923 resultados para photographic


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed object's surface is represented a set of triangular facets. We empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points optimally cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely, spread on smooth or fat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not undersampled or underrepresented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object.


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface points and a wireframe on the surface of a freeform object using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed surface points are frontier points and the wireframe is a network of contour generators. Both of them are reconstructed by pairing apparent contours in the 2D images. Unlike previous works, we empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points automatically cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely spread on smooth or flat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not under-sampled or under-represented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method. Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object. The unique pattern of the reconstructed points and contours may be used in 31) object recognition and measurement without computationally intensive full surface reconstruction. The results are obtained from both computer-generated and real objects. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using Azoulay's frame of the civil gaze, this chapter examines selected Second World War images, catalogued under 'interpreter' in the IWM's photographic archive, looking at representative situations in which interpreters typically operate in wartime - communicating with clandestine forces, liaising between the army and civilians, and dealing with the aftermath of war.


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This degree project consists of “A photographic journey through Vietnam”. One month was spent in Vietnam where the different aspects of the Vietnamese life were documented in images. The journey began in Hanoi and descended down the country to Ho Chi Minh City.The report describes the compositional elements of photography and makes an attempt to describe what a “good” image is. Furthermore it explains what equipment that is necessary for such a journey and how you can interact with the local population.When the journey came to an end, a photographic book consisting of 200 images was created. The report details the used workflow step by step. Finally the author has commented 20 of the selected images regarding their photographic composition.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. Material and Methods: Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexanniner and interexanniner agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. Results: From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsunn of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. Conclusion: RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis.


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Objectives: To evaluate the attractiveness of a smile according to variations from esthetic norms, photographic framing, and the order of the presentation of photographs.Materials and Methods: A photograph of an individual was selected and digitally manipulated to create the following smiles: an ideal control smile (I), a smile with diastema (D1), a smile with midline deviation (LM3), a smile with deviation from the long axes of the lateral incisors (10D), and a smile with an inverted smile arc (LSRV). The manipulated photographs were developed in framings of the face and of the mouth and evaluated by 20 laypeople. For half the evaluators, the presentation started with facial photographs and, for the other half, the presentation began with the mouth shots. Evaluators were asked to rank the photographs from the least to the most attractive; then, each photograph was awarded a mark (scale of 0.0 to 10.0).Results: In both presentations, the smiles I, LM3, 10D, and LSRV received favorable ratings, whereas the D1 smile got poor ratings. The photographic framings used (face vs mouth) and the order of presentation of the photographs did not influence the rankings.Conclusion: The absence of variations from beauty norms of a smile has a positive impact on its esthetic perception, but variations from the norms do not necessarily result in reduced attractiveness. (Angle Orthod. 2009;79:634-639.)


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The purpose of this study was to employ photographic evaluation to observe the presence or absence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants Concise and Prisma Shield, at 7 days, 18 months, 36 months and 11 years after accomplishment of treatment. Methods: A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface at the study periods, which allowed assessment of the sealing material on the surface. All occlusal surfaces were photographed and the photographs corresponding to each period were subjected to photographic evaluation. Results: There was statistically significant difference only at 18 months, with a significantly higher number of specimens with bubbles for the Prisma Shield sealant compared to the Concise, whereas the groups were similar at all other study periods. On the other hand, separate analysis of subsequent periods of the sealants did not reveal any significant difference. Conclusions: According to the results of the present longitudinal investigation, it may be concluded that the sealing materials showed that bubbles came into and went out with time. However, this fact did not interfere with its clinical purpose, provided the remaining material covers the expected region of pits and fissures.


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Objetivo: analisar a confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade de um método simplificado para análise da angulação dentária que faz uso de fotografias digitalizadas de modelos de gesso. Métodos: foram realizadas fotografias digitalizadas e padronizadas de modelos de gesso, posteriormente transportadas para um programa gráfico de leitura de ângulos, para a obtenção das medidas. Tais procedimentos foram repetidos para avaliação do erro do método casual e para a análise da reprodutibilidade por meio da Correlação Intraclasse. A amostra constituiu-se de 12 indivíduos com dentição permanente completa e não tratados ortodonticamente, sendo seis do sexo masculino e seis do feminino. As análises foram feitas bilateralmente, gerando 24 medidas. Resultados: o erro casual mostrou uma variação de 0,77 a 2,55º para a angulação dos dentes. A análise estatística revelou que o método apresenta uma excelente reprodutibilidade (r = 0,65 - 0,91; p < 0,0001) para todos os dentes, exceto para os pré-molares superiores, mas ainda assim estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,001). Conclusão: o método proposto apresenta confiabilidade suficiente para justificar seu uso no desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas, bem como na prática clínica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a direct clinical evaluation method with an indirect digital photographic method in assessing the quality of dental restorations. Seven parameters (color, occlusal marginal adaptation, anatomy form, roughness, occlusal marginal stain, luster, and secondary caries) were assessed in 89 Class I and Class II restorations from 36 adults using the modified US Public Health Service/Ryge criteria. Standardized photographs of the same restorations were digitally processed by Adobe Photoshop software, separated into the following four groups and assessed by two calibrated examiners: Group A: The original photograph displayed at 100%, without modifications (IMG100); Group B: Formed by images enlarged at 150% (IMG150); Group C: Formed by digital photographs displayed at 100% (mIMG100), with digital modifications (levels adjustment, shadow and highlight correction, color balance, unsharp Mask); and Group D: Formed by enlarged photographs displayed at 150% with modifications (mIMG150), with the same adjustments made to Group C. Photographs were assessed on a calibrated screen (Macbook) by two calibrated clinicians, and the results were statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon tests (SSPS 11.5) at 95% CI. Results: The photographic method produced higher reliability levels than the direct clinical method in all parameters. The evaluation of digital images is more consistent with clinical assessment when restorations present some moderate defect (Bravo) and less consistent when restorations are clinically classified as either satisfactory (Alpha) or in cases of severe defects (Charlie). Conclusion: The digital photographic method is a useful tool for assessing the quality of dental restorations, providing information that goes unnoticed with the visual-tactile clinical examination method. Additionally, when analyzing restorations using the Ryge modified criteria, the digital photographic method reveals a significant increase of defects compared to those clinically observed with the naked eye. Photography by itself, without the need for enlargement or correction, provides more information than clinical examination and can lead to unnecessary overtreatment.


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The clinical behavior of Concise and Prisma Shield sealants for pit and fissure was analyzed by clinical/photographic evaluation. A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface 7 days, 18 months, 36 months, and 11 years after the occlusal sealing, thus allowing the sealant material on the surface to be checked. At each analysis time, each occlusal surface was photographed, and the photographs corresponding to each time were submitted to clinical/photographic evaluation. Although the sealant materials showed marginal alterations over time, they did not require reapplication because the region composed of the pit and fissure remained covered.


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We are living in a day of change. Environmental awareness is a part of our everyday life in a way unprecedented in history. The courts, in their infinite wisdom, have initiated the joint and several liability (deep pocket) rules that make everyone at risk in almost all situations. Bird management programs, by their very nature, are extremely sensitive. Any project, if not evaluated, planned, carried out, and documented properly can result in adverse regulatory agency action, bad publicity, and even fines or lawsuits. Proper photographic documentation can play a vital part in helping to provide the necessary records to help prevent problems and/or defend yourself in case of lawsuit or regulatory action. In the preparation of this paper, we surveyed state pesticide lead agencies, state Department of Conservation (Fish and Wildlife) agencies, some U.S. Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement personnel, and several individuals to get their reaction to and their comments about this concept of supplemental recordkeeping. Of those responding, a majority thought the concept of supplemental photographic recordkeeping would be an asset to individuals and organi¬zations conducting bird management projects.