994 resultados para permanent sampling points
Information on the spatial distribution of particle size fractions is essential for use planning and management of soils. The aim of this work to was to study the spatial variability of particle size fractions of a Typic Hapludox cultivated with conilon coffee. The soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m in the coffee canopy projection, totaling 109 georeferentiated points. At the depth of 0.2-0.4 m the clay fraction showed average value significantly higher, while the sand fraction showed was higher in the depth of 0-0.20 m. The silt showed no significant difference between the two depths. The particle size fractions showed medium and high spatial variability. The levels of total sand and clay have positive and negative correlation, respectively, with the altitude of the sampling points, indicating the influence of landscape configuration.
The socioeconomic importance of sugar cane in Brazil is unquestionable because it is the raw material for the production of ethanol and sugar. The accurate spatial intervention in the management of the crop, resulting zones of soil management, increases productivity as well as its agricultural yields. The spatial and Person's correlations between sugarcane attributes and physico-chemical attributes of a Typic Tropustalf were studied in the growing season of 2009, in Suzanápolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil (20°28'10'' S lat.; 50°49'20'' W long.), in order to obtain the one that best correlates with agricultural productivity. Thus, the geostatistical grid with 120 sampling points was installed to soil and data collection in a plot of 14.6 ha with second crop sugarcane. Due to their substantial and excellent linear and spatial correlations with the productivity of the sugarcane, the population of plants and the organic matter content of the soil, by evidencing substantial correlations, linear and spatial, with the productivity of sugarcane, were indicators of management zones strongly attached to such productivity.
The main objective of this study was to characterize the organic matter present in raw water and along the treatment process, as well as its seasonal variation. A natural organic matter fractionation approach has been applied to Lever water treatment plant located in Douro River, in Oporto (Portugal). The process used was based on the sorption of dissolved organic matter in different types of ion exchange resins, DAX-8, DAX-4 and IRA-958, allowing its separation into four fractions: very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids (SHA), charged hydrophilic (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU). The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) determination was used to quantify dissolved organic matter. Samples were collected monthly, during approximately one year, from raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river, and after each step of the treatment: pre-filtration in sand/anthracite filters, ozonation, coagulation/flocculation, counter current dissolved air flotation and filtration (CoCoDAFF) and chlorination. The NEU fraction showed a seasonal variation, with maximum values in autumn for the sampling points corresponding to raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river. It was usually the predominating fraction and did not show a significant decrease throughout the treatment. Nevertheless their low concentration, the same occurred for the CHA and VHA fractions. There was an overall decrease in the SHA fraction throughout the water treatment (especially after CoCoDAFF and ozonation) as well as in the DOC. The TSUVA254 values obtained for raw water generally varied between 2.0 and 4.0 L mgC-1 m-1 and between 0.75 and 1.78 L mgC-1 m-1 for treated water. It was observed a decrease of TSUVA values along the treatment, especially after ozonation. These results may contribute to a further optimization in the process of treating water for human consumption.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.
O tratamento de água para consumo humano tem por objectivos não só a sua qualidade em termos de parâmetros químicos e físicos, como também microbiológicos. Considerando que a MON pode afectar os sistemas de tratamento, a sua redução minimiza a formação de subprodutos de desinfecção, como por exemplo os trihalometanos e diminui o crescimento de microrganismos ao longo do sistema de distribuição. Nesse sentido tem havido recentemente uma grande evolução na investigação relativamente à remoção de matéria orgânica natural. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi o de caracterizar a matéria orgânica presente na água bruta e ao longo do processo de tratamento, assim como a sua evolução sazonal. Os dados obtidos a partir desta caracterização poderão contribuir para uma futura optimização no processo de tratamento de águas de consumo. O processo utilizado baseou-se na sorção da matéria orgânica dissolvida em diferentes tipos de resinas de permuta iónica, DAX-8, DAX-4 e IRA-958, permitindo a sua separação em várias fracções: ácidos muito hidrofóbicos (VHA), ácidos ligeiramente hidrofóbicos (SHA), compostos hidrofílicos carregados (CHA) e hidrofílicos neutros (NEU). De acordo com os resultados obtidos apenas a fracção NEU demonstrou ter uma tendência sazonal, apresentando valores máximos no Verão, nos pontos de amostragem referentes à água bruta superficial (PA802) e água bruta superficial após pré-tratamento por filtração (PA800). Os valores de COD não mostraram uma variação sazonal para as amostras de água bruta superficial que rondaram os 2 mg C/L ao longo do período de amostragem (Julho a Outubro), durante o qual se verificou uma baixa pluviosidade e temperaturas médias muito semelhantes. Os compostos NEU predominam em todos os pontos de amostragem não apresentando uma tendência definida ao longo do tratamento. Observou-se uma diminuição das fracções SHA e CHA ao longo do tratamento. Não se pode indicar uma tendência definida relativamente à fracção VHA. Verifica-se globalmente uma diminuição do teor de MON ao longo do tratamento. Este trabalho demonstrou que na água bruta superficial existe uma predominância dos compostos NEU, seguidos dos SHA, dos VHA e finalmente dos compostos CHA. Na água bruta captada no sub-leito do rio, verifica-se apenas a existência dos compostos NEU, sendo as restantes fracções praticamente nulas. Os valores mais elevados de TSUVA254nm foram obtidos para as amostras que não sofreram qualquer tratamento, água bruta do sub-leito (PA903) e superficial (PA802), e água bruta após pré-filtração (PA800). Nos restantes pontos de amostragem, apesar de se verificarem valores inferiores, não se observa uma diminuição deste parâmetro ao longo do tratamento, nem uma variação sazonal. Os valores de TSUVA254nm obtidos são geralmente inferiores a 3 L.mgC-1.m-1, correspondendo a materiais não húmicos, que são considerados biodegradáveis. Para as amostras de água tratada os valores oscilam entre os 1,23 e 1,58 L.mgC-1.m-1, valores inferiores a 2 L.mgC-1.m-1, o que é considerado um valor de referência ao nível do tratamento, segundo a USEPA.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Gestão de Sistemas Ambientais
