986 resultados para photoperiod-sensitive genie male-sterile mutant
RNA editing and cytoplasmic male sterility are two important phenomena in higher plant mitochondria. To determine whether correlations might exist between the two, RNA editing in different tissues of Sorghum bicolor was compared employing reverse transcription–PCR and subsequent sequence analysis. In etiolated shoots, RNA editing of transcripts of plant mitochondrial atp6, atp9, nad3, nad4, and rps12 genes was identical among fertile or cytoplasmic male sterile plants. We then established a protocol for mitochondrial RNA isolation from plant anthers and pollen to include in these studies. Whereas RNA editing of atp9, nad3, nad4, and rps12 transcripts in anthers was similar to etiolated shoots, mitochondrial atp6 RNA editing was strongly reduced in anthers of the A3Tx398 male sterile line of S. bicolor. atp6 transcripts of wheat and selected plastid transcripts in S. bicolor showed normal RNA editing, indicating that loss of atp6 RNA editing is specific for cytoplasmic male sterility S. bicolor mitochondria. Restoration of fertility in F1 and F2 lines correlated with an increase in RNA editing of atp6 transcripts. Our data suggest that loss of atp6 RNA editing contributes to or causes cytoplasmic male sterility in S. bicolor. Further analysis of the mechanism of cell type-specific loss of atp6 RNA editing activity may advance our understanding of the mechanism of RNA editing.
We have previously shown that the expression of an unedited atp9 chimeric gene correlated with male-sterile phenotype in transgenic tobacco plant. To study the relationship between the expression of chimeric gene and the male-sterile trait, hemizygous and homozygous transgenic tobacco lines expressing the antisense atp9 RNA were constructed. The antisense producing plants were crossed with a homozygous male-sterile line, and the F1 progeny was analyzed. The offspring from crosses between homozygous lines produced only male-fertile plants, suggesting that the expression antisense atp9 RNA abolishes the effect of the unedited chimeric gene. In fact, the plants restored to male fertility showed a dramatic reduction of the unedited atp9 transcript levels, resulting in normal flower development and seed production. These results support our previous observation that the expression of unedited atp9 gene can induce male sterility.
Multiple-sown field trials in 4 consecutive years in the Riverina region of south-eastern Australia provided 24 different combinations of temperature and day length, which enabled the development of crop phenology models. A crop model was developed for 7 cultivars from diverse origins to identify if photoperiod sensitivity is involved in determining phenological development, and if that is advantageous in avoiding low-temperature damage. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive were identified from sowing to flowering and from panicle initiation to flowering. The crop models were run for 47 years of temperature data to quantify the risk of encountering low temperature during the critical young microspore stage for 5 different sowing dates. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive, such as Amaroo, had a reduced likelihood of encountering low temperature for a wider range of sowing dates compared with photoperiod-insensitive cultivars. The benefits of increased photoperiod sensitivity include greater sowing flexibility and reduced water use as growth duration is shortened when sowing is delayed. Determining the optimal sowing date also requires other considerations, e. g. the risk of cold damage at other sensitive stages such as flowering and the response of yield to a delay in flowering under non-limiting conditions. It was concluded that appropriate sowing time and the use of photoperiod-sensitive cultivars can be advantageous in the Riverina region in avoiding low temperature damage during reproductive development.
本文研究了HPGMR农垦58S及农垦58品种与雄性器官发育有关的基本光周期反应特性。探索了与光周期反应过程有关的叶片特异蛋白变化,对HPGMR的研究及这一材料在光周期现象研究中的意义提出了一些看法。 实验得到以下三点主要结果: 1、58S及58生长发育过程在不同阶段均可受到光周期的影响,共同的表现是长日起抑制效应而短日起促进效应。这种效应的基本特征是累积性。对于生殖器官发生而言,存在有一定的短日需求阈值,当所给短日少于需求阈值时,器官的发生过程受阻乃至中断,在幼穗分化上表现为不抽穗;在雄性器官发育上,对予58S这一特殊材料而言,可表现出发育的中止,即mst。在58上不能引起类似的反应,这是由两个材料不同的遗传背景决定的。 2、对于58S及58,10天14h的长日光周期可以在键壮的功能叶片中诱导出一个35KDPI5.1的蛋白质。在本实验所用的电泳系统中,尚未检测到其他受光周期调节的蛋白质。 3、不同品种(系)的叶片蛋白电泳结果表明,在58S及由其转育的晚粳类型的PGMR材料中,均存在一个60KDPI5.5的蛋白。在只对光周期有反应但不出现不育的材料(58)和只表现不育但无光周期反应的材料(野败型不育系珍汕97A等)中,均不存在该蛋白。 根据以上结果,本文提出以下三点看法: 1、HPGMR中光周期控制的雄性不育,是水稻这种短日植物在幼穗分化过程中,短日需求未得到满足而在特殊遗传背景中表现出的雄性器官正常发育的中止。这一概念包括两个方面,一是幼穗发育过程有短日需求,二是雄性器官对经叶片转换的日长信号有特殊的反应。根据这种看法,建议在育种上应以幼穗发育有短日需求的材料为不育性状的转育对象;在机理研究上应更加注意雄性器官发生过程的研究。 2、60KD蛋白可能是判断一个水稻材料是否具有稳定光敏不育特性的有效指标。这一看法若经进一步实验确认,则不仅可在MPGMR的应用上起积极的作用,而且还可为光敏不育性状的遗传控制及操作的研究提供一个很好的入手点。 3、长日诱导35KD蛋白在不同叶位的叶片中出现、结合长日对不同生育阶段的抑制,暗示光周期反应中叶片和顶端关系上存在这样一种可能:即叶片是信号转换器,把环境的日长信号转换为顶端可以接受的生物信号,这种转换只要有环境信号存在即可进行,但顶端是否对此做出相应的反应则取决于顶端自身的状态。这样一种对光周期反应的假设可能将有助于对光周期现象的认识。但若要对它进行实验研究,必须用同样的光周期可以在顶端引起不同反应的实验系统。HPGMR即是这样一种合适的实验系统。从这个意义上,HPGMR及其叶片中的35KD蛋白有可能对光周期反应这一重要的植物发育现象的研究做出有意义的贡献。
