982 resultados para organic mechanism teaching
Mechanism of extracellular silver nanoparticles synthesis by Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum
The increasing interest for greener and biological methods of synthesis has led to the development of non-toxic and comparatively more bioactive nanoparticles. Unlike physical and chemical methods of nanoparticle synthesis, microbial synthesis in general and mycosynthesis in particular is cost-effective and environment-friendly. However, different aspects, such as the rate of synthesis, monodispersity and downstream processing, need to be improved. Many fungal-based mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), mainly those involving the presence of nitrate reductase, which has been detected in filtered fungus cell used for AgNPs production. There is a general acceptance that nitrate reductase is the main responsible for the reduction of Ag ions for the formation of AgNPs. However, this generally accepted mechanism for fungal AgNPs production is not totally understood. In order to elucidate the molecules participating in the mechanistic formation of metal nanoparticles, the current study is focused on the enzymes and other organic compounds involved in the biosynthesis of AgNPs. The use of each free fungal mycelium of both Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum will be assessed. In order to identify defective mutants on the nitrate reductase structural gene niaD, fungal cultures of S.hirsutum and F.oxysporum will be selected by chlorate resistance. In addition, in order to verify if each compound identified as key-molecule influenced on the production of nanoparticles, an in vitro assay using different nitrogen sources will be developed. Lately, fungal extracellular enzymes will be measured and an in vitro assay will be done. Finally, The nanoparticle formation and its characterization will be evaluated by UV-visible spectroscopy, electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and LC-MS/MS.
Undergraduate medical education is moving from traditional disciplinary basic science courses into more integrated curricula. Integration models based on organ systems originated in the 1950s, but few longitudinal studies have evaluated their effectiveness. This article outlines the development and implementation of the Organic and Functional Systems (OFS) courses at the University of Minho in Portugal, using evidence collected over 10 years. It describes the organization of content, student academic performance and acceptability of the courses, the evaluation of preparedness for future courses and the retention of knowledge on basic sciences. Students consistently rated the OFS courses highly. Physician tutors in subsequent clinical attachments considered that students were appropriately prepared. Performance in the International Foundations of Medicine examination of a self-selected sample of students revealed similar performances in basic science items after the last OFS course and 4 years later, at the moment of graduation. In conclusion, the organizational and pedagogical approaches of the OFS courses achieve high acceptability by students and result in positive outcomes in terms of preparedness for subsequent training and long-term retention of basic science knowledge.
Organic acids play an important role in the nutritional conditions of plants. Their relevance is related to their formation dynamics, mineralization rate and adsorption by soil colloids. This study was carried out to evaluate the dynamics of mineralization and adsorption of organic acid (acetic acid - AA, citric acid - CA and humic acid - HA) applied to the soil. Samples of two Oxisols were used: Rhodic Haplustox (LV) and Typic Haplustox (LVA). The mineralization experiment was arranged in a 2 x 3 x 5 factorial design, based on the factors: two soils (LV and LVA) x three organic acid (OA) types (AA, CA and HA) x five OA rates (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mmol dm-3). Organic carbon mineralization in samples was measured by the C-CO2 efflux, produced by the microbial activity, in a 30-day (measurements after 4, 8, 12, 21, and 30 days) and in a 4-day experiment (measured after 24, 48, 72 and 96 h). Organic acid adsorption was tested in a 2 x 2 x 5 x 4 factorial design, with the factors and levels: two Oxisols; two organic acids (AA and CA); five OA rates (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mmol dm-3) and four adsorption periods (6, 24, 48, and 72 h). The C-CO2 production of soil treated with CA was highest. In the adsorption experiment, the affinity of CA to soil adsorption sites was greatest. The adsorption of organic acids to soils may be an important mechanism by which bioavailability and thus mineralization capacity by microbial activity are reduced.
