990 resultados para permanent deformation


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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A review is given of the mechanics of cutting, ranging from the slicing of thin floppy offcuts (where there is negligible elasticity and no permanent deformation of the offcut) to the machining of ductile metals (where there is severe permanent distortion of the offcut/chip). Materials scientists employ the former conditions to determine the fracture toughness of ‘soft’ solids such as biological materials and foodstuffs. In contrast, traditional analyses of metalcutting are based on plasticity and friction only, and do not incorporate toughness. The machining theories are inadequate in a number of ways but a recent paper has shown that when ductile work of fracture is included many, if not all, of the shortcomings are removed. Support for the new analysis is given by examination of FEM simulations of metalcutting which reveal that a ‘separation criterion’ has to be employed at the tool tip. Some consideration shows that the separation criteria are versions of void-initiation-growth-and-coalescence models employed in ductile fracture mechanics. The new analysis shows that cutting forces for ductile materials depend upon the fracture toughness as well as plasticity and friction, and reveals a simple way of determining both toughness and flow stress from cutting experiments. Examples are given for a wide range of materials including metals, polymers and wood, and comparison is made with the same properties independently determined using conventional testpieces. Because cutting can be steady state, a new way is presented for simultaneously measuring toughness and flow stress at controlled speeds and strain rates.


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Statement of problem. Two problems found in prostheses with soft liners are bond failure to the acrylic resin base and loss of elasticity due to material aging.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of thermocycling on the bond strength and elasticity of 4 long-term soft denture liners to acrylic resin bases.Material and methods. Four soft lining materials (Molloplast-B, Flexor, Permasoft, and Pro Tech) and 2 acrylic resins (Classico, and Lucitone 199) were processed for testing according to manufacturers' instructions. Twenty rectangular specimens (10 X 10-mm(2) cross-sectional area) and twenty cylinder specimens (12.7-mm diameter X 19.0-mm height) for each liner/resin combination were used for the tensile and deformation tests, respectively. Specimen shape and liner thickness were standardized. Samples were divided into a test group that was thermocycled 3000 times and a control group that was stored for 24 hours in water at 37degreesC. Mean bond strength, expressed in megapascals (Wa), was determined in the tensile test with the use of a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min. Elasticity, expressed as percent of permanent deformation, was calculated with an instrument for measuring permanent deformation described in ADA/ANSI specification 18. Data from both tests were examined with 1-way analysis of variance and a Tukey test, with calculation of a Scheffe interval at a 95% confidence level.Results. In the tensile test under control conditions, Molloplast-B (1.51 +/- 0.28 MPa [mean SD]) and Pro Tech (1.44 +/- 0.27 MPa) liners had higher bond strength values than the others (P < .05). With regard to the permanent deformation test, the lowest values were observed for Molloplast-B (0.48% +/- 0.19%) and Flexor (0.44% +/- 0.14%) (P < .05). Under thermocycling conditions, the highest bond strength occurred with Molloplast-B (1.37 +/- 0.24 MPa) (P < .05) With regard to the deformation test, Flexor (0.46% +/- 0.13%) and Molloplast-B (0.44% +/- 0.17%) liners had lower deformation values than the others (P < .05).Conclusion. The results of this in vitro study indicated that bond strength and permanent deformity values of the 4 soft denture liners tested varied according to their chemical composition. These tests are not completely valid for application to dental restorations because the forces they encounter are more closely related to shear and tear. However, the above protocol serves as a good method of investigation to evaluate differences between thermocycled and control groups.


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Tests were carried out with samples from two depths of a vertical soil profile. The results indicate that the permanent deformation characteristics of the soil are dependent on their depth in the vertical profile and on their water content. Some practical consequences to the performance of the pavement were considered.


