977 resultados para optical probe


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We have developed a simple, efficient, economical, and general approach to construct diverse multifunctional Fe3O4/metal hybrid nanostructures displaying magnetization using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) as a linker. High-density Au nanoparticles (NPs) could be supported on the surface of superparamagnetic Fe3O4 spheres and used as seeds to construct Au shell-coated magnetic spheres displaying near-infrared (NIR) absorption., which may make them promising in biosensor and biomedicine applications. High-density flower-like Au/Pt hybrid NPs could be supported on the surface of Fe3O4 spheres to construct multifunctional hybrid spheres with high catalytic activity towards the electron-transfer reaction between potassium ferricyanide and sodium thiosulfate. High-density Ag or Au/Ag core/shell NPs could also be supported on the surface of Fe3O4 spheres and exhibited pronounced surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), which may possibly be used as an optical probe with magnetic function for application in high-sensitivity bioassays.


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Efficient guiding of 1-ps infrared laser pulses with power exceeding 10 TW has been demonstrated through hollow capillary tubes with 40- and 100-mu m internal diameters and lengths up to 10 mm, with transmission greater than 80% of the incident energy coupled into the capillary. The beam is guided via multiple reflections off a plasma formed on the walls of the guide by the pulse's rising edge, as inferred from optical probe measurements.


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Penetration enhancers are chemicals that temporarily and reversibly diminish the barrier function of the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum, to facilitate drug delivery to and through the tissue. In the current study, the complex mechanisms by which 1,8-cineole, a potent terpene penetration enhancer, disrupts the stratum corneum barrier is investigated using post-mortem skin samples. In order to validate the use of excised tissue for these and related studies, a fibre optical probe coupled to an FT-Raman spectrometer compared spectroscopic information for human skin recorded from in vivo and in vitro sampling arrangements. Spectra from full-thickness (epidermis and dermis) post-mortem skin samples presented to the spectrometer with minimal sample preparation (cold acetone rinse) were compared with the in vivo system (the forearms of human volunteers). No significant differences in the Raman spectra between the in vivo and in vitro samples were observed, endorsing the use of post-mortem or surgical samples for this investigational work. Treating post-mortem samples with the penetration enhancer revealed some unexpected findings: while evidence for enhancer-induced disruption of the barrier lipid packing in the stratum corneum was detected in some samples, spectra from other samples revealed an increase in lipid order on treatment with the permeation promoter. These findings are consistent with phase-separation of the enhancer within the barrier lipid domains as opposed to homogeneous disruption of the lipid lamellae. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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An investigation by optical spectroscopy of the Eu3 + and Er3 + active ions in the crystallized fluorozirconate matrix LaZr2F11 is presented. The D-5(1) --> F-7(0-5) emission lines of Eu3 + are used to extract the F-7(0-5) energy scheme and the observed extinctions permit the deduction of irreducible representations (IRREPS) associated with corresponding sub-levels in the D-2 symmetry. The crystal field analysis was carried out on a 387 x 387 basis set, comprising the F-7, D-5(1,2,3) F-5(1,2), (5)G(1,2,3) and P-3(1,2,3,4,5,6) terms of the Eu-3 (+) 4f(6) configuration. The deviation and rms are 6.8 and 7.9 cm (-1), respectively for 38 levels and ten parameters. The experimental crystal field parameters are in good agreement with the ab-initio ones. Moreover, the relative intensities of the D-5(0) --> F-7(2,3,4) emissions are well reproduced by an 'ab-initio' calculation, except for three lines. The Er3 + ions introduced in LaZr2F11, microcrystals also lie in an unique crystallographic site. A total of 31 energy levels were recorded and the crystal field analysis led to 6.6 and 7.8 cm (-1) for the deviation and rms, respectively, for nine variable parameters taken into account. The experimental CF parameters for Er3 + and Eu3 + are very similar, which seems to show that the host lattice contracts around the smaller Er3 + ion. The informations given by both Eu3 + and Eu3 + optical probes in LaZr2F11 are very consistent with the structure previously determined for the isotypic PrZr2F11 fluoride. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stability of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions used as metalworking fluids is a key factor for the economical and environmental balance of the entire metalworking process because used and broken fluids must be recycled or disposed. In this study, the ability of turbidimetric spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible light range to detect metalworking fluids destabilization was evaluated. Destabilization was achieved by adding calcium chloride, thus achieving accelerated aging, which leads to coalescence, creaming, and complete emulsion separation. The stability of the metalworking fluids at 5% volumetric concentration in deionized water was monitored using a spectroscopic turbidimeter composed of an optical probe for in-line measurements. Destabilization was also monitored by measuring the vertical profile of backscattered and transmitted light. The results of this offline measurement system were compared with those from the in-line spectroscopic sensor, indicating that the latter can provide local, real-time information on emulsion destabilization, thus enabling control actions.


