872 resultados para physical seed quality
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A supersweet sweet corn hybrid, Pacific H5, was grown under field conditions in South-East Queensland to study the effects of harvest time and drying conditions on seed quality. Cobs were harvested at different times to obtain seed with two moisture percentage ranges (20-30% and 40-50%) and dried to 12% moisture under different combinations of drying temperatures (30 degrees C, 40 degrees C and 50 degrees C) and air velocities (1.25 m/s, 2.75 m/s and 4.30 m/s). Dried seed was stored at 30 degrees C with bimonthly monitoring of seed quality for 12 months. For standard as well as cold test germinations, statistical analysis yielded significant main effects for temperature, air velocity and harvest moisture content and significant interactions for drying temperature by harvest moisture and drying temperature by air velocity. Germination at the beginning of storage was unaffected by drying temperatures up to 40 degrees C regardless of harvest moisture but was lower at 50 degrees C for higher moisture. However, germination at the end of the storage period of 12 months was greatest for seed harvested at higher moisture and dried at temperatures up to 40 degrees C. Germination was not affected by air velocity for drying temperatures up to 40 degrees C but at 50 degrees C it generally decreased with increase in air velocity. To slow down seed deterioration during storage, it is recommended that sweet corn seed should be harvested at a higher moisture range (40-50%) and dried at 40 degrees C and 4.30 m/s air velocity. The drying temperature can be raised to 50 degrees C for seed harvested at a low moisture range (20-30%) provided the air velocity is kept low (1.25 m/s).
A pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de verificar a possibilidade de uso da máquina de pré-limpeza, da máquina de limpeza e classificação (ventiladores e peneiras) e da mesa densimétrica para o beneficiamento de sementes de café e, paralelamente, avaliar seus efeitos na qualidade física do lote. Para essa finalidade, um lote de sementes de café arábica 'Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62' foi submetido ao beneficiamento nesses três equipamentos, em diversas combinações. As frações retidas pelas peneiras 22/64 e 20/64 avos de polegada, na máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, constituíram a maior parte do lote e foram processadas, separadamente, em mesa densimétrica. Foram realizadas avaliações de pureza física, massa de mil sementes, peso hectolítrico, teor de água, tipos de sementes predominantes e integridade do endocarpo. Observou-se que: a) A máquina de pré-limpeza, a máquina de ventiladores e peneiras e a mesa densimétrica foram eficientes para a homogeneização do lote de sementes de café, proporcionando obtenção de melhor qualidade física na seqüência operacional em que foram utilizadas de forma conjugada; b) O uso de peneiras com crivos oblongos e crivos circulares, intercaladas na máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, possibilitou a separação de sementes mocas, de sementes com resíduos de exocarpo aderidos ao endocarpo e de sementes desprovidas de endocarpo, melhorando a aparência do lote; c) A mesa densimétrica foi o equipamento que proporcionou melhor separação de sementes com endocarpo danificado, bem como alterações favoráveis à qualidade física do lote; d) As sementes pequenas, retidas nas menores peneiras da máquina de ventiladores e peneiras, e as sementes de menor massa específica, classificadas ou não por tamanho e coletadas na descarga inferior da mesa densimétrica, foram as de baixa qualidade física.
The aims of this study is to examine the interest for quality of life of an implementation of program physical activity, with patients of multiple sclerosis.
Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects more often young adults in the prime of his career and personal development, with no cure and unknown causes. The most common signs and symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sensation, ataxia, changes in balance, gait difficulties, memory difficulties, cognitive impairment and difficulties in problem solving MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the implications of an Intervention Program of Physical Activity (IPPA) in quality of life in MS patients, six months after the intervention.
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in canola yield components and seed physiological quality in response to different sowing densities. The study was made in a greenhouse at the REIPESOL Company Technological Center, Madrid - Spain, with the commercial "Toccata" hybrid variety. The initial sowing density was 360,000 plants/ha and the plant population was later thinned down to include treatments of 250 and 180 thousand plants/ha. Harvested seeds were sent to the Seed Technology Center Laboratory (CATES) at the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) to evaluate changes in plant architecture and yield components, as well as the seed physiological quality of different plant parts. Results demonstrated that canola plants showed changes in morphology and yield components in response to different sowing densities. The population of 250,000 plants/ha showed the best seed yield demonstrating that maximum yield is directly related to a correct sowing density. The number of pods/plant was the most important component for increased seed yield/plant and seed yield/area. The spatial distribution of canola seeds in the plant and canola sowing density did not affect seed physiological quality.