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The purpose of present study was to analyze the effect of pigmentation and chemical disinfection on the initial and the permanent deformation of two silicones (Silved Selant and Brascoved) for facial prosthesis. Initial and permanent deformation tests samples (20 mm × 12.5 mm) were made following the manufacturer's instructions. For each silicone (n= 40), ten samples were used for pigmentation with make up power, ten with iron oxide, ten with ceramics power and tem were tested without pigmentation. Five samples of each group were submitted to chemical disinfection using a 2 % Chlorhexidine spray. All samples were immersed in physiological saline and stored in an oven at 35 ° ± 1 °C. After 90 days, the samples were submitted to initial and permanent deformation tests using a dial indicator. For both properties, data were analyzed by Tukey's test (a= 0.05). The results showed that all the materials had initial and permanent deformation regardless of pigmentation and chemical disinfection. The groups were used for pigmentation with iron oxide showed less initial and permanent deformation when were submitted to the chemical disinfection regardless the silicone used.


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Introduction: Our objectives were to determine whether there are changes on the load deflection rate (L/DP) and the average force (FP) of the superelastic pseudoplateau, and whether permanent deformation is changed in nickel-titanium closed-coil springs (CCSs) after 6 months of clinical use. Methods: Twenty-two nickel-titanium CCSs (Sentalloy 100 g; Dentsply GAC, York, Pa) were subjected to tensile mechanical testing at 37 degrees C on activations varying from 3.2 to 16.0 mm before and after 6 months of clinical use. A regression line was fitted over the most horizontal area of the unloading part of the stress-strain graph of every CCS, and its slope was used as L/DP. The FP was determined by the midpoint of the longest segment of the curve that could be fit within the regression line with a R-2 of at least 0.999, and permanent deformation was determined graphically by obtaining the strain value when the measured stress reached zero. The data were analyzed by 3 analyses of variance at 2 levels, with 5% of significance. Results: Time and activation significantly influenced the variables tested (P < 0.001). Time increased the L/DP and permanent deformation but decreased the FP. Activation decreased L/DP, FP, and permanent deformation. Significant interactions between time and activation were detected for FP (P = 0.013) and deformation (P < 0.001). Conclusions: After 6 months of active clinical use, the analyzed springs had a significant but small increase in their L/DP; FP dropped up to 88%, and the CCSs deformed up to 1.26 mm.


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Il concetto di “sostenibilità” si riferisce allo sviluppo dei sistemi umani attraverso il più piccolo impatto possibile sul sistema ambientale. Le opere che si inseriscono bene nel contesto ambientale circostante e le pratiche che rispettano le risorse in maniera tale da permettere una crescita e uno sviluppo a lungo termine senza impattare sull’ambiente sono indispensabili in una società moderna. I progressi passati, presenti e futuri che hanno reso i conglomerati bituminosi materiali sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale sono particolarmente importanti data la grande quantità di conglomerato usato annualmente in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. I produttori di bitume e di conglomerato bituminoso stanno sviluppando tecniche innovative per ridurre l’impatto ambientale senza compromettere le prestazioni meccaniche finali. Un conglomerato bituminoso ad “alta lavorabilità” (WMA), pur sviluppando le stesse caratteristiche meccaniche, richiede un temperatura di produzione minore rispetto a quella di un tradizionale conglomerato bituminoso a caldo (HMA). L’abbassamento della temperature di produzione riduce le emissioni nocive. Questo migliora le condizioni dei lavoratori ed è orientato verso uno sviluppo sostenibile. L’obbiettivo principale di questa tesi di laurea è quello di dimostrare il duplice valore sia dal punto di vista dell’eco-compatibilità sia dal punto di vista meccanico di questi conglomerati bituminosi ad “alta lavorabilità”. In particolare in questa tesi di laurea è stato studiato uno SMA ad “alta lavorabilità” (PGGWMA). L’uso di materiali a basso impatto ambientale è la prima fase verso un progetto ecocompatibile ma non può che essere il punto di partenza. L’approccio ecocompatibile deve essere esteso anche ai metodi di progetto e alla caratterizzazione di laboratorio dei materiali perché solo in questo modo è