929 resultados para physical work


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Background: A previous review showed that high stress increases the risk of occupational injury by three- to five-fold. However, most of the prior studies have relied on short follow-ups. In this prospective cohort study we examined the effect of stress on recorded hospitalised injuries in an 8-year follow-up.
Methods: A total of 16,385 employees of a Finnish forest company responded to the questionnaire. Perceived stress was measured with a validated single-item measure, and analysed in relation recorded hospitalised injuries from 1986 to 2008. We used Cox proportional hazard regression models to examine the prospective associations between work stress, injuries and confounding factors.
Results: Highly stressed participants were approximately 40% more likely to be hospitalised due to injury over the follow-up period than participants with low stress. This association remained significant after adjustment for age, gender, marital status, occupational status, educational level, and physical work environment.
Conclusions: High stress is associated with an increased risk of severe injury.


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Purpose - To identify the critical factors causing construction disputes in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ireland during the recent recession period of 2007 to 2013.
Design/Methodology/Approach - A mixed method approach incorporating a literature review, case studies and questionnaire survey, with results analysed using exploratory (data reduction) factor analysis.
Findings - The results indicate seven core critical factors which result in construction disputes in SMEs in Ireland during a recession: Payment and extras; Physical work conditions; Poor financial/legal practise; Changes to the agreed scope of works; Time overrun; Defects; and Requests for increase in speed of project and long-term defects.
Research Limitations/Implications - With Ireland emerging from the current economic recession and the prevalence of SMEs to the construction sector, it is essential to document the core critical factors of construction disputes which emerge within this particular segment of the built environment.
Practical Implications - To address the adversarial nature of the construction sector and the prevalence of SMEs, it is essential to identify and document the critical factors of construction disputes within this remit. It is envisaged that the results of this research will be acknowledged, and the recommendations adopted, by construction SMEs, particularly within Ireland, as they emerge from the economic recession.
Originality/Value - This paper fulfils a gap in knowledge with the emergence of the economic recession and the identification of critical factors of construction dispute within SMEs in the Irish construction industry.


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El trabajo exige en el individuo una serie de esfuerzos fisiológicos que implican el uso de los componentes del sistema osteo-muscular, cardiovascular y metabólico, definiéndose así la carga física de trabajo. El objetivo fue determinar la respuesta fisiológica a la exposición a calor y carga física en trabajadores operadores de hornos de coquería. El estudio se realizó en once trabajadores expuestos a carga física y a calor en hornos de coquería. Se realizó la medición de capacidad máxima de trabajo (VO2máx), medición de consumo calórico y respuesta cardiovascular a la carga térmica y medición de niveles de hidratación. No obstante de su alta capacidad de trabajo y desempeño físico de los horneros, el trabajo de deshorne se califica como extremadamente duro muy duro o intenso. Se recomienda intervenir tecnológicamente el sistema de trabajo de deshorne mediante mecanización de las tareas.


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Se realizó estudio cuasi experimental con el fin de comparar el efecto sobre la carga física de una intervención tecnológica y en la organización del trabajo en trabajadores en el cargo de horneros en la tarea de extracción de coque en Colombia. Se midió la carga física mediante frecuencia cardiaca e índice de costo cardiaco relativo en una población de trabajadores expuestos (37) y no expuestos (66) a una intervención tecnológica. La monitorización de la frecuencia cardiaca se realizó con 7 pulsímetros Polar RS 800cx debidamente calibrados. Las variables numéricas se describieron con base en la media aritmética, su desviación estándar, y el rango. Para evaluar la diferencia entre las medias de los grupos con respecto a la frecuencia cardiaca en reposo, media, máxima, índice de costo cardiaco relativo, gasto energético de trabajo se aplicó análisis de varianza de una vía. Se estableció a priori un nivel de significación estadística α = 0,05. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el comportamiento de la frecuencia cardiaca media, frecuencia cardiaca máxima e índice de costo cardiaco relativo, entre los grupos de estudio. Se concluyó que este estudio valida la frecuencia cardiaca como una variable sensible para la medición del riesgo por carga física y a su utilidad en la evaluación intervenciones ergonómica. El estudio demostró que la intervención ergonómica logró controlar la carga física con una disminución significativa la frecuencia cardiaca, en el grupo de intervención.


