including (a) free swimming behavior; (b) initial courtship interactions; (c) mounted behavior (male and female turtles involved in copulatory activities); (d) intermale aggression (rival males that physically competed with another male turtle or mounted males recipient to these aggressive interactions); and (e) extensive courtship damage (male turtles that had accumulated excessive courtship damage from rival males). Behavioral androgen responses were detected in male turtles, in that plasma A was observed to increase with both attendant and mounted behavior. Male turtles who had been subjected to intermale aggression or who had accumulated severe courtship damage exhibited significantly lower plasma A than their respective controls. No pronounced adrenocortical response was observed after either intermale aggression or accumulation of extensive courtship damage. Female turtles exhibited a significant increase in plasma B during swimming versus mounted behavior, but no change in plasma A. We discuss our results in terms of how scramble polygamy might influence behavioral androgen interactions differently from more typical combative and territorial forms Of male polygamy. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Tratar de cultura é fazer parte da evolução humana, pois esta é a realidade que direciona os caminhos para entender a mentalidade das pessoas numa trilogia que envolve, religião, ciência, sociedade e organização. Percebe-se quando o individuo torna-se mais culto diminui a intensidade em sua crença, mesmo assim jamais o homem poderá caminhar sem esses dois mundo, cientifico e religioso. Nisto a percepção sensitiva da existência humana, acontece mediante a razão universal pois o importante é a integração do ser para uma vida mais humanizada, desde a forma de pensar e agir podendo enfrentar desafios para adaptar-se ao meio em busca de seu momento prazeroso. Vivenciar a cultura é obter um resultado que envolva, diversidade, sedução, controle de dominação e encantos, incorporado a historia de um povo Nesta performance a racionalização e a superação dos preconceitos é percebido como fenômeno da capacidade criadora e inovadora, exercendo sua liberdade, fundamentada na manifestação do espírito, onde cultura e símbolos representam sentimento e auto definição. No Brasil a cultura é vista como estruturação da teoria racista, optada por prazeres fáceis, vícios, adultério, poligamia, machismo, autoritarismo e conformismo ocasionado por uma miscigenação que consolida os costumes do relativismo cultural, vinculado a uma cidadania grupal que preserva uma postura ética permeando desigualdades, ocasionando a aparecimento de novos sujeitos sociais. Negros, mulheres e homossexuais, fazendo parte dos fatores, psicológico, biológico, sociológico e culturais. / To deal with culture is to be part of the evolution human being, therefore this is the reality that directs the ways to understand the mentality of the people in a trilogy that involves, religion, science, society and organization. It is perceived when the individual becomes more cultured diminishes the intensity in its belief, exactly thus never the man will be able to walk without these two world, scientific and religious. In this the sensitive perception of the existence human being, happens by means of the universal reason therefore the important one is the integration of the being for a humanizada life more, since the form to think and to act being able to face challenges to adapt it the way in search of its pleasant moment. To live deeply the culture is to get a result that involves, diversity, seduction, control of domination and enchantments, incorporated the history of a people In this performance the rationalization and the overcoming of the preconceptions is perceived as phenomenon of the creative and innovative capacity, exerting its freedom, based on the manifestation of the spirit, where culture and symbols represent feeling and auto definition. In Brazil the culture is seen as estruturação of the racist theory, opted to easy pleasures, vices, adultery, polygamy, machismo, authoritarianism and conformism caused for a miscegenation that consolidates the customs of the cultural relativism, tied with a group citizenship that preserves an ethical position promoting inaqualities, causing the appearance of new social citizens. Blacks, women and homosexuals, being part of the factors, psychological, biological, sociological and cultural.
Sur la base des travaux de Simone de Beauvoir Deuxième sexe I et Deuxième sexe II, et d’autres articles importants, une analyse sur la condition et la conception des femmes dans Les Soleils des indépendances a été effectuée dans le but d’étudier l’image de la femme postcoloniale africaine en général, et ivoirienne en particulier comparativement à celle d’avant l’indépendance. En examinant les conditions de la femme dans Les Soleils des indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma nous nous sommes retrouvés confrontés à certaines idées telles que la soumission, la société patriarcale, la femme traditionnelle, la femme moderne, la liberté, la femme comme mère mais aussi comme objet et victime des atrocités liées aux coutumes et traditions. Malgré l’accession de la Côte d’Ivoire à l’indépendance cette condition n’a pas été améliorée, et c’est ce que l’auteur dénonce indirectement et peut-être inconsciemment.
In this dissertation I explore “The Woman Question” in the discourse of Iranian male authors. A pro-modernity group, they placed women’s issues at the heart of their discourse. This dissertation follows the trajectory of the representation of “The Woman Question” as it is reflected in the male discourse over the course of a century. It discusses the production of a literature that was anchored in the idea of reform and concerned itself with issues pertaining to women. These men challenged lifelong patriarchal notions such as veiling, polygamy, gender segregation, and arranged marriages, as well as traditional roles of women and gender relations. This study is defined under the rubrics of “The Woman Question” and “The New Woman,” which I have borrowed from the Victorian and Edwardian debates of similar issues as they provide clearer delineations. Drawing upon debates on sexuality, and gender, this dissertation illustrates the way these men championed women was both progressive and regressive. This study argues that the desire for women’s liberation was couched in male ideology of gender relations. It further illustrates that the advancement of “The Woman Question,” due to its continuous and yet gradual shifting concurrent with each author’s nuanced perception of women’s issues, went through discernible stages that I refer to as observation, causation, remedy, and confusion. The analytical framework for this project is anchored in the “why” and the “how” of the Iranian male authors’ writings on women in addition to “what” was written. This dissertation examines four narrative texts—two in prose and two in poetry—entitled: “Lankaran’s Vizier,” “The Black Shroud,” “‘Arefnameh,” and “Fetneh” written respectively by Akhundzadeh, ‘Eshqi, Iraj Mirza, and Dashti. Chapter one outlines the historical background, methodology, theoretical framework, and literature review. The following chapters examine, the advocacy for companionate marriage and romantic love, women and nationalistic cause, veiling and unveiling, and the emerging figure of the New Iranian Woman as morally depraved.