Pollen abortion occurs in virtually all species and often does not prejudice reproductive success. However, large numbers of abnormal pollen grains are characteristic of some groups. Among them is Miconia, in which partial and complete male sterility is often related to apomixis. In this study, we compared the morphology of pollen grains over several developmental stages in Miconia species with different rates of male sterility. Our aim was to improve the knowledge of mechanisms that lead to male sterility in this ecologically important tropical group. Routine techniques for microscopy were used to examine anthers in several developmental stages collected from the apomictic species Miconia albicans and M. stenostachya. Both species are completely male sterile since even the pollen grains with apparently normal cytoplasm were not able to develop a pollen tube. Meiosis is a rare event in M. albicans anthers and happens in an irregular way in M. stenostachya, leading to the pollen abortion. M. albicans has more severe abnormalities than M. stenostachya since even the microspores and pollen grain walls were affected. Moreover, in M. stenostachya, most mitosis occurring during microgametogenesis was also abnormal, leading to the formation of bicellular pollen grains with two similar cells, in addition to the formation of pollen grains of different sizes. Notably, abnormalities in both species did not reach the production of Ubisch bodies, suggesting little or no tapetum involvement in male sterility in these two species.
同源四倍体水稻(2N=4X=48,AAAA)是由二倍体水稻(2N=2X=24,AA)通过秋水仙素诱导染色体加倍后得到的新品系,具有优良的抗病性以及较高的蛋白质含量。因此,在四倍体水平上挖掘水稻的增产潜力成为水稻育种的新手段。同源四倍体水稻具有很强的遗传可塑性和很弱的遗传保守性,利用其作为水稻远缘杂交的桥梁,从野生物种中不断地引进有益的基因,这将有助于杂交水稻的多代利用和固定水稻的杂种优势。但是迄今为止,还没有关于同源四倍体水稻遗传多样性,遗传背景的报道。目前世界关于同源四倍体水稻的研究主要集中在中国,主要研究方向为培育、筛选结实正常的亲本材料,配置和筛选结实率正常或接近正常的组合。经过几十年研究,虽然在材料构建,细胞学研究等方面取得了较大进展,但同样由于结实率低的瓶颈问题未解决,而使多倍体水稻育种未能取得实质性进展。而近年来一些关于同源四倍体水稻低结实率机理的细胞学研究也由于缺乏统计学数据而缺乏说明性。本文用SSR标记,对选取的36个结实率正常同源四倍体水稻三系亲本和14个来源二倍体亲本,分析他们的遗传差异和群体遗传结构。本文还利用我们培育的高、低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系、优良保持系和杂种F1及二倍体对照为材料,进行系统深入的细胞遗传学研究,进一步探讨同源四倍体水稻有性传递后代的发育过程,探索分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%,为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,本文还根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析,并根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 SSR标记具有基因组分布广泛、数量丰富、多态性高、容易检测、共显性、结果稳定可靠、实验重现性好、操作简单、经济、易于高通量分析等许多优点,被认为是用于遗传多样性、品种鉴定、物种的系统发育、亲缘关系及起源等研究的非常有效的分子标记。本研究选取了中国科学院成都生物所培育的同源四倍体和二倍体水稻亲本,并用36个微卫星标记进行了遗传差异和种群遗传结构分析。在50个品系中,我们观察到较高水平的多态性,每基因等位基因数(Ae)分布于2至6之间(平均值3.028),多态性信息含量(PIC)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.366);期望杂合度(He)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.370),Shannon指数(I)分布于0.098至1.613之间(平均值0.649)。同源四倍体品系的等位基因数,期望杂合性和Shannon指数都比二倍体品系高。在供试50个品系中,较多材料均发现Rare基因,根据SSR多态性指数我们构建了同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的核心指纹库。F-统计值表明遗传差异主要存在于同源四倍体品系中(Fst=0.066)。聚类分析结果表明50个品系可以分为4个组。I组包括所有的同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻保持系,以及一个同源四倍体籼稻雄性不育系及其来源二倍体。II组仅包括IR来源的品系。III组比II组和IV组更复杂,包括同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻恢复系品系。IV组包括同源四倍体和二倍体粳稻品系。此外,由于等位基因及配子的遗传差异,同源四倍体与二倍体品系中存在单位点和双位点的遗传差异。分析结果表明,二倍体和四倍体水稻基因库的不同,其中遗传变异可以区分四倍体与二倍体水稻。同源四倍体水稻具有长期而独立的遗传性,我们能够选育并得到与二倍体亲本相比有特殊优良农艺性状的品系。 本研究以高结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系DTP-4、D明恢63及优良保持系D46B为材料进行农艺性状及细胞遗传学比较研究。DTP-4、D明恢63及保持系D46B的的染色体组成均为2N=4X=48,花粉母细胞具有较为理想的减数分裂行为,配对染色体的比率在99%以上,这与理论染色体组构成相符。DTP-4和D明恢63PMC减数分裂各个时期单价体和三价体的比例都非常低,而在MI, PMC观察到较多的二价体和四价体且四价体多以环状形式出现,其最大频率的染色体构型分别为12II 6IV和10II 7IV。恢复系DTP-4和D明恢63在MI四价体频率分别为2.00/PMC和2.26/PMC,而保持系D46B在MI四价体频率为6.00/PMC,极显著地高于恢复系品系,表明保持系D46B具有更好的染色体配对性质;AI保持系D46B的染色体滞后频率为10.62%,远低于恢复系材料DTP-4和D明恢63的19.44%和23.14%,接近二倍体对照明恢63的7.30%水平;TI保持系D46B具有比恢复系更低频率的微核数。而在TII,D46B的正常四分小孢子比率不但高于恢复系品系甚至高于二倍体对照。对高低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代的花粉育性,结实率和细胞遗传学行为进行了比较研究。DTP-4, D明恢63, D46A´DTP-4和D46A´D明恢63的花粉育性和结实率比D什香和D46A´D什香显著提高。减数分裂分析的结果表明,DTP-4,D明恢63,D什香,D46A´DTP-4,D46A´D明恢63和D46A´D什香其减数分裂染色体构型分别为:0.05I +19.96 II (9.89棒状+10.07环状) +0.01III + 2.20 IV, 0.11I +19.17 II (8.90 棒状+10.37 环状) +0.09III + 2.26 IV + 0.01 VI, 1.33I +9.46 II (4.50 棒状+4.96 环状) +0.44III + 6.02 IV + 0.09VI + 0.09 VIII, 0.02I +14.36 II (6.44 棒状+7.91 环状) +0.01III + 4.80IV + 0.01VIII, 0.06 I +17.67 II (11.01 棒状+6.67 环状) +0.06 III + 3.10 IV + 0.01 VI and 1.11 I +11.31 II (5.80 棒状+5.51 环状) +0.41 III + 5.63 IV+0.03VI+0.03VIII。在同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代材料中,最常见的染色体构型为16II +4IV和12II +6IV。在减数分裂过程中,结实率较高的材料染色体异常现象较少而结实率较低的材料染色体异常现象较严重。