99 resultados para overshoot


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The activity of hepatic tryptophan pyrrolase in rats exposed to cold increased rapidly and reached a maximum of three-fold at 8 h. On continued exposure up to 48 h stress, the activity partly decreased but remained at a level higher than the initial. Withdrawal from the cold stress reversed the change. Adrenalectomy or treatment with inhibitors of protein synthesis abolished the increase in the enzyme activity during cold stress indicating a possible involvement of corticosteroids and de novo protein synthesis. Treatment with drugs known to block autonomic nervous system failed to inhibit the cold-mediated increase in enzyme activity. The results suggest that the increase in enzyme activity obtained on cold exposure is mediated by corticosteroids and not by either indoleaklylamines or autonomic nervous system. The changes in the enzyme obtained under cold stress with respect to the overshoot phenomenon, relationship to the degree of stress and reversibility on withdrawal from the stress indicate the "adaptate" nature of the response.


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The effect of suction on the steady laminar incompressible boundarylayer flow for a stationary infinite disc with or without magnetic field, when the fluid at a large distance from the surface of the disc undergoes a solid body rotation, has been studied. The governing coupled nonlinear equations have been solved numerically using the shooting method with least square convergence criterion. It has been found that suction tends to reduce the velocity overshoot and damp the oscillation.


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Introduction Recent reports have highlighted the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and suggested an association with excess mortality in critically ill patients. Serum vitamin D concentrations in these studies were measured following resuscitation. It is unclear whether aggressive fluid resuscitation independently influences serum vitamin D. Methods Nineteen patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass were studied. Serum 25(OH)D3, 1α,25(OH)2D3, parathyroid hormone, C-reactive protein (CRP), and ionised calcium were measured at five defined timepoints: T1 - baseline, T2 - 5 minutes after onset of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) (time of maximal fluid effect), T3 - on return to the intensive care unit, T4 - 24 hrs after surgery and T5 - 5 days after surgery. Linear mixed models were used to compare measures at T2-T5 with baseline measures. Results Acute fluid loading resulted in a 35% reduction in 25(OH)D3 (59 ± 16 to 38 ± 14 nmol/L, P < 0.0001) and a 45% reduction in 1α,25(OH)2D3 (99 ± 40 to 54 ± 22 pmol/L P < 0.0001) and i(Ca) (P < 0.01), with elevation in parathyroid hormone (P < 0.0001). Serum 25(OH)D3 returned to baseline only at T5 while 1α,25(OH)2D3 demonstrated an overshoot above baseline at T5 (P < 0.0001). There was a delayed rise in CRP at T4 and T5; this was not associated with a reduction in vitamin D levels at these time points. Conclusions Hemodilution significantly lowers serum 25(OH)D3 and 1α,25(OH)2D3, which may take up to 24 hours to resolve. Moreover, delayed overshoot of 1α,25(OH)2D3 needs consideration. We urge caution in interpreting serum vitamin D in critically ill patients in the context of major resuscitation, and would advocate repeating the measurement once the effects of the resuscitation have abated.


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The autonomic nervous system is an important modulator of ventricular repolarization and arrhythmia vulnerability. This study explored the effects of cardiovascular autonomic function tests on repolarization and its heterogeneity, with a special reference to congenital arrhythmogenic disorders typically associated with stress-induced fatal ventricular arrhythmias. The first part explored the effects of standardized autonomic tests on QT intervals in a 12-lead electrocardiogram and in multichannel magnetocardiography in 10 healthy adults. The second part studied the effects of deep breathing, Valsalva manouvre, mental stress, sustained handgrip and mild exercise on QT intervals in asymptomatic patients with LQT1 subtype of the hereditary long QT syndrome (n=9) and in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD, n=9). Even strong sympathetic activation had no effects on spatial QT interval dispersion in healthy subjects, but deep respiratory efforts and Valsalva influenced it in ways that were opposite in electrocardiographic and magnetocardiographic recordings. LQT1 patients showed blunted QT interval and sinus nodal responses to sympathetic challenge, as well as an exaggerated QT prolongation during the recovery phases. LQT1 patients showed a QT interval recovery overshoot in 2.4 ± 1.7 tests compared with 0.8 ± 0.7 in healthy controls (P = 0.02). Valsalva strain prolonged the T wave peak to T wave end interval only in the LQT1 patients, considered to reflect the arrhythmogenic substrate in this syndrome. ARVD patients showed signs of abnormal repolarization in the right ventricle, modulated by abrupt sympathetic activation. An electrocardiographic marker reflecting interventricular dispersion of repolarization was introduced. It showed that LQT1 patients exhibit a repolarization gradient from the left ventricle towards the right ventricle, significantly larger than in controls. In contrast, ARVD patients showed a repolarization gradient from the right ventricle towards the left. Valsalva strain amplified the repolarization gradient in LQT1 patients whereas it transiently reversed it in patients with ARVD. In conclusion, intrathoracic volume and pressure changes influence regional electrocardiographic and magnetocardiographic QT interval measurements differently. Especially recovery phases of standard cardiovascular autonomic functions tests and Valsalva manoeuvre reveal the abnormal repolarization in asymptomatic LQT1 patients. Both LQT1 and ARVD patients have abnormal interventricular repolarization gradients, modulated by abrupt sympathetic activation. Autonomic testing and in particular the Valsalva manoeuvre are potentially useful in unmasking abnormal repolarization in these syndromes.


