983 resultados para peptide sequences


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There has been great interest recently in peptide amphiphiles and block copolymers containing biomimetic peptide sequences due to applications in bionanotechnology. We investigate the self-assembly of the peptide-PEG amphiphile FFFF-PEG5000 containing the hydrophobic sequence of four phenylalanine residues conjugated to PEG of molar mass 5000. This serves as a simple model peptide amphiphile. At very low concentration, association of hydrophobic aromatic phenylalanine residues occurs, as revealed by circular dichroism and UV/vis fluorescence experiments. A critical aggregation concentration associated with the formation of hydrophobic domains is determined through pyrene fluorescence assays. At higher concentration, defined beta-sheets develop as revealed by FTIR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Transmission electron microscopy reveals self-assembled straight fibril structures. These are much shorter than those observed for amyloid peptides, the finite length may be set by the end cap energy due to the hydrophobicity of phenylalanine. The combination of these techniques points to different aggregation processes depending on concentration. Hydrophobic association into irregular aggregates occurs at low concentration, well-developed beta-sheets only developing at higher concentration. Drying of FFFF-PEG5000 solutions leads to crystallization of PEG, as confirmed by polarized optical microscopy (POM), FTIR and X-ray diffraction (XRD). PEG crystallization does not disrupt local beta-sheet structure (as indicated by FTIR and XRD). However on longer lengthscales the beta-sheet fibrillar structure is perturbed because spheruilites from PEG crystallization are observed by POM. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biologically-inspired peptide sequences have been explored as auxiliaries to mediate self-assembly of synthetic macromolecules into hierarchically organized solution and solid state nanostructures. Peptide sequences inspired by the coiled coil motif and "switch" peptides, which can adopt both amphiphilic alpha-helical and beta-strand conformations, were conjugated to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). The solution and solid state self-assembly of these materials was investigated using a variety of spectroscopic, scattering and microscopic techniques. These experiments revealed that the folding and organization properties of the peptide sequences are retained upon conjugation of PEG and that they provide the driving force for the formation of the different nanoscale structures which were observed. The possibility of using defined peptide sequences to direct structure formation of synthetic polymers together with the potential of peptide sequences to induce a specific biological response offers interesting prospects for the development of novel self-assembled and biologically active materials.


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A strategy is presented that exploits the ability of synthetic polymers of different nature to disturb the strong selfassembly capabilities of amyloid based β-sheet forming peptides. Following a convergent approach, the peptides of interest were synthesized via solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and the polymers via reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, followed by a copper(I) catalyzed azide− alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) to generate the desired peptide− polymer conjugates. This study focuses on a modified version of the core sequence of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), Aβ(16−20) (KLVFF). The influence of attaching short poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) and poly(hydroxyethylacrylate) to the peptide sequences on the self-assembly properties of the hybrid materials were studied via infrared spectroscopy, TEM, circular dichroism and SAXS. The findings indicate that attaching these polymers disturbs the strong self-assembly properties of the biomolecules to a certain degree and permits to influence the aggregation of the peptides based on their β-sheets forming abilities. This study presents an innovative route toward targeted and controlled assembly of amyloid-like fibers to drive the formation of polymeric nanomaterials.


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The remarkable diversity of the self-assembly behavior of PEG−peptides is reviewed, including self-assemblies formed by PEG−peptides with β-sheet and α-helical (coiled-coil) peptide sequences. The modes of self-assembly in solution and in the solid state are discussed. Additionally, applications in bionanotechnology and synthetic materials science are summarized.


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Rapid advances in bionanotechnology have recently generated growing interest in identifying peptides that bind to inorganic materials and classifying them based on their inorganic material affinities. However, there are some distinct characteristics of inorganic materials binding sequence data that limit the performance of many widely-used classification methods when applied to this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to predict the affinity classes of peptide sequences with respect to an associated inorganic material. We first generate a large set of simulated peptide sequences based on an amino acid transition matrix tailored for the specific inorganic material. Then the probability of test sequences belonging to a specific affinity class is calculated by minimizing an objective function. In addition, the objective function is minimized through iterative propagation of probability estimates among sequences and sequence clusters. Results of computational experiments on two real inorganic material binding sequence data sets show that the proposed framework is highly effective for identifying the affinity classes of inorganic material binding sequences. Moreover, the experiments on the structural classification of proteins (SCOP) data set shows that the proposed framework is general and can be applied to traditional protein sequences.