在杂种F1代中,二价体的比例要低于其相应的恢复系亲本,同样的,单价体,三价体和多价体的比例相比其恢复系亲本也偏低。然而,在减数分裂MI,杂种F1代中四价体的比例要显著高于其恢复系亲本。在中期I,每细胞单价体的比例和花粉育性呈现出极高的负相关(-0.996),当单价体数目升高时,花粉育性下降。其次是每细胞三价体的比例(-0.987),之后则是每细胞多价体的比例与花粉育性的负相关(-0.948)。但是统计分析表明,二价体和四价体的比例对花粉育性和结实率没有显著影响。这一结果表明出了花粉育性和细胞减数分裂行为的相关性,同源四倍体的减数分裂行为为筛选高结实率的同源四倍体种系提供了理论依据。 突变体是遗传学研究的基本材料。利用突变体克隆水稻基因,并进而研究基因的生物学功能是水稻功能基因组学的重要研究内容。本课题组在多年的四倍体水稻育种研究中已获得多个低直链淀粉含量突变体,其中一些突变体在直链淀粉含量下降的同时,胚乳外观也发生了显著改变,呈半透明或不透明。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%。为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,我们根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析;同源四倍体水稻D4063-1Wx基因最显著变化为在外显子序列中发生了碱基缺失,导致移码突变,在第9外显子终止密码子提前出现。D4063-1Wx基因碱基位点的变化还导致了其序列上的酶切位点的变化,对常用限制性内切酶位点分析分析结果表明同源四倍体水稻相对于籼稻和粳稻多了2个sph1酶切位点,相对于粳稻减少了6个Acc1,增加了4个Xba1,1个Xho1,1个Pst1和1个Sal1酶切位点。聚类分析表明D4063-1Wx基因序列与籼稻亲源关系较近,由此推测D4063-1Wx基因来源于籼稻的Wxa基因型。另外,根据D4063-1Wx基因的碱基差异,我们推测D4063-1Wx基因外显子碱基变化导致的RNA加工障碍是其直链淀粉降低的主要原因,并可能与其米饭较软等品质相关。本文还根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,并作为PCR反应的引物命名为AUT4063-1,将该引物与我们设计的扩增普通籼稻、粳稻的Wx基因引物F5配合使用建立了识别D4063-1的显性和共显性两种检测方式的分子标记,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 研究同源四倍体水稻基因组的遗传差异,探索同源四倍体水稻的遗传规律,研究分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,旨在揭示四倍体水稻中同源染色体配对能力的遗传差异,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。 Autotetraploid rice (2N=4X=48, AAAA) is a new germplasm developed from diploid rice (2N=2X=24, AA) through chromosomes doubling with colchicines and is an excellent resource for desirable resistance genes to the pathogens and high protein content. Therefore, heterosis utilization on polyploidy is becoming a new strategy in rice breeding. At present, the main research on autotetraploid rice centralizes in China. Breeding effort has been made to improve autotetraploid rice genetically, however, the progresses are limited due to higher degree of divergence between hybrid sterility and polygenic nature. But to date, almost nothing is reported about the genetic diversity, original and genetic background of autotetraploid rice. Despite several reports on cytological analysis of the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid rice still the results are inconclusive due to lack the statistical evaluation. Therefore, the study on the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid is a priority for rice breeding. Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are the widely used marker for estimating genetic diversity in many species, including wild, weedy, and cultivated rice. In our research, genetic diversity and population genetic structure of autotetraploid and diploid populations collected from Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences were studied based on 36 microsatellite loci. For the total of 50 varieties, a moderate to high level of genetic diversity was observed at population levels with the number of alleles per locus (Ae) ranging from 2 to 6 (mean 3.028) and PIC ranging from 0.04 to 0.76 (mean 0.366). The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.04 to 0.76 with the mean of 0.370 and Shannon’s index (I) ranging from 0.098 to 1.613 (mean 0.649). The autotetraploid populations showed a slightly higher level of effective alleles, the expected heterozygosity and Shannon’s index than that of diploid populations. Rare alleles were observed at most of the SSR loci in one or more of the 50 accessions and core fingerprint database of the autotetraploid and diploid rice was constructed. The F-statistics showed that genetic variability mainly existed among autotetraploid populations rather than among diploid populations (Fst=0.066). Cluster analysis of the 50 accessions showed four major groups. Group I contained all of the autotetraploid and diploid indica maintainer lines and a autotetraploid and its original diploid indica male sterile lines. Groups II contained only original of IR accessions. Group III was more diverse than either group II or IV and comprised of both autotetraploid and diploid indica restoring lines. Group IV included japonica cluster of the autotetraploid and diploid rices. Furthermore, genetic differences at the single-locus and two-locus levels, as well as components due to allelic and gametic differentiation, were revealed between autotetraploid and diploid varieties. This analysis indicated that the gene pools of diploid and autotetraploid rice are somewhat dissimilar, which made a variation that distinguishes autotetraploid from diploid rices. Using this variation, we can breed new autotetraploid varieties with some new important agricultural characters but the diploid rice has not. Cytogenetic characteristics in restorer lines DTP-4, DMinghui63 and maintainer line D46B of autotetraploid rices were studied. DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B showed the