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The steady incompressible laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow along a rotating slender vertical cylinder with an isothermal wall has been studied. The transformed coupled nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. In general, the rotation of the cylinder, the buoyancy forces and the curvature parameter are found to significantly affect the skin friction, heat transfer, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the pressure distribution. The buoyancy forces cause an overshoot in the axial velocity profile but the rotation and curvature parameters reduce it.


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Our main result is a new sequential method for the design of decentralized control systems. Controller synthesis is conducted on a loop-by-loop basis, and at each step the designer obtains an explicit characterization of the class C of all compensators for the loop being closed that results in closed-loop system poles being in a specified closed region D of the s-plane, instead of merely stabilizing the closed-loop system. Since one of the primary goals of control system design is to satisfy basic performance requirements that are often directly related to closed-loop pole location (bandwidth, percentage overshoot, rise time, settling time), this approach immediately allows the designer to focus on other concerns such as robustness and sensitivity. By considering only compensators from class C and seeking the optimum member of that set with respect to sensitivity or robustness, the designer has a clearly-defined limited optimization problem to solve without concern for loss of performance. A solution to the decentralized tracking problem is also provided. This design approach has the attractive features of expandability, the use of only 'local models' for controller synthesis, and fault tolerance with respect to certain types of failure.


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The unsteady laminar incompressible mixed convection flow over a two-dimensional body (cylinder) and an axisymmetric body (sphere) has been studied when the buboyancy forces arise from both thermal and mass diffusion and the unsteadiness in the flow field is introduced by the time dependent free stream velocity. The nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The results indicate that for the thermally assisting flow the local skin friction, heat transfer and mass diffusion are enhanced when the buoyancy force from mass diffusion assists the thermal buoyancy force. But this trend is opposite for the thermally opposing flow. The point of zero skin friction moves upstream due to unsteadiness. No singularity is observed at the point of zero skin friction for unsteady flow unlike steady flow. The flow reversal is observed after a certain instant of time. The velocity overshoot occurs for assisting flows.


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The effect of massive blowing rates on the steady laminar hypersonic boundary‐layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in the stagnation region of an axisymmetric body with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The governing equations have been solved numerically by combining the implicit finite‐difference scheme with the quasi‐linearization technique. It is observed that the effect of massive blowing rates is to remove the viscous layer away from the boundary, whereas the effect of the magnetic field is just the opposite. It is also found that the velocity overshoot increases with blowing rates and also with magnetic field. The effect of the variation of the density‐viscosity product across the boundary layer is strong only when the blowing rate is small, but for the massive blowing rate the effect is negligible.


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The paper deals with the flow and heat-transfer problem of a steady axisymmetric laminar incompressible boundary layer swirling flow of a fluid through a conical hydrocyclone. The implicit finitedifference scheme is used to solve the partial differential equations governing the flow. The effect of swirl is found to be more pronounced on the longitudinal skin friction than on the tangential skin friction and heat transfer. The skin friction and heat transfer increase with swirl or with longitudinal distance. Swirl also gives rise to velocity overshoot in the longitudinal velocity profiles and the magnitude of the velocity overshoot increases as the swirl parameter increases. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local nonsimilarity and momentum integral methods but they differ appreciably from those of the local similarity method except for the longitudinal skin friction which is fairly in good agreement with that of the local similarity method.Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Strömung und dem Wärmeübergang in einem konischen Zyklon unter der Voraussetzung stationärer, achsensymmetrischer, laminarer, inkompressibler Grenzschichtströmung. Ein implizites Differenzenverfahren wird benutzt, um die partiellen Differentialgleichungen zu lösen. Der Einfluß des Dralls ist besonders ausgeprägt auf die longitudinale Komponente der Oberflächenreibung, weniger dagegen bei der tangentialen Komponente und beim Wärmeübergang. Die Oberflächenreibung und der Wärmeübergang nehmen zu mit dem Drall, sowie mit dem longitudinalen Abstand. Der Drall erzeugt ein Überschießen der Geschwindigkeit in der longitudinalen Abstand. Der Drall erzeugt ein Überschießen der Geschwindigkeit in der Längsrichtung. Die Größe des Überschusses nimmt mit wachsendem Drallparameter zu. Die Resultate stimmen gut mit den Ergebnissen der Theorie der lokalen Nichtähnlichkeit und der Impulsintegralmethode überein. Dagegen weichen sie mit Ausnahme der longitudinalen Komponente der Oberflächenreibung beträchtlich von den Resultaten der Theorie der lokalen Ähnlichkeit ab.


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Abstract: An analysis is performed to study the unsteady compressible laminar boundary layer flow in the forward stagnation-point region of a sphere with a magnetic field applied normal, to the surface. We have considered the case where there is an initial steady state that is perturbed by the step change in the total enthalpy at the wall. The nonlinear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer have been solved numerically using a finite-difference scheme. The numerical results are presented, which show the temporal development of the boundary layer. The magnetic field in the presence of variable electrical conductivity causes an overshoot in the velocity profile. Also, when the total enthalpy at the wall is suddenly increased, there is a change in the direction of transfer of heat in a small interval of time.


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We report here results from a dynamo model developed on the lines of the Babcock-Leighton idea that the poloidal field is generated at the surface of the Sun from the decay of active regions. In this model magnetic buoyancy is handled with a realistic recipe - wherein toroidal flux is made to erupt from the overshoot layer wherever it exceeds a specified critical field B-C (10(5) G). The erupted toroidal field is then acted upon by the alpha-effect near the surface to give rise to the poloidal field. In this paper we study the effect of buoyancy on the dynamo generated magnetic fields. Specifically, we show that the mechanism of buoyant eruption and the subsequent depletion of the toroidal field inside the overshoot layer, is capable of constraining the magnitude and distribution of the magnetic field there. We also believe that a critical study of this mechanism may give us new information regarding the solar interior and end with an example, where we propose a method for estimating an upper limit of the difusivity within the overshoot layer.


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The non-similar boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid over a moving surface in a rotating fluid, in the presence of a magnetic field, Hall currents and the free stream velocity has been studied. The parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The Coriolis force induces overshoot in the velocity profile of the primary flow and the magnetic field reduces/removes the velocity overshoot. The local skin friction coefficient for the primary flow increases with the magnetic field, but the skin friction coefficient for the secondary flow reduces it. Also the local skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows are reduced due to the Hall currents. The effects of the magnetic field, Hall currents and the wall velocity, on the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows increase with the Coriolis force. The wall velocity strongly affects the flow field. When the wall velocity is equal to the free stream velocity, the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows vanish, but this does not imply separation. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The unsteady free convection flow over an infinite vertical porous plate, which moves with time-dependent velocity in an ambient fluid, has been studied. The effects of the magnetic field and Hall current are included in the analysis. The buoyancy forces arise due to both the thermal and mass diffusion. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using both the implicit finite difference scheme and the difference-differential method. For the steady case, analytical solutions have also been obtained. The effect of time variation on the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer is very significant. Suction increases the skin friction coefficient in the primary flow, and also the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers, but the skin friction coefficient in the secondary flow is reduced. The effect of injection is opposite to that of suction. The buoyancy force, injection and the Hall parameter induce an overshoot in the velocity profiles in the primary flow which changes the velocity gradient from a negative to a positive value, but the magnetic field and suction reduce this velocity overshoot.


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In this paper, a fractional order proportional-integral controller is developed for a miniature air vehicle for rectilinear path following and trajectory tracking. The controller is implemented by constructing a vector field surrounding the path to be followed, which is then used to generate course commands for the miniature air vehicle. The fractional order proportional-integral controller is simulated using the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and the results for this controller are compared with those obtained for a proportional controller and a proportional integral controller. In order to analyze the performance of the controllers, four performance metrics, namely (maximum) overshoot, control effort, settling time and integral of the timed absolute error cost, have been selected. A comparison of the nominal as well as the robust performances of these controllers indicates that the fractional order proportional-integral controller exhibits the best performance in terms of ITAE while showing comparable performances in all other aspects.


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Usually the top and bottom IGBT devices in an inverter leg are of the same make (i.e. from same manufacturer). At low power level, these two devices even may be contained in the same module. However at high power levels the top and bottom devices are in separate modules. Sometimes, in the event of device failure, device of particular make may be replaced by one of another make, but of same ratings (on account of non-availability of the original make). This paper investigates the effect of such intermixing of two different makes of high power IGBTs in an inverter leg on the switching characteristics. The switching transitions between IGBT and diode of similar make and those of IGBT and diode of dissimilar make are compared experimentally at various DC link voltages and currents. The comparisons are made in terms of, IGBT peak turn-on di/dt, IGBT peak turn-off di/dt, peak diode reverse recovery current (I-rr), peak IGBT voltage overshoot and switching energy losses.