948 resultados para pneumococcal conjugate vaccine


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Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. Weincluded 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group.


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Serum antibodies specific for the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae provide protection against invasive pneumococcal infection. In Brazil, this vaccine has been used for people over 65 years with clinical risk to develop pneumococcal infection since 1999. We evaluated the immune response of 102 elderly subjects (75.5% females and 24.5% males) with a mean age of 71 years, and 19 young healthy adults (63.2% females and 36.8% males) with a mean age of 27 years. The elderly study group consisted of outpatients who received follow-up care in the Geriatric Department of General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. None had acute illness at the time of vaccination. Both groups were immunized with one intra-deltoid injection with 0.5 ml of a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. The total IgG specific antibody concentrations to capsular polysaccharides 1, 3, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 were determined against pre- and 1-month post-vaccination sera. All samples were analyzed according to the second-generation pneumococcal polysaccharide ELISA protocol. We observed that the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine evoked consistent antibody increase for serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 (geometric mean concentration increase of 2.46 in the elderly and 2.84 in the young adults). Otherwise, we observed no increase in antibody concentration for serotype 3 in both groups.


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Children and adolescents infected with HIV typically have a lower response to immunization than do those in the general population. In most developed countries, meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine is one of the recommended vaccines for such individuals. However, there have been no studies evaluating the antibody response to this vaccine in HIV-infected children, adolescents or young adults. In this study, we evaluated that response using serum bactericidal antibody (SBA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, comparing HIV-infected with non-HIV-infected patients, as well as analysing the occurrence of side effects. In non-responders, we assessed the antibody response to revaccination. This clinical trial involved 92 patients between 10 and 20 years of age: 43 HIV-infected patients (HIV+ group) and 49 non-HIV-infected patients (HIV- group). After one dose of the vaccine, 72.1% of the HIV+ group patients and 100% of the HIV- group patients were considered protected. Of the HIV+ group patients who received a second dose of the vaccine, only 40% acquired protection. Overall, 81.4% of the HIV+ group patients acquired protection (after one or two doses of the vaccine). Side effects occurred in 16.3% and 44% of the HIV+ group and HIV- group patients, respectively. Therefore, the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine proved to be safe and effective for use in HIV-infected children, adolescents, and young adults, although their antibody response was weaker than that shown by non-HIV-infected patients. This indicates the need to discuss changes to the immunization schedule for children, adolescents, and young adults infected with HIV, in order to ensure more effective protection against meningococcal disease. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Simultaneous carriage of more than one strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae promotes horizontal gene transfer events and may lead to capsule switch and acquisition of antibiotic resistance. We studied the epidemiology of cocolonization with S. pneumoniae before and after introduction of the seven-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7).


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BACKGROUND The optimal schedule and the need for a booster dose are unclear for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines. We systematically reviewed relative effects of Hib vaccine schedules. METHODS We searched 21 databases to May 2010 or June 2012 and selected randomized controlled trials or quasi-randomized controlled trials that compared different Hib schedules (3 primary doses with no booster dose [3p+0], 3p+1 and 2p+1) or different intervals in primary schedules and between primary and booster schedules. Outcomes were clinical efficacy, nasopharyngeal carriage and immunological response. Results were combined in random-effects meta-analysis. RESULTS Twenty trials from 15 countries were included; 16 used vaccines conjugated to tetanus toxoid (polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus toxoid). No trials assessed clinical or carriage outcomes. Twenty trials examined immunological outcomes and found few relevant differences. Comparing polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus toxoid 3p+0 with 2p+0, there was no difference in seropositivity at the 1.0 μg/mL threshold by 6 months after the last primary dose (combined risk difference -0.02; 95% confidence interval: -0.10, 0.06). Only small differences were seen between schedules starting at different ages, with different intervals between primary doses, or with different intervals between primary and booster doses. Individuals receiving a booster were more likely to be seropositive than those at the same age who did not. CONCLUSIONS There is no clear evidence from trials that any 2p+1, 3p+0 or 3p+1 schedule of Hib conjugate vaccine is likely to provide better protection against Hib disease than other schedules. Until more data become available, scheduling is likely to be determined by epidemiological and programmatic considerations in individual settings.