advantage of high seed set and biological yield. The meiotic chromosome behavior was slightly irregular in DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B. We observed less univalent, trivalent and multivalent at MI, but more bivalent and quadrivalent were observed. The most frequent chromosome configurations were 12II 6IVand 10II 7IV in restorer and maintainer lines, respectively. The quadrivalent frequency of DTP-4 and Dminghui63 at metaphase(MI) was respectively 2.00/PMC and 2.26/PMC. However that frequency of D46B was 6.00/PMC, which was greatly significantly higher than DTP-4 and Dminghui63. That indicates the maintainer D46B has better chromosome pairing capability in metaphase (MI). The frequency of lagging chromosomes of the maintainer D46B at anaphaseI (AI) was 10.62%, which was significantly lower than that of DTP-4(19.44%) and Dminghui63(23.14%) and nearly reaching the level of diploid CK(7.30%). In telophaseI (TI) maintainer D46B showed lower frequency of microkernel at TI and lower frequency of abnormal spores at telophaseII(TII). We also studied pollen fertility, seed set and cytogenetic characteristics of restorer lines and F1 hybrids of autotetraploid rice. DTP-4, DMinghui63, D46A´DTP-4 and D46A´DMinghui63 showed significantly higher pollen fertility and seed set than DShixiang and D46A´DShixiang. Pairing configurations in PMC of DTP-4, DMinghui63, DShixiang, D46A´DTP-4, D46A´DMinghui63 and D46A´DShixiang were 0.05 I+19.96 II (9.89 rod+10.07 ring)+0.01 III+2.20 IV, 0.11 I+19.17 II (8.90 rod+10.37 ring)+0.09 III+2.26 IV+0.01 VI, 1.33 I+9.46 II (4.50 rod+4.96 ring)+0.44 III+6.02 IV+0.09 VI+0.09 VIII, 0.02 I+14.36 II (6.44 rod+7.91 ring)+0.01 III+4.80 IV+0.01V III, 0.06 I+17.67 II (11.01 rod+6.67 ring)+0.06 III+3.10 IV+0.01 VI and 1.11 I+11.31 II (5.80 rod+5.51 ring)+0.41 III+5.63 IV+0.03 VI+0.03 VIII, respectively. Configuration 16 II+4 IV and 12 II+6 IV occurred in the highest frequency among the autotetraploid restorers and hybrids. Meiotic chromosome behaviors were less abnormal in the tetraploids with high seed set than those with low seed set. The hybrids had fewer frequencies of bivalents, univalents, trivalents and multivalents than the restorers, but higher frequency of quatrivalents than the restorers at MI. The frequency of univalents at M1 had the most impact on pollen fertility and seed set, i.e., pollen fertility decreased with the increase of univalents. The secondary impact factors were trivalents and multivalents, and bivalents and quatrivalents had no effect on pollen fertility and seed set. The correlative relationship between pollen fertility and cytogenetic behaviors could be utilized to improve seed set in autotetraploidy breeding. The amylose content of autotetraploid indica mutant Rice D4063-1 dropped by half than diploid Minghui 63, that is, its amylose content of 5.23%.The whole sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is amplified and sequenced. And the discrepancy of bases is found comparing to the reported Waxy gene. The Waxy gene of autotetraploid Rice D4063-1 had a base deletion in exon sequence, which resulted frameshift mutation in exon 9 and termination codon occur early. The mutation of Wx also led to the change of some common restriction endonuclease sites. Results showed compared to indica and japonica, D4063-1 had two adding sph1 sites. Compared to japonica, D4063-1 had six decreasing Acc1, a adding Xho1, Pst1 and Sal1 restriction sites. Phylogeny analysis shows that the DNA sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is closer to Indica, and we suppose that the Waxy gene of D4063-1 is origin from genotype Wxa. In addition, according to the base differences of Wx in D4063-1, we deduce that RNA processing obstacle led by base change of intron is the main cause to low the amylose content, and related to phenotype of its soft rice. Based on analysis of fragments of D4063-1, indica and japonica and according to the special point of the three species, primers as markers-AUT4063-I were designed for distinguishing the D4063-1 from other rice. Combining with primer pair F5, dominant and codominant ways were established for discriminating them., rapid and correct identification of D4063-1 from other rice could be done. The genetic analysis is important to ensure the original of autotetraploid rice, for maintaining the “distinctiveness” of autotetraploid varieties, and to differentiate between the various genetic background of autotetraploid rice. The autotetraploid breeding will benefit from detailed analysis of genetic diversity in the germplasm collections. Further investigation on mechanisms of meiotic stability should benefit polyploid breeding. These findings demonstrated opportunity to improve meiotic abnormalities as well as grain fertilities in autotetraploid rice.
