42 resultados para parvocellular


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La consommation de poisson et de mammifères marins représente une source importante d’acides gras oméga-3 connus pour leurs effets bénéfiques sur le développement des fonctions cérébrales et notamment, sur le développement du système visuel. Afin de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’exposition prénatale aux acides gras oméga-3 a des effets bénéfiques à long terme, nous avons examiné les fonctions visuelles chez des enfants Inuits d’âge scolaire exposés à de grandes quantités d’oméga-3 durant la période de gestation. Des enfants Inuits (n = 136; moyenne d’âge = 11.3 ans) du nord du Québec (Nunavik) ont participé à cette étude. Un protocole de potentiels évoqués visuels (PEVs) utilisant des stimuli en couleur et en mouvement a été employé afin d’appréhender les réponses parvo- et magnocellulaires respectivement. Les concentrations d’acide docosahexaénoïque (ADH) ont été mesurées à la naissance à partir du sang de cordon ombilical et au moment du testing, reflétant ainsi les expositions pré- et post-natales. Les relations entre les niveaux sanguins d’ADH et les PEVs ont été examinées à l’aide d’analyses de régression multiples, en tenant compte des contaminants environnementaux et d’autres variables potentiellement confondantes. Aucune association significative n’a été trouvée en ce qui concerne les stimuli de mouvement. Cependant, après ajustement pour les covariables, les concentrations d’ADH à la naissance étaient associées à une latence plus courte des composantes N1 et P1 des PEVs couleur. Notre étude démontre, pour la première fois, des effets bénéfiques de l’exposition prénatale à l’ADH sur le système parvocellulaire à l’âge scolaire.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Le système endocannabinoïde (eCB) est présent dans le système nerveux central (SNC) de mammifères, incluant la rétine, et est responsable de la régulation de nombreux processus physiologiques. Bien que la présence du récepteur cannabinoïde de type 1 (CB1R) a bien été documenté dans la rétine de rongeurs et primates, il y a encore une controverse quant à la présence du récepteur cannabinoïde de type 2 (CB2R) au niveau du SNC. En utilisant la microscopie confocale, nous sommes les premiers à signaler les patrons d’expression du CB2R dans la rétine de singe. Nos résultats démontrent que le CB2R est exprimé exclusivement dans les cellules de Müller de la rétine du singe. En outre, nous avons comparé les différents patrons d’expression du système eCB dans la rétine de la souris, du toupaye, ainsi que du singe vervet et macaque. Nous rapportons que les distributions de CB1R, FAAH (fatty acid amid hydrolase), MAGL (monoacylglycerol lipase) et DAGLα (diacylglycerol lipase alpha) sont hautement conservées parmi ces espèces alors que CB2R et NAPE-PLD (N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D) présentent différents profils d'expression. CB2R n'a pas été détecté dans les cellules neuronales de la rétine des primates. L’immunoréactivité de NAPE-PLD est présente dans les couches de la rétine de souris et toupayes, mais a été limitée à la couche des photorécepteurs des singes vervet et macaque. Pour étudier les corrélats neuronaux et le rôle de la signalisation du système eCB dans la rétine, nous avons établi un protocole standard pour l'électrorétinographie (ERG), puis enregistré la réponse ERG de la rétine après le blocage des récepteurs avec des antagonistes spécifiques pour CB1R (AM251) et CB2R (AM630). Comparé au témoin, dans des conditions photopiques, et à certaines intensités faibles du stimulus, le blocage de CB1R diminue l'amplitude de l'onde-b, alors qu’à des intensités plus élevées, le blocage de CB2R augmente l'amplitude des deux-ondes a et b. De plus, le blocage des récepteurs cannabinoïdes provoque une augmentation de la latence des deux ondes a et b. Dans des conditions d’adaptation à l'obscurité, le blocage de CB1R et CB2R réduit l’amplitudes de l'onde a seulement à des intensités plus élevées et réduit l’onde b à intensités plus faibles. Des augmentations significatives de latence ont été observées dans les deux cas. Ces résultats indiquent que les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 chez les primates non humains sont impliqués dans la fonction rétinienne conditions photopiques. En outre, nous avons évalué le profil d'expression du CB1R, de FAAH et de NAPE-PLD au-delà de la rétine dans le corps géniculé latéral des singes et nous rapportons pour la première fois que CB1R et FAAH sont exprimés davantage dans les couches magnocellulaires. La NAPE-PLD a été localisée à travers les couches magno- et parvocellulaires. Aucune de ces composantes n’est exprimée dans les couches koniocellulaires. Ces résultats nous aident à mieux comprendre les effets des cannabinoïdes sur le système visuel qui pourraient nous mener à trouver éventuellement de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques.


