39 resultados para poiesis


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 Written by the author of three collections of poetry, this paper contests the enduring stereotype of the ‘mad’ poet, present in Romantic, psychoanalytic and psychological theories of creativity. Mobilising theories of embodied cognition, it offers a demystified and de-pathologised vision of poiesis and poetry. The paper focuses on three traits typically associated with the ‘mad’ poet in popular representations and theoretical understandings of that figure: extreme emotionality; divergent thinking; and a tortured unconscious. Using findings in the cognitive sciences, the essay demonstrates how emotional experience, divergent thinking, and the unconscious are integral parts of brain functioning, rather than traits exclusive to psychopathology. Poiesis is not informed, in any essential way, by madness but rather by the normal conditions of embodied cognition.


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O presente artigo apresentará “case” de boas práticas em políticas públicas, na área da cultura, para a juventude apresentando a atuação do Projeto Ademar Guerra na formação de jovens artistas, tendo a cultura como meio de construção da cidadania. Sugere como exemplo de atividade possível para o Plano Juventude Viva, visando intensificar as ações do Plano nos eixos “Inclusão, Oportunidade e Garantia de Direitos” (dimensão: Jovem) e “Transformação de Territórios” (dimensão: Território). O Projeto Ademar Guerra tem como objetivo a qualificação de jovens artistas na linguagem do teatro, é realizado desde 1997 pela Secretaria de Cultura do Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Atualmente executado pela Poiesis-Organização Social da Cultura, este Projeto mantem presença com ações realizadas em 100 municípios do Estado de São Paulo sendo considerado referencia como política pública para formação de jovens artistas residentes nas cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Procuraremos na nossa abordagem, entender a cultura como um direito e as possibilidades da ação cultural como instrumento colaborativo no processo de construção de cidadania e na transformação dos territórios. Este trabalho busca complementar a dissertação de Mestrado intitulada “Juventude Viva: Proposta de Indicadores de Avaliação de Resultados para Medir a Efetividade da Política Pública” (STOICOV,PRECIOSO e VALENTIM, 2014), orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira, como resultado do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Políticas Públicas – FGV.


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The paper aims to describe the steps undertaken in the development of a training program to prepare the physical education teacher to meet the demand of inclusion of students with disabilities. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in public schools, from 1st to 5th grade, participated in the first step. The Data were collected through focus group. The analysis was performed in categories. Two teachers participated in Stage 2, which consists of 28 classes that there was a student with disabilities enrolled. The reports focus group identified eight different subcategories of difficulties: 1 ) Training , 2) Administrative-school issue ; 3 ) Student ; 4 ) Diagnosis ; 5 ) Family ; 6 ) Teaching resource ; 7 ) Strategies ; 8 ) Physical Education. The filming analysis enabled to identify difficulties and success situations of each teacher. The identification of the difficulties pointed out ways to prepare Physical Education teachers, and based on such difficulties actionsand contents that include a training program may be stipulated.


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The article analyses three school exams of Elementary School, two belonging to a mother and one of her son, which were kept and provided to the researcher by the mother. The first two exams were dated March 30 and November 13, 1935 of the 3rd grade of Grupo Escolar Fernando Lobo in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The third one was produced at Grupo Escolar Coronel Amâncio Bueno in Jaguariúna, São Paulo in March 28, 1963 in a 4th grade class. The analysed data all together point out school products which are the result of the relationship between teacher, student and school culture. School exams are as important documents as the notebooks in order to understand the school culture, and as this paper tries to indicate, they are the means for the insertion into the world of written culture. The methodology based on the microanalysis of these documents reveals records about the structure of the exams and the Brazilian school curriculum in the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue in 1935 e 1963.