株高是农作物的重要农艺性状之一,适度矮化有利于农作物的耐肥、抗倒、高产等。20世纪50年代,以日本的赤小麦为矮源的半矮秆小麦的培育和推广,使得世界粮食产量显著增长,被誉为“绿色革命”。迄今为止,已报到的麦类矮秆、半矮秆基因已达70多个,但由于某些矮源极度矮化或者矮化的同时伴随不利的农艺性状,使得真正运用于育种实践的矮源较少。因此,发掘和鉴定新的控制麦类作物株高的基因,开展株高基因定位、克隆及作用机理等方面的研究,对实现麦类作物株高的定向改良,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum,2n=14,VV)是禾本科簇毛麦属一年生二倍体异花授粉植物,为栽培小麦的近缘属。本课题组在不同来源的簇毛麦杂交后代中发现了一株自然突变产生的矮秆突变体。观察分析了该突变体的生物学特性,对矮秆性状进行了遗传分析,对茎节细胞长度、花粉的活力进行了细胞学观察,考察了该突变体内源赤霉素含量及不同浓度外施赤霉素对突变体的作用,分析了赤霉素生物合成途径中的内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶(KO)和赤霉素20氧化酶(GA20ox)的转录水平,对赤霉素20氧化酶和赤霉素3-β羟化酶(GA3ox)进行了克隆和序列分析,并对GA20ox进行了原核表达和表达的组织特异性研究。主要研究结果如下:1. 该突变体与对照植株在苗期无差异,在拔节后期才表现出植株矮小,相对对照植株,节间伸长明显受到抑制,叶鞘长度基本不变。在成熟期,对照植株的平均株高为110cm,而突变株的平均株高为32cm,仅为对照植株的1/3 左右。除了株高变矮以外,在成熟后期,突变株还表现一定程度的早衰和雄性不育。I2-KI染色法观察花粉活力结果表明,对照植株花粉90%以上都是有活力的,而突变植株的花粉仅20%左右有活力。2. 突变株与对照植株的杂交F1代均表现正常株高,表明该突变性状为隐性突变。F1代植株相互授粉得到的168株F2代植株中,株高出现分离,正常株高(株高高于80cm)与矮秆植株(株高矮于40cm)的株数比为130:38,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3:1的分离比,因此推测该突变体属于单基因的隐性突变。3. 用ELISA方法检测突变株和对照植株的幼嫩种子中内源性生物活性赤霉素(GA1+3)含量,结果表明突变株的赤霉素含量为36 ng/ml,而对照植株的赤霉素含量为900 ng/ml。对突变株外施赤霉素,发现矮秆突变株的株高和花粉育性均可得到恢复。这些结果表明该突变株为赤霉素缺陷型突变。4. 用荧光定量PCR方法比较突变株与对照植株中内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶和赤霉素20氧化酶的转录水平,结果表明突变株的KO转录水平比对照植株分别提高了6倍(苗期)和16倍(成熟期),突变株的GA20ox转录水平与对照植株在苗期无明显差异,在成熟期突变株较对照植株则提高了10倍左右。这些结果表明该矮秆突变体与赤霉素的生物合成途径密切相关,而且极有可能在赤霉素的生物合成途径早期就发生了改变。5. 以簇毛麦总基因组为模板,同源克隆了GenBank登录号为EU142950,RT-PCR分离克隆了簇毛麦的GA3ox基因cDNA全长序列,分析结果表明该cDNA全长1206bp,含完整编码区1104bp,推测该序列编码蛋白含368个氨基酸残基,分子量为40.063KD,等电点为6.27。预测的氨基酸序列含有双加氧酶的活性结构,在酶活性中心2个Fe离子结合的氨基酸残基非常保守。该序列与小麦、大麦和水稻的GA3ox基因一致性分别为98%、96%、86%。基因组序列与cDNA序列在外显子部分一致,在478-715bp和879-1019bp处分别含238bp和140bp的内含子。6. 通过RT-PCR技术克隆了簇毛麦的GA20ox基因全长,命名为DvGA20ox,GenBank登录号为EU142949。该基因全长1080个碱基,编码359个氨基酸,具有典型的植物GA20ox基因结构。该基因编码的蛋白质与小麦、大麦、黑麦草等GA20ox蛋白的同源性分别为98%,97% 和91%。该序列重组到原核表达载体pET-32a(+)上,将获得的重组子pET-32a(+)-DvGA20ox转化大肠杆菌BL21pLysS后用IPTG进行诱导表达。SDS-PAGE分析表明,DvGA20ox基因在大肠杆菌中获得了高效表达,融合蛋白分子量为55kDa。定量PCR分析表明,该基因在簇毛麦不同器官中的表达差异明显:叶片中表达水平最高,根部表达水平次之,茎部和穗中表达较弱。在外施赤霉素后,该基因的表达水平在两小时以后急剧下降,表明该基因的表达受自身的反馈调节。本研究结果认为,(1)该簇毛麦矮秆突变体为单基因的隐性突变;(2)该矮秆突变体为赤霉素敏感突变,内源赤霉素含量检测表明突变体的内源性赤霉素含量仅为对照植株的1/30;(3)荧光定量PCR结果表明突变株的赤霉素生物合成途径的关键酶基因表达水平比对照植株高,而且突变植株的赤霉素生物合成改变很可能发生在赤霉素生物合成途径的早期;(4)GA20ox有表达的组织特异性,且受到自身产物的反馈调节。 Plant height is an impotrant agronomic trait of triticeae crops.Semi-dwarf cropcultivars, including those of wheat, maize and rice, have significantly increased grainproduction that has been known as “green revolution”. The new dwarf varieties couldraise the harvest Index at the expense of straw biomass, and, at the sametime, improvelodging resistance and responsiveness to nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, dwarf traits ofplant are crucial for elucidating mechanisms for plant growth and development aswell. In many plant species, various dwarf mutants have been isolated and theirmodles of inheritance and physiology also have been widely investigated.The causesfor their dwarf phenotypes were found to be associated with plant hormones,especially, gibberellins GAs.Dasypyrum villosum Candargy (syn.Haynaldia villosa) is a cross-pollinating,diploid (2n = 2x = 14) annual species that belongs to the tribe Triticeae. It is native toSouthern Europe and West Asia, especially the Caucasuses, and grows underconditions unfavorable to most cultivated crops. The genome of D. villosum,designated V by Sears, is considered an important donor of genes to wheat for improving powdery mildew resistance, take-all, eyespot, and plant and seed storageprotein content. A spontaneous dwarf mutant was found in D. villosum populations.The biological character and modles of inheritance of this dwarf mutant are studied.The cell length of stem cell is observed. The influence of extraneous gibberellin tothe dwarf mutant is also examined; the transcript level of key enzyme of gibberellinbiosynthesis pathway in mutant and control plants is compared. GA3ox and GA20oxare cloned and its expression pattern is