982 resultados para oral environment stabilization


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The system in-Ceram Alumina, produced by VITA, consists in a technique of prepare of a substructure of ceramics to dental crowns. First burning is made in the alumina decanted by slip casting process under a stone die that reproduces the tooth prepared to receive a crown. In a second burning, alumina is infiltrated by vitreous system, giving to this set a high mechanic resistance. In this work, it s made a study of the composition of a new infiltrating material more used nowadays, giving to alumina desirable mechanics proprieties to its using like substructure of support to ceramic s crown used in the market today. The addition of Lanthanum oxide (frit A) and calcium oxide (frit B) was made in attempt to increase the viscosity of LZSA and to reduce fusion temperature. The frits were put over samples of alumina and took to the tubular oven to 1400ºC under vacuum for two groups (groups 1 and 2). For another two groups (groups 3 and 4) it was made a second infiltration, following the same parameters of the first. A fifth group was utilized like group of control where the samples of pure alumina were not submitted to any infiltrating process. Glasses manifested efficient both in quality and results of analysis of mechanic resistance, being perfectly compatible with oral environment in this technical requisite. The groups that made a second infiltration had he best results of fracture toughness, qualify the use in the oral cavity in this technical question. The average of results achieved for mechanic resistance to groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were respectively 98 MPa, 90 MPa, 144 MPa, 236 MPa and 23 MPa


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The partial fixed prosthodontics restoration is used to rehabilitate form and function of partial or total compromised teeth, having to remain permanently joined to remainder tooth. The most useful material on prosthodontics is the feldspar porcelain, commercialized as aluminosilicate powders. Dental porcelains are presented with limited mechanical properties to rehabilitate extensive spaces. The association with Ni-Cr metallic systems (metal-ceramic system) allows that the metallic substructure compensates the fragile porcelain nature, preserving the thermal insulation and aesthetics desirable, as well as reducing the possibility of cracking during matication efforts. Cohesive flaws by low mechanical strength connect the metallic substructure to the oral environment, characterized by a electrolytic solution (saliva), by aggressive temperature, pH cyclic changes and mechanical requests. This process results on ionic liberation that could promote allergic or inflammatory responses, and/or clinical degradation of ceramometal system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of an intermediate titanium layer on the microscopic fracture behavior of porcelains on ceramometal systems. Plasma deposition of titanium films result in regular passivating oxide layers which act as barriers to protect the metallic substrate against the hazardous effects of corrosive saliva. Tribocorrosion tests were performed to simulate the oral environment and mechanical stress, making it possible the early detection of crack formation and growth on metal-ceramic systems, which estimate the adherence between the compounds of this system. Plain samples consisting of dental feldspar porcelain deposited either onto metallic substrates or titanium films were fired and characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that the titanium film improved the adherence of the system compared to conventional metal-ceramic interfaces, thus holding crack propagation


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Among the non-invasive techniques employed in the prevention of caries highlights the sealing pits and fissures which is a conservative maneuver, in order to obliterate them to protect them from attack acid bacteria. Influenced by the studies of pre-heating composite resin, which has experienced great improvement in some of their physical properties, this study aimed to evaluate in vitro the superficial and internal marginal adaptation of different materials and sealants in pre-heating or not. A total of 40 extracted human third molars (n=10) that had their occlusal surfaces prepared to receive sealant. We tested two types of sealing materials: resin sealant (Fluoroshield) and low-viscosity resin (Permaflo), where 50% of previously received heated material and the other half received sealant material at room temperature. All samples were subjected to thermal cycling and pH, simulating a cariogenic oral environment, and later were analyzed appliance OCT (optical coherence tomography). The images obtained alterations were recorded and analyzed statistically. Change was considered as the emergence of bubbles, gaps and cracks in the sealant. Comparisons of the same material, assessing the fact that it is not sealed or preheated material, as well as comparisons between different materials subjected to the same temperature were carried out. The nonparametric Tukey test was used (p < 0,05). The results showed that there was statistically significant difference between both the materials analyzed, as between the situations in which the sealant material was submitted (preheated or not). On the issue of marginal adaptation and internal surface, seen through Optical coherence tomography, may suggest that there is a difference between the use of one type or another of the sealing material analyzed, with superiority attributed to resin Permaflo compared to sealant Fluroshield, telling is the same for the different techniques used


