51 resultados para pQCT


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La osteoporosis es una de las condiciones patológicas en mayor crecimiento a medida que la población de tercera edad aumenta, esto se traduce en fracturas por fragilidad como lo son las fracturas de radio distal y las fracturas de cadera, actualmente no se cuentas con datos de la población a estudio que correlacione este tipo de fracturas. Es un estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles donde se obtuvo un grupo de pacientes con fractura de cadera que consultaron a un hospital universitario de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá, se evaluó la presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal y se comparó con un grupo control de trauma en cadera. Se obtuvo un total de 325 casos (72,5%) y 123 (25%) controles. El promedio de edad fue de 81 años, el 70% de los pacientes en ambos grupos correspondió a mujeres. No hubo diferencia en cuanto a la prevalencia de tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial o diabetes en los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a niveles de glicemia, calcio, vitamina D. La presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal en grupo con fractura de cadera fue del 7,1% encontrando un OR de 3,91 IC 95%(1,17– 13,10). La presencia de fractura de radio distal como antecedente es un predictor para la fractura de cadera en pacientes mayores. Se necesitan más estudios que correlacionen otras variables que pueden influir en la asociación para fractura de cadera y radio, para así identificar una población específica que se beneficie de un tratamiento temprano.


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Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) has mainly been used as a research tool in children. To evaluate the clinical utility of pQCT and formulate recommendations for its use in children, the International Society
of Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) convened a task force to review the literature and propose areas of consensus and future research. The types of pQCT technology available, the clinical application of pQCT for bone health assessment in children, the important elements to be included in a pQCT report, and quality control monitoring techniques were evaluated. The review revealed a lack of standardization of pQCT techniques, and a paucity of data regarding differences between pQCT manufacturers, models and software versions and their impact in pediatric assessment. Measurement sites varied across studies. Adequate reference data, a critical element for interpretation of pQCT results, were entirely lacking, although some comparative data on healthy children were available. The elements of the
pQCT clinical report and quality control procedures are similar to those recommended for dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Future research is needed to establish evidence-based criteria for the selection of the measurement site, scan acquisition and analysis parameters, and outcome measures. Reference data that sufficiently characterize the normal range of variability in the population also need to be established.


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Background : Female gymnasts frequently present with overt signs of hypoestrogenism, such as late menarche or menstrual dysfunction. The objective was to investigate the impact of history of amenorrhoea on the exercise-induced skeletal benefits in bone geometry and volumetric density in retired elite gymnasts.
Subjects and methods

24 retired artistic gymnasts, aged 17–36 years, who had been training for at least 15 h/week at the peak of their career and had been retired for 3–18 years were recruited. They had not been engaged in more than 2 h/week of regular physical activity since retirement. Former gymnasts who reported history of amenorrhoea (‘AME’, n = 12: either primary or secondary amenorrhoea) were compared with former gymnasts (‘NO-AME’, n = 12) and controls (‘C’, n = 26) who did not report history of amenorrhoea. Bone mineral content (BMC), total bone area (ToA) and total volumetric density (ToD) were measured by pQCT at the radius and tibia (4% and 66%). Trabecular volumetric density (TrD) and bone strength index (BSI) were measured at the 4% sites. Cortical area (CoA), cortical thickness (CoTh), medullary area (MedA), cortical volumetric density (CoD), stress–strain index (SSI) and muscle and fat area were measured at the 66% sites. Spinal BMC, areal BMD and bone mineral apparent density (BMAD) were measured by DXA.

Menarcheal age was delayed in AME when compared to NO-AME (16.4 ± 0.5 years vs. 13.3 ± 0.4 years, p < 0.001). No differences were detected between AME and C for height-adjusted spinal BMC, aBMD and BMAD, TrD and BSI at the distal radius and tibia, CoA at the proximal radius, whereas these parameters were greater in NO-AME than C (p < 0.05–0.005). AME had lower TrD and BSI at the distal radius, and lower spinal BMAD than NO-AME (p < 0.05) but they had greater ToA at the distal radius (p < 0.05).

Greater spinal BMC, aBMD and BMAD as well as trabecular volumetric density and bone strength in the peripheral skeleton were found in former gymnasts without a history of menstrual dysfunction but not in those who reported either primary or secondary amenorrhoea. History of amenorrhoea may have compromised some of the skeletal benefits associated with high-impact gymnastics training.