researched.1. The dwarf mutant showed no difference with control plants at seedlingstage.At mature stage, the average height of control plants were 110cm and the dwarfplants were 33cm. The height of the mutant plant was only one third of the normalplants due to the shortened internodes. Cytology observation showed that theelongation of stem epidermal and the parenchyma cells were reduced. The dwarfmutant also shows partly male sterile. Pollen viability test indicates that more than80% of the pollen of the mutant is not viable.2. The inheritance modle of this dwarf mutant is studied. All The F1 plantsshowed normal phenotype indicating that the dwarfism is controlled by recessivealleles. Among the 168 F2 plants, there are 130 normal plants and 30 dwarf plants, thesegregation proportion accord with Mendel’s 3:1 segregation. We therefore proposethat this dwarf phenotype is controlled by a single recessive gene.3. Quantitative analyses of endogenous GA1+3 in the young seeds indicated thatthe content of GA1+3 was 36ng/ml in mutant plants and 900ng/ml in normal plants.The endogenous bioactive GA1+3 in mutant plants are only about 1/30 of that innormal plants. In addition, exogenously supplied GA3 could considerably restore themutant plant to normal phenotype. These results showed that this mutant wasdefective in the GA biosynthesis.4. More than ten enzymes are involved in GA biosynthesis. KO catalyzes thefirst cytochrome P450-mediated step in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway and themutant of KO lead to a gibberellin-responsive dwarf mutant. GA20ox catalyze therate-limited steps so that their transcript level will influence the endogenous GAbiosynthesis and modifies plant architecture. The relative expression levels of genesencoding KO and GA20ox were quantified by real time PCR to assess whether thechanges in GA content correlated with the expression of GA metabolism genes andwhere the mutant occurred during the GA biosynthesis pathway. In mutant plants,the transcript levels of KO increased about 6-fold and 16-fold at the seedling stage and elongating stage respectively comparing with the normal plants. For theseedlings, there was no notable difference in the expression of GA20ox betweenmutant and normal plants. At the elongating stage, GA20ox transcript increased 10times in mutant plants, suggesting that the GA biosynthesis pathway in mutant plantshad changed from the early steps rather than the late steps.5. A full length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase homology(designated as DvGA3ox) was isolated and consisted of 1206bp containing an openreading frame of 1104bp encoding 368 predicted amino acid residues. Identityanalysis showed that the gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase nucleotide sequence shared 98%,96% and 86% homology with that of wheat, barley and rice. The predicted peptidecontained the active-site Fe of known gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase and the regionhomologous to wheat, barley and Arabidopsis. The genomic clone of gibberellin3β-hydroxylase has two introns.6. The full-length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 20 oxidase (designated asDvGA20ox) was isolated and consisted of 1080-bp and encoded 359 amino acidresidues with a calculated mol wt of 42.46 KD. Comparative and bio-informaticsanalyses revealed that DvGA20ox had close similarity with GA20ox from otherspecies and contained a conserved LPWKET and NYYPXCQKP regions. Tissueexpression pattern analysis revealed DvGA20ox expressed in all the tissues that wereexamined and the highest expression of DvGA20ox in expanding leaves followed byroots. Heterologous expression of this cDNA clone in Escherichia coli gave a fusionprotein that about 55KD. Transcript levels of DvGA20ox dramatically reduced twohours after application of biologically active GA3, suggesting that the biosynthesis ofthis enzymes might be under feedback control.