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Physical stressors such as infection, inflammation and tissue injury elicit activation of the hypofhalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This response has significant implications for both immune and central nervous system function. Investigations in rats into the neural substrates responsible for HPA axis activation to an immune challenge have predominantly utilized an experimental paradigm involving the acute administration of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 β (IL-1β). It is well recognized that medial parvocellular corticotrophin-releasing factor cells of the paraventricular nucleus (mPVN CRF) are critical in generating HPA axis responses to an immune challenge but little is known about how peripheral immune signals can activate and/or modulate the mPVN CRF cells. Studies that have examined the afferent control of the mPVN CRF cell response to systemic IL-1β have centred largely on the inputs from brainstem catecholamine cells. However, other regulatory neuronal populations also merit attention and one such region is a component of the limbic system, the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). A large number of CeA cells are recruited following systemic IL-lβ administration and there is a significant body of work indicating that the CeA can influence HPA axis function. However, the contribution of the CeA to HPA axis responses to an immune challenge is only just beginning to be addressed. This review examines three aspects of HPA axis control by systemic IL-lβ; (i) whether the CeA has a role in generating HPA axis responses to systemic IL-1 β, (ii) the identity of the neural connections between the CeA and mPVN CRF cells that might be important to HPA axis responses and (iii) the mechanisms by which systemic IL-lβ triggers the recruitment of CeA cells.


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Hypothalamic nuclei, particularly the paraventricular nuclei (PVN), are important brain sites responsible for central nervous system responses during an immune challenge. The brainstem catecholamine cells of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) have been shown to play critical roles in relaying systemic immune signals to the PVN. However, whilst it is well recognised that PVN divisions also innervate the NTS and VLM, it is not known whether descending PVN pathways can modulate the recruitment of brainstem cells during an immune challenge. Using systemic administration of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β, in combination with Fos immunolabelling, we firstly investigated the effect of PVN lesions on NTS and VLM catecholamine and non-catecholamine cell responses. We found that ibotenic acid lesions of the PVN significantly reduced numbers of Fos-positive non-catecholamine, noradrenergic and adrenergic cells observable in the VLM and NTS after interleukin-1β administration. We then investigated the origins of descending inputs to the VLM and NTS, activated by systemic interleukin-1β, by mapping the distribution of Fos-positive retrogradely-labelled cells in divisions of the PVN after iontophoretically depositing choleratoxin-b subunit into the NTS or VLM one week prior to interleukin-1β administration. We found that, after either NTS or VLM deposits, the majority of retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells activated by interleukin-1β were localised in the medial and lateral parvocellular PVN divisions. Retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells were also observed in the NTS after VLM deposits, and in the VLM after NTS tracer deposits, suggesting reciprocal communication between these two nuclei after systemic interleukin-1β. Thus the present study shows that the PVN has the capacity to modulate NTS and VLM responses after an immune challenge and that these may result from descending projections arising in the medial and lateral PVN divisions. These findings suggest that central nervous system responses to an immune challenge are likely to involve complex reciprocal connections between the PVN and the brainstem as well as between brainstem nuclei themselves.


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Recent investigations have implicated the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in modulation of subcortical pathways that contribute to the generation of behavioural, autonomic and endocrine responses to stress. However, little is known of the mechanisms involved. One of the key neurotransmitters involved in mPFC function is dopamine, and we therefore aimed, in this investigation, to examine the role of mPFC dopamine in response to stress in Wistar rats. In this regard, we infused dopamine antagonists SCH23390 or sulpiride into the mPFC via retrodialysis. We then examined changes in numbers of cells expressing the c-fos immediate-early gene protein product, Fos, in subcortical neuronal populations associated with regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress responses in response to either of two stressors; systemic injection of interleukin-1β, or air puff. The D1 antagonist, SCH23390, and the D2 antagonist, sulpiride, both attenuated expression of Fos in the medial parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (mpPVN) corticotropin-releasing factor cells at the apex of the HPA axis, as well as in most extra-hypothalamic brain regions examined in response to interleukin-1β. By contrast, SCH23390 failed to affect Fos expression in response to air puff in any brain region examined, while sulpiride resulted in an attenuation of the air puff-induced response in only the mpPVN and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These results indicate that the mPFC differentially processes the response to different stressors and that the two types of dopamine receptor may have different roles.