possibile ricavare le massime potenzialità dai materiali usati. Un’appropriata caratterizzazione del conglomerato bituminoso è fondamentale e necessaria per una realistica previsione delle performance di una pavimentazione stradale. La caratterizzazione volumetrica (Mix Design) e meccanica (Deformazioni Permanenti e Comportamento a fatica) di un conglomerato bituminoso è una fase importante. Inoltre, al fine di utilizzare correttamente i materiali, un metodo di progetto avanzato ed efficiente, come quello rappresentato da un approccio Empirico-Meccanicistico (ME), deve essere utilizzato. Una procedura di progetto Empirico-Meccanicistica consiste di un modello strutturale capace di prevedere gli stati di tensione e deformazione all’interno della pavimentazione sotto l’azione del traffico e in funzione delle condizioni atmosferiche e di modelli empirici, calibrati sul comportamento dei materiali, che collegano la risposta strutturale alle performance della pavimentazione. Nel 1996 in California, per poter effettivamente sfruttare i benefici dei continui progressi nel campo delle pavimentazioni stradali, fu iniziato un estensivo progetto di ricerca mirato allo sviluppo dei metodi di progetto Empirico - Meccanicistici per le pavimentazioni stradali. Il risultato finale fu la prima versione del software CalME che fornisce all’utente tre approcci diversi di l’analisi e progetto: un approccio Empirico, uno Empirico - Meccanicistico classico e un approccio Empirico - Meccanicistico Incrementale - Ricorsivo. Questo tesi di laurea si concentra sulla procedura Incrementale - Ricorsiva del software CalME, basata su modelli di danno per quanto riguarda la fatica e l’accumulo di deformazioni di taglio dai quali dipendono rispettivamente la fessurazione superficiale e le deformazioni permanenti nella pavimentazione. Tale procedura funziona per incrementi temporali successivi e, usando i risultati di ogni incremento temporale, ricorsivamente, come input dell’incremento temporale successivo, prevede le condizioni di una pavimentazione stradale per quanto riguarda il modulo complesso dei diversi strati, le fessurazioni superficiali dovute alla fatica, le deformazioni permanenti e la rugosità superficiale. Al fine di verificare le propreità meccaniche del PGGWMA e le reciproche relazioni in termini di danno a fatica e deformazioni permanenti tra strato superficiale e struttura della pavimentazione per fissate condizioni ambientali e di traffico, è stata usata la procedura Incrementale – Ricorsiva del software CalME. Il conglomerato bituminoso studiato (PGGWMA) è stato usato in una pavimentazione stradale come strato superficiale di 60 mm di spessore. Le performance della pavimentazione sono state confrontate a quelle della stessa pavimentazione in cui altri tipi di conglomerato bituminoso sono stati usati come strato superficiale. I tre tipi di conglomerato bituminoso usati come termini di paragone sono stati: un conglomerato bituminoso ad “alta lavorabilità” con granulometria “chiusa” non modificato (DGWMA), un conglomerato bituminoso modificato con polverino di gomma con granulometria “aperta” (GGRAC) e un conglomerato bituminoso non modificato con granulometria “chiusa” (DGAC). Nel Capitolo I è stato introdotto il problema del progetto ecocompatibile delle pavimentazioni stradali. I materiali a basso impatto ambientale come i conglomerati bituminosi ad “alta lavorabilità” e i conglomerati bituminosi modificati con polverino di gomma sono stati descritti in dettaglio. Inoltre è stata discussa l’importanza della caratterizzazione di laboratorio dei materiali e il valore di un metodo razionale di progetto delle pavimentazioni stradali. Nel Capitolo II sono stati descritti i diversi approcci progettuali utilizzabili con il CalME e in particolare è stata spiegata la procedura Incrementale – Ricorsiva. Nel Capitolo III sono state studiate le proprietà volumetriche e meccaniche del PGGWMA. Test di Fatica e di Deformazioni Permanenti, eseguiti rispettivamente con la macchina a fatica per flessione su quattro punti e il Simple Shear Test device (macchina di taglio semplice), sono stati effettuati su provini di conglomerato bituminoso e i risultati dei test sono stati riassunti. Attraverso questi dati di laboratorio, i parametri dei modelli della Master Curve, del danno a fatica e dell’accumulo di deformazioni di taglio usati nella procedura Incrementale – Ricorsiva del CalME sono stati valutati. Infine, nel Capitolo IV, sono stati presentati i risultati delle simulazioni di pavimentazioni stradali con diversi strati superficiali. Per ogni pavimentazione sono stati analizzati la fessurazione superficiale complessiva, le deformazioni permanenti complessive, il danno a fatica e la profondità delle deformazioni in ognuno degli stati legati.