Seed quality may be affected by several factors, including permeability, color, and lignin content in the seed coat. This study aimed at evaluating influence of lignin content in the tegument of seed samples of six different soybean cultivars, in which half of each sample was inoculated with the fungus Aspergillus flavus, on the physical and physiological quality, and on the seed health, during 180 days storage period, under cold chamber with controlled conditions of temperature and RH. For that, at each interval of 60 days, samples were removed, and the physiological quality of these seeds was assessed by means of moisture and lignin contents; and by tests of seed health, germination, and electrical conductivity. The moisture content of seeds remained constant during all storage period. In the seed health test, it was found that inoculation was efficient, once the minimum incidence of the fungus in the inoculated seeds was 85%. In the germination test, there was a trend of reduction on percentage germination with the increase in storage period. However, there was an increase on electrical conductivity of seeds assessed. It was concluded that there is no interference of the lignin content in the seed coat on the resistance to infection by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, even after seed storage for a period of 180 days.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
'Brasilia' is a cultivar of carrot with characteristics suiting cultivation under hot conditions but with problems in seed production, arising from the conflicting requirements of root and seed production. One solution is to select cultivars requiring vernalisation and then to use GA(3) to induce flowering where the climate prevents this. There is, however, little information on plant population, seed maturity and harvesting time on which to base such a procedure. Accordingly this research was carried out to study the physiological quality and production of the seeds in plant populations from 25,000 to 800,000 plants/ha, in the seed-to-seed method of cv. Brasilia in Anapolis, GO, Brazil. In each population, two harvest methods (from first and second orders of umbels, or selected harvest, and remaining orders, or total harvest) and two stages of maturity (brownish, or mature seeds, and yellowish, or immature ones) were also evaluated. Two trials were carried out, with and without gibberellic acid. Seed was evaluated for physical characters, germination, vigour, 1000-seed weight, water content, dry matter and productivity. Seed was produced in both experiments (with or without GA3 spraying). Mature seed showed germination at least 30% greater than immature, and seed from the selected harvest showed germination 16% greater than from the total harvest. In increasing plant population to 200,000 plants/ha, seed quality was not affected, but productivity increased.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between self-perceived quality of life and physical activity in Brazilian older adults. We investigated 199 individuals (117 men and 82 women) aged between 60 to 70 years old, employees of a public university. Physical activity was estimated by the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Self-perceived quality of life was assessed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Bref) questionnaire composed of four domains: physical, psychological, social relationship and environment. There was no difference in self-perceived quality of life between men and women. In contrast, quality of life was associated with physical activity even after adjustment for gender, schooling and income. The physical domain presented the strongest association with physical inactivity (Odds Ratio = 2.70, 95% CI 1.87-3.52). Only the environment domain evaluated by WHOQOL-Bref was not associated to physical inactivity. Among the older, improved self-perceived quality of life is positively associated to physical activity. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.
The study of the quality of life of individuals has become a prominent issue for contemporary society. However, research involving quality of life should consider that this is a complex issue that involves objective and subjective aspects, living conditions, lifestyles and multidimensional factors. There is a widespread idea in society that physical activity, exercise, sports and related activities can have a positive impact on improving the quality of life of the population. However, in several studies, this relationship is examined from the biological point of view, which considers only health indicators. Such practices are being studied in the area of Physical Education in various perspectives, such as biological, psychological, social, and cultural. Therefore, Physical Education should seek to produce knowledge that meets the scientific principles, and look for evidence that effectively clarifies the dynamics of this relationship. In this sense, methodological rigor, particularly the conceptual definition, is essential for a better understanding of the results and of which generalizations are actually likely to e proved. In addition, it is necessary to identify the possibilities and limitations of quantitative evaluations, qualitative evaluations and possible combinations.
Minimal research has explored what comprises a quality physical activity (PA) participation experience, particularly among military Veterans with a physical disability for whom evidence of the benefits of PA is growing. To address this research gap, this dissertation examines quality PA participation among military Veterans with a physical disability. Manuscript 1 explores the views of Veterans with a physical disability regarding what elements constitute a quality PA experience, and how these elements may be fostered. Eighteen Veterans with various physical disabilities and PA experiences participated in interviews. Four quality elements were identified via thematic analysis: group cohesion, challenge, having a role, and independence and choice. A further three factors (the physical and social environments, and program structure) were identified as precursors for a quality experience. Manuscript 2 explores how PA programs for Veterans with a physical disability are delivered, and how these delivery strategies link conceptually to quality participation. Interviews were conducted with program staff from three PA programs for Veterans, and program documentation collected, to develop an understanding of program delivery strategies. Four strategies with potential links to quality participation were identified through thematic analysis: foster social connections, challenge participants, tailor programs and outcomes to match participant needs, and include knowledgeable coaches and instructors. Manuscript 3 evaluates the participation of Veterans with functional impairments in PA events, and examines the relationships among quality precursors, quality elements, and participation outcomes. Results indicate that program participation did not promote long-term increases in PA indicators. However, an indicator of the quality element belongingness mediated the relationship at particular time-points between coach interpersonal skills and three participation outcomes: family integration, PA intentions, and PA planning. These findings suggest that a quality participation experience created by coaches may positively impact the transition to civilian life, and promote efforts to engage in ongoing PA. Overall, this dissertation contributes towards a greater depth in understanding of the experiences of Veterans with a physical disability in PA programs. The findings begin to provide a foundation for researchers and practitioners aiming to create, deliver, and promote quality PA interventions and programming for Veterans with a physical disability.
This chapter provides a theoretical background about image quality in diagnostic radiology. Digital image representation and also image quality evaluation methods are here discussed. An overview of methods for quality evaluation of diagnostic imaging procedures is provided. Digital image representation and primary physical image quality parameters are also discussed, including objective image quality measurements and observer performance methods.
The main scope of this work was to detect (Panicum maximum Jacq.) genotype differences as to morphoagronomic and seed quality indices, and to establish character correlations useful for determining vegetative and reproductive trends. Besides the flowering cycle, eight phenological and two seed quality traits were scored in a greenhouse randomized complete block experiment, as follows: plant height (PH), reproductive tiller number/overall tiller number (RTN/OTN), panicle number/reproductive tillers (PN/RT), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), panicle length (PL), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), number of seeds/g (NS/G) and seed sample physical purity (SPP). Very-early and early-flowering hybrids consistently showed the highest correlation values among flowering cycle and RTN/OTN (r = -0.59**), PN/RT (r = -0.48**), NS/G (r = -0.88**) and SPP (r = -0.80**) (reproductive parameters) while intermediate and late-flowering hybrids presented the highest values for LL (r = 0.53**), LW (r = 0.60**), PL (r = 0.77**), FW (r = 0.78**) and DW (r = 0.85**) (vegetative traits). The implications of these results for plant breeding and forage management purposes are discussed.