Using isolated, in situ, single-pass perfused rat livers, incubations of freshly isolated hepatocytes, and sinusoidal membrane-enriched vesicles, we and others have shown the saturability of transport (efflux) of hepatic glutathione (GSH). These observations have implicated a carrier mechanism. Our present studies were designed to provide further evidence in support of a carrier mechanism for hepatic GSH efflux by demonstrating competition by liver-specific ligands which are taken up by hepatocytes. Perfusing livers with different substances, we found that: (a) sulfobromophthalein-GSH (BSP-GSH) had a dose-dependent and fully reversible inhibitory effect on GSH efflux, while GSH alone did not have any effect; (b) taurocholate had no inhibitory effect; (c) all of the organic anions studied, i.e., BSP, rose bengal, indocyanine green, and unconjugated bilirubin (UCB), manifested potent, dose-dependent inhibitory effects, with absence of toxic effects and complete reversibility of inhibition in the case of UCB. The inhibitory effects of UCB could be overcome partially by raising (CoCl2-induced) hepatic GSH concentration. Because of the physiological importance of UCB, we conducted a detailed study of its inhibitory kinetics in the isolated hepatocyte model in the range of circulating concentrations of UCB. Studies with Cl- -free media, to inhibit the uptake of UCB by hepatocytes, showed that the inhibition of GSH efflux by UCB is apparently from inside the cell. This point was confirmed by showing that the inhibition is overcome only when bilirubin-loaded cells are cleared of bilirubin (incubation with 5% bovine serum albumin). Using Gunn rat hepatocytes and purified bilirubin mono- and diglucuronides, we found that both UCB and glucuronide forms of bilirubin inhibit GSH efflux in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that the organic anions, although taken up by a mechanism independent of GSH, may competitively inhibit the carrier for GSH efflux from inside the hepatocyte.
Very high concentrations of uranium (up to 4000 ppm) were found in a natural soil in the Dischma valley, an alpine region in the Grisons canton in Switzerland. The goal of this study was to examine the redox state and the nature of uranium binding in the soil matrix in order to understand the accumulation mechanism. Pore water profiles collected from Dischma soil revealed the establishment of anoxic conditions with increasing soil depth. A combination of chemical extraction methods and spectroscopy was applied to characterize the redox state and binding environment of uranium in the soil. Bicarbonate extraction under anoxic conditions released most of the uranium indicating that uranium occurs predominantly in the hexavalent form. Surprisingly, the uranium redox state did not vary greatly as a function of depth. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), confirmed that uranium was present as a mixture of U(VI) and U(IV) with U(VI) dominating. Sequential extractions of soil samples showed that the dissolution of solid organic matter resulted in the simultaneous release of the majority of the soil uranium content (>95%). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy also revealed that soil-associated uranium in the soil matrix was mainly octahedrally coordinated, with an average of 1.7 axial (at about 1.76 Å) and 4.6 to 5.3 equatorial oxygen atoms (at about 2.36 Å) indicating the dominance of a uranyl-like (UO22+) structure presumably mixed with some U(IV). An additional EXAFS signal (at about 3.2 Å) identified in some spectra suggested that uranium was also bound (via an oxygen atom) to a light element such as carbon, phosphorus or silicon. Gamma spectrometric measurements of soil profiles failed to identify uranium long-life daughter products in the soil which is an indication that uranium originates elsewhere and was transported to its current location by water. Finally, it was found that the release of uranium from the soil was significantly promoted at very low pH values (pH 2) and increased with increasing pH values (between pH 5 and 9).
Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels
This research work aimed at determining the UVA effectiveness (UVA I/UV ratio), by diffuse transmittance analysis, of sunscreens developed with a bioactive substance, the rutin, associating or not with organic UVB-UVA filters incorporated at a phosphate-base O/W emulsion. Sunscreens provided conflicting and unpredictable results concerning the anti-UVA protection, specially, at the UVA I region. Possible interactions among the organic UV filters and the polyphenolic bioactive substance may have accounted with improvement or reduction of UV protection by a complex and not yet elucidated mechanism, probably regarding wavelength delocalization to superior or inferior values, by resonant molecule stabilization or destabilization.
Water-in-crude oil emulsions are formed during petroleum production and asphaltenes play an important role in their stabilization. Demulsifiers are added to destabilize such emulsions,however the demulsification mechanism is not completely known. In this paper, the performances of commercial poly(ethylene oxide-b-propylene oxide) demulsifiers were studied using synthetic water-in-oil emulsions and model-systems (asphaltenes in organic solvent). No change in the asphaltene aggregate size induced by the demulsifier was observed. The demulsification performance decreased as the asphaltene aggregate size increased, so it can be suggested that the demulsification mechanism is correlated to the voids between the aggregates adsorbed on the water droplets surface.
Distribution and stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) compartments after Pinus monoculture introduction in a native pasture area of a Cambisol, Santa Catarina, Brazil, were investigated. Pinus introduction increased soil acidity, content of exchangeable Al+3 and diminished soil nutrients. Nevertheless, soil C stock increased in all humic fractions of the 0-5 cm layer after Pinus afforestation. In the subsurface, the vegetation change only promoted SOM redistribution from the NaOH-extractable humic substances to a less hydrophobic humin fraction. Under Pinus, soil organo-mineral interactions were relevant up to a 15 cm depth, while in pasture environment, this mechanism occurred mainly in the surface layer.