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Medial parvocellular paraventricular corticotropin-releasing hormone (mPVN CRH) cells are critical in generating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responses to systemic interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). However, although it is understood that catecholamine inputs are important in initiating mPVN CRH cell responses to IL-1beta, the contributions of distinct brainstem catecholamine cell groups are not known. We examined the role of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) catecholamine cells in the activation of mPVN CRH, hypothalamic oxytocin (OT) and central amygdala cells in response to IL-1beta (1 microg/kg, i.a.). Immunolabelling for the expression of c-fos was used as a marker of neuronal activation in combination with appropriate cytoplasmic phenotypic markers. First we confirmed that PVN 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, which selectively depleted catecholaminergic terminals, significantly reduced IL-1beta-induced mPVN CRH cell activation. The contribution of VLM (A1/C1 cells) versus NTS (A2 cells) catecholamine cells to mPVN CRH cell responses was then examined by placing ibotenic acid lesions in either the VLM or NTS. The precise positioning of these lesions was guided by prior retrograde tracing studies in which we mapped the location of IL-1beta-activated VLM and NTS cells that project to the mPVN. Both VLM and NTS lesions reduced the mPVN CRH and OT cell responses to IL-1beta. Unlike VLM lesions, NTS lesions also suppressed the recruitment of central amygdala neurons. These studies provide novel evidence that both the NTS and VLM catecholamine cells have important, but differential, contributions to the generation of IL-1beta-induced HPA axis responses.


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A wide variety of stressors elicit Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). No direct attempts, however, have been made to determine the role of the inputs that drive this response. We examined the effects of lesions of mPFC catecholamine terminals on local expression of Fos after exposure to air puff, a stimulus that in the rat acts as an acute psychological stressor. We also examined the effects of these lesions on Fos expression in a variety of subcortical neuronal populations implicated in the control of adrenocortical activation, one classic hallmark of the stress response. Lesions of the mPFC that were restricted to dopaminergic terminals significantly reduced numbers of Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-IR) cells seen in the mPFC after air puff, but had no significant effect on stress-induced Fos expression in the subcortical structures examined. Lesions of the mPFC that affected both dopaminergic and noradrenergic terminals also reduced numbers of Fos-IR cells observed in the mPFC after air puff. Additionally, these lesions resulted in a significant reduction in stress-induced Fos-IR in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These results demonstrate a role for catecholaminergic inputs to the mPFC, in the generation of both local and subcortical responses to psychological stress.


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Psychophysical measurement of the function of individual precortical visual pathways (magnocellular, parvocellular and koniocellular) has enabled the development of sensitive tests for glaucoma and has enhanced understanding of its pathophysiology. Such pathways can be further subdivided into their “On” and “Off” components, which have anatomical and physiological asymmetries. This study investigated whether On and Off subdivisions of the magnocellular (M) pathway are differentially affected by glaucoma.

20 participants with glaucoma and 20 controls underwent two psychophysical procedures that have been shown to assess the M pathway (steady pedestal task) and its On and Off subdivisions (pedestal-delta-pedestal task) respectively. Luminance discrimination thresholds were measured foveally, using both increment and decrement stimuli.

The steady pedestal (undifferentiated M-pathway) task separated the glaucoma and control groups (p = 0.04) with equivalent outcomes for increment and decrement targets. The pedestal-delta-pedestal task (isolated On and Off M-pathway subdivisions) also differentiated between groups (p = 0.025), but the outcome was not dependent on which subdivision was isolated.

This study found that increment and decrement targets can be used with equal effectiveness for detecting contrast processing deficits in early glaucoma. Outcomes further suggested that glaucoma affects On and Off subdivisions of the M-pathway equivalently.


