995 resultados para photovoltaic cell


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La medición y testeo de células fotovoltaicas en el laboratorio o en la industria exige reproducir unas condiciones de iluminación semejantes a las reales. Por eso se utilizan sistemas de iluminación basados en lámparas flash de Xenon que reproducen las condiciones reales en cuanto a nivel de irradiancia y espectro de la luz incidente. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar los circuitos electrónicos necesarios para el disparo de dichas lámparas. El circuito de alimentación y disparo de una lámpara flash consta de una fuente de alimentación variable, un circuito de disparo para la ionización del gas Xenon y la electrónica de control. Nuestro circuito de disparo pretende producir pulsos adecuados para los dispositivos fotovoltaicos tanto en irradiancia, espectro y en duración, de forma que con un solo disparo consigamos el tiempo, la irradiancia y el espectro suficiente para el testeo de la célula fotovoltaica. La mayoría de estos circuitos exceptuando los específicos que necesita la lámpara, serán diseñados, simulados, montados en PCB y comprobados posteriormente en el laboratorio. ABSTRACT. Measurement and testing of photovoltaic cells in the laboratory or in industry requires reproduce lighting conditions similar to the real ones. So are used based lighting systems xenon flash lamps that reproduce the actual conditions in the level of irradiance and spectrum of the incident light. The objective of this project is to make electronic circuits required for such lamps shot. The power supply circuit and flash lamp shot consists of a variable power supply, a trigger circuit for Xenon gas ionization and the control electronics. Our shot circuit aims to produce pulses suitable for photovoltaic devices both irradiance, spectrum and duration, so that with a single shot get the time, the irradiance and spectrum enough for testing the photovoltaic cell. Most of these circuits except lamp specific requirements will be designed, simulated, and PCB mounted subsequently tested in the laboratory.


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La compréhension des interrelations entre la microstructure et les processus électroniques dans les polymères semi-conducteurs est d’une importance primordiale pour leur utilisation dans des hétérostructures volumiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, deux systémes diffèrents sont étudiés ; chacun de ces systèmes représente une approche diffèrente pour optimiser les matériaux en termes de leur microstructure et de leur capacité à se mettre en ordre au niveau moléculaire. Dans le premier système, j’ai effectué une analyse complète des principes de fonctionnement d’une cellule photovoltaïque hybride à base des nanocristaux d’oxyde de zinc (ZnO) et du poly (3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) par absorption photoinduite en régime quasi-stationnaire (PIA) et la spectroscopie PIA en pompage modulé dépendant de la fréquence. L’interface entre le donneur (le polymère P3HT) et l’accepteur (les nanoparticules de ZnO), où la génération de charges se produit, joue un rôle important dans la performance des cellules photovoltaïques hybrides. Pour améliorer le mécanisme de génération de charges du P3H: ZnO, il est indispensable de modifier l’interface entre ses constituants. Nous avons démontré que la modification d’interface moléculaire avec cis-bis (4, 40 - dicarboxy-2, 20bipyridine) ruthénium (II) (N3-dye) et a-Sexithiophen-2 yl-phosphonique (6TP) a améliorée le photocourant et la performance dans les cellules P3HT: ZnO. Le 6TP et le N3 s’attachent à l’interface du ZnO, en augmentant ainsi l’aire effective de la surface donneur :accepteur, ce qui contribue à une séparation de charge accrue. De plus, le 6TP et le N3 réduisent la densité de pièges dans le ZnO, ce qui réduit le taux de recombinaison des paires de charges. Dans la deuxième partie, jai introduit une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyréne à masse molaire ulra-élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide pour piéger et protéger une solution de poly [2-méthoxy, 5- (2´-éthyl-hexoxy) -1,4-phénylènevinylène- PPV] (MEHPPV) pour utilisation dans des dispositifs optoèlectroniques quantiques. Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que MEH-PPV en solution subit une transition de conformation, d’une conformation enroulé à haute température (phase bleue) à une conformation de chaîne étendue à basse température (phase rouge). La conformation de la chaîne étendue de la solution MEH-PPV favorise les caractéristiques nécessaires à l’amélioration des dispositifs optoélectroniques quantiques, mais la solution ne peut pas être incorporées dans le dispositif. J’ai démontré que la caractéristique de la phase rouge du MEH-PPV en solution se maintient dans une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyrène transformé de masse molaire très élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide (gel de MEH-PPV/UHMW PS), par le biais de la spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) dépendant de la température (de 290K à 80 K). La phase rouge du gel MEH-PPV/UHMW PS se manifeste par des largeurs de raie étroites et une intensité augmentée de la transition 0-0 de la progression vibronique dans le spectre de PL ainsi qu’un petit décalage de Stokes entre la PL et le spectre d’absorption à basse température. Ces approches démontrent que la manipulation de la microstructure et des propriétés électroniques des polymères semi-conducteurs ont un impact direct sur la performance de dispositifs pour leurs développements technologiques continus.