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There has been a continuous evolutionary process in asphalt pavement design. In the beginning it was crude and based on past experience. Through research, empirical methods were developed based on materials response to specific loading at the AASHO Road Test. Today, pavement design has progressed to a mechanistic-empirical method. This methodology takes into account the mechanical properties of the individual layers and uses empirical relationships to relate them to performance. The mechanical tests that are used as part of this methodology include dynamic modulus and flow number, which have been shown to correlate with field pavement performance. This thesis was based on a portion of a research project being conducted at Michigan Technological University (MTU) for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The global scope of this project dealt with the development of a library of values as they pertain to the mechanical properties of the asphalt pavement mixtures paved in Wisconsin. Additionally, a comparison with the current associated pavement design to that of the new AASHTO Design Guide was conducted. This thesis describes the development of the current pavement design methodology as well as the associated tests as part of a literature review. This report also details the materials that were sampled from field operations around the state of Wisconsin and their testing preparation and procedures. Testing was conducted on available round robin and three Wisconsin mixtures and the main results of the research were: The test history of the Superpave SPT (fatigue and permanent deformation dynamic modulus) does not affect the mean response for both dynamic modulus and flow number, but does increase the variability in the test results of the flow number. The method of specimen preparation, compacting to test geometry versus sawing/coring to test geometry, does not statistically appear to affect the intermediate and high temperature dynamic modulus and flow number test results. The 2002 AASHTO Design Guide simulations support the findings of the statistical analyses that the method of specimen preparation did not impact the performance of the HMA as a structural layer as predicted by the Design Guide software. The methodologies for determining the temperature-viscosity relationship as stipulated by Witczak are sensitive to the viscosity test temperatures employed. The increase in asphalt binder content by 0.3% was found to actually increase the dynamic modulus at the intermediate and high test temperature as well as flow number. This result was based the testing that was conducted and was contradictory to previous research and the hypothesis that was put forth for this thesis. This result should be used with caution and requires further review. Based on the limited results presented herein, the asphalt binder grade appears to have a greater impact on performance in the Superpave SPT than aggregate angularity. Dynamic modulus and flow number was shown to increase with traffic level (requiring an increase in aggregate angularity) and with a decrease in air voids and confirm the hypotheses regarding these two factors. Accumulated micro-strain at flow number as opposed to the use of flow number appeared to be a promising measure for comparing the quality of specimens within a specific mixture. At the current time the Design Guide and its associate software needs to be further improved prior to implementation by owner/agencies.


