960 resultados para phase s(n)2 reactions


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The mechanism and the energy profile of the gas-phase reaction that mimics esterification under acidic conditions have been investigated at different levels of theory. These reactions are known to proceed with rate constants close to the collision limit in the gas-phase and questions have been raised as to whether the typical addition-elimination mechanism via a tetrahedral intermediate can explain the ease of these processes. Because these reactions are common to many organic and biochemical processes it is important to understand the intrinsic reactivity of these systems. Our calculations at different levels of theory reveal that a stepwise mechanism via a tetrahedral species is characterized by energy barriers that are inconsistent with the experimental results. For the thermoneutral exchange between protonated acetic acid and water and the exothermic reaction of protonated acetic acid and methanol our calculations show that these reactions proceed initially by a proton shuttle between the carbonyl oxygen and the hydroxy oxygen of acetic acid mediated by water, or methanol, followed by displacement at the acylium ion center. These findings suggest that the reactions in the gas-phase should be viewed as an acylium ion transfer reaction. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 111: 1596-1606, 2011


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Summary: Neuropathic pain (NP) is a well-recognized feature of leprosy neuropathy. However, the diagnosis of NP is difficult using only clinical criteria. In the study reported here, by means of conventional nerve conduction studies, the authors sought for an association between long-latency responses and NP complaints in leprosy patients with type 1 and 2 reactions. Of the 27 ulnar nerves of leprosy patients, 18 with type 1 reaction (T1R) and 9 with type 2 reaction (T2R) were followed-up for 6 months before and after steroid treatment. Clinical characteristics of pain complaints and clinical function were assessed, as well as the presence of F- and A-waves of the ulnar nerve using nerve conduction studies. The clinical and the neurophysiologic findings were compared to note positive concordances (presence of NP and A-waves together) and negative concordances (absence of NP and A-waves together) before and after treatment. Both reactions presented a high frequency of A-waves (61.1% in T1R and 66.7% in T2R, P < 0.05) and prolonged F-waves (69.4% in T1R and 65.8% in T2R, P = 0.4). No concordances were seen between pain complaints and F-waves. However, significant concordances between NP and A-waves were observed, although restricted to the T2R group ([chi]2 = 5.65, P = 0.04). After treatment, there was a significant reduction in pain complaints, as well as the presence of F- and A-waves in both groups (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, the presence of A-waves correlates well with pain complaints of neuropathic characteristics in leprosy patients, especially in those with type 2 reaction. Probably, such response shares similar mechanisms with the small-fiber dysfunction seen in these patients with NP, such as demyelination, intraneural edema, and axonal sprouting. Further studies using specific tools for small-fiber assessment are warranted to confirm our findings.


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In order to understand the influence of alkyl side chains on the gas-phase reactivity of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives, some 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives have been prepared and studied by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in combination with computational quantum chemistry calculations. Protonation and deprotonation sites were suggested on the basis of gas-phase basicity, proton affinity, gas-phase acidity (?Gacid), atomic charges and frontier orbital analyses. The nature of the intramolecular interaction as well as of the hydrogen bond in the systems was investigated by the atoms-in-molecules theory and the natural bond orbital analysis. The results were compared with data published for lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone). For the protonated molecules, water elimination was verified to occur at lower proportion when compared with side chain elimination, as evidenced in earlier studies on lapachol. The side chain at position C(3) was found to play important roles in the fragmentation mechanisms of these compounds. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The second chapter of the Case text on the phase rule, this time dealing with two component systems, added to by the author, is presented here.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The gas phase degradation reactions of the chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulant, dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), with the hydroperoxide anion (HOO(-)) were investigated using a modified quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The HOO(-) anion reacts readily with neutral DMMP forming two significant product ions at m/z 109 and m/z 123. The major reaction pathways correspond to (i) the nucleophilic substitution at carbon to form \[CH(3)P(O)(OCH(3))O](-) (m/z 109) in a highly exothermic process and (ii) exothermic proton transfer. The branching ratios of the two reaction pathways, 89% and 11% respectively, indicate that the former reaction is significantly faster than the latter. This is in contrast to the trend for the methoxide anion with DMMP, where proton transfer dominates. The difference in the observed reactivities of the HOO(-) and CH(3)O(-) anions can be considered as evidence for an a-effect in the gas phase and is supported by electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory that indicate the S(N)2(carbon) process has an activation energy 7.8 kJ mol(-1) lower for HOO(-) as compared to CH(3)O(-). A similar alpha-effect was calculated for nucleophilic addition-elimination at phosphorus, but this process an important step in the perhydrolysis degradation of CWAs in solution - was not observed to occur with DMMP in the gas phase. A theoretical investigation revealed that all processes are energetically accessible with negative activation energies. However, comparison of the relative Arrhenius pre-exponential factors indicate that substitution at phosphorus is not kinetically competitive with respect to the S(N)2(carbon) and deprotonation processes.


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Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)


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Phase relationships in the CaO-SrO-CuO system in pure oxygen at 1.01 x 10(5) Pa pressure were determined by equilibrating different compositions at 1123 K for similar to 120 h and analyzing the phases present in the quenched samples using X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical and scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX). Four solid solution series were observed in the system, The CawSr1-wO monoxide solid solution with rock-salt structure was found to exhibit an asymmetric miscibility gap, The mixing properties of the monoxide system were deduced using a subregular solution model, For the (CaxSr1-x)(2)CuO3 series, a complete solid solution range with orthorhombic space group Immm was obtained. Calcium substituted for strontium up to 68 at. % in SrCuO2+delta and 51.5 at. % in Sr14Cu24O41-delta. The tie lines between the solid solutions were determined accurately, The activity-composition relations in (CaxSr1-x)(2)CuO3, CaySr1-yCuO2+delta, and (Ca2Sr1-z)(14)Cu24O41-delta solid solutions were determined from experimental tie lines. Activities in the (CaxSr1-x)(2)CuO3 and CaySr1-yCuO2+delta series were close to the predictions of the Temkin model, The behavior of the (CazSr1-(z))(14)Cu24O41-delta solid solution was more complex, with the activity of SrCu(24/14)O-(41-delta/14) exhibiting both positive and negative deviations from ideality. Gibbs energy of formation of the CaCuO2+delta metastable phase at 1123 K was deduced from an analysis of the phase diagram.