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La compréhension des interrelations entre la microstructure et les processus électroniques dans les polymères semi-conducteurs est d’une importance primordiale pour leur utilisation dans des hétérostructures volumiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, deux systémes diffèrents sont étudiés ; chacun de ces systèmes représente une approche diffèrente pour optimiser les matériaux en termes de leur microstructure et de leur capacité à se mettre en ordre au niveau moléculaire. Dans le premier système, j’ai effectué une analyse complète des principes de fonctionnement d’une cellule photovoltaïque hybride à base des nanocristaux d’oxyde de zinc (ZnO) et du poly (3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) par absorption photoinduite en régime quasi-stationnaire (PIA) et la spectroscopie PIA en pompage modulé dépendant de la fréquence. L’interface entre le donneur (le polymère P3HT) et l’accepteur (les nanoparticules de ZnO), où la génération de charges se produit, joue un rôle important dans la performance des cellules photovoltaïques hybrides. Pour améliorer le mécanisme de génération de charges du P3H: ZnO, il est indispensable de modifier l’interface entre ses constituants. Nous avons démontré que la modification d’interface moléculaire avec cis-bis (4, 40 - dicarboxy-2, 20bipyridine) ruthénium (II) (N3-dye) et a-Sexithiophen-2 yl-phosphonique (6TP) a améliorée le photocourant et la performance dans les cellules P3HT: ZnO. Le 6TP et le N3 s’attachent à l’interface du ZnO, en augmentant ainsi l’aire effective de la surface donneur :accepteur, ce qui contribue à une séparation de charge accrue. De plus, le 6TP et le N3 réduisent la densité de pièges dans le ZnO, ce qui réduit le taux de recombinaison des paires de charges. Dans la deuxième partie, jai introduit une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyréne à masse molaire ulra-élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide pour piéger et protéger une solution de poly [2-méthoxy, 5- (2´-éthyl-hexoxy) -1,4-phénylènevinylène- PPV] (MEHPPV) pour utilisation dans des dispositifs optoèlectroniques quantiques. Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que MEH-PPV en solution subit une transition de conformation, d’une conformation enroulé à haute température (phase bleue) à une conformation de chaîne étendue à basse température (phase rouge). La conformation de la chaîne étendue de la solution MEH-PPV favorise les caractéristiques nécessaires à l’amélioration des dispositifs optoélectroniques quantiques, mais la solution ne peut pas être incorporées dans le dispositif. J’ai démontré que la caractéristique de la phase rouge du MEH-PPV en solution se maintient dans une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyrène transformé de masse molaire très élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide (gel de MEH-PPV/UHMW PS), par le biais de la spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) dépendant de la température (de 290K à 80 K). La phase rouge du gel MEH-PPV/UHMW PS se manifeste par des largeurs de raie étroites et une intensité augmentée de la transition 0-0 de la progression vibronique dans le spectre de PL ainsi qu’un petit décalage de Stokes entre la PL et le spectre d’absorption à basse température. Ces approches démontrent que la manipulation de la microstructure et des propriétés électroniques des polymères semi-conducteurs ont un impact direct sur la performance de dispositifs pour leurs développements technologiques continus.