The present study was carried out in order to compare the effects of administration of organic (methylmercury, MeHg) and inorganic (mercury chloride, HgCl 2 ) forms of mercury on in vivo dopamine (DA) release from rat striatum. Experiments were performed in conscious and freely moving female adult Sprague-Dawley (230-280 g) rats using brain microdialysis coupled to HPLC with electrochemical detection. Perfusion of different concentrations of MeHg or HgCl 2 (2 µL/min for 1 h, N = 5-7/group) into the striatum produced significant increases in the levels of DA. Infusion of 40 µM, 400 µM, or 4 mM MeHg increased DA levels to 907 ± 31, 2324 ± 156, and 9032 ± 70% of basal levels, respectively. The same concentrations of HgCl 2 increased DA levels to 1240 ± 66, 2500 ± 424, and 2658 ± 337% of basal levels, respectively. These increases were associated with significant decreases in levels of dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovallinic acid. Intrastriatal administration of MeHg induced a sharp concentration-dependent increase in DA levels with a peak 30 min after injection, whereas HgCl 2 induced a gradual, lower (for 4 mM) and delayed increase in DA levels (75 min after the beginning of perfusion). Comparing the neurochemical profile of the two mercury derivatives to induce increases in DA levels, we observed that the time-course of these increases induced by both mercurials was different and the effect produced by HgCl 2 was not concentration-dependent (the effect was the same for the concentrations of 400 µM and 4 mM HgCl 2 ). These results indicate that HgCl 2 produces increases in extracellular DA levels by a mechanism differing from that of MeHg.
The work presented in this thesis is divided into three separate sections 4!> Each' 'section is involved wi th a different problem, however all three are involved with a microbial oxidation of a substrate~ A series of 'aryl substituted phenyl a.nd be,nzyl methyl sulphides were oxidized to the corre~pondi~g sulphoxides by 'Mo:rtierellai's'a'b'e'llina NRR.L17'S7 @ For this enzymic Qxidation, based on 180 labeled experiments, the oxygen atom is derived fr'orn the atmosphere and not from water. By way of an u~.traviolet analysis, the rates of oxidation, in terms of sulphox~ de appearance, were obtained and correlated with the Hatnmett p s~grna constants for the phenyl methyl sulphide series. A value of -0.67 was obtained and, is interpreted in terms of a mechanism of oxidation that involves an electrophilic attack on the sulphide sulphur by an enzymic ironoxygen activated complex and the conversion of the resulti!lg sulphur cation to sulphoxide. A series of alkyl phenyl selen~des have been incubated with the fu~gi, Aspergillus niger ATCC9l42, Aspergillus fO'etidus NRRL 337, MIIJisabellina NF.RLl757 and'He'lminth'osparium sp'ecies NRRL 4671 @l These fu?gi have been reported to be capable of carrying out the efficient oxidation of sulphide to sulphoxide, but in no case was there any evidence to supp'ort the occurrence of a microbialox,idation. A more extensive inves·t~gation was carried out with'M,e 'i's'a'b'e'l'l'i'na, this fu~gus was capable of oxidizing the correspondi~g sulphides to sulphoxi.de·s·$ Usi:ng a 1abel.edsubstra.te, [Methyl-l4c]-methyl phenyl selenide, the fate of this compound was invest~gated followi!lg an i'ncubation wi th Me isabellina .. BeSUldes th. e l4C-ana1YS1Q S-,'. a quant"ltta"lve selen'lum ana1Y"S1S was carried out with phenyl methyl selenide. These techniques indicate that thesel'enium was capable of enteri!1g thefu!1gal cell ef'ficiently but that s'ome metabolic cleav~ge of the seleni'um-carbon bond' may take plac'e Ie The l3c NMR shifts were assigned to the synthesized alkyl phenyl sulphides and selenides@ The final section involved the incubation ofethylben~ zene and p-e:rtr.hyltoluene wi th'M ~ 'isab'e'llina NRRL 17574b Followi~ g this incubation an hydroxylated product was isolated from the medium. The lH NMR and mass spectral data identify the products as I-phenylethanol and p-methyl-l-phenylethanol. Employi!lg a ch'iral shift re~gent,tri~ (3-heptafluorobutyl-dcamphorato)'- europium III, the enantiomeric puri ty of these products was invest~gated. An optical rotation measurement of I-phenylethanol was in ~greement with the results obtained with the chiral shift re~gen,te 'M.isabe'l'lina is capable of carryi~g out an hydroxylation of ethylbenzene and p-ethyltoluene at the ~ position.