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The objective of this research is to develop sustainable wood-blend bioasphalt and characterize the atomic, molecular and bulk-scale behavior necessary to produce advanced asphalt paving mixtures. Bioasphalt was manufactured from Aspen, Basswood, Red Maple, Balsam, Maple, Pine, Beech and Magnolia wood via a 25 KWt fast-pyrolysis plant at 500 °C and refined into two distinct end forms - non-treated (5.54% moisture) and treated bioasphalt (1% moisture). Michigan petroleum-based asphalt, Performance Grade (PG) 58-28 was modified with 2, 5 and 10% of the bioasphalt by weight of base asphalt and characterized with the gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy and the automated flocculation titrimetry techniques. The GC-MS method was used to characterize the Carbon-Hydrogen-Nitrogen (CHN) elemental ratio whiles the FTIR and the AFT were used to characterize the oxidative aging performance and the solubility parameters, respectively. For rheological characterization, the rotational viscosity, dynamic shear modulus and flexural bending methods are used in evaluating the low, intermediate and high temperature performance of the bio-modified asphalt materials. 54 5E3 (maximum of 3 million expected equivalent standard axle traffic loads) asphalt paving mixes were then prepared and characterized to investigate their laboratory permanent deformation, dynamic mix stiffness, moisture susceptibility, workability and constructability performance. From the research investigations, it was concluded that: 1) levo, 2, 6 dimethoxyphenol, 2 methoxy 4 vinylphenol, 2 methyl 1-2 cyclopentandione and 4-allyl-2, 6 dimetoxyphenol are the dominant chemical functional groups; 2) bioasphalt increases the viscosity and dynamic shear modulus of traditional asphalt binders; 3) Bio-modified petroleum asphalt can provide low-temperature cracking resistance benefits at -18 °C but is susceptible to cracking at -24 °C; 3) Carbonyl and sulphoxide oxidation in petroleum-based asphalt increases with increasing bioasphalt modifiers; 4) bioasphalt causes the asphaltene fractions in petroleum-based asphalt to precipitate out of the solvent maltene fractions; 5) there is no definite improvement or decline in the dynamic mix behavior of bio-modified mixes at low temperatures; 6) bio-modified asphalt mixes exhibit better rutting performance than traditional asphalt mixes; 7) bio-modified asphalt mixes have lower susceptibility to moisture damage; 8) more field compaction energy is needed to compact bio-modified mixes.


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Impact response in fruits, primarily appl.es and pears (Pomaceae fruits), has been studied during the last five years. Using a laboratory impact testing device and also free-fall tests of instrumented apples, a significant body of results has been established, relative to the parameters which best characterize the impact response of these materials, and to their correlation with bruise damage, variety and ripeness level of the fruits. Bruise damage, measured as the size and/or volume of the affected fruit tissue is related primarily to applied energy (i.e. mainly drop height) for a given variety at a given ripeness stage. The relevant impact response parameters are maximum deformation (DM), permanent deformation (DP), maximum impulse (IM), maximum impact force (FM), maximum value of the force/time slope during impact (F/T) and impact time (T). The effect of ripeness differences was also studied in selected varieties of pears, being the most relevant parameters: maximum force (FM) and F/T slope.


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Actualmente y desde hace ya más de 25 años, el Método de “Predicción de las Direcciones Principales de Drenaje Subterráneo en Macizos Anisótropos”, ha sido utilizado con éxito en diferentes terrenos Kársticos como: calizas, yesos, cuarcitas, pizarras, granitos y criokarst (karst en el hielo glaciar). Sin embargo hasta ahora, nunca se había validado en terrenos volcánicos donde está focalizada esta tesis que lleva por título, Validación de dicho Método en los Terrenos Volcánicos del Macizo de Anaga en Tenerife. Este Método matemático consiste esencialmente en “Predecir y Cuantificar” las direcciones principales de drenaje turbulento subterráneo en macizos anisótropos. Para ello se basa en el estudio realizado en campo de los tectoglifos o deformaciones permanentes del macizo, impresas éstas en la roca, como consecuencia de los esfuerzos tectónicos a los que ha estado sometido dicho macizo. Se consigue de esta manera cubrir el vacío para macizos anisótropos que existe con el modelo matemático de flujo subterráneo laminar (macizos isótropos) definido por Darcy (1856). Para validar el Método se ha elegido el macizo de Anaga, pues es la zona de mayor anisotropía existente en la isla de Tenerife, conformada por una gran y extensa red de diques de diversas formas y tamaños que pertenecen a la familia de diques del eje estructural NE de la isla. En dicho macizo se realizó un exhaustivo trabajo de campo con la toma 331 datos (diques basálticos) y se aplicó el Método, consiguiendo definir las direcciones preferentes de drenaje