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This essay aims to analyze the relationship between life and school. In opposition to theoretical perspectives longed for a possible reconciliation between life and school, we look for to show to existing tension between these two spheres, making an analysis of the themes of the experience with birth, death and the difference, and highlight that this reflection invites the subjects of the educational practice to an ethical attitude of care for the other, for oneself and so that the other one takes care of the care of the self. Having the thoughts of Arendt’s and Foucault’s as reference, we understand that life goes beyond school knowledge and practices, offering us what we think about educational practice and making the subjects of that practice learn how to place themselves between life and school, looking for new senses for themselves and resistance to the existent while they transform themselves. Thus, we wait to offer the educators some life problems that pervade the educational practice, reverberate in their experience and make them think about what they have left.


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Os Cadernos de João (1957) encerram três livros anteriores de Aníbal Machado: ABC das catástrofes, Topografia da insônia e Poemas em prosa. A originalidade da coletânea está no fato de que abriga uma diversidade de formas e gêneros, entre eles o fragmento e o poema em prosa. Neste trabalho, propomo-nos a estudar o fragmento poético nos Cadernos de João, a partir da ideia de poiesis, tal como a concebeu os primeiros românticos alemães, sobretudo Schlegel e Novalis, para o quais o fragmento era capaz de incorporar, a um só tempo, crítica, teoria e criação.


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This article proposes a reflection on the “continuities of the process” in narratives, defined by the closure of the space and by the waiting in time (chronopoiesis), as well as on the “halts of the process” in narratives, defined by the opening of the space and by the repose in time (chronotrophy). In Claude Zilberberg?s proposal about the missive making (le faire missif ), it means, the profound making that governs the becoming of the narratives, temporality and spatiality are related to the categories of closure and opening. The terms chronopoiesis and chronotrophy, established by Zilberberg from the Greek stems, have etymologically in common the stem “krónos”, the time. The first term is added to “poiesis”, “creation”; the second comes together with “trophê”, the “feeding”, the “development”. The remissive making, that carries the “continuities of the process”, is chronopoietic (the expectant temporality, which creates the waiting time), and spatially closed. On the other hand, the emissive making, which carries the “halts of the process”, is chronotrophic (the “originating” temporality, because it is “fed”, creating the passing time) and spatially open. Our reflection on chronopoiesis and chronotrophy aims at verifying if these temporal operations of the missivity necessarily correspond to spatial closures and openings, respectively, as the Zilberberg’s model proposes, in verbo-visual narratives, specifically in comics.


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The general objective of this work is to analyze the conceptions of teaching and learning of kindergarten teachers use in their teaching practices and resources they adopt to work the subjects with the children. As a starting point for the research we considered the assumption that the teaching activities of teachers were supported by some principles of the psychogenetic paradigm, the theoretical basis of the constructivist pedagogical movement. However, by means of the observations and analysis carried out, our hypothesis was not consolidated because the practices of teachers and their conceptions of learning differ from the constructivist perspective announced. What can be concluded is that these teachers understand their role and the role of the school, more specifically the processes of teaching, as something that actually promotes the intellectual development of children effectively.


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Fundamentados na interação estética entre conteúdo e forma, visa-se delinear uma relação de equivalência frente aos fenômenos da percepção e da expressão. A partir da análise da interação percepção-expressão inserida na natureza humana, seres orgânicos complexos dotados de consciência, objetiva-se estender a questão tanto aos seres orgânicos mais simples, como até mesmo aos inorgânicos, a fim de generalizar tal interação à realidade em si como é experienciada.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La técnica emerge actualmente en nuestra sociedad también como tecnología: esta indiferencia respecto del sufijo logos revela que la técnica es actualmente inseparable de un discurso propio que podemos caracterizar como ficcional y objetivo, autorreferente, siempre optimista y fuertemente unido a la idea de progreso. Aquella idea originaria de técnica que prevalecía en la Antigüedad Griega, absolutamente relacionada con la poiesis y la creación, aparece hoy -en medio de sociedades desacralizadas y debilitadas en sus vínculos simbólicos ocupandoespacios insospechados: la tecnología parece irrumpir como una Verdad accesible a todos y como un gran relato unificador y cosmológico de nuestra humanidad.