Toluene is converted to benzyl alcohol by the fungi Mortierella isabellina and Helminthosporium species; in the latter case, the product is further metabolized. Toluene-a -d 1 , toluene-a,a-d2, and toluene-a,a,a-d 3 have been used with Mortierellaisabellina in a series of experiments to determine both primary and secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the enzymic benzylic hydroxylation reaction. The values obtained, intermolecular primary kH/kD = intramolecular p rim a r y kH r kD = 1. 0 2 + O. 0 5, and sec 0 n dar y k H I kD = 1. 37 .:!. 0.05, suggest a mechanism for the reaction involving benzylic proton removal from a radical intermediate in a non-symmetrical transition state. 2H NMR (30.7 MHz) studies using ethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 3 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 4 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , and toluene-dB as substrates with Mortierella isabellina suggest, based on the observable differences in rates of conversion between the substrates, that the hydroxylation of hydrocarbons at the benzylic position proceeds via a one electron abstraction from the aromatic ring, giving a radical cation. A series of 1,3-oxathiolanes (eight) were incubated with Mortierella isabellina , Helminthosporium , Rhizopus arrhizus , and Aspergillus niger . Sulphoxides were obtained from Mortierella isabellina and Rhizopus arrhizus using the substrates 2-phenyl-, 2-methyl-2-phenyl-, and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolane. The relative stereochemistry of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was assigned based on lH decoupling, n.O.e, 1 and H NMR experiments. The lH NMR (200 MHz) of the methylene protons of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was used as a diagnostic standard in assigning the relative stereochemistry of 2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide. The sulphoxides obtained were consistent with an oxidation occurring from the opposite side of the molecule to the phenyl substituent.
Reactions of 5,6- and 4,5-epoxycholestane derivatives with strong bases were investigated. Epoxidation of 3a-acetoxycholest-5-ene also gave a new compound along with the anticipated epoxides. Interconversions of the latter were observed. Some possible mechanisms of its formation and rearrangements have been pIioposed. No reaction was observed with any of the 5,6- and 4,5-steroidal epoxides employed in the present study, using potassium tertiary butoxide under refluxing conditions. n-Butyllithium reacted only with 5,6-epoxycholestanes bearing a ketal moiety at the C3 carbon. Opening of the ketal group was observed with n-butyllithium in the case of a ~-epoxide. The reaction was also investigated in the absence of epoxide functionality. A possible mechanism for the opening of ketal group has been proposed. Lithium diethylamide (LDEA) was found effective in rearranging 5,6- and 4,5-epoxides to their ~orresponding allylic alcohols. These rearrangements presumably proceed via syn-eliminations, however the possibility of a corresponding anti-elimination has not been eliminated. A substituent effect of various functional groups (R = H, OH, OCH2CH20) at C3 has-been observed on product distribution in the LDEApromoted rearrangements of the corresponding epoxides. No reaction of these epoxides was observed with lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) • In the second part of the project, several attempts were made towards the sYRthesis of deoxycorticoste~one~17,2l,2l~d3' a compound desirable for the 2l-dehydroxylation studies of deoxycorticosterone. Several routes were investigated, and some deuterium labelled pregnane derivatives were prepared in this regard. Microbial 21-hydroxylation of progesteronel7,21,21,2l- d4 by ~ niger led to loss of deuterium from C21 of the product. An effort was made to hydroxylate progesterone microbially under neutral condtions.
In this work polymers belonging to polyaniline and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid are synthesised. Cobalt phthalocyanine is an interesting candidate belonging to the tetramers. Studies on the composites containing cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid for various concentration are also undertaken in order to understand the mechanism. RF plasma polymerised aniline and furfural are prepared. The structural and electrical properties are evaluated. The bombardment of swift heavy ions of these films are carried out and the effect of irradiation on their properties is also investigated.
The thesis presents the results of the investigations on the crystallisation ‘behaviour, detect structure end electrical properties of certain organic crystals---phthslic snhydride end potsssiun scid phthalate Hollow crystals of phthalic snhydride were grown from vapour. the norpholog of these hollow crystals were studied in detail and s. mechanism for their growth has been proposed. A closed crystal—vapour system was used to study the basal plane growth of the whiskers and the sequential growth, observed, confirmed the mechanism suggested for hollow crystals. The dendritic crystals of phthslic enhydride were grown, both iron the melt and solution. The observed morphologies of these dendrites ere described. Bpherulites of phthalic anhydride have been grown by the artificial initiation of nucleation, from melt and solution. The variation of the substructure oi’ these spherulites with the growth tenperature wee investigated. The spherulitic filll having ribbon substructure were etched to reveal dislocations. A mechanism for the formation of the observed etch pattern has been suggested. the slip occurring in these ribbons were studied and the results are presented