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a long-day plant whose flowering is enhanced when the photoperiod is supplemented with far-red light, and this promotion is mediated by phytochrome. A chemically mutagenized dwarf cultivar of barley was selected for early flowering time (barley maturity daylength response [BMDR]-1) and was made isogenic with the cultivar Shabet (BMDR-8) by backcrossing. BMDR-1 was found to contain higher levels of both phytochrome A and phytochrome B in the dark on immunoblots with monoclonal antibodies from oat (Avena sativa L.) that are specific to different members of the phytochrome gene family. Phytochrome A was light labile in both BMDR-1 and BMDR-8, decreasing to very low levels after 4 d of growth in the light. Phytochrome B was light stable in BMDR-8, being equal in both light and darkness. However, phytochrome B became light labile in BMDR-1 and this destabilization of phytochrome B appeared to make BMDR-1 insensitive to photoperiod. In addition, both the mutant and the wild type lacked any significant promotion of flowering in response to a pulse of far-red light given at the end of day, and the end-of-day, far-red inhibition of tillering is normal in both, suggesting that phytochrome B is not involved with these responses in barley.
We have reported previously the isolation and genetic characterization of mutations in the gene encoding the largest subunit of yeast RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), which lead to 6-azauracil (6AU)-sensitive growth. It was suggested that these mutations affect the functional interaction between RNAPII and transcription-elongation factor TFIIS because the 6AU-sensitive phenotype of the mutant strains was similar to that of a strain defective in the production of TFIIS and can be suppressed by increasing the dosage of the yeast TFIIS-encoding gene, PPR2, RNAPIIs were purified and characterized from two independent 6AU-sensitive yeast mutants and from wild-type (wt) cells. In vitro, in the absence of TFIIS, the purified wt polymerase and the two mutant polymerases showed similar specific activity in polymerization, readthrough at intrinsic transcriptional arrest sites and nascent RNA cleavage. In contrast to the wt polymerase, both mutant polymerases were not stimulated by the addition of a 3-fold molar excess of TFIIS in assays of promoter-independent transcription, readthrough or cleavage. However, stimulation of the ability of the mutant RNAPIIs to cleave nascent RNA and to read through intrinsic arrest sites was observed at TFIIS:RNAPII molar ratios greater than 600:1. Consistent with these findings, the binding affinity of the mutant polymerases for TFIIS was found to be reduced by more than 50-fold compared with that of the wt enzyme. These studies demonstrate that TFIIS has an important role in the regulation of transcription by yeast RNAPII and identify a possible binding site for TFIIS on RNAPII.
In higher plants, dominant mitochondrial mutations are associated with pollen sterility. This phenomenon is known as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). It is thought that the disruption in pollen development is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. To provide definitive evidence that expression of an abnormal mitochondrial gene can interrupt pollen development, a CMS-associated mitochondrial DNA sequence from common bean, orf239, was introduced into the tobacco nuclear genome. Several transformants containing the orf239 gene constructs, with or without a mitochondrial targeting sequence, exhibited a semi sterile or male-sterile phenotype. Expression of the gene fusions in transformed anthers was confirmed using RNA gel blotting, ELISA, and light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunocytological analysis showed that the ORF239 protein could associate with the cell wall of aberrant developing microspores. This pattern of extracellular localization was earlier observed in the CMS common bean line containing orf239 in the mitochondrial genome. Results presented here demonstrate that ORF239 causes pollen disruption in transgenic tobacco plants and may do so without targeting of the protein to the mitochondrion.
Trials were conducted in southern Queensland, Australia between March and May 2003, 2004 and 2005 to study patterns of hourly and daily release of the secondary conidia of Claviceps africana and their relationships with weather parameters. Conidia were trapped for at least one hour on most (> 90%) days in 2003 and 2004, but only on 55% of days in 2005. Both the highest daily concentration of conidia, and the highest number of hours per day when conidia were trapped, were recorded 1-3 days after rainfall events. Although the pattern of conidial release was different every day, the highest hourly conidial concentrations occurred between 10.00 hours and 17.00 hours on 73% of all days in the three trials. Hours when conidia were trapped were characterized by higher median values of temperature, windspeed and vapour pressure deficit, lower relative humidity, and leaf wetness values of 0%, than hours when no conidia were recorded. The results indicate that fungicides need to be applied to the highly ergot-susceptible male sterile (A-) lines of sorghum in hybrid seed production blocks and breeders' nurseries as soon as possible after rainfall events to minimize ergot severity.
APSIM-ORYZA is a new functionality developed in the APSIM framework to simulate rice production while addressing management issues such as fertilisation and transplanting, which are particularly important in Korean agriculture. To validate the model for Korean rice varieties and field conditions, the measured yields and flowering times from three field experiments conducted by the Gyeonggi Agricultural Research and Extension Services (GARES) in Korea were compared against the simulated outputs for different management practices and rice varieties. Simulated yields of early-, mid- and mid-to-late-maturing varieties of rice grown in a continuous rice cropping system from 1997 to 2004 showed close agreement with the measured data. Similar results were also found for yields simulated under seven levels of nitrogen application. When different transplanting times were modelled, simulated flowering times ranged from within 3 days of the measured values for the early-maturing varieties, to up to 9 days after the measured dates for the mid- and especially mid-to-late-maturing varieties. This was associated with highly variable simulated yields which correlated poorly with the measured data. This suggests the need to accurately calibrate the photoperiod sensitivity parameters of the model for the photoperiod-sensitive rice varieties in Korea.