subterráneo en el macizo de Anaga. Esta predicción obtenida se contrastó con la realidad del drenaje en la zona, conocida gracias a la existencia de cinco galerías ubicadas en la zona trabajo, de las cuales se tiene información sobre sus alumbramientos. En todos los casos se demuestra la bondad de la predicción obtenida con el Método. Queda demostrado que a mayor caos geológico o geotectónico, se ha conseguido mejor predicción del Método, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios para aquellas galerías de agua en las que su rumbo de avance fue coincidente con la dirección perpendicular a la obtenida con la predicción dada por el Método, como dirección preferente de drenaje en la zona en la que se encuentra ubicada cada galería. No cabe duda que la validación de Método en los terrenos volcánicos de Tenerife, supondrá un cambio considerable en el mundo de la hidrogeología en este tipo de terrenos. Es la única herramienta matemática que se dispone para predecir un rumbo acertado en el avance de la perforación de las galerías de aguas, lo que conlleva al mismo tiempo un ahorro importantísimo en la ejecución de las obras. Por otro lado, el Método deja un importante legado a la sociedad canaria, pues con él se abren numerosas vías de trabajo e investigación que generarán un importante desarrollo en el mundo de la hidrogeología volcánica. ABSTRACT Currently and for over 25 years now, the Method of "Prediction of Subsurface Drainage Main Directions in Anisotropic Massifs" has been successfully used in various karstic terrains such as: limestone, gypsum, quartzite, slate, granite and criokarst (karst in the glacier ice). However, until now, it had never been validated in volcanic terrains where is focused this thesis entitled Validation of such Method in the Anaga Massif Volcanic Terrains, in Tenerife. This mathematical method is essentially "predict and quantify" the main directions of groundwater turbulent drainage in anisotropic massifs. This is based on field study of tectoglifes or permanent deformation of the massif, printed on the rocks as a result of previous tectonic stresses. Therefore it is possible to use in anisotropic rock mathematical model instead of the isotropic laminar flow mathematical models defined by Darcy (1856). The Anaga Massif have been chosen to validate the method, because it presents the greatest anisotropy in Tenerife Island, shaped by a large and extensive network of dikes of various shapes and sizes that belong to the family of NE structural axis dikes of the island. An exhaustive field work was carried out in such massif, with 331 collected data (basaltic dikes) and the method was applied, in order to define the preferred direction of the underground drainage in the Anaga massif. This obtained prediction was contrasted to the reality of the drainage in the area, known thanks to the existence of five galleries located in the work area, from which information about their springs was available. In all cases it was possible to demonstrate the fitness of the prediction obtained by the method. It had been demonstrated that a greater geological or geotectonic chaos enhances a better prediction of the method, that predicted very satisfactory results for those water galleries which directions were perpendicular to that predicted by the Method as a drainage preferential direction, for the zone where was located each gallery. No doubt that the validation of the use of the Method in the volcanic terrain of Tenerife, means a considerable change in the world of hydrogeology in this type of terrain. It is the only mathematical tool available to predict a successful drilling direction in advancing water galleries, what also leads to major savings in execution of the drilling works. Furthermore, the method leaves an important legacy to the Canary Islands society, because it opens many lines of work and research to generate a significant development in the world of volcanic hydrogeology.


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En los últimos años, debido a la creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y el cambio climático, uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad es el uso eficiente y económico de energía así como la necesidad correspondiente de reducir los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Las tecnologías de mezclas semicalientes se han convertido en un nuevo e importante tema de investigación en el campo de los materiales para pavimentos ya que ofrece una solución potencial para la reducción del consumo energético y las emisiones de GEI durante la producción y puesta en obra de las mezclas bituminosas. Por otro lado, los pavimentos que contienen polvo de caucho procedente de neumático fuera de uso, al hacer uso productos de desecho, ahorran energía y recursos naturales. Estos pavimentos ofrecen una resistencia mejorada a la formación de roderas, a la fatiga y a la fisuración térmica, reducen los costes de mantenimiento y el ruido del tráfico así como prolongan la vida útil del pavimento. Sin embargo, estas mezclas presentan un importante inconveniente: la temperatura de fabricación se debe aumentar en comparación con las mezclas asfálticas convencionales, ya que la