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BACKGROUND In Switzerland, the heptavalent (PCV7) and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) were recommended for all infants aged <2 years in 2007 and 2011, respectively. Due to herd effects, a protective impact on the invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) rates in adults had been expected. METHODS Within this study, data from the nationwide mandatory surveillance was analyzed for all adult patients ≥16 years with IPD of known serotype/serogroup during 2003-2012. Trend (for IPD cases from 2003 to 2012) and logistic regression analyses (2007-2010) were performed to identify changes in serotype distribution and to identify the association of serotypes with age, clinical manifestations, comorbidities and case fatality, respectively. FINDINGS The proportion of PCV7 serotypes among all IPD cases (n=7678) significantly declined in adults from 44.7% (2003) before to 16.7% (2012) after the recommendation of PCV7 (P<0.001). In contrast, the proportion of non-PCV7 serogroup/serotypes increased for non-PCV13 but also PCV13 serotypes (not included in PCV7) at the same time. Serotype distribution varied significantly across ages, clinical manifestations and comorbidities. Serotype was furthermore associated with case fatality (P=0.001). In a multivariable logistic regression model, analyzing single serotypes showed that case-fatality was increased for the serotypes 3 (P=0.008), 19A (P=0.03) and 19F (P=0.005), compared to serotype 1 and 7F. CONCLUSION There was a significant decline in PCV7 serotypes among adults with IPD in Switzerland after introduction of childhood vaccination with PCV7. Pneumococcal serotypes were associated with case fatality, age, clinical manifestation and comorbidities of IPD in adults. These results may prove useful for future vaccine recommendations for adults in Switzerland.


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two studies, pneumococcal polysaccharide (Pnc PS) vaccine was given to more than 400 pregnant Papua New Guinean women. No deleterious effects were found. The vaccine prevented acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) among offspring in utero or aged 1-17 months at the time of maternal immunisation, suggesting protection through breast feeding. Serum IgG antibody titres were higher in vaccinated than unvaccinated groups for 2-4 months after delivery and no immune suppression, evaluated by the response to subsequent Pnc PS vaccination, was detected. Breast milk IgA to four serotypes was 1.1-1.8 times higher in immunised than unimmunised women for 6 months postpartum. Given results from several developing countries, large-scale safety and efficacy trials are now justified. Postpartum maternal immunisation is another intervention under consideration. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In Filipino infants, 1 dose of an adjuvanted, 11-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (serotypes 1, 4, 5, 7F, 9V, 19F, and 23F conjugated to tetanus protein; and serotypes 3, 6B, 14, and 18C conjugated to diphtheria toxoid) administered alone at age 18 weeks (11PncTD1) elicited similar antibody concentrations at age 9 months as those elicited by 3 doses (11PncTD3) administered concomitantly with national program vaccines, at ages 6, 10, and 14 weeks. Geometric mean antibody concentrations ranged from 0.36 mug/mL ( for serotype 18C) to 5.81 mug/mL (for serotype 4), for the 11PncTD1 vaccine, and from 0.32 mug/mL (for serotype 18C) to 5.01 mug/mL (for serotype 19F), for the 11PncTD3 vaccine. The proportion of infants with threshold antibody concentrations greater than or equal to0.35 mug/mL was also similar (ranges, 55.6%-100% for the 11PncTD1 vaccine and 42.9%-100% for the 11PncTD3 vaccine). The functional activity of antibodies expressed as opsonophagocytic activity titers was similar in the 11PncTD1 and 11PncTD3 groups. This finding is an important one for countries with financial constraints and high pneumococcal disease burden.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Biology, speciality in Microbiology, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe methods and challenges faced in the health impact assessment of vaccination programs, focusing on the pneumococcal conjugate and rotavirus vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS For this narrative review, we searched for the terms "rotavirus", "pneumococcal", "conjugate vaccine", "vaccination", "program", and "impact" in the databases Medline and LILACS. The search was extended to the grey literature in Google Scholar. No limits were defined for publication year. Original articles on the health impact assessment of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination programs in Latin America and the Caribbean in English, Spanish or Portuguese were included. RESULTS We identified 207 articles. After removing duplicates and assessing eligibility, we reviewed 33 studies, 25 focusing on rotavirus and eight on pneumococcal vaccination programs. The most frequent studies were ecological, with time series analysis or comparing pre- and post-vaccination periods. The main data sources were: health information systems; population-, sentinel- or laboratory-based surveillance systems; statistics reports; and medical records from one or few health care services. Few studies used primary data. Hospitalization and death were the main outcomes assessed. CONCLUSIONS Over the last years, a significant number of health impact assessments of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination programs have been conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean. These studies were carried out few years after the programs were implemented, meet the basic methodological requirements and suggest positive health impact. Future assessments should consider methodological issues and challenges arisen in these first studies conducted in the region.