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Investigation of the non-covalent interaction of biomolecules with aqueous graphene interfaces is a rapidly expanding area. However, reliable exploitation of these interfaces in many applications requires that the links between the sequence and binding of the adsorbed peptide structures be clearly established. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can play a key role in elucidating the conformational ensemble of peptides adsorbed at graphene interfaces, helping to elucidate these rules in partnership with experimental characterisation. We apply our recently-developed polarisable force-field for biomolecule-graphene interfaces, GRAPPA, in partnership with advanced simulation approaches, to probe the adsorption behaviour of peptides at aqueous graphene. First we determine the free energy of adsorption of all twenty naturally occurring amino acids (AAs) via metadynamics simulations, providing a benchmark for interpreting peptide-graphene adsorption studies. From these free energies, we find that strong-binding amino acids have flat and/or compact side chain groups, and we relate this behaviour to the interfacial solvent structuring. Second, we apply replica exchange with solute tempering simulations to efficiently and widely sample the conformational ensemble of two experimentally-characterised peptide sequences, P1 and its alanine mutant P1A3, in solution and adsorbed on graphene. For P1 we find a significant minority of the conformational ensemble possesses a helical structure, both in solution and when adsorbed, while P1A3 features mostly extended, random-coil conformations. In solution this helical P1 configuration is stabilised through favourable intra-peptide interactions, while the adsorbed structure is stabilised via interaction of four strongly-binding residues, identified from our metadynamics simulations, with the aqueous graphene interface. Our findings rationalise the performance of the P1 sequence as a known graphene binder.


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Peptide-enabled nanoparticle (NP) synthesis routes can create and/or assemble functional nanomaterials under environmentally friendly conditions, with properties dictated by complex interactions at the biotic/abiotic interface. Manipulation of this interface through sequence modification can provide the capability for material properties to be tailored to create enhanced materials for energy, catalysis, and sensing applications. Fully realizing the potential of these materials requires a comprehensive understanding of sequence-dependent structure/function relationships that is presently lacking. In this work, the atomic-scale structures of a series of peptide-capped Au NPs are determined using a combination of atomic pair distribution function analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data and advanced molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The Au NPs produced with different peptide sequences exhibit varying degrees of catalytic activity for the exemplar reaction 4-nitrophenol reduction. The experimentally derived atomic-scale NP configurations reveal sequence-dependent differences in structural order at the NP surface. Replica exchange with solute-tempering MD simulations are then used to predict the morphology of the peptide overlayer on these Au NPs and identify factors determining the structure/catalytic properties relationship. We show that the amount of exposed Au surface, the underlying surface structural disorder, and the interaction strength of the peptide with the Au surface all influence catalytic performance. A simplified computational prediction of catalytic performance is developed that can potentially serve as a screening tool for future studies. Our approach provides a platform for broadening the analysis of catalytic peptide-enabled metallic NP systems, potentially allowing for the development of rational design rules for property enhancement.


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The stable free radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC) is the only spin labeled amino acid that has been used to date to successfully label peptide sequences for structural studies. However, severe difficulty in coupling the subsequent amino acid has been the most serious shortcoming of this paramagnetic marker. This problem stems from the low nucleophilicity of TOAC's amine group towards the acylation reaction during peptide chain elongation. The present report introduces the alternative beta -amino acid 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl-3-amino-4-carboxylic acid (POAC), potentially useful in peptide and protein chemistry. Investigations aimed at addressing the stereochemistry of this cyclic molecule through X-ray diffraction measurements of crystalline and bulk samples revealed that it consists only of the trans conformer. The 9-fluorenylmethyloxyearbonyl group (Fmoc) was chosen for temporary protection of the POAC amine function, allowing insertion of the probe at any position in a peptide sequence. The vasoactive octapeptide angiotensin II (AII, DRVYIHPF) was synthesized by replacing Pro(7) with POAC. The reaction of Fmoc-POAC with the peptidyl-resin occurred smoothly, and the coupling of the subsequent amino acid showed a much faster reaction when compared with TOAC. POAC(7)-AII was obtained in good yield, demonstrating that, in addition to TOAC, POAC is a convenient amino acid for the synthesis of spin labeled peptide analogues. The present findings open the possibility of a wide range of chemical and biological applications for this novel beta -amino acid derivative, including structural investigations involving its differentiated bend-inducing characteristics.