incorporación de caucho aumenta la viscosidad del ligante y, por lo tanto, se producen mayores cantidades de emisiones de GEI. En la presente Tesis, la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes con aditivos orgánicos (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B, Licomont) se incorporó a la de betunes de alta viscosidad modificados con caucho (15% y 20% de caucho) con la finalidad de dar una solución a los inconvenientes de mezclas con caucho gracias a la utilización de aditivos reductores de la viscosidad. Para este fin, se estudió si sería posible obtener una producción más sostenible de mezclas con betunes de alto contenido en caucho sin afectar significativamente su nivel de rendimiento mecánico. La metodología aplicada para evaluar y comparar las características de las mezclas consistió en la realización de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio para betunes y mezclas con caucho y con aditivos de mezclas semicalientes y de un análisis del ciclo de vida híbrido de la producción de mezclas semicalientes teniendo en cuenta la papel del aditivo en la cadena de suministro con el fin de cuantificar con precisión los beneficios de esta tecnología. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la incorporación de los aditivos permite reducir la viscosidad de los ligantes y, en consecuencia, las temperaturas de producción y de compactación de las mezclas. Por otro lado, aunque la adición de caucho mejoró significativamente el comportamiento mecánico de los ligantes a baja temperatura reduciendo la susceptibilidad al fenómeno de fisuración térmica, la adición de las ceras aumentó ligeramente la rigidez. Los resultados del estudio reológico mostraron que la adición de porcentajes crecientes de caucho mejoraban la resistencia del pavimento con respecto a la resistencia a la deformación permanente a altas temperaturas y a la fisuración térmica a bajas temperaturas. Además, se observó que los aditivos mejoran la resistencia a roderas y la elasticidad del pavimento al aumentar el módulo complejo a altas temperaturas y al disminuir del ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el estudio reológico confirmó que los aditivos estudiados aumentan ligeramente la rigidez a bajas temperaturas. Los ensayos de fluencia llevados a cabo con el reómetro demostraron una vez más la mejora en la elasticidad y en la resistencia a la deformación permanente dada por la adición de las ceras. El estudio de mezclas con caucho y aditivos de mezclas semicalientes llevado a cabo demostró que las temperaturas de producción/compactación se pueden disminuir, que las mezclas no experimentarían escurrimiento, que los aditivos no cambian significativamente la resistencia conservada y que cumplen la sensibilidad al agua exigida. Además, los aditivos aumentaron el módulo de rigidez en algunos casos y mejoraron significativamente la resistencia a la deformación permanente. Asimismo, a excepción de uno de los aditivos, las mezclas con ceras tenían la misma o mayor resistencia a la fatiga en comparación con la mezcla control. Los resultados del análisis de ciclo de vida híbrido mostraron que la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes es capaz de ahorrar significativamente energía y reducir las emisiones de GEI, hasta un 18% y 20% respectivamente, en comparación con las mezclas de control. Sin embargo, en algunos de los casos estudiados, debido a la presencia de la cera, la temperatura de fabricación debe reducirse en un promedio de 8 ºC antes de que los beneficios de la reducción de emisiones y el consumo de combustible puedan ser obtenidos. Los principales sectores contribuyentes a los impactos ambientales generados en la fabricación de mezclas semicalientes fueron el sector de los combustibles, el de la minería y el de la construcción. Due to growing concerns over global warming and climate change in recent years, one of the most important challenges facing our society is the efficient and economic use of energy, and with it, the corresponding need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology has become an important new research topic in the field of pavement materials as it offers a potential solution for the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions during the production and placement of asphalt mixtures. On the other hand, pavements containing crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders save energy and natural resources by making use of waste products. These pavements offer an improved resistance to rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking; reduce traffic noise and maintenance costs and prolong pavement life. These mixtures, however, present one major drawback: the manufacturing temperature is higher compared to conventional asphalt mixtures as the rubber lends greater viscosity to the binder and, therefore, larger amounts of GHG emissions are produced. In this dissertation the WMA technology with organic additives (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B and Licomont) was applied to CRM binders (15% and 20% of rubber) in order to offer a solution to the drawbacks of asphalt rubber (AR) mixtures thanks to the use of fluidifying additives. For this