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil: Gestão de Sistemas Ambientais
Every year, particularly during the summer period, the Portuguese forests are devastated by forest fire that destroys their ecosystems. So in order to prevent these forest fires, public and private authorities frequently use methods for the reduction of combustible mass as the prescribed fire and the mechanical vegetation pruning. All of these methods of prevention of forest fires alter the vegetation layer and/or soil [1-2]. This work aimed the study of the variation of some chemical characteristics of soil that suffered prescribed fire. The studied an area was located in the Serra of Cabreira (Figure 1) with 54.6 ha. Twenty sampling points were randomly selected and samples were collected with a shovel before, just after the prescribed fire, and 125 and 196 days after that event. The parameters that were studied were: pH, soil moisture, organic matter and iron, magnesium and potassium total concentration. All the analysis followed International Standard Methodologies. This work allowed to conclude that: a) after the prescribed fire; i) the pH remained practically equal to the the initial value; ii) occurred a slight increase of the average of the organic matter contents and iron total contents; b) at the end of the sampling period compared to the initial values; i) the pH didn´t change significantly; ii) the average of the contents of organic matter decreased; and iii) the average of the total contents of Fe, Mg and K increased.
Certain materials used and produced in a wide range of non-nuclear industries contain enhanced activity concentrations of natural radionuclides. In particular, electricity production from coal is one of the major sources of increased exposure to man from enhanced naturally occurring materials. Over the past decades there has been some discussion about the elevated natural background radiation in the area near coal-fired power plants due to high uranium and thorium content present in coal. This work describes the methodology developed to assess the radiological impact due to natural radiation background increasing levels, potentially originated by a coal-fired power plant’s operation. Gamma radiation measurements have been done with two different instruments: a scintillometer (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a gamma ray spectrometer with energy discrimination (Falcon 5000, Canberra). A total of 40 relevant sampling points were established at locations within 20 km from the power plant: 15 urban and 25 suburban measured stations. The highest values were measured at the sampling points near to the power plant and those located in the area within the 6 and 20 km from the stacks. This may be explained by the presence of a huge coal pile (1.3 million tons) located near the stacks contributing to the dispersion of unburned coal and, on the other hand, the height of the stacks (225 m) which may influence ash’s dispersion up to a distance of 20 km. In situ gamma radiation measurements with energy discrimination identified natural emitting nuclides as well as their decay products (212Pb, 214Pb, 226Ra 232Th, 228Ac, 234Th 234Pa, 235U, etc.). This work has been primarily done to in order to assess the impact of a coal-fired power plant operation on the background radiation level in the surrounding area. According to the results, an increase or at least an influence has been identified both qualitatively and quantitatively.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Cryptococcosis is an invasive disease acquired by inhalation of infectious propagules from the environment. Currently, compulsory notification of the spread of this disease is not required in Colombia. However, reporting of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome cases to the National Surveillance System has suggested that there is a growing population at risk of contracting cryptococcosis. Few studies have described the occurrence of cryptococcosis in Colombia. Therefore, in this study, we examined the pathology of this disease in Atlántico, Colombia and determined the distributions of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in the environment.METHODS:Clinical samples/isolates were gathered from cases of cryptococcosis previously diagnosed at health institutions in Atlántico, and surveys were completed by clinicians. The environmental study considered 32 sampling points and three tree species, i.e., Quickstick ( Gliricidia sepium ), Almond ( Terminalia catappa ), and Pink trumpet ( Tabebuia rosea ). Environmental and clinical samples/isolates were analyzed for phenotypic and genotypic confirmation.RESULTS:From 1997-2014, 41 cases of cryptococcosis were reported. The mean patient age was 40.5 years (range: 18-63 years); 76% were men, and 78% were HIV positive. Isolation was possible in 38 cases ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI in 37 cases and C. gattii , molecular type VGI in one case). In 2012-2014, 2,068 environmental samples were analyzed with a positivity of 0.4% ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI) in Almond and Pink trumpet trees.CONCLUSIONS:Cryptococcus neoformans , molecular type VNI had a higher prevalence than C. gattii and was associated with human exposure and the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis in this geographical region.
