320 resultados para parking garage
Guidelines on the Provision of Structured Car Parking Facilities at Acute Hospitals These guidelines have been developed to ensure that any future developments for car parking facilities are consistent with Department policy and deliver value for money. They are intended to assist acute hospitals in ensuring that best practice is followed at all stages in the provision and management of structured car parking facilities. Click here to download PDF 23kb
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State University Audit Report of Iowa State University
State University Audit Report
On-street parking has been considered problematic by engineers for many years. In fact, numerous studies have concluded that diagonal or angle parking in particular is potentially more of a safety concern than parallel or no parking at all. It is a common position of many states, including Iowa, to discourage or completely prohibit angle parking on primary road extensions in urban areas. However, with the acceptance of “context sensitive design” and traffic calming techniques, policies for on-street parking are receiving re -consideration in many agencies including the FHWA. This study was undertaken to analyze operational and safety histories in the state of Iowa where various types of on-street parking have existed for many years, concentrating in particular on smaller communities. Specifically of interest was a comparison of diagonal parking locations to other types with regard to related crash histories. If possible, it was intended to develop guidelines to assist Iowa Department of Transportation designers in the consideration of parking requirements for road improvements through small communities. In this regard, several criteria were analyzed to determine possible contribution to crash history including road width, clearance to parked vehicles, traffic volumes, community population, and length of parking area. None of these factors, with the possible exception of population, displayed a clearly definable relationship to crash history. However, when average crash rates for various parking types were compared for non-intersection crashes, differences in rates between areas with diagonal parking and those with parallel parking were almost negligible. In fact, those observed rates were less than sample locations with no parking at all. These results seem to indicate that indeed there may exist no compelling justification for blanket prohibition of angle parking along Iowa’s primary extensions in all urban areas. Rather, a case-by-case investigation with each project design of the most applicable parking type would seem appropriate in smaller communities.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and Chapter 321L of the Iowa Code.
State University Audit Report
State University Audit Report
Audit of the Parking System Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology (Iowa State University) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007
Report of the Parking System Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of and for the year ended June 30, 2008
An optimum allocation model has been utilized to examine the existing allocation of highway segments to maintenance garages in the Hamlin study area. The model has also been used to evaluate the financial effect of closing the garage at Hamlin. The examination of the study area shows that only three of 48 highway segments should be reallocated at an annual operational savings of approximately $1,400. The study concludes there would be an annual operational savings of approximately 128,700 if the garage at Hamlin were closed.
During the 1980-81 fiscal year, the Office of Transportation Research conducted a study to examine the existing locations of highway maintenance garages in a study area provided by the Office of Maintenance. The study successfully identified a model referred to as an "Optimum Allocation Model" for examining highway maintenance garage locations in a given area. This model can optimally assign highway segments to maintenance garages and can also be used to evaluate the financial impact of closing or relocating a highway maintenance garage utilizing the highway maintenance-related data currently available at the Iowa DOT. The present study employs the optimum allocation model to examine the existing highway maintenance garage locations in two selected areas in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the state. These areas were selected by the Office of Maintenance and are referred to as "Study Area No. 1" and "Study Area No. 2" in this study. These study areas are shown in Appendices 1 and 2, respectively.
Examination of Existing Highway Maintenance Garage Locations in Tama and Blairstown Study Area, 1983
An optimum allocation model has been utilized to examine the existing allocation of highway segments to maintenance garages in the Tama and Blairstown study area. The model has also been used to evaluate the financial impact of closing the highway maintenance garages at Tama and Blairstown and building a new garage at the junction of U.S. 30 and Iowa 21. The examination of the study area shows that only 13 of 91 highway segments were reallocated under optimum procedures at an annual operational savings of approximately $13,200. The study concludes there would be an annual operational savings of approximately $48,200 if the garages at Tama and Blairstown were closed and a new garage was built at the junction of U.S. 30 and Iowa 21.