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Alanine-based peptides of defined sequence and length show measurable helix contents, allowing them to be used as a model system both for analyzing the mechanism of helix formation and for investigating the contributions of side-chain interactions to protein stability. Extensive characterization of many peptide sequences with varying amino acid contents indicates that the favorable helicity of alanine-based peptides can be attributed to the large helix-stabilizing propensity of alanine. Based on their analysis of alanine-rich sequences N-terminally linked to a synthetic helix-inducing template, Kemp and coworkers [Kemp, D. S., Boyd, J. G. & Muendel, C. C. (1991) Nature (London) 352, 451–454; Kemp, D. S., Oslick, S. L. & Allen, T. J. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 4249–4255] argue that alanine is helix-indifferent, however, and that the favorable helix contents of alanine-based peptides must have some other explanation. Here, we show that the helix contents of template-nucleated sequences are influenced strongly by properties of the template–helix junction. A model in which the helix propensities of residues at the template–peptide junction are treated separately brings the results from alanine-based peptides and template-nucleated helices into agreement. The resulting model provides a physically plausible resolution of the discrepancies between the two systems and allows the helix contents of both template-nucleated and standard peptide helices to be predicted by using a single set of helix propensities. Helix formation in both standard peptides and template–peptide conjugates can be attributed to the large intrinsic helix-forming tendency of alanine.


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For a large number of T cell-mediated immunopathologies, the disease-related antigens are not yet identified. Identification of T cell epitopes is of crucial importance for the development of immune-intervention strategies. We show that CD4+ T cell epitopes can be defined by using a new system for synthesis and screening of synthetic peptide libraries. These libraries are designed to bind to the HLA class II restriction molecule of the CD4+ T cell clone of interest. The screening is based on three selection rounds using partial release of 14-mer peptides from synthesis beads and subsequent sequencing of the remaining peptide attached to the bead. With this approach, two peptides were identified that stimulate the β cell-reactive CD4+ T cell clone 1c10, which was isolated from a newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patient. After performing amino acid-substitution studies and protein database searches, a Haemophilus influenzae TonB-derived peptide was identified that stimulates clone 1c10. The relevance of this finding for the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is currently under investigation. We conclude that this system is capable of determining epitopes for (autoreactive) CD4+ T cell clones with previously unknown peptide specificity. This offers the possibility to define (auto)antigens by searching protein databases and/or to induce tolerance by using the peptide sequences identified. In addition the peptides might be used as leads to develop T cell receptor antagonists or anergy-inducing compounds.


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The kinetics of amyloid fibril formation by beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) are typical of a nucleation-dependent polymerization mechanism. This type of mechanism suggests that the study of the interaction of Abeta with itself can provide some valuable insights into Alzheimer disease amyloidosis. Interaction of Abeta with itself was explored with the yeast two-hybrid system. Fusion proteins were created by linking the Abeta fragment to a LexA DNA-binding domain (bait) and also to a B42 transactivation domain (prey). Protein-protein interactions were measured by expression of these fusion proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae harboring lacZ (beta-galactosidase) and LEU2 (leucine utilization) genes under the control of LexA-dependent operators. This approach suggests that the Abeta molecule is capable of interacting with itself in vivo in the yeast cell nucleus. LexA protein fused to the Drosophila protein bicoid (LexA-bicoid) failed to interact with the B42 fragment fused to Abeta, indicating that the observed Abeta-Abeta interaction was specific. Specificity was further shown by the finding that no significant interaction was observed in yeast expressing LexA-Abeta bait when the B42 transactivation domain was fused to an Abeta fragment with Phe-Phe at residues 19 and 20 replaced by Thr-Thr (AbetaTT), a finding that is consistent with in vitro observations made by others. Moreover, when a peptide fragment bearing this substitution was mixed with native Abeta-(1-40), it inhibited formation of fibrils in vitro as examined by electron microscopy. The findings presented in this paper suggest that the two-hybrid system can be used to study the interaction of Abeta monomers and to define the peptide sequences that may be important in nucleation-dependent aggregation.


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Background - Modelling the interaction between potentially antigenic peptides and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules is a key step in identifying potential T-cell epitopes. For Class II MHC alleles, the binding groove is open at both ends, causing ambiguity in the positional alignment between the groove and peptide, as well as creating uncertainty as to what parts of the peptide interact with the MHC. Moreover, the antigenic peptides have variable lengths, making naive modelling methods difficult to apply. This paper introduces a kernel method that can handle variable length peptides effectively by quantifying similarities between peptide sequences and integrating these into the kernel. Results - The kernel approach presented here shows increased prediction accuracy with a significantly higher number of true positives and negatives on multiple MHC class II alleles, when testing data sets from MHCPEP [1], MCHBN [2], and MHCBench [3]. Evaluation by cross validation, when segregating binders and non-binders, produced an average of 0.824 AROC for the MHCBench data sets (up from 0.756), and an average of 0.96 AROC for multiple alleles of the MHCPEP database. Conclusion - The method improves performance over existing state-of-the-art methods of MHC class II peptide binding predictions by using a custom, knowledge-based representation of peptides. Similarity scores, in contrast to a fixed-length, pocket-specific representation of amino acids, provide a flexible and powerful way of modelling MHC binding, and can easily be applied to other dynamic sequence problems.