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Estudou-se a influência de diferentes irrigantes no potencial antimicrobiano da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes de cães com periodontite apical. 48 pré-molares de cães adultos tiveram suas câmaras coronárias abertas e expostas à cavidade bucal por 6 meses. Os canais radiculares foram preparados, irrigados e medicados com diferentes substâncias, de acordo com os seguintes grupos: 1) 2,5% NaOCl + CHP; 2) 2% CHX + CHP; 3) vinagre + CHP; 4) vinagre + vinagre. No grupo 4, a solução irrigante e a medicação intracanal utilizada foi o vinagre. Neste grupo, a cada 7 dias, a solução era renovada. Cada amostra foi coletada, mantendo-se o cone de papel esterilizado em posição por 1 min, e a seguir transportado e imerso em 7 mL de Letheen broth, seguido de incubação a 37ºC por 48 h. O crescimento microbiano foi analisado por dois métodos, turbidade do meio de cultura e subcultura em meio nutritivo específico (brain heart infusion). Os resultados mostraram que em todos os grupos experimentais houve crescimento microbiano após 21 dias, em diferentes percentagens: grupo 1 - 30%; grupo 2 - 30%; grupo 3 - 40%; grupo 4 - 60%. Todos os materiais testados apresentaram potencial antimicrobiano. Entretanto, o processo de cura favorecido pela pasta de hidróxido de cálcio não pode ser esquecido, uma vez que muitos estudos já demonstraram sua ação antimicrobiana.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to detect the development of experimentally induced periapical lesions using conventional radiography and computed tomography.Study design. The root canals of dogs' teeth were exposed to the oral environment for 7 days for contamination and then sealed for 7 days (GI), 15 days (GII), 30 days (GIII), and 60 days (GIV). Immediately after each experimental period, radiographs and tomograms were taken in order to detect the occurrence of periapical bone resorption. The periapical radiographs were digitized and areas of bone resorption were measured using the VIXWIN 2000 software. Scores were assigned to the tomograms based on the progression of periapical bone resorption. The specimens were evaluated by calibrated examiners who were blinded to the groups. The radiographic results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (P <.05) and the tomographic results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests (P <.05).Results. The radiographic evaluation did not reveal periapical lesions at the 7-day control. Lesions were radiographically visible at 15 and 30 days (47.4% and 77.8% of the cases, respectively) and presented similar dimensions (P <.05). At 60 days, lesions were detected in all specimens, presenting larger dimensions than those of the earlier evaluation periods (P <.05). The tomographic evaluation detected lesions at 7 and 15 days (32.5% and 83.3% of the cases, respectively). Lesions were detected in all specimens at the 30- and 60-day periods, when the greatest values of bone resorption were observed (P <.05).Conclusions. Tomography was able to detect periapical lesion development in its initial stages, even when the lesions were undetectable radiographically.


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Objective. The present study evaluated the dynamics of the development of periapical lesions.Study design. Root canals from dogs' teeth were exposed to the oral environment, and then sealed for 7 days (Group A), 15 days (Group B), 30 days (Group C), and 60 days (Group D). After each experimental period, radiographs were taken to detect periapical bone resorption. In addition, histological sections from the periapical region were prepared. The radiographic and histological results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's, Wilcoxon, and Pearson's tests. Significance level was set at 5%.Results. Lesions were radiographically visible at 15 and 30 days, and had similar size at these periods (P > .05). At 60 days, lesions were larger than in the other periods (P < .05). Bone resorption was detected histologically at 7 days. The greatest values of bone resorption were observed at the 30- and 60-day periods (P < .05). The results of the methods of evaluation were similar only at the 30-day period. There was no correlation between the radiographic and histological results.Conclusions. Periapical radiography did not provide detection of periapical lesion in its initial stages. The periapical lesions became more evident radiographically when the bone resorption area increased. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009;107:442-447)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vivo the response of the periradicular tissues after endodontic treatment and root filling with Epiphany/Resilon (Penntron Clinical Technologies, LLC, Wallingford, CT) or gutta percha and new Sealapex (SybronEndo, Glendora, CA) in dogs' teeth with or without coronal restoration. Teeth without coronal restorations were used to assess the influence of continuous exposure to the oral environment on the periradicular tissues. Sixty root canals with vital pulps in three dogs were instrumented and obturated in a single session and randomly assigned to one of four groups as follows. group 1: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon with coronal restoration, group 2: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha with restoration, group 3: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon without restoration, and group 4: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha without coronal restoration. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized, and the maxillas and mandibles were removed and submitted for histologic processing. Longitudinal sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Mallory's trichrome, and Brown and Brenn stains and examined under light microscopy. There were significant differences found between the four groups (p < 0.05). The results showed that roots canals filled with Epiphany/Resilon, with coronal restoration, had significantly less periradicular inflammation than roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex, with coronal restoration (p = 0.021). No significant difference was observed in the intensity of inflammation between roots canals filled with Epiphany/ Resilon with no restoration and roots filled with gutta percha and Sealapex with restoration (p = 0.269). Roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex sealer without coronal restoration showed the greatest degree of periradicular inflammation.


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This study was conducted to observe the healing process in dogs' teeth with apical periodontitis after root canal treatment in one or two appointments. Premolars and anterior dogs' teeth had their root canals opened to the oral environment for 6 months before being treated. After root canal negotiation they were filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex in one appointment or after a dressing with calcium hydroxide for 7 and 15 days. Six months after the treatment the animals were killed and the tissues prepared for histomorphological analysis. Scores attributed to the different histomorphological events were submitted to statistical analysis, which resulted in ranking the experimental groups from the best to the worst in the following way: (a) calcium hydroxide 14 days; (b) calcium hydroxide 7 days; and (c) one appointment. It was concluded that the use of a calcium hydroxide dressing helps to achieve better results (p < 0.01) than the treatment in one appointment.


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The purpose of this study was to histomorphologically evaluate (in dog's teeth) the influence of tooth movement in the healing of chronic periapical lesions. Thirty roots of incisors and premolars of two dogs (1-year-old) were used in this research. After pulpectomy, the root canals remained exposed to the oral environment for 6 months for achievement of periapical lesions. Twenty root canals were biomechanically prepared and received a calcium hydroxide dressing for 14 days before being filled with gutta-percha points and Sealapex sealer. After root canal treatment, some incisors were submitted to orthodontic movement, whereas the other roots remained without orthodontic movement. The orthodontic appliance was removed at 5 months and 15 days after treatment, the dogs were killed 15 days later and the specimens were prepared for histomorphological analysis. The results showed that the orthodontic movement delayed, but did not hinder, the periapical healing process. (J Endod 2006;32:115-119)