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According to some embodiments, the present invention provides a novel photovoltaic solar cell system from photovoltaic modules that are vertically arrayed in a stack format using thin film semiconductors selected from among org. and inorg. thin film semiconductors. The stack cells may be cells that are produced in a planar manner, then vertically oriented in an angular form, also termed herein tilted, to maximize the light capturing aspects. The use of a stack configuration system as described herein allows for the use of a variety of electrode materials, such as transparent materials or semitransparent metals. Light concn. can be achieved by using fresnel lens, parabolic mirrors or derivs. of such structures. The light capturing can be controlled by being reflected back and forth in the photovoltaic system until significant quantities of the resonant light is absorbed. Light that passes to the end and can be reflected back through the device by beveling or capping the end of the device with a different refractive index material, or alternatively using a reflective surface. The contacting between stacked cells can be done in series or parallel. According to some embodiments, the present invention uses a concentrator architecture where the light is channeled into the cells that contain thermal fluid channels (using a transparent fluid such as water) to absorb and hence reduce the thermal energy generation.


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With the rapid development of photovoltaic system installations and increased number of grid connected power systems, it has become imperative to develop an efficient grid interfacing instrumentation suitable for photovoltaic systems ensuring maximum power transfer. The losses in the power converter play an important role in the overall efficiency of a PV system. Chain cell converter is considered to be efficient as compared to PWM converters due to lower switching losses, modularized circuit layout, reduced voltage rating of the converter switches, reduced EMI. The structure of separate dc sources in chain cell converter is well suited for photovoltaic systems as there will b several separate PV modules in the PV array which can act as an individual dc source. In this work, a single phase multilevel chain cell converter is used to interface the photovoltaic array to a single phase grid at a frequency of 50Hz. Control algorithms are developed for efficient interfacing of the PV system with grid and isolating the PV system from grid under faulty conditions. Digital signal processor TMS320F 2812 is used to implement the control algorithms developed and for the generation of other control signals.


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Anatase titania nanotubes (TNTs) have been synthesized from P25 TiO2 powder by alkali hydrothermal method followed by post annealing. The microstructure analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of anatase nanotubes with a diameter of 9-10 nm. These NTs are used to make photo anode in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Layer by layer deposition with curing of each layer at 350 C is employed to realize films of desired thickness. The performance of these cells is studied using photovoltaic measurements. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used to quantitatively analyze the effect of thickness on the performance of these cells. These studies revealed that the thickness of TiO2 has a pronounced impact on the cell performance and the optimum thickness lies in the range of 10-14 mu m. In comparison to dye solar cells made of P25, TNTs based cells exhibit an improved open circuit voltage and fill factor (FF) due to an increased electron lifetime, as revealed by EIS analysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod array has been used for the fabrication of CdSe/CdS/PbS/ZnO quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC). The ZnO nanorod array photoanodes are sensitized with consecutive layer of PbS, CdS and CdSe quantum dots by employing simple successive ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) techniques. The performances of the QDSSCs are examined in detail using polysulfide electrolyte with copper sulfide (CuS) counter electrode. The combination of two successive layers of PbS with CdSe/CdS/ZnO shows an improved short circuit current density (12.223 mA cm(-2)) with a maximum power to conversion efficiency of 2.352% under 1 sun illumination. This enhancement is mainly attributed due to the better light harvesting ability of the PbS quantum dots and make large accumulation of photo-injected electrons in the conduction band of ZnO, and CdSe/CdS layers lower the recombination of photo-injected electrons with the electrolyte, these are well evidenced with the photovoltaic studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The performance of a building integrated photovoltaic system (BIPV) has to be commendable, not only on the electrical front but also on the thermal comfort front, thereby fulfilling the true responsibility of an energy providing shelter. Given the low thermal mass of BIPV systems, unintended and undesired outcomes of harnessing solar energy - such as heat gain into the building, especially in tropical regions - have to be adequately addressed. Cell (module) temperature is one critical factor that affects both the electrical and the thermal performance of such installations. The current paper discusses the impact of cell (module) temperature on both the electrical efficiency and thermal comfort by investigating the holistic performance of one such system (5.25 kW(p)) installed at the Centre for Sustainable Technologies in the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Some recommendations (passive techniques) for improving the performance and making BIPV structures thermally comfortable have been listed out. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The response of photonic memory effect in I-V characteristics of a specially designed photonic memory cell was reported. When the cell is biased in a storage mode, the optical excitation with the photon's energy larger than the energy gap gives rise to a step-like jump in the current. A set-up was used to measure the transient photocurrent at the biases where the step-like jump showed up. It is proved that the falling transient edge of the photocurrent, as the photoexcitation turns off, mainly maps the decaying of electrons and holes, which were previously stored in the cell during the illumination. Its time constant is a measure of photonic memory time.