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Resumen: INTRODUCCIÓN: Las personas dedicadas a la cosecha del fruto de la palma de aceite durante el desarrollo de sus labores, adoptan diversas posturas y realizan movimientos repetitivos e incluso ejecutan manipulación de cargas, las cuales varían según las características del lugar y la naturaleza del trabajo. Labores de corte del fruto, poda de cada una de las plantas o la recolección y acopio del producto, pueden acarrear desordenes musculares y/o trastornos esqueléticos. En Estados Unidos, el Instituto Nacional para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (NIOSH) precisa que los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) involucran nervios, tendones, músculos y estructuras de soporte; por tanto es conveniente identificar signos y síntomas y la carga física de esta población trabajadora. Los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) como menciona la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, son un problema grave. Para el trabajador causa dolor y pérdida de ingresos, para los empleadores reducen la eficiencia operacional y para el país incrementan los gastos de la seguridad social. En su informe final, Ramírez Vargas destaca la presencia de Colombia como principal productor de aceite de palma con el 38% de la producción de Latinoamérica. Estima que en este oficio hay más de 1950 cosecheros en la región del Meta, departamento de la zona oriental donde se presenta el mayor crecimiento con un área cultivada al año 2011 de 163.447 hectáreas y un promedio de 16 trabajadores por 100 hectáreas. METODOS: Estudio de corte transversal en 204 trabajadores en los cuales se identificaron síntomas y factores de riesgo ergonómico existentes en el puesto de trabajo por medio de una encuesta con base en el modelo de Ergonomía Participativa (ERGOPAR) y la evaluación biomecánica por medio del método Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) en cosecheros de una plantación de palma aceitera en el departamento del Meta 2015. RESULTADOS: El total de cosecheros fueron hombres y su promedio de edad es de 36,4 años cumplidos. El promedio de la permanencia en centro de trabajo es de 19,1 meses y una media de 7 años de experiencia en el oficio en diferentes centros. El 31,9% de los trabajadores encuestados refirieron molestias y el 30,9% dolor en la espalda baja o región lumbar, mientras que en la evaluación biomecánica en aspectos referentes a la carga física de los trabajadores con el método REBA, arrojo niveles de riesgo altos en el 59,1% de la población y riesgo medio en el 43,1%. CONCLUSIONES: La labor de cosechero involucra cargas posturales en todas las zonas evaluadas por la metodología REBA ya sea por posturas o movimientos, la manipulación de carga, la fuerza de mayor o menor magnitud y el agarre; encontrando que los brazos tienen un mayor compromiso en cuanto a la exigencia física, influenciada por la altura de la palma, la cual incide desfavorablemente para la presentación de TME a nivel de tronco en zona lumbar y dorsal La ergonomía participativa puede convertirse en una habilidad empresarial, inducir a los trabajadores para que formen parte de la unión entre el ejercicio ergonómico empresarial y la participación del grupo de implicados, harán que en conjunto se encuentren soluciones específicas enfocadas a la prevención de TME generados por el ambiente laboral, bajo la premisa del empoderamiento de la población para controlar que las medidas acordadas terminen en su verdadera aplicación.


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Esta investigação se propôs a compreender de que forma a prática pedagógica dos professores de Educação Física das escolas municipais de Mossoró/RN tem contribuído para promover o interesse dos alunos a respeito desta disciplina. A partir desse objetivo geral, especificamente procuramos levantar informações sobre a forma que as aulas de Educação Física são aplicadas nas escolas públicas da rede municipal da cidade de Mossoró-RN, identificamos a percepção dos professores a respeito do ensino da Educação Física nas escolas e comparamos com a análise dos alunos a respeito da prática pedagógica dos professores e como esta influencia a visão que estes têm acerca Educação Física. Metodologicamente, demonstramos a caracterização da pesquisa, que possui uma natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, definimos os sujeitos que foram 04 professores e 259 alunos do Ensino Fundamental e o lócus da investigação que foram 04 escolas da rede municipal de ensino da cidade de Mossoró-RN. Descrevemos também os instrumentos de coleta de dados, entrevistas realizadas com os professores e um questionário aplicado aos alunos e os procedimentos de análise dos dados. Nas considerações finais, apontamos que apesar de haver uma consciência por parte dos alunos que a Educação Física escolar ainda está muito enraizada a funções tradicionalmente ligadas a essa área do conhecimento, tais como trabalho da parte física dos alunos, contribuir para a saúde e preparar atletas para as escolas. Os resultados apontam ainda para uma clara falta de estrutura física das escolas para a prática da Educação Física nas escolas municipais de Mossoró/RN. Esses alunos consideram, a partir da prática pedagógica dos seus professores, que as aulas de Educação Física são empolgantes, dinâmicas e se constituem espaços que contribuem para a interação entre eles e o ensino de valores, que por sua vez produzem nesses alunos um constante interesse na participação dessas aulas.