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A major barrier to the systematic improvement of biomimetic peptide-mediated strategies for the controlled growth of inorganic nanomaterials in environmentally benign conditions lies in the lack of clear conceptual connections between the sequence of the peptide and its surface binding affinity, with binding being facilitated by noncovalent interactions. Peptide conformation, both in the adsorbed and in the nonadsorbed state, is the key relationship that connects peptide-materials binding with peptide sequence. Here, we combine experimental peptide-titania binding characterization with state-of-the-art conformational sampling via molecular simulations to elucidate these structure/binding relationships for two very different titania-binding peptide sequences. The two sequences (Ti-1, QPYLFATDSLIK; Ti-2, GHTHYHAVRTQT) differ in their overall hydropathy, yet via quartz-crystal microbalance measurements and predictions from molecular simulations, we show these sequences both support very similar, strong titania-binding affinities. Our molecular simulations reveal that the two sequences exhibit profoundly different modes of surface binding, with Ti-1 acting as an entropically driven binder while Ti-2 behaves as an enthalpically driven binder. The integrated approach presented here provides a rational basis for peptide sequence engineering to achieve the in situ growth and organization of titania nanostructures in aqueous media and for the design of sequences suitable for a range of technological applications that involve the interface between titania and biomolecules.


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Proteases regulate a spectrum of diverse physiological processes, and dysregulation of proteolytic activity drives a plethora of pathological conditions. Understanding protease function is essential to appreciating many aspects of normal physiology and progression of disease. Consequently, development of potent and specific inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes is vital to provide tools for the dissection of protease function in biological systems and for the treatment of diseases linked to aberrant proteolytic activity. The studies in this thesis describe the rational design of potent inhibitors of three proteases that are implicated in disease development. Additionally, key features of the interaction of proteases and their cognate inhibitors or substrates are analysed and a series of rational inhibitor design principles are expounded and tested. Rational design of protease inhibitors relies on a comprehensive understanding of protease structure and biochemistry. Analysis of known protease cleavage sites in proteins and peptides is a commonly used source of such information. However, model peptide substrate and protein sequences have widely differing levels of backbone constraint and hence can adopt highly divergent structures when binding to a protease’s active site. This may result in identical sequences in peptides and proteins having different conformations and diverse spatial distribution of amino acid functionalities. Regardless of this, protein and peptide cleavage sites are often regarded as being equivalent. One of the key findings in the following studies is a definitive demonstration of the lack of equivalence between these two classes of substrate and invalidation of the common practice of using the sequences of model peptide substrates to predict cleavage of proteins in vivo. Another important feature for protease substrate recognition is subsite cooperativity. This type of cooperativity is commonly referred to as protease or substrate binding subsite cooperativity and is distinct from allosteric cooperativity, where binding of a molecule distant from the protease active site affects the binding affinity of a substrate. Subsite cooperativity may be intramolecular where neighbouring residues in substrates are interacting, affecting the scissile bond’s susceptibility to protease cleavage. Subsite cooperativity can also be intermolecular where a particular residue’s contribution to binding affinity changes depending on the identity of neighbouring amino acids. Although numerous studies have identified subsite cooperativity effects, these findings are frequently ignored in investigations probing subsite selectivity by screening against diverse combinatorial libraries of peptides (positional scanning synthetic combinatorial library; PS-SCL). This strategy for determining cleavage specificity relies on the averaged rates of hydrolysis for an uncharacterised ensemble of peptide sequences, as opposed to the defined rate of hydrolysis of a known specific substrate. Further, since PS-SCL screens probe the preference of the various protease subsites independently, this method is inherently unable to detect subsite cooperativity. However, mean hydrolysis rates from PS-SCL screens are often interpreted as being comparable to those produced by single peptide cleavages. Before this study no large systematic evaluation had been made to determine the level of correlation between protease selectivity as predicted by screening against a library of combinatorial peptides and cleavage of individual peptides. This subject is specifically explored in the studies described here. In order to establish whether PS-SCL screens could accurately determine the substrate preferences of proteases, a systematic comparison of data from PS-SCLs with libraries containing individually synthesised peptides (sparse matrix library; SML) was carried out. These SML libraries were designed to include all possible sequence combinations of the residues that were suggested to be preferred by a protease using the PS-SCL method. SML screening against the three serine proteases kallikrein 4 (KLK4), kallikrein 14 (KLK14) and plasmin revealed highly preferred peptide