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TiO2 nanorod films have been deposited on ITO substrates by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The structures of these nanorod films were modified by the variation of the oxygen pressure during the sputtering process. Although all these TiO2 nanorod films deposited at different oxygen pressures show an anatase structure, the orientation of the nanorod films varies with the oxygen pressure. Only a very weak (101) diffraction peak can be observed for the TiO2 nanorod film prepared at low oxygen pressure. However, as the oxygen pressure is increased, the (220) diffraction peak appears and the intensity of this diffraction peak is increased with the oxygen pressure. The results of the SEM show that these TiO2 nanorods are perpendicular to the ITO substrate. At low oxygen pressure, these sputtered TiO2 nanorods stick together and have a dense structure. As the oxygen pressure is increased, these sputtered TiO2 nanorods get separated gradually and have a porous structure. The optical transmittance of these TiO2 nanorod films has been measured and then fitted by OJL model. The porosities of the TiO2 nanorod films have been calculated. The TiO2 nanorod film prepared at high oxygen pressure shows a high porosity. The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been assembled using these TiO2 nanorod films prepared at different oxygen pressures as photoelectrode. The optimum performance was achieved for the DSSC using the TiO2 nanorod film with the highest (220) diffraction peak and the highest porosity.


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A stand-alone power system is an autonomous system that supplies electricity to the user load without being connected to the electric grid. This kind of decentralized system is frequently located in remote and inaccessible areas. It is essential for about one third of the world population which are living in developed or isolated regions and have no access to an electricity utility grid. The most people live in remote and rural areas, with low population density, lacking even the basic infrastructure. The utility grid extension to these locations is not a cost effective option and sometimes technically not feasible. The purpose of this thesis is the modelling and simulation of a stand-alone hybrid power system, referred to as “hydrogen Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell (PVFC) hybrid system”. It couples a photovoltaic generator (PV), an alkaline water electrolyser, a storage gas tank, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), and power conditioning units (PCU) to give different system topologies. The system is intended to be an environmentally friendly solution since it tries maximising the use of a renewable energy source. Electricity is produced by a PV generator to meet the requirements of a user load. Whenever there is enough solar radiation, the user load can be powered totally by the PV electricity. During periods of low solar radiation, auxiliary electricity is required. An alkaline high pressure water electrolyser is powered by the excess energy from the PV generator to produce hydrogen and oxygen at a pressure of maximum 30bar. Gases are stored without compression for short- (hourly or daily) and long- (seasonal) term. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is used to keep the system’s reliability at the same level as for the conventional system while decreasing the environmental impact of the whole system. The PEM fuel cell consumes gases which are produced by an electrolyser to meet the user load demand when the PV generator energy is deficient, so that it works as an auxiliary generator. Power conditioning units are appropriate for the conversion and dispatch the energy between the components of the system. No batteries are used in this system since they represent the weakest when used in PV systems due to their need for sophisticated control and their short lifetime. The model library, ISET Alternative Power Library (ISET-APL), is designed by the Institute of Solar Energy supply Technology (ISET) and used for the simulation of the hybrid system. The physical, analytical and/or empirical equations of each component are programmed and implemented separately in this library for the simulation software program Simplorer by C++ language. The model parameters are derived from manufacturer’s performance data sheets or measurements obtained from literature. The identification and validation of the major hydrogen PVFC hybrid system component models are evaluated according to the measured data of the components, from the manufacturer’s data sheet or from actual system operation. Then, the overall system is simulated, at intervals of one hour each, by using solar radiation as the primary energy input and hydrogen as energy storage for one year operation. A comparison between different topologies, such as DC or AC coupled systems, is carried out on the basis of energy point of view at two locations with different geographical latitudes, in Kassel/Germany (Europe) and in Cairo/Egypt (North Africa). The main conclusion in this work is that the simulation method of the system study under different conditions could successfully be used to give good visualization and comparison between those topologies for the overall performance of the system. The operational performance of the system is not only depending on component efficiency but also on system design and consumption behaviour. The worst case of this system is the low efficiency of the storage subsystem made of the electrolyser, the gas storage tank, and the fuel cell as it is around 25-34% at Cairo and 29-37% at Kassel. Therefore, the research for this system should be concentrated in the subsystem components development especially the fuel cell.