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Bone strength benefits after long-term retirement from elite gymnastics in terms of bone geometry and volumetric BMD were studied by comparing retired female gymnasts to moderately active age-matched women. In a cross-sectional study, 30 retired female gymnasts were compared with 30 age-matched moderately active controls. Bone geometric and densitometric parameters were measured by pQCT at the distal epiphyses and shafts of the tibia, femur, radius, and humerus. Muscle cross-sectional areas were assessed from the shaft scans. Independent t-tests were conducted on bone and muscle variables to detect differences between the two groups. The gymnasts had retired for a mean of 6.1 ± 0.4 yr and were engaged in ≤2 h of exercise per week since retirement. At the radial and humeral shafts, cortical cross-sectional area (CSA), total CSA, BMC, and strength strain index (SSIpol) were significantly greater (13–38%, p ≤ 0.01) in the retired gymnasts; likewise, BMC and total CSA were significantly greater at the distal radius (22–25%, p ≤ 0.0001). In the lower limbs, total CSA and BMC at the femur and tibia shaft were greater by 8–11%, and trabecular BMD and BMC were only greater at the tibia (7–8%). Muscle CSA at the forearm and upper arm was greater by 15–17.6% (p ≤ 0.001) but was not different at the upper and lower leg. Past gymnastics training is associated with greater bone mass and bone size in women 6 yr after retirement. Skeletal benefits were site specific, with greater geometric adaptations (greater bone size) in the upper compared with the lower limbs.


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Background/Aim: The study investigated the relationship between indices of adiposity measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in pre-pubertal children.

Subjects and methods: DXA-derived per cent body fat (%BF) was measured in 284 boys and 288 girls, aged 7–10 years. Cross-sections of the forearm (n=427) and lower leg (n=560) were obtained by pQCT to measure total cross-sectional area of the limb (Total CSA), Muscle CSA, Fat CSA, %Fat CSA (Fat CSA/Total CSA×100) and muscle density.

Results: Peripheral QCT-derived %Fat CSA in the forearm and lower leg correlated strongly with DXA-derived %BF (r=0.83–0.89, p<0.01) in both boys and girls. However, forearm and lower leg %Fat CSA were higher than whole body %BF by 5% and 10%, respectively. A better prediction of whole-body %BF was achieved by including %Fat CSA, muscle density and height into a hierarchical regression model. Using sex-specific regression equations, 87.7% of the boys and 83.7% of the girls had a predicted %BF within 3% units of the %BF obtained by DXA.

In pre-pubertal children, pQCT measures of adiposity are strongly associated with whole-body per cent body fat. This reproducible method could be an alternative technique to estimate body composition in this population.


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Cortical bone is not a uniform tissue, and its apparent density [cortical volumetric density (vBMD)] varies around the bone cross-section as well as along the axial length of the bone. It is not yet known, whether the varying vBMD distribution is attributable to modulation in the predominant loads affecting bone. The aim of the present study was to compare the cortical bone mass distribution through the bone cortex (radial distribution) and around the center of mass (polar distribution) among 221 premenopausal women aged 17–40 years representing athletes involved in high impact, odd impact, high magnitude, repetitive low impact, repetitive non-impact sports and leisure time physical activity (referent controls). Bone cross-sections at the tibial mid-diaphysis were assessed with pQCT. Radial and polar vBMD distributions were analyzed in three concentric cortical divisions within the cortical envelope and in four cortical sectors originating from the center of the bone cross-section. MANCOVA, including age as a covariate, revealed no significant group by division/sector interaction in either radial or polar distribution, but the mean vBMD values differed between groups (P < 0.001). The high and odd-impact groups had 1.2 to 2.6% (P < 0.05) lower cortical vBMD than referents, in all analyzed sectors/divisions. The repetitive, low-impact group had 0.4 to 1.0% lower (P < 0.05) vBMD at the mid and outer cortical regions and at the anterior sector of the tibia. The high magnitude group had 1.2% lower BMD at the lateral sector (P < 0.05). The present results generate a hypothesis that the radial and polar cortical bone vBMD distributions within the tibial mid-shaft are not modulated by exercise loading but the mean vBMD level is slightly affected.


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Summary The association of long-termsport-specific exercise loading with cross-sectional geometry of the weight-bearing tibia was evaluated among 204 female athletes representing five different exercise loadings and 50 referents. All exercises involving ground impacts (e.g., endurance running, ball games, jumping) were associated with thicker cortex at the distal and diaphyseal sites of the tibia and also with large diaphyseal cross-section, whereas the high-magnitude (powerlifting) and non-impact (swimming) exercises were not. Introduction Bones adapt to the specific loading to which they are habitually subjected. In this cross-sectional study, the association of long-term sport-specific exercise loading with the geometry of the weight-bearing tibia was evaluated among premenopausal female athletes representing 11 different sports.

Methods A total of 204 athletes were divided into five exercise loading groups, and the respective peripheral quantitative computed tomographic data were compared to data obtained from 50 physically active, non-athletic referents. Analysis of covariance was used to estimate the between-group differences.

Results At the distal tibia, the high-impact, odd-impact, and repetitive low-impact exercise loading groups had ~30% to 50% (p<0.05) greater cortical area (CoA) than the referents. At the tibial shaft, these three impact groups had ~15% to 20% (p<0.05) greater total area (ToA) and ~15% to 30% (p<0.05) greater CoA. By contrast, both the high-magnitude and repetitive non-impact groups had similar ToA and CoA values to the reference group at both tibial sites.

Conclusions High-impact, odd-impact, and repetitive lowimpact exercise loadings were associated with thicker cortex at the distal tibia. At the tibial shaft, impact loading was not only associated with thicker cortex, but also a larger cross-sectional area. High-magnitude exercise loading did not show such associations at either site but was comparable to repetitive non-impact loading and reference data. Collectively, the relevance of high strain rate together with moderate-to-high strain magnitude as major determinants of osteogenic loading of the weight-bearing tibia is implicated.


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Muscle mass and strength have been shown to be important factors in bone strength. Low muscular force predisposes to falling especially among elderly. Regular exercise helps to prevent falls and resulting bone fractures. Better understanding of muscle function and its importance on bone properties may thus add information to fracture prevention. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between bone strength and muscular force production. Twenty-young men [24 (2) years] and 20 [24 (3) years] women served as subjects. Bone compressive (BSId) and bending strength indices (50 Imax) were measured with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) at tibial mid-shaft and at distal tibia. Ankle plantarflexor muscle volume (MV) was estimated from muscle thickness measured with ultrasonography. Neuromuscular performance was evaluated from the measurements of maximal ground reaction force (GRF) in bilateral jumping and of eccentric maximal voluntary ankle plantarflexor torque (MVC). Specific tension (ST) of the plantarflexors was calculated by dividing the MVC with the muscle volume. Activation level (AL) was measured with superimposed twitch method. Distal tibia BSId and tibial mid-shaft 50 Imax correlated positively with GRF, MVC and MV in men (r = 0.45–0.67, P\0.05). Tibial mid-shaft 50 Imax and neuromuscular performance variables were correlated in women (r = 0.46–0.59, P\0.05), whereas no correlation was seen in distal tibia. In the regression analysis, MV and ST could explain 64% of the variance in tibial mid-shaft bone strength and 41% of the variation in distal tibia bone strength. The study emphasizes that tibial strength is related to maximal neuromuscular performance. In addition, tibial mid-shaft seems to be more dependent on the neuromuscular performance, than distal tibia. In young adults, the association between bone adaptation and neuromuscular performance seems to be moderate and also site and loading specific.


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The osteogenicity of a given exercise may be estimated by calculating an osteogenic index (OI) consisting of magnitude and rate of strain. Volleyball involves repetitive jumping and requires high power output and thus may be expected to be beneficial to bone and performance. The purpose of the present study was to examine if habitual volleyball playing is reflected in OI. Ten elderly habitual volleyball players [age 69.9 (SD 4.4) years] and ten matched controls volunteered [age 69.7 (4.2) years] as subjects. Distal tibia (d), tibial mid-shaft (50) and femoral neck (F) bone characteristics were measured using pQCT and DXA. To estimate skeletal rigidity, cross-sectional area (ToA50), and compressive (BSId) and bending strength indices (SSImax50) were calculated. Maximal performance was assessed with eccentric ankle plantar flexion, isometric leg press and countermovement jump (CMJ). A fast Fourier transform (FFT) was calculated from the acceleration of the center of mass during the CMJ. Maximal acceleration (MAG) and mean magnitude frequency (MMF) were selected to represent the constituents of OI. OI was calculated as the sum of the products of magnitudes and corresponding frequencies. Volleyball players had 7% larger ToA50 and 37% higher power in CMJ, 15% higher MAG and 36% higher OI (P B 0.047) than the matched controls. No difference was observed in leg press, plantar flexion or the MMF (P C 0.646). In conclusion, habitual volleyball players may be differentiated from their matched peers by their dynamic jumping performance, and the differences are reflected in the magnitude but not rate of loading.


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Objective: Cortical porosity, particularly at the endocortical region, is recognised to play a central role in the pathogenesis of bone fragility. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to: 1) demonstrate how cortical volumetric BMD (vBMD) distribution can be analysed from (p)QCT images and 2) highlight the clinical significance of assessing regional density distribution of cortical bone. 

Methods: We used pQCT to compare mid-tibial cortical volumetric BMD distribution of 20 young (age 24(SD2) years, mass 77(11) kg, height 178(6) cm) and 25 elderly (72(4) years, 75(9) kg, 172(5) cm) men. Radial and polar cortical vBMD distributions were analysed using a custom built open source analysis tool which allowed the cortex to be divided into three concentric cortical divisions and in 36 cortical sectors originating from the centroid of the bone.

Mean vBMD did not differ between the groups (1135(16) vs. 1130(28) mg/cm, P=0.696). In contrast, there was a significant age-group by radial division interaction for radial cortical vBMD (P<0.001).