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Übergangsmetallen wie Nickel und Cobalt kommt meist eine große Bedeutung als Cofaktor in Enzymen oder Metallkomplexen im Metabolismus von Lebewesen zu. Da eine sehr geringe Konzentration dieser Übergangsmetalle in einer Zelle für deren Funktionalität ausreicht, ist eine konstante Konzentration der Spurenelemente in einer Zelle angestrebt. Durch meist anthropogene Einflüsse sind Pflanzen und Menschen zunehmend hohen Konzentrationen von Übergangsmetallen ausgesetzt, die in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Spezies, der Konzentration und der Lokalisation unterschiedliche Toxizitäten aufweisen können. Die Speziation von Metallen wurde bisher mittels gängiger Analyseverfahren, wie der ICP-MS und ähnlicher Verfahren, anhand von bulk-Material durchgeführt. Durch die Entwicklung von optischen Sensoren für Metallionen war es möglich, diese Metalle auch in lebenden Zellen mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie zu lokalisieren. Ke und Kollegen (2006, 2007) nutzten einen solchen optischen Sensor - Newport Green DCF, um die Aufnahme von Nickel in humane A543 Lungenbronchialepithelzellen nach Inkubation mit dem wasserlöslichen NiCl2 (0,5 mM und 1 mM) sowie den wasserunlöslichen Verbindungen Ni3S2 (0,5 µg/cm2 und 1 µg/cm2) und NiS (2,5 µg/cm2) nachzuweisen und zu lokalisieren und konnten damit eine Akkumulation von Nickel im Zytoplasma und im Zellkern aufzeigen. Dabei war bei wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Nickelverbindungen Nickel nach 24 h im Zytoplasma und erst nach 48 h im Zellkern zu beobachten.rnrnDa Nickel und Cobalt keine detektierbare Eigenfluoreszenz unter den gegebenen Bedingungen zeigten, wurde für den optischen Nachweis von Nickel und Cobalt mit dem konfokalen Laser-Raster Mikroskop (CLSM) nach der Zugabe der verschiedenen wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Metallverbindungen NiCl2, NiSO4, Ni3S2 und CoCl2 in einzelnen lebenden humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten, sowie in Pflanzenzellen in dieser Arbeit ebenfalls der optische Sensor Newport Green DCF genutzt. Korrespondierend zu den Ergebnissen früherer Arbeiten von Ke et al. (2006, 2007), in denen die Nickelaufnahme bei Konzentrationen von >0,5 mM NiCl2 bzw. >0,5 µg/cm2 Ni3S2 gezeigt wurde, wurde Nickel in Fibroblasten in Abhängigkeit von der Spezies mit steigender Metallkonzentration von 100 µM bis 500 µM nach 16 h im Zytoplasma und zunehmend nach 24 h bis 48 h im Zellkern detektiert. Bei der wasserunlöslichen Verbindung Ni3S2 war der Nachweis von Nickel im Zellkern bereits nach 16 h bis 24 h erfolgreich. Zusätzlich wurden weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien und die Nukleoli durch eine starke Fluoreszenz des optischen Sensors bei Colokalisationsexperimenten mit Organell-spezifischen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen als target für die Nickelbindung vermutet. Die Lokalisation von Cobalt in den Fibroblasten entsprach weitgehend der Lokalisation von Nickel. Im Zellkern war die Cobaltlokalisation jedoch auf die Nukleoli beschränkt. Weiterführende Versuche an humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten zeigten, dass die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Fibroblasten pH-Wert abhängig war. Niedrige pH-Werte im sauren pH-Bereich verringerten die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Zellen, wobei ein pH-Wert im basischen Bereich keinen bedeutenden Unterschied zum neutralen pH-Bereich aufwies. Im Vergleich zu den Fibroblasten war in Pflanzenzellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt, auch bei geringen Konzentrationen der Metallverbindungen sowie des optischen Sensors, Nickel und Cobalt in den Zellkernen detektierbar. Durch die Eigenschaft der Pflanzenzellen eine Vakuole zu besitzen, war Nickel und Cobalt hauptsächlich in den Vakuolen lokalisiert. Weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien oder auch die Zellwand kamen bei Pflanzenzellen als target in Frage.rnrnDie Fluoreszenz und Lokalisation der Metalle in den Fibroblasten waren unabhängig von der Spezies sehr ähnlich, sodass in den Zellen die Spezies anhand der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Aufnahmen kaum unterschieden werden konnten. Lambda-Scans in verschiedenen regions of interest (ROI) wurden durchgeführt, um durch die Fluoreszenzspektren Hinweise auf eine charakteristische Beeinflussung der Bindungspartner von Nickel und Cobalt oder dieser Metalle selbst in den Zellen auf den optischen Sensor zu bekommen und diese dadurch identifizieren zu können. Das Ziel der parallelen Detektion bzw. Lokalisation und gleichzeitigen Speziation bestimmter Nickel- und Cobaltpezies in einzelnen lebenden Zellen konnte in dieser Arbeit durch den optischen Sensor Newport Green DCF nicht erreicht werden.