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Rapport de synthèse: Enjeux de la recherche : La pneumonie communautaire chez l'enfant est un problème de santé publique considérable. Elle est responsable de 2 millions de mort par année, 70% survenant dans les pays en voie de développement. Sous nos latitudes son incidence est de 40/1000 enfants par année, ce qui représente une morbidité importante. Deux difficultés surviennent lorsqu'on cherche à diagnostiquer une pneumonie. La première est de distinguer une pneumonie bactérienne d'une virale, particulièrement chez les petits enfants où les infections virales des voies respiratoires inférieures sont fréquentes. L'OMS a définit la pneumonie selon des critères exclusivement cliniques et une étude effectuée à Lausanne en 2000 a montré que ces critères peuvent être utilisés dans nos contrées. La seconde difficulté est de définir l'agent causal de la pneumonie, ceci pour plusieurs raisons : L'aspiration endotrachéale, seul examen fiable, ne peut être obtenue de routine chez l'enfant vu son caractère invasif, la culture des secrétions nasopharyngées reflète la flore physiologique de la sphère ORL et une bactériémie n'est présente que dans moins de 10% des pneumonies. L'étiologie de la pneumonie reste souvent inconnue, et de ce fait plusieurs enfants reçoivent des antibiotiques pour une infection non bactérienne ce qui contribue au développement de résistances. L'objectif de cette étude était d'effectuer une recherche extensive de l'agent causal de la pneumonie et de déterminer quels facteurs pourraient aider le clinicien à différencier une pneumonie virale de bactérienne, en corrélant l'étiologie avec la sévérité clinique et les marqueurs de l'inflammation. Contexte de la recherche : II s'agissait d'une étude prospective, multicentrique, incluant les enfants âgés de 2 mois à 5 ans hospitalisés pour une pneumonie, selon les critères de l'OMS, dans le service de pédiatrie de Lausanne et Genève entre mars 2003 et Décembre 2005, avant l'implantation de la vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. Chaque enfant, en plus des examens usuels, bénéficiait d'une recherche étiologique extensive : Culture virale et bactérienne, PCR (Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Virus Influenza A et B, RSV A et B, Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza 1-3, enterovirus, human metapneumovirus, coronavirus OC43, E229 ; et NL 63) et détection d'AG viraux dans les sécrétions nasopharyngées ; sérologies virales et bactériennes à l'entrée et 3 semaines après la sortie (AG Influenza A et B, Parainfluenza 1,2 et 3, RSV, Adenovirus, M.Pneumoniae et S.Pneumoniae). Conclusions : Un agent pathogène a été découvert chez 86% des 99 patients retenus confirmant le fait que plus la recherche étiologique est étendue plus le pourcentage d'agent causal trouvé est élevé. Une infection bactérienne a été découverte chez 53% des patients dont 45% avaient une infection à S. Pneumoniae confirmant l'importance d'une vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. La déshydratation et les marqueurs de l'inflammation tels que la C-Reactive Protein et la Procalcitonine étaient significativement plus élevés dans les pneumonies bactériennes. Aucune corrélation n'a été trouvée entre le degré de sévérité de la pneumonie et l'étiologie. L'étude a confirmé la haute prévalence d'infections virales (67%) et de co-infection (33%) dans la pneumonie de l'enfant sans que l'on connaisse le rôle réel du virus dans la pathogenèse de la pneumonie. Perspectives : d'autres études à la suite de celle-ci devraient être effectuées en incluant les patients ambulatoires afin de déterminer, avec un collectif plus large de patient, une éventuelle corrélation entre sévérité clinique et étiologie. Abstract : Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of death in developing countries and of morbidity in developed countries. The objective of the study was to define the causative agents among children hospitalized for CAP defined by WHO guidelines and to correlate etiology with clinical severity and surrogate markers. Investigations included an extensive etiological workup. A potential causative agent was detected in 86% of the 99 enrolled patients, with evidence of bacterial (53%), viral (67%), and mixed (33%) infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae was accounted for in 46% of CAP. Dehydration was the only clinical sign associated with bacterial pneumonia. CRP and PCT were significantly higher in bacterial infections. Increasing the number of diagnostic tests identifies potential causes of CAP in up to 86% of children, indicating a high prevalence of viruses and frequent co-infections. The high proportion of pneumococcal infections re-emphasizes the importance of pneumococcal immunization.


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BACKGROUND: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a serious cause of morbidity among children in developed countries. The real impact of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) on pneumococcal pneumonia is difficult to assess accurately. METHODS: Children aged ≤16 years with clinical and radiological pneumonia were enrolled in a multicenter prospective study. Children aged ≤16 years admitted for a minor elective surgery was recruited as controls. Nasopharyngeal samples for PCR serotyping of S. pneumoniae were obtained in both groups. Informations on age, gender, PCV7 vaccination status, day care/school attendance, siblings, tobacco exposure were collected. RESULTS: In children with CAP (n=236), 54% of the nasopharyngeal swabs were PCR-positive for S. pneumoniae compared to 32% in controls (n=105) (p=0.003). Serotype 19A was the most common pneumococcal serotype carried in children with CAP (13%) and in controls (15%). Most common serotypes were non-vaccine types (39.4% for CAP and 47.1% for controls) and serotypes included only in PCV13 (32.3% for CAP and 23.5% for controls). There was no significant difference in vaccine serotype distribution between the two groups. In fully vaccinated children with CAP, the proportion of serotypes carried only in PCV13 was higher (51.4%) than in partially vaccinated or non vaccinated children (27.6% and 28.6% respectively, p=0.037). CONCLUSIONS: Two to 4 years following introduction of PCV7, predominant S. pneumoniae serotypes carried in children with CAP were non PCV7 serotypes, and the 6 new serotypes included in PCV13 accounted for 51.4% of carried serotypes in fully vaccinated children.