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Some people who experience migraine demonstrate reduced visual contrast sensitivity that is measurable between migraines. Contrast sensitivity loss to low spatial frequency gratings has been previously attributed to possible impairment of magnocellular pathway function. This study measured contrast sensitivity using low spatial frequency targets (0.25–4 c/deg) where the adaptation aspects of the stimuli were designed to preferentially assess either magnocellular or parvocellular pathway function (steady and pulsed pedestal technique). Twelve people with migraine with measured visual field abnormalities and 17 controls participated. Subjects were tested foveally and at 10° eccentricity. Foveally, there was no significant difference in group mean contrast sensitivity. At 10°, the migraine group demonstrated reduced contrast sensitivity for both the stimuli designed to assess magnocellular and parvocellular function (P < 0.05). The functional deficits measured in this study infer that abnormalities of the low spatial frequency sensitive channels of both pathways contribute to contrast sensitivity deficits in people with migraine.


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The thalamus plays an important role in the sensorial processing information, in this particular case, the visual information. Several neuronal groups have been characterized as conductors and processors of important sensorial information to the cerebral cortex. The lateral geniculate complex is one to them, and appears as a group very studied once it is responsible, in almost all totality, for the processing of visual information. Among the nuclei that constitute the lateral geniculate complex we highlight the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (DLG), the main thalamic relay for the visual information. This nucleus is located rostral and lateral to medial geniculate nucleus and ventral to thalamic pulvinar nucleus in most of the mammals. In the primates humans and non-humans, it presents as a laminate structure, arranged in layers, when observed in coronal sections. The objective of this work was to do a mapping of the retinal projections and a citoarchictetonic and neurochemical characterization of DLG in the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a New World primate. The retinal projections were traced by anterograde transport of subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), the citoarchicteture was described by Nissl method, and to neurochemical characterization immunohistochemicals technical were used to examine the main neurotransmitters and neuroatives substances present in this neural center. In DGL of marmoset thalamus, in coronal sections labeled by Nissl method, was possible to visualize the division of this nucleus in four layers divided in two portions: magnocellular and parvocellular. The retinal projections were present being visualized fibers and terminals immunorreactives to CTb (IR-CTb) in the DLG ipsilateral and contralateral. And through the immunohistochemicals techniques was observed that DLG contain cells, fibers and/or terminals immunoreactives against neuronal nuclear protein, subunits of AMPA 15 glutamate receptors (GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR4), choline acetyltransferase, serotonin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, binding calcium proteins (calbindin, parvalbumin and calretinin), vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and an astrocyte protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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PURPOSE. To measure heterochromatic flicker electroretinograms (ERGs) at high (36 Hz) and intermediate (12 Hz) temporal frequencies to evaluate luminance and cone opponent responses, respectively, in glaucoma eyes with (perimetric) and without (preperimetric) visual field defects. METHODS. Flicker ERGs were recorded from one randomly chosen dilated eye of 32 patients (mean age, 61 +/- 11 years; 15 men, 17 women) from the Erlangen Glaucoma Registry and from 24 healthy volunteers (mean age, 43 +/- 11 years; 14 men, 10 women). Red and green light-emitting diodes in a Ganzfeld stimulator were sine wave-modulated in counterphase. The responses were measured at 36 Hz, the frequency at which ERGs reflect activity of the luminance pathway, and at 12 Hz, the frequency at which ERGs reflect chromatic activity. RESULTS. Response amplitudes were similar in glaucoma patients and controls. Phase differences were observed in patients with visual field defects (perimetric) compared with the control group at 36 and 12 Hz in the first harmonic and second harmonic responses. Patients without visual field defects (preperimetric) showed phase differences for the second harmonic component at 36 Hz. No age effect on response amplitudes and phases was found in any of the subject groups (controls and patients). CONCLUSIONS. The responses displayed phase differences but not amplitude differences in perimetric glaucoma patients at both 36 and 12 Hz, suggesting that both magnocellular and parvocellular pathways are affected. Preperimetric glaucoma patients also showed phase differences. The response phase may be sensitive to early dysfunction of the inner retina. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00494923.) (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:6757-6765) DOI:10.1167/iovs.11-7538