Maize (Zea mays) and guinea corn (Sorghum bicolor) are major food items in Plateau state, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to select the markets and store/warehouses used for this study; sample collection employed a simple random sampling method from different sampling points within designated areas. A total of 18 representative samples were collected and analyzed for the following mycotoxins: aflatoxins (Aflatoxin B1 - AFB1, Aflatoxin B2 - AFB2, Aflatoxin G1 - AFG1 and Aflatoxin G2 - AFG2), fumonisins (Fumonisin B1 - FB1 and Fumonisin B2 - FB2 ) and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Out of 12 samples analyzed for Aflatoxins, AFB1 was detected in 5, AFB2 in 1, AFG1 in 1 and AFG2 in 6 samples respectively. The highest concentration of AFB1 and AFG2 were found in maize samples from Pankshin market. Only maize samples from Mangu market were contaminated with AFB2 and also harboured the lowest concentration of AFG2. AFG1 contamination occurred in only guinea corn from Shendam market. and FB1 was detected in all 18 samples analyzed. The mycotoxin CPA was not detected in any of the samples. Aflatoxins levels in analyzed samples were regarded as safe based on Nigerian and European Union maximum permissible levels of 4g/kg. With the exception of two samples, FB1 levels in analyzed maize samples were within European Union maximum permissible levels of 1,000 to 3000g/kg. The health and food safety implications of these results for the human and animal population are further discussed.
Lakes play an important role in biogeochemical, ecological and hydrological processes in the river-floodplain system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the limnological conditions of Catalão Lake, an Amazon floodplain lake. Thus, some of the main limnological environment variables (O2, temperature, pH, nutrient, electrical conductivity) of the Catalão Lake were analyzed under temporal and spacial scales. The study was conducted between November/2004 and August/2005. Sampling excursion were carried out every three months; one excursion for each of the four different hydrological periods (low water, rising water, high water and falling water). Sampling points were chosen so that it could be obtained a gradient of the distance from Negro River. Limnological profiles in Catalão Lake showed generally acidic to slightly alcaline water, with low levels of dissolved oxygen and low concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorous. The Negro River seems to exert the main influence during the rising water period, while the Solimões River is the principal controlling river during peak water. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) grouped the seasonal collections by hydrological period, showing the formation of a north-south spatial gradient within the lake in relation to the limnological variables. Multivariate dispersion analysis based on distance-to-centroid method demonstrated an increase in similarity over the course of the hydrological cycle, as the lake was inundated in response to the flood pulse of the main river channels. However, the largest spatial homogeneity in the lake was observed in the epilimnion layer, during the falling water period. The daily analysis of variation indicated an oligomitic pattern during the years in which the lake was permanently connected to the Negro River. Although Catalão Lake receives large quantities of both black water from the Negro River and sediment-filled water from the Solimões River, the physical and chemical characteristics of the lake are more similar to those of the Solimões (várzea lake) than the Negro (blackwater lake).
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.
We analyzed the effects of environmental factors on abundance, species richness, and functional group richness of Leptophlebiidae in 16 sampling points along four Cerrado streams. Across three periods of 2005, we collected 5,492 larvae from 14 species in stream bed substrate. These species belong to three functional feeding groups: scrapers, filtering collectors and shredders. The abundance and species richness were not affected by water quality, but habitat quality related to presence of riparian vegetation had positive effects on the abundance of shredders. Our results add important information on the natural history of the species and functional groups of aquatic insects and also provide relevant data for the monitoring and conservation of streams in the Brazilian Cerrado.
En aquest estudi s’ha determinat la deposició atmosfèrica de metalls pesants a partir dels bioindicadors Xanthoria parietina (liquen) i Hypnum cupressiforme (molsa), en 16 punts de mostreig repartits per la zona on s’ubicarà el futur parc natural de les Muntanyes de Prades (Tarragona). A partir de la comparació de les concentracions obtingudes en aquest treball amb les d’altres estudis de plantejament equiparable, es va comprovar que la majoria de valors de concentració dels metalls eren similars als d’altres zones geogràfiques estudiades, a excepció del crom i el níquel, que presentaven valors clarament més elevats. A partir de proves estadístiques (ANOVA, regressions múltiples) es va determinar que existien diferències significatives entre les concentracions de metalls dels diferents punts de mostreig. També es van detectar correlacions significatives entre les concentracions dels punts de mostreig i la distància d’aquests respecte els focus potencials de contaminació que s’havien considerat prèviament. Amb les dades obtingudes a partir un petit anàlisi de la riquesa liquènica dels punts de mostreig, es va disposar d’informació extra per poder avaluar les fonts i el patró de distribució d’aquests contaminants.