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We present the first spatial scanning system using wavelength-spatial transformation of chromatic dispersion device. Optical probe used in fiber optic interferometer for surface measurement is demonstrated by using diffraction grating and wavelength scanning technique.


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Cette thèse présente les étapes de fabrication et les résultats de la caractérisation des modèles de tissu biologique fabriqués en utilisant des cristaux liquides et des polymères qui permettent de contrôler la diffusion et la transmission de la lumière par un champ électrique. Ce champ électrique entraîne un changement d’orientation des molécules de cristaux liquides, ce qui induit des variations locales de l’indice de réfraction dans ces matériaux. Nous avons utilisé ce contrôle de l’indice de réfraction pour contrôler le niveau de diffusion et de transmission dans différents types d’échantillons. Les échantillons utilisés sont faits a) de cristaux liquides purs, b) de sphères de polymère dans un environnement de cristaux liquides, c) de cristaux liquides ou de gouttelettes de cristaux liquides dans un environnement de polymère. Les travaux réalisés nous ont permis de proposer une méthode électro-optique pour simuler, à l’aide de cristaux liquides, des milieux diffusants tels que les tissus biologiques. Dans la recherche de modèles, nous avons montré qu’il est possible de contrôler, par la fréquence du champ électrique, des gouttelettes de cristaux liquides dispersées dans une matrice de polymère contenant des ions lithium. Une sensibilité sélective à la fréquence de la tension électrique appliquée en fonction de la taille des gouttelettes est observée. Par la suite, nous avons démontré l’effet de « quenching » interférentiel de la diffusion pour une sonde optique cohérente en étudiant des modèles non alignés (clustérisés) de cristaux liquides. Nous avons aussi démontré des applications potentielles de ce phénomène tel le filtrage en longueur d’onde par l’ajustement d’un champ électrique. Nous avons ensuite démontré que l’utilisation des cristaux liquides - dits « dual-frequency » - permet une modulation rapide des états ou des structures du matériau ainsi que de la transmission et de la diffusion de lumière de ce dernier. Enfin, nous avons aussi découvert que ces modèles peuvent être contrôlés pour retrouver le degré de polarisation de la lumière diffusée.