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Here we propose, for the first time, a solar cell characterized by a semiconductor transistor structure (n/p/n or p/n/p) where the base-emitter junction is made of a high-bandgap semiconductor and the collector is made of a low-bandgap semiconductor. We calculate its detailed-balance efficiency limit and prove that it is the same one than that of a double-junction solar cell. The practical importance of this result relies on the simplicity of the structure that reduces the number of layers that are required to match the limiting efficiency of dual-junction solar cells without using tunnel junctions. The device naturally emerges as a three-terminal solar cell and can also be used as building block of multijunction solar cells with an increased number of junctions.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Organic solar cells based on bulk heterojunction between a conductive polymer and a carbon nanostructure offer potential advantages compared to conventional inorganic cells. Low cost, light weight, flexibility and high peak power per unit weight are all features that can be considered a reality for organic photovoltaics. Although polymer/carbon nanotubes solar cells have been proposed, only low power conversion efficiencies have been reached without addressing the mechanisms responsible for this poor performance. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate the basic interaction between carbon nanotubes and poly(3-hexylthiophene) in order to demonstrate how this interaction affects the performance of photovoltaic devices. The outcomes of this study are the contributions made to the knowledge of the phenomena explaining the behaviour of electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes and poly(3-hexylthiophene). In this PhD, polymer thin films with the inclusion of uniformly distributed carbon nanotubes were deposited from solution and characterised. The bulk properties of the composites were studied with microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to provide evidence of higher degrees of polymer order when interacting with carbon nanotubes. Although bulk investigation techniques provided useful information about the interaction between the polymer and the nanotubes, clear evidence of the phenomena affecting the heterojunction formed between the two species was investigated at nanoscale. Identifying chirality-driven polymer assisted assembly on the carbon nanotube surface was one of the major achievements of this study. Moreover, the analysis of the electrical behaviour of the heterojunction between the polymer and the nanotube highlighted the charge transfer responsible for the low performance of photovoltaic devices. Polymer and carbon nanotube composite-based devices were fabricated and characterised in order to study their electronic properties. The carbon nanotube introduction in the polymer matrix evidenced a strong electrical conductivity enhancement but also a lower photoconductivity response. Moreover, the extension of pristine polymer device characterisation models to composites based devices evidenced the conduction mechanisms related to nanotubes. Finally, the introduction of carbon nanotubes in the polymer matrix was demonstrated to improve the pristine polymer solar cell performance and the spectral response even though the power conversion efficiency is still too low.


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Titanium dioxide is one of the most basic materials in our daily life, which has emerged as an excellent photocatalyst material for environmental purification and photovoltaic material working in dye-sensitized solar cell. We present two types of TiO2 architectures which are constructed by plates and sheets, respectively, and both subunits are dominant with {001} facets. The photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in UV/supported-TiO2 systems was investigated and the mechanism was discussed. The experimental results show that photocatalytic degradation rate is favoured by larger surface area. The sheet structure shows superior photocatalytic activity than plate structure. Moreover, the materials with sheet structure were also used to investigate the photovoltaic property. The power conversion efficiency is 7.57%, indicating the materials with this unique structure are excellent in photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications.