973 resultados para organic solution
El glifosat, N-(fosfonometil) glicina, és un dels herbicides més utilitzats arreu del món a causa de la seva baixa toxicitat i al seu ampli espectre d'aplicació. A conseqüència del gran ús que se'n fa, és necessari monitoritzar aquest compost i el seu principal metabòlit, l'àcid aminometilfosfònic (AMPA), en el medi ambient. S'han descrit diversos mètodes instrumentals basats en cromatografia de gasos (GC) i de líquids (HPLC), sent aquesta darrera l'opció més favorable a causa del caràcter polar dels anàlits. Per assolir nivells de concentració baixos cal, però, la preconcentració dels anàlits. En aquest treball s'estudien diferents alternatives amb aquest objectiu. S'ha avaluat la tècnica de membrana líquida suportada (SLM) on la membrana consisteix en una dissolució orgànica, que conté un transportador (en el nostre cas, un bescanviador d'anions comercial, Aliquat 336), que impregna un suport polimèric microporós que se situa entre dues solucions aquoses: la de càrrega, que conté els anàlits inicialment, i la receptora, on es retenen els anàlits després del seu transport a través de la membrana. Les condicions d'extracció més adequades s'obtenen treballant en medi bàsic amb NaOH on els anàlits estan en forma aniònica i les majors recuperacions s'obtenen amb HCl 0,1 M o NaCl 0,5 M, la qual cosa indica que l'ió clorur és la força impulsora del transport. Un cop dissenyat el sistema, es duen a terme experiments de preconcentració amb dues geometries diferents: un sistema de membrana laminar (LSLM) on recircula la fase receptora i un sistema de fibra buida (HFSLM). Els millors resultats s'obtenen amb el mòdul de fibra buida, amb factors de concentració de 25 i 3 per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, fent recircular durant 24 hores 100 ml de solució de càrrega i 4 ml de solució receptora. També s'aplica una tècnica més selectiva, la cromatografia d'afinitat amb ió metàl·lic immobilitzat (IMAC), basada en la interacció entre els anàlits i un metall immobilitzat en una resina a través d'un grup funcional d'aquesta. En aquest estudi s'immobilitza pal·ladi al grup funcional 8-hidroxiquinoleïna de la resina amb matriu acrílica Spheron Oxine 1000 i s'avalua per a l'extracció i preconcentració de glifosat i AMPA. Per a ambdós anàlits l'adsorció és del 100 % i les recuperacions són superiors al 80 % i al 60 % per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, utilitzant HCl 0,1 M + NaCl 1 M com a eluent. Aquests resultats es comparen amb els obtinguts amb dues resines més, també carregades amb pal·ladi: Iontosorb Oxin 100, que té el mateix grup funcional però matriu de cel·lulosa, i Spheron Thiol 1000, on el grup funcional és un tiol i la matriu també és acrílica. Per al glifosat els resultats són similars amb totes les resines, però per a l'AMPA la resina Spheron Thiol és la única que proporciona recuperacions superiors al 93 %. Finalment, una altra opció estudiada és l'acoblament de dues columnes de cromatografia líquida (LC-LC). En l'estudi l'objectiu és millorar el mètode existent per a glifosat i AMPA en aigües naturals on el LOD era de 0,25 ug/l. El mètode consisteix en la derivatització precolumna amb el reactiu fluorescent FMOC i l'anàlisi amb l'acoblament LC-LC-fluorescència. Variant lleugerament les condicions de derivatització s'aconsegueix quantificar 0,1 ug/l de glifosat i AMPA. Es fortifiquen aigües naturals amb 0,1, 1 i 10 ug/l dels anàlits per validar el mètode. S'obtenen recuperacions d'entre el 85 % i el 100 %, amb desviacions estàndard relatives inferiors al 8 %. Aplicant una tècnica de preconcentració prèvia a la derivatització i anàlisi utilitzant una resina de bescanvi aniònic, Amberlite IRA-900, es millora la sensibilitat del mètode i s'assoleix un LOD per al glifosat de 0,02 ug/l.
Lanthanide(III) complexes with N-donor ex-tractants, which exhibit the potential for the separation of minor actinides from lanthanides in the management of spent nuclear fuel, have been directly synthesized and characterized in both solution and solid states. Crystal structures of the Pr3+, Eu3+, Tb3+, and Yb3+ complexes of 6,6′-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,4-benzotriazin3-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline(CyMe4-BTPhen) and the Pr3+, Eu3+, and Tb3+ complexes of 2,9-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,4-benzotria-zin-3-yl)-2,2′-bypyridine (CyMe4-BTBP) were obtained. The majority of these structures displayed coordination of two ofthe tetra-N-donor ligands to each Ln3+ ion, even when in some cases the complexations were performed with equimolar amounts of lanthanide and N-donor ligand. The structures showed that generally the lighter lanthanides had their coordination spheres completed by a bidentate nitrate ion, giving a 2+ charged complex cation, whereas the structures of the heavier lanthanides displayed tricationic complex species with a single water molecule completing their coordination environments. Electronic absorption spectroscopic titrations showed formation of the 1:2 Ln3+/LN4‑donor species (Ln = Pr3+, Eu3+, Tb3+) in methanol when the N-donor ligand was in excess. When the Ln3+ ion was in excess, evidence for formation of a 1:1 Ln3+/LN4‑donor complex species was observed. Luminescent lifetime studies of mixtures of Eu3+ with excess CyMe4-BTBP and CyMe4-BTPhen in methanol indicated that the nitrate-coordinated species is dominant in solution. X-ray absorption spectra of Eu3+ and Tb3+ species, formed by extraction from an acidic aqueous phase into an organic solution consisting of excess N-donor extractant in pure cyclohexanone or 30% tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in cyclohexanone, were obtained. The presence of TBP in the organic phase did not alter lanthanide speciation. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure data from these spectra were fitted using chemical models established by crystallography and solution spectroscopy and showed the dominant lanthanide species in the bulk organic phase was a 1:2 Ln3+/LN‑donor species.
Known for thousands of years, tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of mortality by a single infectious disease due to lack of patient adherence to available treatment regimens, the rising of multidrug resistant strains of TB (MDR-TB) and co-infection with HIV virus. Isoniazid and rifampicin are the most powerful bactericidal agents against M. tuberculosis. Because of that, this couple of drugs becomes unanimity in anti-TB treatment around the world. However, the rifampicin in acidic conditions in the stomach can be degraded rapidly, especially in the presence of isoniazid, which reduces the amount of available drug for absorption, as well as its bioavailability, contributing to the growing resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. Rifampicin is well absorbed in the stomach because of its high solubility between pH 1 and 2 and the gastric absorption of isoniazid is considered poor, therefore it is mostly intestinal. This work has as objective the development of gastro-resistant multiple-systems (granules and pellets) of isoniazid aiming to prevent the contact with rifampicin, with consequent degradation in acid stomach and modulate the release of isoniazid in the intestine. Granules of isoniazid were obtained by wet method using both alcoholic and aqueous solutions of PVP K-30 as aggregating and binder agent, at proportions of 5, 8 and 10%. The influence of the excipients (starch, cellulose or filler default) on the physical and technological properties of the granules was investigated. The pellets were produced by extrusionesferonization technique using isoniazid and microcrystalline cellulose MC 101 (at the proportion of 85:15) and aqueous solution of 1% Methocel as platelet. The pellets presented advantages over granular, such as: higher apparent density, smaller difference between apparent and compaction densities, smoother surface and, especially, smaller friability, and then were coated with an organic solution of Acrycoat L 100 ® in a fluidized bed. Different percentages of coating (15, 25 and 50%) were applied to the pellets which had their behavior evaluated in vitro by dissolution in acidic and basic medium. Rifampicin dissolution in the presence of uncoated and coated isoniazid pellets was evaluated too. The results indicate that the gastro resistance was only achieved with the greatest amount of coating and isoniazid is released successfully in basic step. The amount of rifampicin in the dissolution medium when the isoniazid pellets were not coated was lower than in the presence of enteric release pellets. Therefore, the polymer Acrycoat L 100 ® was efficient for coating with gastro-resistant function and can solve the problem of low bioavailability of rifampicin and help to reduce its dosage
Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) thin films with stoichiometry (9/65/35) were prepared by a dip-coating process using a polymeric organic solution. The solution viscosity was adjusted in the range of 15-56 cP. Silicon (100) substrates were previously cleaned and then immersed in the solution. The withdrawal speed of substrate from the solution was adjusted within a range of 5 to 20 mm/min. The coated substrates were thermally treated in the 450-700 degreesC temperature range. Surface roughness and crystallization of these films are strongly dependent on the annealing conditions. Infrared and X-ray diffraction data for PLZT powders heat-treated at 650 degreesC for 3 h show that the material is free of carbonate phases and crystalline. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Lithium tantalate thin films (LiTaO3) with (50:50) stoichiometry were prepared by spin coating method using a polymeric organic solution. The films were deposited on silicon (100) substrates with 4 layers. The substrates were previously cleaned and then the solution of lithium tantalate was deposited by adjusting the speed at 5000 rpm. The thin films deposited were thermally treated from 350 to 600degreesC for 3 hours in order to study the influence of the thermal treatment temperature on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness of the final film. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the films are polycrystalline and secondary phases free. The thickness of films was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies showed that the grain size and roughness are strongly influenced by thermal treatment.
Lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) thin films with 50:50 stoichiometry were deposited on silicon (100) substrates with two layers by the spin coating method using a polymeric organic solution. In order to study the influence of preannealing on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness of the final film, two annealing procedures, slow preannealing and fast preannealing, were used. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that LiTaO3 thin films are polycrystalline. It was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that the thin film, which had been thermally treated using slow preannealing, was characterized by a dense and homogeneous surface. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies showed that the roughness is strongly influenced by preannealing temperature. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) thin films with (50:50) stoichiometry were prepared using polymeric organic solution. The 5-layered films were deposited on silicon (100) substrates by spin coating method. The coated substrates were thermally treated at 500degreesC for 3 h under several oxygen atmospheres in order to study the influence of oxygen flow on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness of the final film. X-ray diffraction results showed that an oxygen flow of 100 cm(3)/min leads to LiTaO3 thin films with higher crystallinity, without preferential orientation. It was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that the thickness of thin films decreases when the oxygen flow increases. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies showed that the grain size and roughness are strongly influenced by oxygen flow.
PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (PMN) powder was prepared by citrate organic solution, and barium titanate (BT) seed particles were added to encourage the perovskite phase formation. Sintering was followed using the constant heating rate mode of a dilatometer, and it was observed that the seed concentration affected the PMN shrinkage rate and crystal structure. The study of the lattice parameters of the samples after the sintering process indicates that the diffusion of the titanium and of the barium inside perovskite and pyrochlore PMN phases occurs. Moreover, this substitution provoked a decrease of the lattice parameters as showed by the Rietveld refinement.
In my Ph.D research, a wet chemistry-based organic solution phase reduction method was developed, and was successfully applied in the preparation of a series of advanced electro-catalysts, including 0-dimensional (0-D) Pt, Pd, Au, and Pd-Ni nanoparticles (NPs), 1-D Pt-Fe nanowires (NWs) and 2-D Pd-Fe nanoleaves (NLs), with controlled size, shape, and morphology. These nanostructured catalysts have demonstrated unique electro-catalytic functions towards electricity production and biorenewable alcohol conversion. The molecular oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is a long-standing scientific issue for fuel cells due to its sluggish kinetics and the poor catalyst durability. The activity and durability of an electro-catalyst is strongly related with its composition and structure. Based on this point, Pt-Fe NWs with a diameter of 2 - 3 nm were accurately prepared. They have demonstrated a high durability in sulfuric acid due to its 1-D structure, as well as a high ORR activity attributed to its tuned electronic structure. By substituting Pt with Pd using a similar synthesis route, Pd-Fe NLs were prepared and demonstrated a higher ORR activity than Pt and Pd NPs catalysts in the alkaline electrolyte. Recently, biomass-derived alcohols have attracted enormous attention as promising fuels (to replace H2) for low-temperature fuel cells. From this point of view, Pd-Ni NPs were prepared and demonstrated a high electro-catalytic activity towards ethanol oxidation. Comparing to ethanol, the biodiesel waste glycerol is more promising due to its low price and high reactivity. Glycerol (and crude glycerol) was successfully applied as the fuel in an Au-anode anion-exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC). By replacing Au with a more active Pt catalyst, simultaneous generation of both high power-density electricity and value-added chemicals (glycerate, tartronate, and mesoxalate) from glycerol was achieved in an AEMFC. To investigate the production of valuable chemicals from glycerol electro-oxidation, two anion-exchange membrane electro-catalytic reactors were designed. The research shows that the electro-oxidation product distribution is strongly dependent on the anode applied potential. Reaction pathways for the electro-oxidation of glycerol on Au/C catalyst have been elucidated: continuous oxidation of OH groups (to produce tartronate and mesoxalate) is predominant at lower potentials, while C-C cleavage (to produce glycolate) is the dominant reaction path at higher potentials.
A micro gas sensor has been developed by our group for the detection of organo-phosphate vapors using an aqueous oxime solution. The analyte diffuses from the high flow rate gas stream through a porous membrane to the low flow rate aqueous phase. It reacts with the oxime PBO (1-Phenyl-1,2,3,-butanetrione 2-oxime) to produce cyanide ions, which are then detected electrochemically from the change in solution potential. Previous work on this oxime based electrochemistry indicated that the optimal buffer pH for the aqueous solution was approximately 10. A basic environment is needed for the oxime anion to form and the detection reaction to take place. At this specific pH, the potential response of the sensor to an analyte (such as acetic anhydride) is maximized. However, sensor response slowly decreases as the aqueous oxime solution ages, by as much as 80% in first 24 hours. The decrease in sensor response is due to cyanide which is produced during the oxime degradation process, as evidenced by the cyanide selective electrode. Solid phase micro-extraction carried out on the oxime solution found several other possible degradation products, including acetic acid, N-hydroxy benzamide, benzoic acid, benzoyl cyanide, 1-Phenyl 1,3-butadione, 2-isonitrosoacetophenone and an imine derived from the oxime. It was concluded that degradation occurred through nucleophilic attack by a hydroxide or oxime anion to produce cyanide, as well as a nitrogen atom rearrangement similar to Beckmann rearrangement. The stability of the oxime in organic solvents is most likely due to the lack of water, and specifically hydroxide ions. The reaction between oxime and organo-phosphate to produce cyanide ions requires hydroxide ions, and therefore pure organic solvents are not compatible with the current micro-sensor electrochemistry. By combining a concentrated organic oxime solution with the basic aqueous buffer just prior to being used in the detection process, oxime degradation can be avoided while preserving the original electrochemical detection scheme. Based on beaker cell experiments with selective cyanide sensitive electrodes, ethanol was chosen as the best organic solvent due to its stabilizing effect on the oxime, minimal interference with the aqueous electrochemistry, and compatibility with the current microsensor material (PMMA). Further studies showed that ethanol had a small effect on micro-sensor performance by reducing the rate of cyanide production and decreasing the overall response time. To avoid incomplete mixing of the aqueous and organic solutions, they were pre-mixed externally at a 10:1 ratio, respectively. To adapt the microsensor design to allow for mixing to take place within the device, a small serpentine channel component was fabricated with the same dimensions and material as the original sensor. This allowed for seamless integration of the microsensor with the serpentine mixing channel. Mixing in the serpentine microchannel takes place via diffusion. Both detector potential response and diffusional mixing improve with increased liquid residence time, and thus decreased liquid flowrate. Micromixer performance was studies at a 10:1 aqueous buffer to organic solution flow rate ratio, for a total rate of 5.5 μL/min. It was found that the sensor response utilizing the integrated micromixer was nearly identical to the response when the solutions were premixed and fed at the same rate.
Self-replication and compartmentalization are two central properties thought to be essential for minimal life, and understanding how such processes interact in the emergence of complex reaction networks is crucial to exploring the development of complexity in chemistry and biology. Autocatalysis can emerge from multiple different mechanisms such as formation of an initiator, template self-replication and physical autocatalysis (where micelles formed from the reaction product solubilize the reactants, leading to higher local concentrations and therefore higher rates). Amphiphiles are also used in artificial life studies to create protocell models such as micelles, vesicles and oil-in-water droplets, and can increase reaction rates by encapsulation of reactants. So far, no template self-replicator exists which is capable of compartmentalization, or transferring this molecular scale phenomenon to micro or macro-scale assemblies. Here a system is demonstrated where an amphiphilic imine catalyses its own formation by joining a non-polar alkyl tail group with a polar carboxylic acid head group to form a template, which was shown to form reverse micelles by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The kinetics of this system were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy, showing clearly that a template self-replication mechanism operates, though there was no evidence that the reverse micelles participated in physical autocatalysis. Active oil droplets, composed from a mixture of insoluble organic compounds in an aqueous sub-phase, can undergo processes such as division, self-propulsion and chemotaxis, and are studied as models for minimal cells, or protocells. Although in most cases the Marangoni effect is responsible for the forces on the droplet, the behaviour of the droplet depends heavily on the exact composition. Though theoretical models are able to calculate the forces on a droplet, to model a mixture of oils on an aqueous surface where compounds from the oil phase are dissolving and diffusing through the aqueous phase is beyond current computational capability. The behaviour of a droplet in an aqueous phase can only be discovered through experiment, though it is determined by the droplet's composition. By using an evolutionary algorithm and a liquid handling robot to conduct droplet experiments and decide which compositions to test next, entirely autonomously, the composition of the droplet becomes a chemical genome capable of evolution. The selection is carried out according to a fitness function, which ranks the formulation based on how well it conforms to the chosen fitness criteria (e.g. movement or division). Over successive generations, significant increases in fitness are achieved, and this increase is higher with more components (i.e. greater complexity). Other chemical processes such as chemiluminescence and gelation were investigated in active oil droplets, demonstrating the possibility of controlling chemical reactions by selective droplet fusion. Potential future applications for this might include combinatorial chemistry, or additional fitness goals for the genetic algorithm. Combining the self-replication and the droplet protocells research, it was demonstrated that the presence of the amphiphilic replicator lowers the interfacial tension between droplets of a reaction mixture in organic solution and the alkaline aqueous phase, causing them to divide. Periodic sampling by a liquid handling robot revealed that the extent of droplet fission increased as the reaction progressed, producing more individual protocells with increased self-replication. This demonstrates coupling of the molecular scale phenomenon of template self-replication to a macroscale physicochemical effect.
Commercial products using organic light emitting diode (OLED) display technology have begun to appear in cell phones, mp3 players and even televisions. One key area that has allowed and will allow for this technology to continue its ascension into the flat panel display and lighting markets is materials R and D. From this perspective, recent progress in cubic silsesquioxane (SSQ) based materials may provide some new advantageous properties well suited for OLEDs. In this feature article we provide an overview of recent progress in the synthesis, characterization and implementation of SSQ-based materials with properties well suited for application in solution processable organic/polymer electronics, specifically OLEDs.
A donor-acceptor polymer semiconductor, PDQT, comprising diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) and β-unsubstituted quaterthiophene (QT) for organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) is reported. This polymer forms ordered layer-by-layer lamellar packing with an edge-on orientation in thin films even without thermal annealing. The strong intermolecular interactions arising from the fused aromatic DPP moiety and the DPP-QT donor-acceptor interaction facilitate the spontaneous self-assembly of the polymer chains into close proximity and form a large π-π overlap, which are favorable for intermolecular charge hopping. The well-interconnected crystalline grains form efficient intergranular charge transport pathways. The desirable chemical, electronic, and morphological structures of PDQT bring about high hole mobility of up to 0.97 cm2/(V·s) in OTFTs with polymer thin films annealed at a mild temperature of 100 °C and similarly high mobility of 0.89 cm2/(V·s) for polymer thin films even without thermal annealing.
Solution processable diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-bithiophene polymers (PDBT) with long branched alkyl side chains on the DPP unit are synthesized. These polymers have favourable highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels for the injection and transport of both holes and electrons. Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) using these polymers as semiconductors and gold as source/drain electrodes show typical ambipolar characteristics with very well balanced high hole and electron mobilities (μ h = 0.024 cm 2 V -1 s -1 and μ e = 0.056 cm 2 V -1 s -1). These simple and high-performing polymers are promising materials for ambipolar organic thin film transistors for low-cost CMOS-like logic circuits.
A fluorenone based alternating copolymer (PFN-DPPF) with a furan based fused aromatic moiety has been designed and synthesized. PFN-DPPF exhibits a small band gap with a lower HOMO value. Testing this polymer semiconductor as the active layer in organic thin-film transistors results in hole mobilities as high as 0.15 cm2 V-1 s-1 in air.