991 resultados para photon transport theory


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This thesis applies Monte Carlo techniques to the study of X-ray absorptiometric methods of bone mineral measurement. These studies seek to obtain information that can be used in efforts to improve the accuracy of the bone mineral measurements. A Monte Carlo computer code for X-ray photon transport at diagnostic energies has been developed from first principles. This development was undertaken as there was no readily available code which included electron binding energy corrections for incoherent scattering and one of the objectives of the project was to study the effects of inclusion of these corrections in Monte Carlo models. The code includes the main Monte Carlo program plus utilities for dealing with input data. A number of geometrical subroutines which can be used to construct complex geometries have also been written. The accuracy of the Monte Carlo code has been evaluated against the predictions of theory and the results of experiments. The results show a high correlation with theoretical predictions. In comparisons of model results with those of direct experimental measurements, agreement to within the model and experimental variances is obtained. The code is an accurate and valid modelling tool. A study of the significance of inclusion of electron binding energy corrections for incoherent scatter in the Monte Carlo code has been made. The results show this significance to be very dependent upon the type of application. The most significant effect is a reduction of low angle scatter flux for high atomic number scatterers. To effectively apply the Monte Carlo code to the study of bone mineral density measurement by photon absorptiometry the results must be considered in the context of a theoretical framework for the extraction of energy dependent information from planar X-ray beams. Such a theoretical framework is developed and the two-dimensional nature of tissue decomposition based on attenuation measurements alone is explained. This theoretical framework forms the basis for analytical models of bone mineral measurement by dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry techniques. Monte Carlo models of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) have been established. These models have been used to study the contribution of scattered radiation to the measurements. It has been demonstrated that the measurement geometry has a significant effect upon the scatter contribution to the detected signal. For the geometry of the models studied in this work the scatter has no significant effect upon the results of the measurements. The model has also been used to study a proposed technique which involves dual energy X-ray transmission measurements plus a linear measurement of the distance along the ray path. This is designated as the DPA( +) technique. The addition of the linear measurement enables the tissue decomposition to be extended to three components. Bone mineral, fat and lean soft tissue are the components considered here. The results of the model demonstrate that the measurement of bone mineral using this technique is stable over a wide range of soft tissue compositions and hence would indicate the potential to overcome a major problem of the two component DEXA technique. However, the results also show that the accuracy of the DPA( +) technique is highly dependent upon the composition of the non-mineral components of bone and has poorer precision (approximately twice the coefficient of variation) than the standard DEXA measurements. These factors may limit the usefulness of the technique. These studies illustrate the value of Monte Carlo computer modelling of quantitative X-ray measurement techniques. The Monte Carlo models of bone densitometry measurement have:- 1. demonstrated the significant effects of the measurement geometry upon the contribution of scattered radiation to the measurements, 2. demonstrated that the statistical precision of the proposed DPA( +) three tissue component technique is poorer than that of the standard DEXA two tissue component technique, 3. demonstrated that the proposed DPA(+) technique has difficulty providing accurate simultaneous measurement of body composition in terms of a three component model of fat, lean soft tissue and bone mineral,4. and provided a knowledge base for input to decisions about development (or otherwise) of a physical prototype DPA( +) imaging system. The Monte Carlo computer code, data, utilities and associated models represent a set of significant, accurate and valid modelling tools for quantitative studies of physical problems in the fields of diagnostic radiology and radiography.


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Using intensity autocorrelation of multiply scattered light, we show that the increase in interparticle interaction in dense, binary colloidal fluid mixtures of particle diameters 0.115µm and 0.089µm results in freezing into a crystalline phase at volume fraction? of 0.1 and into a glassy state at?=0.2. The functional form of the field autocorrelation functiong (1)(t) for the binary fluid phase is fitted to exp[??(6k 0 2 D eff t)1/2] wherek 0 is the magnitude of the incident light wavevector and? is a parameter inversely proportional to the photon transport mean free pathl*. TheD eff is thel* weighted average of the individual diffusion coefficients of the pure species. Thel* used in calculatingD eff was computed using the Mie theory. In the solid (crystal or glass) phase, theg (1)(t) is fitted (only with a moderate success) to exp[??(6k 0 2 W(t))1/2] where the mean-squared displacementW(t) is evaluated for a harmonically bound overdamped Brownian oscillator. It is found that the fitted parameter? for both the binary and monodisperse suspensions decreases significantly with the increase of interparticle interactions. This has been justified by showing that the calculated values ofl* in a monodisperse suspension using Mie theory increase very significantly with the interactions incorporated inl* via the static structure factor.


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The 90° problem of cosmic-ray transport theory is revisited in this paper. By using standard forms of the wave spectrum in the solar wind, the pitch-angle Fokker–Planck coefficient and the parallel mean free path are computed for different resonance functions. A critical comparison is made of the strength of 90° scattering due to plasmawave effects, dynamical turbulence effects and nonlinear effects. It is demonstrated that, only for low-energy cosmic particles, dynamical effects are usually dominant. The novel results presented here are essential for an effective comparison of heliospheric observations for the parallel mean free path with the theoretical model results.


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Recent experiments on Au break junctions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 216803] have characterized the nonlinear conductance of stretched short Au nanowires. They reveal in the voltage range 10-20 meV the signatures of dissipation effects, likely due to phonons in the nanowire, reducing the conductance below the quantized value of 2e(2)/h. We present here a theory, based on a model tight-binding Hamiltonian and on non-equilibrium Green's function techniques, which accounts for the main features of the experiment. The theory helps in revealing details of the experiment which need to be addressed with a more realistic, less idealized, theoretical framework. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Our previous results on the nonperturbative calculations of the mean current and of the energy-momentum tensor in QED with the T-constant electric field are generalized to arbitrary dimensions. The renormalized mean values are found, and the vacuum polarization contributions and particle creation contributions to these mean values are isolated in the large T limit; we also relate the vacuum polarization contributions to the one-loop effective Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. Peculiarities in odd dimensions are considered in detail. We adapt general results obtained in 2 + 1 dimensions to the conditions which are realized in the Dirac model for graphene. We study the quantum electronic and energy transport in the graphene at low carrier density and low temperatures when quantum interference effects are important. Our description of the quantum transport in the graphene is based on the so-called generalized Furry picture in QED where the strong external field is taken into account nonperturbatively; this approach is not restricted to a semiclassical approximation for carriers and does not use any statistical assumptions inherent in the Boltzmann transport theory. In addition, we consider the evolution of the mean electromagnetic field in the graphene, taking into account the backreaction of the matter field to the applied external field. We find solutions of the corresponding Dirac-Maxwell set of equations and with their help we calculate the effective mean electromagnetic field and effective mean values of the current and the energy-momentum tensor. The nonlinear and linear I-V characteristics experimentally observed in both low-and high-mobility graphene samples are quite well explained in the framework of the proposed approach, their peculiarities being essentially due to the carrier creation from the vacuum by the applied electric field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125022