purpose, this study sought to determine if a more sustainable production of AR mixtures could be obtained without significantly affecting their level of mechanical performance. The methodology applied in order to evaluate and compare the performance of the mixtures consisted of carrying out several laboratory tests for the CRM binders and AR mixtures with WMA additives (AR-WMA mixtures) and a hybrid input-output-based life cycle assessment (hLCA) of the production of WMA. The results of the study indicated that the incorporation of the organic additives were able to reduce the viscosity of the binders and, consequently, the production and compaction temperatures. On the other hand, although the addition of rubber significantly improved the mechanical behaviour of the binders at low temperatures reducing the susceptibility to thermal cracking phenomena, the addition of the waxes slightly increased the stiffness. Master curves showed that the addition of increasing percentages of rubber improved the resistance of the pavement regarding both resistance to permanent deformation at high temperatures and thermal cracking at low temperatures. In addition, the waxes improved the rutting resistance and the elasticity as they increased the complex modulus at high temperatures and decreased the phase angle. Moreover, master curves also attest that the WMA additives studied increase the stiffness at low temperatures. The creep tests carried out proved once again the improvement in the elasticity and in the resistance to permanent deformation given by the addition of the waxes. The AR-WMA mixtures studied have shown that the production/compaction temperatures can be decreased, that the mixtures would not experience binder drainage, that the additives did not significantly change the retained resistance and fulfilled the water sensitivity required. Furthermore, the additives increased the stiffness modulus in some cases and significantly improved the permanent deformation resistance. Except for one of the additives, the waxes had the same or higher fatigue resistance compared to the control mixture. The results of the hLCA demonstrated that the WMA technology is able to significantly save energy and reduce GHG emissions, up to 18% and 20%, respectively, compared to the control mixtures. However, in some of the case studies, due to the presence of wax, the manufacturing temperature at the asphalt plant must be reduced by an average of 8ºC before the benefits of reduced emissions and fuel usage can be obtained. The results regarding the overall impacts generated using a detailed production layer decomposition indicated that fuel, mining and construction sectors are the main contributors to the environmental impacts of manufacturing WMA mixtures.


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A reciclagem profunda com espuma de asfalto tem sido uma alternativa de sucesso para a restauração de pavimentos degradados. Em relação às soluções tradicionais de reabilitação, como os recapeamentos, tem a vantagem de proporcionar a correção de defeitos em camadas inferiores, com a manutenção ou pequena elevação do greide da pista, além de ganhos ambientais, como um menor consumo de materiais virgens da natureza e redução do volume de material descartado. Entretanto, no Brasil não há método para dimensionamento estrutural para esta tecnologia, o que dificulta seu emprego. Para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple este tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional: guia da AASHTO de 1993 e Caltrans, dos EUA, TRL386 e TRL611, da Inglaterra, as duas versões do guia sul-africano TG2 e os métodos oriundos do Austroads, tanto o procedimento interino de 2011 como adaptações de órgãos da Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Observou-se divergência de opiniões quanto ao comportamento do material reciclado com espuma de asfalto. Alguns órgãos e autores consideram o comportamento do mesmo mais próximo às misturas asfálticas, sendo o mecanismo de falha o trincamento, e outros o definem como semelhante a um material granular modificado com alta coesão e ruptura devido às deformações permanentes. Correlaciona-se tal associação ao teor de espuma usualmente utilizado nas obras rodoviárias. Outros aspectos que se destacam para este tipo de base são o ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo devido à cura, mesmo com início da operação da rodovia e a importância da infraestrutura remanescente no dimensionamento. Tais fatos foram corroborados pelos estudos de caso e resultados do trecho experimental construído na Rodovia Ayrton Senna - SP 070, monitorado por meio de ensaios deflectométricos com FWD durante um ano. Como resultado do trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas a frio com espuma de asfalto utilizando dados deflectométricos que atende o método do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) e incorpora diferentes aspectos na análise mecanicista. Outras conclusões são a viabilidade técnica a longo prazo da solução mencionada e a importância do controle tecnológico, com ênfase para o monitoramento deflectométrico nos primeiros meses de operação do pavimento para averiguar a evolução da cura do material.