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Transient flow patterns and bubble slug lengths were investigated with oxygen gas (O-2) bubbles produced by catalytic chemical reactions using a high speed camera bonded with a microscope. The microreactor consists of an inlet liquid plenum, nine parallel rectangular microchannels followed by a micronozzle, using the MEMS fabrication technique. The etched surface was deposited by the thin platinum film, which is acted as the catalyst. Experiments were performed with the inlet mass concentration of the hydrogen peroxide from 50% to 90% and the pressure drop across the silicon chip from 2.5 to 20.0 kPa. The silicon chip is directly exposed in the environment thus the heat released via the catalytic chemical reactions is dissipated into the environment and the experiment was performed at the room temperature level. It is found that the two-phase flow with the catalytic chemical reactions display the cyclic behavior. A full cycle consists of a short fresh liquid refilling stage, a liquid decomposition stage followed by the bubble slug flow stage. At the beginning of the bubble slug flow stage, the liquid slug number reaches maximum, while at the end of the bubble slug flow stage the liquid slugs are quickly flushed out of the microchannels. Two or three large bubbles are observed in the inlet liquid plenum, affecting the two-phase distributions in microchannels. The bubble slug lengths, cycle periods as well as the mass flow rates are analyzed with different mass concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and pressure drops. The bubble slug length is helpful for the selection of the future microreactor length ensuring the complete hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Future studies on the temperature effect on the transient two-phase flow with chemical reactions are recommended.


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In liquid-phase reaction systems, the role of the solvent is often limited to the simple requirement of dissolving and/or diluting substrates. However, the correct choice, either pure or mixed, can significantly influence both reaction rate and selectivity. For multi-phase heterogeneously catalysed reactions observed variations may be due to changes in mass transfer rates, reaction mechanism, reaction kinetics, adsorption properties and combinations thereof. The liquid-phase hydrogenation of 2-butanone to 2-butanol over a Ru/SiO catalyst, for example, shows such complex rate behaviour when varying water/isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solvent ratios. In this paper, we outline a strategy which combines measured rate data with physical property measurements and molecular simulation in order to gain a more fundamental understanding of mixed solvent effects for this heterogeneously catalysed reaction. By combining these techniques, the observed complex behaviour of rate against water fraction is shown to be a combination of both mass transfer and chemical effects. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Base catalysed reaction of the tricyclic ketone (6 ⇌ 7) with methylvinyl ketone gave the tetracyclic ketols, 11, 13, 15, 16, and the pentacyclic ketols, 12, 17. With phenylvinyl ketone, the tetracyclic ketol (18) was formed. The stereostructures of the ketols were identified by X-Ray diffraction. The base-catalysed title reactions gave the cyclic ketols and derived compounds shown below whose structures were identified by X-ray diffraction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective and Design: To determine the alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) levels in mice during acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Materials and Methods: Inflammation was induced by one of the following stimuli: carrageenin, zymosan, lipopolysacharide, thioglycollate, bacilli Calmette Guerin, PPD (in pre-immunized and non-immunized animals) and tumor cells. The concentration of alpha2M was determined in plasma or peritoneal liquid by electroimmunoassay. Results: In all the treatments employed, the plasma levels of alpha2M were higher than in untreated animals. This increase varied from 9%, 24 h after injection up a maximum of 66% 72 h post-injection. When compared to animals injected only with saline, the increases were significant 48 h after treatment with either zymosan or LPS, and 72 h after treatment with either thioglycollate or carrageenin. Treatment with BCG triggers an increase in alpha2M levels after 24 h (18.60%) and 48 h (27.90%). Immunized mice presented higher levels of this protein than non-immunized animals after challenge with PPD. The growth of Ehrlich tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity was directly correlated with the local levels of alpha2M which increased 3.5 fold, 10 days after injection. Conclusions: These results strongly indicate that in mice, the concentration of alpha2M can increase during acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with kinetics dependent on the particular kind of inflammatory agent.


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Crown ethers have the ability of solubilizing inorganic salts in apolar solvents and to promote chemical reactions by phase-transfer catalysis. However, details on how crown ethers catalyze ionic S(N)2 reactions and control selectivity are not well understood. In this work, we have used high level theoretical calculations to shed light on the details of phase-transfer catalysis mechanism of KF reaction with alkyl halides promoted by 18-crown-6. A complete analysis of the of the model reaction between KF(18-crown-6) and ethyl bromide reveals that the calculations can accurately predict the product ratio and the overall kinetics. Our results point out the importance of the K* ion and of the crown ether ring in determining product selectivity. While the K* ion favors the S(N)2 over the E2 anti pathway, the crown ether ring favors the S(N)2 over E2 syn route. The combination effects lead to a predicted 94% for the S(N)2 pathway in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 92%. A detailed analysis of the overall mechanism of the reaction under phase-transfer conditions also reveals that the KBr product generated in the nucleophilic fluorination acts as an inhibitor of the 18-crown-6 catalyst and it is responsible for the observed slow reaction rate. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.