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A Hall thruster, an E × B device used for in-space propulsion, utilizes an axial electric field to electrostatically accelerate plasma propellant from the spacecraft. The axial electric field is created by positively biasing the anode so that the positivelycharged ions may be accelerated (repelled) from the thruster, which produces thrust. However, plasma electrons are much smaller than ions and may be accelerated much more quickly toward the anode; if electrons were not impeded, a "short circuit" due to the electron flow would eliminate the thrust mechanism. Therefore, a magnetic field serves to "magnetize" plasma electrons internal to the thruster and confines them in gyro-orbits within the discharge channel. Without outside factors electrons would be confined indefinitely; however, electron-neutral collisions provide a mechanism to free electrons from their orbits allowing electrons to cross the magnetic field toward the anode, where this process is described by classical transport theory. To make matters worse, cross-field electron transport has been observed to be 100-1000 times that predicted by classical collisional theory, providing an efficiency loss mechanism and an obstacle for modeling and simulations in Hall thrusters. The main difficulty in studying electron transport in Hall thrusters is the coupling that exists between the plasma and the fields, where the plasma creates and yet is influenced by the electric field. A device has been constructed at MTU’s Isp Lab, the Hall Electron Mobility Gage, which was designed specifically to study electron transport in E × B devices, where the coupling between the plasma and electric field was virtually eliminated. In this device the two most cited contributors to electron transport in Hall thrusters, fluctuation-induced transport, and wall effects, were absent. Removing the dielectric walls and plasma fluctuations, while maintaining the field environment in vacuum, has allowed the study of electron dynamics in Hall thruster fields where the electrons behave as test particles in prescribed fields, greatly simplifying the environment. Therefore, it was possible to observe any effects on transport not linked to the cited mechanisms, and it was possible to observe trends of the enhanced mobility with control parameters of electric and magnetic fields and neutral density– parameters that are not independently variable in a Hall thruster. The result of the investigation was the observation of electron transport that was ~ 20-100 times the classical prediction. The cross-field electron transport in the Mobility Gage was generally lower than that found in a Hall thruster so these findings do not negate the possibility of fluctuations and/or wall collisions contributing to transport in a Hall thruster. However, this research led to the observation of enhanced cross-field transport that had not been previously isolated in Hall thruster fields, which is not reliant on momentum-transfer collisions, wall collisions or fluctuations.


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"29 September 1958."


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"UNC-5014 (Volume A) Final Report covering the period 20 March 1961 - 31 May 1962."


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The study of transport processes in low-dimensional semiconductors requires a rigorous quantum mechanical treatment. However, a full-fledged quantum transport theory of electrons (or holes) in semiconductors of small scale, applicable in the presence of external fields of arbitrary strength, is still not available. In the literature, different approaches have been proposed, including: (a) the semiclassical Boltzmann equation, (b) perturbation theory based on Keldysh's Green functions, and (c) the Quantum Boltzmann Equation (QBE), previously derived by Van Vliet and coworkers, applicable in the realm of Kubo's Linear Response Theory (LRT). ^ In the present work, we follow the method originally proposed by Van Wet in LRT. The Hamiltonian in this approach is of the form: H = H 0(E, B) + λV, where H0 contains the externally applied fields, and λV includes many-body interactions. This Hamiltonian differs from the LRT Hamiltonian, H = H0 - AF(t) + λV, which contains the external field in the field-response part, -AF(t). For the nonlinear problem, the eigenfunctions of the system Hamiltonian, H0(E, B), include the external fields without any limitation on strength. ^ In Part A of this dissertation, both the diagonal and nondiagonal Master equations are obtained after applying projection operators to the von Neumann equation for the density operator in the interaction picture, and taking the Van Hove limit, (λ → 0, t → ∞, so that (λ2 t)n remains finite). Similarly, the many-body current operator J is obtained from the Heisenberg equation of motion. ^ In Part B, the Quantum Boltzmann Equation is obtained in the occupation-number representation for an electron gas, interacting with phonons or impurities. On the one-body level, the current operator obtained in Part A leads to the Generalized Calecki current for electric and magnetic fields of arbitrary strength. Furthermore, in this part, the LRT results for the current and conductance are recovered in the limit of small electric fields. ^ In Part C, we apply the above results to the study of both linear and nonlinear longitudinal magneto-conductance in quasi one-dimensional quantum wires (1D QW). We have thus been able to quantitatively explain the experimental results, recently published by C. Brick, et al., on these novel frontier-type devices. ^


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The study of transport processes in low-dimensional semiconductors requires a rigorous quantum mechanical treatment. However, a full-fledged quantum transport theory of electrons (or holes) in semiconductors of small scale, applicable in the presence of external fields of arbitrary strength, is still not available. In the literature, different approaches have been proposed, including: (a) the semiclassical Boltzmann equation, (b) perturbation theory based on Keldysh's Green functions, and (c) the Quantum Boltzmann Equation (QBE), previously derived by Van Vliet and coworkers, applicable in the realm of Kubo's Linear Response Theory (LRT). In the present work, we follow the method originally proposed by Van Vliet in LRT. The Hamiltonian in this approach is of the form: H = H°(E, B) + λV, where H0 contains the externally applied fields, and λV includes many-body interactions. This Hamiltonian differs from the LRT Hamiltonian, H = H° - AF(t) + λV, which contains the external field in the field-response part, -AF(t). For the nonlinear problem, the eigenfunctions of the system Hamiltonian, H°(E, B) , include the external fields without any limitation on strength. In Part A of this dissertation, both the diagonal and nondiagonal Master equations are obtained after applying projection operators to the von Neumann equation for the density operator in the interaction picture, and taking the Van Hove limit, (λ → 0 , t → ∞ , so that (λ2 t)n remains finite). Similarly, the many-body current operator J is obtained from the Heisenberg equation of motion. In Part B, the Quantum Boltzmann Equation is obtained in the occupation-number representation for an electron gas, interacting with phonons or impurities. On the one-body level, the current operator obtained in Part A leads to the Generalized Calecki current for electric and magnetic fields of arbitrary strength. Furthermore, in this part, the LRT results for the current and conductance are recovered in the limit of small electric fields. In Part C, we apply the above results to the study of both linear and nonlinear longitudinal magneto-conductance in quasi one-dimensional quantum wires (1D QW). We have thus been able to quantitatively explain the experimental results, recently published by C. Brick, et al., on these novel frontier-type devices.


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Recent measurements on the resistivity of (La-Sr)(2)CuO4 are shown to tit within the general framework of Luttinger liquid transport theory. They exhibit a crossover from the spin-charge separated ''holon nondrag regime'' usually observed, with rho(ab) similar to T, to a ''localizing'' regime dominated by impurity scattering at low temperature. The proportionality of rho(c) and rho(ab) and the giant anisotropy follow directly from the theory.


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Unlike standard applications of transport theory, the transport of molecules and cells during embryonic development often takes place within growing multidimensional tissues. In this work, we consider a model of diffusion on uniformly growing lines, disks, and spheres. An exact solution of the partial differential equation governing the diffusion of a population of individuals on the growing domain is derived. Using this solution, we study the survival probability, S(t). For the standard nongrowing case with an absorbing boundary, we observe that S(t) decays to zero in the long time limit. In contrast, when the domain grows linearly or exponentially with time, we show that S(t) decays to a constant, positive value, indicating that a proportion of the diffusing substance remains on the growing domain indefinitely. Comparing S(t) for diffusion on lines, disks, and spheres indicates that there are minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of zero growth and minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of fast growth. In contrast, for intermediate growth rates, we observe modest differences in S(t) between different geometries. These differences can be quantified by evaluating the exact expressions derived and presented here.


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We describe a noniterative method for recovering optical absorption coefficient distribution from the absorbed energy map reconstructed using simulated and noisy boundary pressure measurements. The source reconstruction problem is first solved for the absorbed energy map corresponding to single- and multiple-source illuminations from the side of the imaging plane. It is shown that the absorbed energy map and the absorption coefficient distribution, recovered from the single-source illumination with a large variation in photon flux distribution, have signal-to-noise ratios comparable to those of the reconstructed parameters from a more uniform photon density distribution corresponding to multiple-source illuminations. The absorbed energy map is input as absorption coefficient times photon flux in the time-independent diffusion equation (DE) governing photon transport to recover the photon flux in a single step. The recovered photon flux is used to compute the optical absorption coefficient distribution from the absorbed energy map. In the absence of experimental data, we obtain the boundary measurements through Monte Carlo simulations, and we attempt to address the possible limitations of the DE model in the overall reconstruction procedure.