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La Pedagogía puede considerarse praxis tanto en su vertiente teórica como práctica. La Pedagogía "teórica" debe revalorizarse en términos de praxis. No sólo explicativa o interpretativa, también transformativa, mediadora entre otras prácticas educativas. Pero en esta ponencia queremos referirnos a la Pedagogía en su vertiente práctica, cuando es práctica y no sólo pensamiento. La Pedagogía como práctica es interacción intersubjetiva, deliberativa, argumentativa, imbuída o informada éticamente, que requiere de variados "saber hacer" (savoir faire), que en el sentido aristotélico es a la vez praxis (relación entre sujetos) y poiesis (relación de los sujetos con objetos). Interacción incluida y atravesada por la realidad social, que también es práctica social subjetiva objetivada, condicionante, como alienante o liberadora. Nos preguntamos en qué consiste su especificidad, y cuáles son sus nexos con otras prácticas educativas. Sabemos que a diferencia del momento reflexivo con énfasis analítico, la praxis demanda una mirada sintética, orientada a la acción; y a diferencia de limitarse al conocimiento de la realidad, requiere de la utopía; conlleva un carácter propositivo, una elección de valores ético políticos, una construcción de sentidos culturales, que trascienden la descripción y la explicación. Referirse a la Pedagogía requiere una distinción reflexiva entre "lo pedagógico" -que trata sobre la educación- y "lo didáctico" -que trata sobre la enseñanza. Reconocemos que no puede haber educación sin enseñanza, pero también que la enseñanza no agota la educación. Temas como ciudadanía, género, violencia, trabajo, no se resuelven dictando clases o desarrollando unidades didácticas particulares. La Pedagogía y la intervención pedagógica abordan la participación de diversos actores educacionales, no limitados a los enseñantes; toman decisiones acerca de relevancias temáticas, previas al planeamiento didáctico; trabajan sobre los ámbitos institucionales, no sólo en el análisis sino en la intervención guiada por valores. Específicamente, la Pedagogía recupera las nociones de formación y humanismo, implícitas en la propuesta del "Bildung".


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La Pedagogía puede considerarse praxis tanto en su vertiente teórica como práctica. La Pedagogía "teórica" debe revalorizarse en términos de praxis. No sólo explicativa o interpretativa, también transformativa, mediadora entre otras prácticas educativas. Pero en esta ponencia queremos referirnos a la Pedagogía en su vertiente práctica, cuando es práctica y no sólo pensamiento. La Pedagogía como práctica es interacción intersubjetiva, deliberativa, argumentativa, imbuída o informada éticamente, que requiere de variados "saber hacer" (savoir faire), que en el sentido aristotélico es a la vez praxis (relación entre sujetos) y poiesis (relación de los sujetos con objetos). Interacción incluida y atravesada por la realidad social, que también es práctica social subjetiva objetivada, condicionante, como alienante o liberadora. Nos preguntamos en qué consiste su especificidad, y cuáles son sus nexos con otras prácticas educativas. Sabemos que a diferencia del momento reflexivo con énfasis analítico, la praxis demanda una mirada sintética, orientada a la acción; y a diferencia de limitarse al conocimiento de la realidad, requiere de la utopía; conlleva un carácter propositivo, una elección de valores ético políticos, una construcción de sentidos culturales, que trascienden la descripción y la explicación. Referirse a la Pedagogía requiere una distinción reflexiva entre "lo pedagógico" -que trata sobre la educación- y "lo didáctico" -que trata sobre la enseñanza. Reconocemos que no puede haber educación sin enseñanza, pero también que la enseñanza no agota la educación. Temas como ciudadanía, género, violencia, trabajo, no se resuelven dictando clases o desarrollando unidades didácticas particulares. La Pedagogía y la intervención pedagógica abordan la participación de diversos actores educacionales, no limitados a los enseñantes; toman decisiones acerca de relevancias temáticas, previas al planeamiento didáctico; trabajan sobre los ámbitos institucionales, no sólo en el análisis sino en la intervención guiada por valores. Específicamente, la Pedagogía recupera las nociones de formación y humanismo, implícitas en la propuesta del "Bildung".