986 resultados para organization relationships


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In this paper, we attempt to reconcile contingency and institutional fit approaches concerning the organization-environment relationship. While prior scholarly research has examined both theories and compared their impacts on organizational fit and performance, we lay the groundwork for a meta-fit approach by investigating how contingency and institutional fit interact to influence firm performance. We test our theoretical framework using a dataset of 3,259 respondents from 1,904 companies regarding task environmental demands and institutional demands on organizational design across a broad range of industries and firm size classes. Our results show that contingency and institutional fit provide complementary and interdependent explanations of firm performance. Importantly, our findings indicate that for firms under conditions of “quasi-fit” rather than perfect contingency fit or optimal institutional fit, improvements in contingency and/or institutional fit will result in better performance. However, firms with high contingency fit are less vulnerable to deviation from institutional fit in the formation of firm performance, while firms with perfect institutional fit will slightly decrease their performance when they strive to achieve contingency fit.


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Background: Native pig breeds in the Iberian Peninsula are broadly classified as belonging to either the Celtic or the Mediterranean breed groups, but there are other local populations that do not fit into any of these groups. Most of the native pig breeds in Iberia are in danger of extinction, and the assessment of their genetic diversity and population structure, relationships and possible admixture between breeds, and the appraisal of conservation alternatives are crucial to adopt appropriate management strategies. Methods: A panel of 24 microsatellite markers was used to genotype 844 animals representing the 17 most important native swine breeds and wild populations existing in Portugal and Spain and various statistical tools were applied to analyze the results. Results: Genetic diversity was high in the breeds studied, with an overall mean of 13.6 alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.80. Signs of genetic bottlenecks were observed in breeds with a small census size, and population substructure was present in some of the breeds with larger census sizes. Variability among breeds accounted for about 20% of the total genetic diversity, and was explained mostly by differences among the Celtic, Mediterranean and Basque breed groups, rather than by differences between domestic and wild pigs. Breeds clustered closely according to group, and proximity was detected between wild pigs and the Mediterranean cluster of breeds. Most breeds had their own structure and identity, with very little evidence of admixture, except for the Retinto and Entrepelado varieties of the Mediterranean group, which are very similar. Genetic influence of the identified breed clusters extends beyond the specific geographical areas across borders throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with a very sharp transition from one breed group to another. Analysis of conservation priorities confirms that the ranking of a breed for conservation depends on the emphasis placed on its contribution to the betweenand within-breed components of genetic diversity. Conclusions: Native pig breeds in Iberia reveal high levels of genetic diversity, a solid breed structure and a clear organization in well-defined clusters.


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A qualitative case study of the capacity to be accountable in one nonprofit intennediary educational organization yielded an emergent conceptual framework of four mechanisms: structural, governing, communicative, and educative mechanisms to build and sustain the capacity of accountability. Drawing attention to the purposeful creation of structures that support accountability, purposeful navigation of the complex matrix of accountability relationships, and purposeful transfer of knowledge to infonn future accountability, this study calls for mindfulness in practice in broader educational contexts. Protocols to pass on knowledge gained in building the four capacities reveal a new dimension of accountability: continuity. In this model, the educative mechanism is the life force that feeds the other three mechanisms to increase accountability and sustain it over time.


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Within sport, a tremendous amount of effort is committed to the on-the-field performance of athletes and coaches, neglecting the off-the-field performance and development of sport managers. This study examines the impact of human resource training on the performance of five Canadian national sport organizations (NSO) and their managers (N=22). Data were collected on three outcome variables (learning, individual performance, organizational performance) and three mediating variables (motivation to transfer, training design, organizational climate) at three time measures (pre-training, post-training1, post-training2). Results indicate that training improves the learning and individual performance of sport managers, as well as the organizational performance of NSOs. Varying relationships were found at each of the three time measures, demonstrating that a progression to training-related performance change exists, while providing support for three levels of analysis (individual, organizational, systemic). Implications and future research directions are discussed and highlight the need for on-going training opportunities for Canadian sport managers.


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The palynology of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1007, leeward of the present Bahamas Bank, provides insights into upper Oligocene–lower Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst associations in the tropical Americas. These associations are reviewed along with the sedimentary paleoenvironment to provide context for a morphological study of the cystdefined dinoflagellate Operculodinium bahamense and its comparison with the thecadefined dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum which produces a cyst assignable to the cyst-defined genus Operculodinium. Detailed reconstructions of the tabulation in both species reveal strong similarities, having a sexiform hyposomal tabulation and L-type or modified L-type ventral organization. Protoceratium reticulatum has dextral torsion of the hypotheca, requiring assignation of the genus to the subfamily Cribroperidinioideae, whereas Operculodinium bahamense has neutral torsion requiring assignation to the subfamily Leptodinioideae. Results either imply polyphyletic origins for the genus Operculodinium or that combinations of ventral organization and torsion cannot always be applied rigidly to subdivide the family Gonyaulacaceae.


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La culture organisationnelle influence la manière dont les organismes relèvent les défis externes auxquels elle fait face et façonnent les comportements normatifs de leurs membres. Des études portant sur le degré d’acceptation et d’adoption d’une culture organisationnelle indiquent une grande variance en fonction de multiples facteurs (p. ex. : l’âge, l’occupation, la hiérarchie, etc.) et leurs liens aux résultats subséquents. Différentes évaluations culturelles considèrent les sondages d’auto-évalulation comme étant des moyens acceptables de créer des liens entre les perceptions et les résultats. En effet, ces instruments mesurent les croyances, les suppositions et les valeurs d’une personne, mais l’un des facteurs pouvant compromettre les réponses est le manque de cadre de référence. Un des objectifs de l’étude est de déterminer la manière dont la mesure des perceptions culturelles est reliée à la contextualisation des questions du sondage. À l’aide de deux orientations, nous tentons de déterminer si les perceptions de la culture en lien avec l’organisation entière sont différentes de celles en lien avec le groupe de travail immédiat. De plus, l’étude explore la manière dont les différences algébriques entre les perceptions des deux référents sont simultanément reliées au bien-être psychologique au travail, à l’engagement et aux comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Comme objectif final, nous déterminons lequel des deux référents prédit le mieux ces résultats. Les cent quatre-vingt-neuf participants de l’étude faisaient partie d’un établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire de langue anglaise du Québec. En premier lieu, les participants recevaient, de façon aléatoire, l’un des deux questionnaires - soit celui orienté sur l’organisation entière, soit celui orienté sur le groupe de travail immédiat -, puis, en deuxième lieu, son référent opposé correspondant. Les résultats indiquent que les perceptions de culture en lien avec l’organisation entière sont significativement différentes de celle en lien avec le groupe de travail immédiat. L’étude démontre que les similitudes entre les perceptions sont directement proportionnelles au bien-être ainsi qu’aux engagements organisationnels et de groupe de travail. De plus grandes différences perceptuelles sont associées à des niveaux plus élevés de bien-être et d’engagement organisationnel normatif. Ces associations sont plus fortes lorsque les perceptions de la culture organisationnelle sont plus positives que les perceptions de la culture du groupe de travail. Les différences algébriques opposées sont liées à des niveaux plus élevés de comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle ainsi que d’engagements affectifs et de continuité envers le groupe de travail. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent aussi que les perceptions de la culture du groupe de travail sont plus liées aux résultats pertinents que les perceptions de la culture organisationnelle. Les implications théoriques et pratiques des mesures de perceptions de culture sont examinées.


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Most research on corporate responsibility (CR) has investigated CR from the perspective of organizations, often focusing on how organizations define, manage and implement CR to gain benefits or competitive advantage. The benefits of CR for organizations are, however, often said to be achieved through increased support of stakeholders. Despite this, limited attention has been given to understanding CR from the perspective of stakeholders and, in particular, the mechanism by which CR drives stakeholder support. This study addresses this deficit. Building on advances in the application of psychological theories to the field of management, the research develops and empirically tests a theoretical model of how CR-related experiences and beliefs drive stakeholder trust and positive intent. The research is conducted with customers (n = 708) and employees (n = 359) of a service organization in the UK that introduced a range of CR-related activities into their business. The findings contribute to literature by empirically demonstrating (a) the impact of CR-related experiences on the development of beliefs about, and trust towards, the organization; (b) the importance of ‘others-related’ CR experiences even in the presence of ‘self-related’ CR experiences; and (c) the role of beliefs as partial mediators in how experiences of CR, both ‘self-related’ and ‘others-related’, translate into trust and positive intent.


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We explore the role of deeply held beliefs, known as social axioms, in the context of employee–organization relationships. Specifically, we examine how the beliefs identified as social cynicism and reward for application moderate the relationship between employees’ work-related experiences, perceptions of CSR, attitudes, and behavioral intentions toward their firm. Utilizing a sample of 130 retail employees, we find that CSR affects more positively employees low on social cynicism and reduces distrust more so than with cynical employees. Employees exhibiting strong reward for application are less positively affected by CSR, whereas their experiences of other work-related factors are more likely to reduce distrust. Our findings suggest the need for a differentiated view of CSR in the context of employee studies and offer suggestions for future research and management practice.


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Species of the genus Culex Linnaeus have been incriminated as the main vectors of lymphatic filariases and are important vectors of arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Sequences corresponding to a fragment of 478 bp of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which includes part of the barcode region, of 37 individuals of 17 species of genus Culex were generated to establish relationships among five subgenera, Culex, Phenacomyia, Melanoconion, Microculex, and Carrollia, and one species of the genus Lutzia that occurs in Brazil. Bayesian methods were employed for the phylogenetic analyses. Results of sequence comparisons showed that individuals identified as Culex dolosus, Culex mollis, and Culex imitator possess high intraspecific divergence (3.1, 2.3, and 3.5%, respectively) when using the Kimura two parameters model. These differences were associated either with distinct morphological characteristics of the male genitalia or larval and pupal stages, suggesting that these may represent species complexes. The Bayesian topology suggested that the genus and subgenus Culex are paraphyletic relative to Lutzia and Phenacomyia, respectively. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences may be a useful tool to both estimate phylogenetic relationships and identify morphologically similar species of the genus Culex.


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Social organization is an important component of the population biology of a species that influences gene flow, the spatial pattern and scale of movements, and the effects of predation or exploitation by humans. An important element of social structure in mammals is group fidelity, which can be quantified through association indices. To describe the social organization of marine tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) found in the Cananeia estuary, southeastern Brazil, association indices were applied to photo-identification data to characterize the temporal stability of relationships among members of this population. Eighty-seven days of fieldwork were conducted from May 2000 to July 2003, resulting in direct observations of 374 distinct groups. A total of 138 dolphins were identified on 1-38 distinct field days. Lone dolphins were rarely seen, whereas groups were composed of up to 60 individuals (mean +/- 1 SD = 12.4 +/- 11.4 individuals per group). A total of 29,327 photographs were analyzed, of which 6,312 (21.5%) were considered useful for identifying individuals. Half-weight and simple ratio indices were used to investigate associations among S. guianensis as revealed by the entire data set, data from the core study site, and data from groups composed of <= 10 individuals. Monte Carlo methods indicated that only 3 (9.3%) of 32 association matrices differed significantly from expectations based on random association. Thus, our study suggests that stable associations are not characteristic of S. guianensis in the Cananeia estuary.


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This work maps and analyses cross-citations in the areas of Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine in the English version of Wikipedia, which are represented as an undirected complex network where the entries correspond to nodes and the citations among the entries are mapped as edges. We found a high value of clustering coefficient for the areas of Biology and Medicine, and a small value for Mathematics and Physics. The topological organization is also different for each network, including a modular structure for Biology and Medicine, a sparse structure for Mathematics and a dense core for Physics. The networks have degree distributions that can be approximated by a power-law with a cut-off. The assortativity of the isolated networks has also been investigated and the results indicate distinct patterns for each subject. We estimated the betweenness centrality of each node considering the full Wikipedia network, which contains the nodes of the four subjects and the edges between them. In addition, the average shortest path length between the subjects revealed a close relationship between the subjects of Biology and Physics, and also between Medicine and Physics. Our results indicate that the analysis of the full Wikipedia network cannot predict the behavior of the isolated categories since their properties can be very different from those observed in the full network. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As clients have become more aware and demanding of the construction industry, they are also less tolerant of the management of its problems and the risks involved in the delivery of major projects. Identification and allocation of risk is one of the most critical processes in the early stages of project development. Often it is the deciding factor in the selection of the building process and of the type of procurement method adopted to manage the various project risks. The emergence of different forms of procurement, and in particular, design-construct and novation, requires the design construct contractor to not only accept the risks associated with the construction of the works, but also of the design management during the design development of the project. With the increasing requirement for design-construct contractors to balance the cost management issues and design development through the various stages, the role of the design manager as information manager has evolved and expanded in importance. This paper presents a case study of design management within a design-construct organization on a large residential apartment project. It identifies and analyses issues concerned with the organization, responsibilities, relationships and stages of development in a typical design-construct project.


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This study explores aversive sexism as an extension of Dovidio and Gaertner's (2004) recent notion of aversive racism. In this study, we investigate the presence of aversive sexism by examining relationships between emotional experience and emotion regulation in a masculine organization, an Australian Police Force ('APF').


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Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life short version instrument (WHOQOL-BREF), and to determine its responsiveness in assessing early outcome after total hip or knee replacement surgery.

At baseline (entry to an orthopedic waiting list), 279 participants completed the WHOQOL-BREF instrument, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Assessment of Quality of Life (AQOL) instrument, Kessler Psychological Distress (K10) scale, and the modified Health Assessment Questionnaire (MHAQ). A total of 74 patients completed reassessments 3 months after surgery.

Results: The WHOQOL-BREF demonstrated acceptable internal consistency for all domains (Cronbach's = 0.76-0.84) and moderate concurrent validity for the physical and psychological domains (r = 0.67 for physical versus AQOL; r = -0.71 for psychological versus K10). Minimal ceiling or floor effects were identified at baseline or 3 months, except for the social relationships domain. The disease-specific WOMAC subscales were most responsive to change (relative efficiency [RE] 0.66-1.00). Apart from social relationships, all WHOQOL-BREF scores improved significantly after surgery. The physical domain was more responsive than the AQOL (RE 0.50 versus 0.42) and was similar to the MHAQ (RE 0.55 for MHAQ). The responsiveness of the psychological domain was similar to that of the K10 scale (RE 0.11 versus 0.08).

Conclusion: The WHOQOL-BREF has good psychometric properties for use in persons with severe joint disease, and by providing complementary information, it offers clinicians and researchers an additional tool for comprehensively assessing quality of life in this patient group.


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From a liberal feminist perspective, we argue that gender can both inform and should continue to be informed by social identity studies in efforts to understand and manage subtle sexism in contemporary workplaces. We investigated the presence of a form of subtle sexism, affective aversive sexism, in an Australian male-dominated organization: a police force. To do this we surveyed 159 policemen and examined relationships between individual emotional experience, emotional intensity and emotion regulation. Results indicated that, in a subtle display of intergroup bias, policemen experienced both higher positive and higher negative emotions in the presence of other policemen than of policewomen who, we argue, may be less central in the men's identities and relationships at work. Implications for research, training, and emotion management in the workplace are discussed and it is suggested that liberal feminist research can contribute much to understanding the dynamics that reproduce structural segregation in the workplace.