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We report the in situ optical transmission change in the complete visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum to asses the kinetics of photo induced interdiffusion in Sb/As2S3 nanomultilayered film. The interdiffusion of Sb into As2S3 matrix results in the formation of Sb-As2S3 ternary solid solutions which is explained by the change in optical band gap, absorption coefficients and Tauc parameter (B-1/2) with evolution of time. The wavelength dependence of the time constants provides a better description of photo induced effects. The time evolution of the absorption coefficients and optical band gap are significantly faster in this process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many wormlike micellar systems exhibit appreciable shear thinning due to shear-induced alignment. As the micelles get aligned introducing directionality in the system, the viscoelastic properties are no longer expected to be isotropic. An optical-tweezers-based active microrheology technique enables us to probe the out-of-equilibrium rheological properties of a wormlike micellar system simultaneously along two orthogonal directions-parallel to the applied shear, as well as perpendicular to it. While the displacements of a trapped bead in response to active drag force carry signature of conventional shear thinning, its spontaneous position fluctuations along the perpendicular direction manifest an orthogonal shear thickening, an effect hitherto unobserved. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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Optical-pump terahertz-probe differential transmission measurements of as-prepared single layer graphene (AG) (unintentionally hole dopedwith Fermi energy E-F at similar to -180 meV), nitrogen doping compensated graphene (NDG) with E-F similar to -10 meV, and thermally annealed doped graphene (TAG) are examined quantitatively to understand the opposite signs of photoinduced dynamic terahertz conductivity Delta sigma. It is negative for AG and TAG but positive for NDG. We show that the recently proposed mechanism of multiple generations of secondary hot carriers due to Coulomb interaction of photoexcited carriers with the existing carriers together with the intraband scattering can explain the change of photoinduced conductivity sign and its magnitude. We give a quantitative estimate of Delta sigma in terms of controlling parameters-the Fermi energy E-F and momentum relaxation time tau. Furthermore, the cooling of photoexcited carriers is analyzed using a supercollision model which involves a defect mediated collision of the hot carriers with the acoustic phonons, thus giving an estimate of the deformation potential.


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Undoped and Ln(3+) (Eu and Tb)-doped crystalline nanobundles of YPO4 were prepared by a facile microwave-assisted route with water as a solvent and without using any surfactant. TEM investigations reveal that the as-prepared powder consists of lenticular-shaped nanobundles (similar to 100 nm in diameter) made of very small nanorods with diameter less than 10 nm and length varying from 20 to 50 nm. Each nanorod in turn is single crystalline, as revealed by HRTEM imaging. The as-prepared nanobundles are easily dispersible in various solvents, especially water, without any surface functionalization, which is critical for various bio-probe applications like cell and tissue imaging. The Eu- and Tb-doped YPO4 nanobundles show good photoluminescence properties and were further evaluated for their use as fluorescent biolabels. Our results show that HeLa cells labelled with Eu- and Tb-doped YPO4 nanobundles show bright red (Eu) and green (Tb) intracellular luminescence under a confocal microscope. Concentration-and time-dependent MTT cell viability assays show that the nanobundles show low toxicity towards cells which makes them promising in bioimaging field.


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We report the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in a free-standing MoS2 laminate consisting of a few layers (1-6 layers) using time-resolved optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation with the 800 nm pump pulse, the terahertz conductivity increases due to absorption by the photoinduced charge carriers. The relaxation of the non-equilibrium carriers shows fast as well as slow decay channels, analyzed using a rate equation model incorporating defect-assisted Auger scattering of photoexcited electrons, holes, and excitons. The fast relaxation time occurs due to the capture of electrons and holes by defects via Auger processes, resulting in nonradiative recombination. The slower relaxation arises since the excitons are bound to the defects, preventing the defect-assisted Auger recombination of the electrons and the holes. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the non-equilibrium carrier kinetics in a system of unscreened Coulomb interactions, where defect-assisted Auger processes dominate and should be applicable to other 2D systems.


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Optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy was used to study the key electronic properties of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires at room temperature. Of all nanowires studied, InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities of 6000 cm2V-1s-1. InP nanowires featured the longest photoconductivity lifetimes and an exceptionally low surface recombination velocity of 170 cm/s. © 2013 IEEE.


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A near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) system employing a very-small-aperture laser (VSAL) as an active probe is reported in this Letter. The VSAL in our experiment has an aperture size of 300 nmx300 nm and a near-field spot size of about 600 nm. The resolution of the NSOM system with the VSAL can reach about 600 nm, and even 400 nm. Considering the high output power of the VSAL, such a NSOM system is a potentially useful tool for nanodetection, data storage, nanolithography, and nanobiology.