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För att få drömjobbet inom en konkurrenskraftig bransch som grafiskdesign krävs det lilla extra. Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta redapå vad detta extra är och därigenom underlätta för arbetssökandegrafiska designers på vägen till drömjobbet.Genom tre djupgående intervjuer med anställda på medelstora byråer iMellansverige undersöktes vad arbetsgivare uppskattar och förväntar sigav en arbetssökande grafisk designer. Frågeställningen behandladeportfolions framtid med branschens digitalisering som bakgrund, samthur en arbetssökande fångar arbetsgivarens intresse.Resultatet visar att även om portfolion utgör en stor del av underlaget förrekrytering av personal, är personen bakom portfolion och vad den haratt berätta om innehållet det som är viktigast. En portfolio som intebeskriver sammanhang duger inte som marknadsföringsmaterial. Attvårda det personliga varumärket framstår som viktigt för framgång. Dendigitala portfolion dominerar marknaden, men fysiska arbetsproverupplevs som ett möjligt sätt att stå ut från mängden. Digitala nätverkmottas positivt av branschen, men webbplatser anses ha mer substans.


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The desire for muscularity is tied to Western views of the male gender role, which prescribe that men be strong, physically fit and athletically successful. Although, these ideals have been primarily studied among Western adolescent boys, there is emerging evidence that the same ideals are valued and promoted among males from the Pacific Islands. The aim of the present study was to examine body image concerns associated with muscularity and the reasons for these concerns among Fijian and Tongan adolescent boys. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 Indigenous Fijian, 24 Indo-Fijian, and 24 Tongan boys aged between 13 and 20 years. A thematic analysis of boys’ narratives showed that the pursuit of muscularity was a dominant theme for many boys. Boys’ reasons for pursing muscularity included the attainment of strength and fitness, sporting performance, physical work, dominance, and health. These findings are examined in relation to previous research with Western adolescent boys.


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Purpose: – Research into office design and its effect on employee satisfaction and performance has attracted considerable contemporary research interest. However, most studies have tended to concentrate on the impact of the built environment on human performance, ignoring the actual needs of employees working in different organizational settings. This paper hence aims to investigate the nature and extent of occupant satisfaction with the built environment in different organizational settings in Australia for a range of climates.

: – A survey was conducted in Australia from 2004-2005, comprising 41 buildings, including six government buildings, 14 educational buildings and 21 commercial buildings. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to explore whether there are differences in the mean ranking of office environment satisfaction amongst the three organizational settings, and the Mann-Whitney U test was employed to further test whether there are differences in the mean ranking of office environment satisfaction between any two groups.

Findings: – Significant differences were found in aspects of air, temperature, space suitability, flexibility, usability and controllability. Employees in commercial settings seem to be more satisfied with their physical work environment than employees in other organization types. Employees in educational settings showed the highest satisfaction with most variables in the workspace design and management category. Government employees showed a lower level of satisfaction with their physical work environment and workspace design and management.

Originality/value: – Moreover, the government and educational groups showed more similarity with each other, while the commercial group displayed significant difference.


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Background: The relationship between parental physical activity and children's physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness has not been well studied in the Australian context. Given the increasing focus on physical activity and childhood obesity, it is important to understand correlates of children's physical activity. This study aimed to investigate whether parental exercise was associated with children's extracurricular sports participation and cardiorespiratory fitness.

: The data were drawn from a nationally representative sample (n = 8,484) of 7–15 year old Australian schoolchildren, surveyed as part of the Australian Schools Health and Fitness Survey in 1985. A subset of 5,929 children aged 9–15 years reported their participation in extracurricular
sports and their parents' exercise. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using the 1.6 km (1- mile) run/walk and inaddition for children aged 9, 12 or 15 years, using a physical work capacity test (PWC170).

: While the magnitude of the differences were small, parental exercise was positively associated with children's extracurricular sports participation (p < 0.001), 1.6 km run/walk time (p < 0.001) and, in girls only, PWC170 (p = 0.013). In most instances, when only one parent was active, the sex of that parent was not an independent predictor of the child's extracurricular sports participation and cardiorespiratory fitness.