缘毛鸟足兰是在具有近20,000种的兰科中迄今为止报导过的雄性不育类型与两性类型共存的唯一例子。深入研究缘毛鸟足兰中雄性不育类型和两性类型共存的现象有助于丰富对兰科生殖系统演化的理解。本文通过生殖生态学研究,得出如下结论。 1. 证实了缘毛鸟足兰中只存在两性类型和雄性不育类型。雄性不育类型始终与两性类型出现在同一居群中,没有单独的雄性不育类型居群。雄性不育类型在调查的16个居群中,在6个居群中出现,约占38%。两种类型共存的居群中雄性不育类型的比率变化很大,从1%到78%,但只在一个居群中超过50%。 2. 通过交配系统实验发现,共存于同一居群中的短距雌性类型和两性类型都存在无融合生殖方式,种子的形成无需授粉。本文第一次报导了在兰科中存在同一无融合生殖种中两性类型和雄性不育类型共存于同一居群的现象。 3. 缘毛鸟足兰花部结构变异很大,结合性别和花的形态特征,将缘毛鸟足兰划分为6类生物型,分别是小花两性、大花两性、短距两性、短距雌性、长距雌性和三瓣雌性。 4. 在同一居群中短距雌性型和小花两性型在生殖和生态上存在差异:1)短距雌性型更能耐受不利的环境条件;2) 短距雌性型的花期早于两性型;3) 短距雌性型平均单株结实较多,但从平均单株产生的胚总数上看,两种类型之间却没有显著差异;4)在资源分配策略上,两种类型各有利弊。
叶绿素突变泛指能导致叶绿素代谢失调的核基因或叶绿体基因突变。发生叶绿素突变的植物个体普遍表现为叶色的变化,目前已报道的多数叶绿素突变体为人工诱变产物。叶绿素缺失突变导致的叶结素代谢缺陷实际上反映了叶绿体发育过程的缺陷,研究叶绿素突变更重要的意义是在于阐明叶绿体发育过程。 本研究所用材料1103s是一类特殊的叶绿素突变体,为籼性光敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)8902s群体中发现的自发突变体。该突本所具有的失绿特性为特定温度条件下才表现出来的瞬时性状,在环境温度恢复后,失绿组织可复发。遗传分析表明该突变由隐性核基因控制。本文不1103s所具有的温度敏感和失绿复绿特性,在亚细胞水平和生理化水平进行了详细的探讨。 叶绿素含量的检测表明,诱导后表现失绿的叶片组织内叶绿素含量明显降低,叶绿素a/b比值升高,原脱植基叶绿素含量低于绿色组织。失绿组织中的这种原脱植基叶绿素在失绿组织中含量的减少是由两方面因素造成的,其一是叶绿素合成过程中原脱植基叶绿素合成之前的某一步过程反应受阻;其二是原脱植基叶绿素向叶绿素转化的过程是正常进行的。 对1103s叶绿体内部的超微结构观察表明:1.控制叶绿素缺失性状的是一多效基因。该基因在特定温度条件下表达时,不仅影响到叶绿体的发育,也对细胞质中的其他细胞器产生重要的影响,其结果是细胞质中的高度有序的内膜系统被大量形状不规则的泡状结构所取代。放大后发现,这类泡状结构由(1)线粒体(2)功能未知的泡状结构I,其内部含颗粒状物质泡结构被膜内还有数层不连续的膜残片(3)功能未知的泡状结构II,其内部含大颗粒状物质。2.该突变体表达失绿和复绿过程中,叶绿体内部膜结构的变化伴随叶绿素含量的变化也有退脂和恢复的过程,但与已报道的其他突体有两个明显的不同:首先,在退化细胞的叶绿体内未观察到前片层体的存在。前片层体是叶绿体发育过程中黄化体阶段常见的非常明显的特殊结构,在电镜下为有规律的晶格状结构。已有研究表明,前片层体的形成与原脱植基叶绿素的积累有密切关系。与组培白化苗中检测到的结果不同,失绿组织中原脱植基叶绿素的含量不但没有积累,反而少于绿色组织中的含量,而造成该突变体在失绿过程中质体内无前片层体形成。其次,1103s在叶绿体退化过程中类囊体膜的变化不同于其化温敏的转绿型叶绿素突变体,尤其是在失绿过程中,其类囊体膜不是以直接解体的方式减少而是以单类囊体膜紧靠为主要特征。 对野生型 8902s与1103s类囊体膜结构的冰冻蚀刻分析表明,1103s失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织中,EFs面的大颗粒结构均异常。其异常之处表现在每个颗粒明显解离成两个亚单位(上面观),而在野生型8902s中则无上述现象出现。亚单位的解离程度在失绿组织中更明显。有间接证据研究表明,EFs面上的大颗粒代表PS II。如果该推论正确,那么失绿叶片的失绿组织和绿色组织中,PS II都可能是异常的。 另外,通过对失绿组织和绿色组织全叶蛋白双向电泳图谱的比较,得到了一个特异缺失的叶蛋白组分,该蛋白的分子量为51kd。此蛋白在失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织之间存在组织差异性。通过对该蛋白在不同温度处理和不同遗传背景下的变化规律分析,发现该蛋白是一存在于许多水稻品系叶片中的高含量组分,此蛋白表达本身不受变温诱导过程的影响,而是受另一感温过程的调控。初步分析表明该蛋白为一失绿相关蛋白。 综上所述,1103s所具有的失绿和复绿特性是核基因多效表达的结果,有一感温过程调控下游蛋白表达的复杂过程。此外,该突变特性很可能与PS II的结构异常有关。