745 resultados para patron privacy
The aim of this study was to assess the teaching-learning process related to patient privacy during the care process and the way nursing students’ protect patient privacy. Descriptive/correlational study using a qualitative approach and nonprobability sampling of 19 nurse educators from two schools of nursing. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was undertaken using the SPSS version 20 and Alceste 2010 programs. The study complied with ethical standards. Two classes were assigned (protection of patient privacy and care process) with four subcategories (protection, empathy, relational competencies and technoscientific competencies).The findings show the need to adopt a reflective approach to the teaching-learning process by using experiential learning activities and real-life activities. We believe that intimacy and the protection of privacy should be core themes of nurse education and training.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Health Privacy Act Takes Effect April 14
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Health Privacy Act Takes Effect April 14
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Protect Kids' Privacy Online
In appointing the Iowa Privacy Task Force, Governor Vilsack sought to obtain the opinions of both average Iowa citizens and businesses and professionals that work with health and financial information. The Governor recognized that the free flow of information is essential to the vitality of the Iowa economy. At the same time, he also recognized the legitimate fears and concerns of Iowa citizens with the potential loss of privacy inherent in the vast new information flows in this new economy. In order to obtain broad and balanced input, the Governor appointed half the members of the Task Force to represent average Iowa citizens. The other half of the Task Force was appointed with representatives of the financial services industry, providers of health care and the health insurance industry. The Task Force was further balanced to represent the different geographic regions of the state and gender. A total of 32 members were appointed to the Task Force.
Reseña de: Esposito, Joseph J.; Walker, Kizer; Ehling, Terry. PDA and the university press. A report prepared for The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. [Baltimore, Md]: The Johns Hopkins University Press; [Ithaca, N.Y.]: Cornell University Library, Sept. 26th 2012. 65 p. Documento de trabajo disponible en línea en:
La protection des données est un élément essentiel d'un Etat de droit et une société démocratique, car elle accorde à chaque individu le droit de disposer de ce qui fait partie de sa sphère privée. Actuellement en Suisse, la loi fédérale sur la protection des données (LPD) est en vigueur depuis 1993. En 2010, l'Office fédéral de la justice a supervisé une évaluation de son efficacité : il en résulte que cette dernière a été prouvée, mais tendra à diminuer fortement dans les années à suivre. Pour causes principales : l'évolution des technologies, caractérisée notamment par le développement des moyens de traitement de données toujours plus variés et conséquents, et un manque d'informations des individus par rapport à la protection des données en générale et à leurs droits. Suite à l'évaluation, cinq objectifs de révision ont été formulés par le Conseil fédéral, dont celui d'intégrer la privacy by design ou « protection de la vie privée dès la conception » dans la loi. Ce concept, qui est également repris dans les travaux européens en cours, est développé à l'origine par l'Information and Privacy Commissionner de l'Ontario (Canada), Ann Cavoukian. Le principe général de la privacy by design est que la protection de la vie privée doit être incluse dans les systèmes traitant les données lors de leur conception. Souvent évoquée comme une solution idéale, répondant au problème de l'inadéquation de la loi par la logique de prévention qu'elle promeut, la privacy by design demeure toutefois un souhait dont l'application n'est que peu analysée. Ce travail cherche justement à répondre à la question de la manière de la mettre en oeuvre dans la législation suisse. Se basant sur les textes et la doctrine juridiques et une littérature dans les domaines de l'économie, l'informatique, la politique et la sociologie des données personnelles, il propose tout d'abord une revue générale des principes et définitions des concepts-clés de la protection des données en Suisse et dans le cadre international. Puis, il propose deux possibilités d'intégration de la privacy by design : la première est une solution privée non contraignante qui consiste à promouvoir le concept et faire en sorte que les responsables de traitement décident par eux-mêmes d'intégrer la privacy by design dans leurs projets ; ce procédé est possible grâce au renforcement du processus de certification déjà en cours. La deuxième option est une solution contraignante visant à intégrer le principe directement dans la loi et de prendre les mesures pour le rendre effectif ; ce travail montre que le développement de la figure du conseiller à la protection des données permet d'atteindre cet objectif. Enfin, des considérations générales sur l'application du principe sont abordées, telles que l'influence des développements en cours dans l'Union européenne sur la Suisse par rapport à la protection des données et la limite posée par le principe de territorialité.
Evidences collected from smartphones users show a growing desire of personalization offered by services for mobile devices. However, the need to accurately identify users' contexts has important implications for user's privacy and it increases the amount of trust, which users are requested to have in the service providers. In this paper, we introduce a model that describes the role of personalization and control in users' assessment of cost and benefits associated to the disclosure of private information. We present an instantiation of such model, a context-aware application for smartphones based on the Android operating system, in which users' private information are protected. Focus group interviews were conducted to examine users' privacy concerns before and after having used our application. Obtained results confirm the utility of our artifact and provide support to our theoretical model, which extends previous literature on privacy calculus and user's acceptance of context-aware technology.
This paper presents a theoretical model to analyze the privacy issues around location based mobile business models. We report the results of an exploratory field experiment in Switzerland that assessed the factors driving user payoff in mobile business. We found that (1) the personal data disclosed has a negative effect on user payoff; (2) the amount of personalization available has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff; (3) the amount of control over user's personal data has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff. The results suggest that privacy protection could be the main value proposition in the B2C mobile market. From our theoretical model we derive a set of guidelines to design a privacy-friendly business model pattern for third-party services. We discuss four examples to show the mobile platform can play a key role in the implementation of these new business models.
This article envisions the use of context-awareness to improve single sign-on solutions (SSO) for mobile users. The attribute-based SSO is expected to increase users' perceived ease of use of the system and service providers' authentication security of the application. From these two features we derive two value propositions for a new business model for mobile platforms. The business model can be considered as an instantiation of the privacy-friendly business model pattern presented in our previous work, reinforcing our claim that privacy-friendly value propositions are possible and can be used to obtain a competitive advantage.
In this paper we discuss the main privacy issues around mobile business models and we envision new solutions having privacy protection as a main value proposition. We construct a framework to help analyze the situation and assume that a third party is necessary to warrant transactions between mobile users and m-commerce providers. We then use the business model canvas to describe a generic business model pattern for privacy third party services. This pattern is then illustrated in two different variations of a privacy business model, which we call privacy broker and privacy management software. We conclude by giving examples for each business model and by suggesting further directions of investigation