Conclusion: Parental exercise may influence their children's participation in extracurricular sports and their cardiorespiratory fitness levels. Understanding the correlates of children's extracurricular sport participation is important for the targeting of health promotion and public health interventions, and may influence children's future health status.


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Objectives: Methods for converting inactive video gaming to active video gaming have gained popularity in recent years. This study compared the physiological cost of a new peripheral device that used steps to power video gaming in an interactive manner against sedentary video gaming and self-paced ambulatory activity of university students (aged 19-29 years).
Methods: Nineteen adults (9 male, 10 female) performed six 10-minute activities, namely self-paced leisurely walking, self-paced brisk walking, self-paced jogging, two forms of sedentary video gaming, and step-powered video gaming. Activities were performed in a random order. Physiological cost during the activities was measured using Actiheart.
Results: Energy expenditure during step-powered video gaming (388.8 kcal.h-1) was comparable to the energy expended during brisk walking (373.8 kcal.h-1), and elicited a higher energy cost than sedentary video gaming (124.1 kcal.h-1) but a lower energy cost than jogging (694.5 kcal.h-1).
Conclusion: Overall, step-powered video gaming could be used as an entertaining and appealing tool to increase physical activity, though it should not be used as a complete substitute for traditional exercise, such as jogging.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore police officers’ perceptions of the challenges and work stressors of working in Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigation.

Participants were a heterogeneous sample of 32 ICE investigators across nine Australian jurisdictions. Officers’ perceptions of ICE work were elicited via individual, open-ended, anonymous, telephone interviews, which focused on both the nature and impact of work-related stressors and challenges.

Thematic analysis revealed that viewing ICE material was not perceived to be a major stressor or particularly traumatic facet of ICE investigation. Rather, the challenges related to three areas; work relationships, workload and resources and the physical environment. Participants also suggested some improvements to their work environment which could reduce the impact of these challenges.

Practical implications
The stressors identified by ICE investigators in this study place physical, psychological and social restrictions on investigative capacity. Modifications to the workplace environment that facilitate more effective professional collaboration, reduce workload and enhance investigator efficiency and functionality of the physical work environment would likely reduce the potential for harm associated with ICE investigation and improve ICE investigators’ capacity to perform their role.


This is the first study to use a broad research framework to examine the full range of stressors that ICE investigators face (both organisational and operational). The findings are important for developing comprehensive theories regarding workplace traumatisation as well as holistic intervention models to assist the prevention and management of stress related to ICE investigation.


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Sitting, particularly in prolonged, unbroken bouts, is widespread within the office workplace, yet few interventions have addressed this newly-identified health risk behaviour. This paper describes the iterative development process and resulting intervention procedures for the Stand Up Australia research program focusing on a multi-component workplace intervention to reduce sitting time. The development of Stand Up Australia followed three phases. 1) Conceptualisation: Stand Up Australia was based on social cognitive theory and social ecological model components. These were operationalised via a taxonomy of intervention strategies and designed to target multiple levels of influence including: organisational structures (e.g. via management consultation), the physical work environment (via provision of height-adjustable workstations), and individual employees (e.g. via face-to-face coaching). 2) Formative research: Intervention components were separately tested for their feasibility and acceptability. 3) Pilot studies: Stand Up Comcare tested the integrated intervention elements in a controlled pilot study examining efficacy, feasibility and acceptability. Stand Up UQ examined the additional value of the organisational- and individual-level components over height-adjustable workstations only in a three-arm controlled trial. In both pilot studies, office workers’ sitting time was measured objectively using activPAL3 devices and the intervention was refined based on qualitative feedback from managers and employees. Results and feedback from participants and managers involved in the intervention development phases suggest high efficacy, acceptance, and feasibility of all intervention components. The final version of the Stand Up Australia intervention includes strategies at the organisational (senior management consultation, representatives consultation workshop, team champions, staff information and brainstorming session with information booklet, and supportive emails from managers to staff), environmental (height-adjustable workstations), and individual level (face-to-face coaching session and telephone support). Stand Up Australia is currently being evaluated in the context of a cluster-randomised controlled trial at the Department of Human Services (DHS) in Melbourne, Australia. Stand Up Australia is an evidence-guided and systematically developed workplace intervention targeting reductions in office workers’ sitting time.


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 This research demonstrated how exposure to physical work and restricted sleep can trigger an increase in firefighters’ immune and hormonal stress responses. The work also explored psychophysiological interactions between responses, with findings that suggest when sleep restricted, firefighters’ show a worsening in mood which relates to elevated hormonal and immune changes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)