substrates that could not have been deduced by PS-SCL screening alone. Comparing protease subsite preference profiles from screens of the two types of peptide libraries showed that the most preferred substrates were not detected by PS SCL screening as a consequence of intermolecular cooperativity being negated by the very nature of PS SCL screening. Sequences that are highly favoured as result of intermolecular cooperativity achieve optimal protease subsite occupancy, and thereby interact with very specific determinants of the protease. Identifying these substrate sequences is important since they may be used to produce potent and selective inhibitors of protolytic enzymes. This study found that highly favoured substrate sequences that relied on intermolecular cooperativity allowed for the production of potent inhibitors of KLK4, KLK14 and plasmin. Peptide aldehydes based on preferred plasmin sequences produced high affinity transition state analogue inhibitors for this protease. The most potent of these maintained specificity over plasma kallikrein (known to have a very similar substrate preference to plasmin). Furthermore, the efficiency of this inhibitor in blocking fibrinolysis in vitro was comparable to aprotinin, which previously saw clinical use to reduce perioperative bleeding. One substrate sequence particularly favoured by KLK4 was substituted into the 14 amino acid, circular sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI). This resulted in a highly potent and selective inhibitor (SFTI-FCQR) which attenuated protease activated receptor signalling by KLK4 in vitro. Moreover, SFTI-FCQR and paclitaxel synergistically reduced growth of ovarian cancer cells in vitro, making this inhibitor a lead compound for further therapeutic development. Similar incorporation of a preferred KLK14 amino acid sequence into the SFTI scaffold produced a potent inhibitor for this protease. However, the conformationally constrained SFTI backbone enforced a different intramolecular cooperativity, which masked a KLK14 specific determinant. As a consequence, the level of selectivity achievable was lower than that found for the KLK4 inhibitor. Standard mechanism inhibitors such as SFTI rely on a stable acyl-enzyme intermediate for high affinity binding. This is achieved by a conformationally constrained canonical binding loop that allows for reformation of the scissile peptide bond after cleavage. Amino acid substitutions within the inhibitor to target a particular protease may compromise structural determinants that support the rigidity of the binding loop and thereby prevent the engineered inhibitor reaching its full potential. An in silico analysis was carried out to examine the potential for further improvements to the potency and selectivity of the SFTI-based KLK4 and KLK14 inhibitors. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the substitutions within SFTI required to target KLK4 and KLK14 had compromised the intramolecular hydrogen bond network of the inhibitor and caused a concomitant loss of binding loop stability. Furthermore in silico amino acid substitution revealed a consistent correlation between a higher frequency of formation and the number of internal hydrogen bonds of SFTI-variants and lower inhibition constants. These predictions allowed for the production of second generation inhibitors with enhanced binding affinity toward both targets and highlight the importance of considering intramolecular cooperativity effects when engineering proteins or circular peptides to target proteases. The findings from this study show that although PS-SCLs are a useful tool for high throughput screening of approximate protease preference, later refinement by SML screening is needed to reveal optimal subsite occupancy due to cooperativity in substrate recognition. This investigation has also demonstrated the importance of maintaining structural determinants of backbone constraint and conformation when engineering standard mechanism inhibitors for new targets. Combined these results show that backbone conformation and amino acid cooperativity have more prominent roles than previously appreciated in determining substrate/inhibitor specificity and binding affinity. The three key inhibitors designed during this investigation are now being developed as lead compounds for cancer chemotherapy, control of fibrinolysis and cosmeceutical applications. These compounds form the basis of a portfolio of intellectual property which will be further developed in the coming years.


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Bone defect treatments can be augmented by mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) based therapies. MSC interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the surrounding tissue regulates their functional behavior. Understanding of these specific regulatory mechanisms is essential for the therapeutic stimulation of MSC in vivo. However, these interactions are presently only partially understood. This study examined in parallel, for the first time, the effects on the functional behavior of MSCs of 13 ECM components from bone, cartilage and hematoma compared to a control protein, and hence draws conclusions for rational biomaterial design. ECM components specifically modulated MSC adhesion, migration, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation, for example, fibronectin facilitated migration, adhesion, and proliferation, but not osteogenic differentiation, whereas fibrinogen enhanced adhesion and proliferation, but not migration. Subsequently, the integrin expression pattern of MSCs was determined and related to the cell behavior on specific ECM components. Finally, on this basis, peptide sequences are reported for the potential stimulation of MSC functions. Based on the results of this study, ECM component coatings could be designed to specifically guide cell functions.