The proposed analysis method for analysing cortical bone density distribution of pQCT images was effective for detecting regional differences in cortical density between young and elderly men, which would have been missed by just looking at mean vBMD values.


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Objectives: To investigate whether neuromuscular performance predicts lower limb bone strength in different lower limb sites in postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Neuromuscular performance of 139 volunteer women aged 50-68 with mild knee OA was measured using maximal counter movement jump test, isometric knee flexion and extension force and figure-of-eight-running test. Femoral neck section modulus (Z, mm3) was determined by data obtained from dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry. Data obtained using peripheral quantitative computed tomography was used to asses distal tibia compressive (BSId, g2/cm4) and tibial mid-shaft bending (SSImaxmid, mm3) strength indices. Results: After adjustment for height, weight and age, counter movement jump peak power production was the strongest independent predictor for Z (β=0.44; p<0.001) and for BSId (β=0.32; p=0.003). This was also true in concentric net impulse for Z (β=0.37; p=0.001) and for BSId (β=0.40; p<0.001). Additionally, knee extension force (β=0.30; p<0.001) and figure-of-eight-running test (β= -0.32; p<0.001) were among strongest independent predictors for BSId after adjustments. For SSImaxmid, concentric net impulse (β=0.33; p=0.002) remained as the strongest independent predictor after adjustments. Conclusions: Neuromuscular performance in postmenopausal women with mild knee OA predicted lower limb bone strength in every measured skeletal site.


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The impact of effective exercise against bone loss during experimental bed rest appears to be associated with increases in bone formation rather than reductions of bone resorption. Sclerostin and dickkopf-1 are important inhibitors of osteoblast activity. We hypothesized that exercise in bed rest would prevent increases in sclerostin and dickkopf-1. Twenty-four male subjects performed resistive vibration exercise (RVE; n = 7), resistive exercise only (RE; n = 8), or no exercise (control n = 9) during 60 days of bed rest (2nd Berlin BedRest Study). We measured serum levels of BAP, CTX-I, iPTH, calcium, sclerostin, and dickkopf-1 at 16 time-points during and up to 1 year after bed rest. In inactive control, after an initial increase in both BAP and CTX-I, sclerostin increased. BAP then returned to baseline levels, and CTX-I continued to increase. In RVE and RE, BAP increased more than control in bed rest (p ≤ 0.029). Increases of CTX-I in RE and RVE did not differ significantly to inactive control. RE may have attenuated increases in sclerostin and dickkopf-1, but this was not statistically significant. In RVE there was no evidence for any impact on sclerostin and dickkopf-1 changes. Long-term recovery of bone was also measured and 6-24 months after bed rest, and proximal femur bone mineral content was still greater in RVE than control (p = 0.01). The results, while showing that exercise against bone loss in experimental bed rest results in greater bone formation, could not provide evidence that exercise impeded the rise in serum sclerostin and dickkopf-1 levels.


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This 4-year cluster randomised controlled trial of 365 boys and 362 girls (mean age 8.1 ± 0.3 years) from grade 2 in 29 primary schools investigated the effects of a specialist-taught physical education (PE) program on bone strength and body composition. All children received 150 min/week of common practice (CP) PE from general classroom teachers but in 13 schools 100 min/week of CP PE was replaced by specialized-led PE (SPE) by teachers who emphasized more vigorous exercise/games combined with static and dynamic postural activities involving muscle strength. Outcome measures assessed in grades 2, 4, and 6 included: total body bone mineral content (BMC), lean mass (LM) and fat mass (FM) by DXA, and radius and tibia (4% and 66% sites) bone structure, volumetric density and strength, and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) by pQCT. After 4-years, gains in total body BMC, FM and muscle CSA were similar between the groups in both sexes, but girls in the SPE group experienced a greater gain in total body LM [mean (95%CI), 1.0kg (0.2, 1.9)]. Compared to CP, girls in the SPE group also had greater gains in cortical area (CoA) and cortical thickness (CoTh) at the mid-tibia [CoA, 5.0% (0.2, 1.9); CoTh 7.5% (2.4, 12.6)] and mid-radius [CoA, 9.3% (3.5, 15.1); CoTh 14.4% (6.1, 22.7)], while SPE boys had a 5.2% (0.4, 10.0) greater gain in mid-tibia CoTh. These benefits were due to reduced endocortical expansion. There were no significant benefits of SPE on total bone area, cortical density or bone strength at the mid-shaft sites, nor any appreciable effects at the distal skeletal sites. This study indicates that a specialist-led school-based PE program improves cortical bone structure, due to reduced endocortical expansion. This finding challenges the notion that periosteal apposition is the predominant response of bone to loading during the pre- and early-pubertal period. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.