964 resultados para optical measuring system
Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, is an optical measuring technique to obtain velocity information of a flow in interest. With PIV it is possible to achieve two or three dimensional velocity vector fields from a measurement area instead of a single point in a flow. Measured flow can be either in liquid or in gas form. PIV is nowadays widely applied to flow field studies. The need for PIV is to obtain validation data for Computational Fluid Dynamics calculation programs that has been used to model blow down experiments in PPOOLEX test facility in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. In this thesis PIV and its theoretical background are presented. All the subsystems that can be considered to be part of a PIV system are presented as well with detail. Emphasis is also put to the mathematics behind the image evaluation. The work also included selection and successful testing of a PIV system, as well as the planning of the installation to the PPOOLEX facility. Already in the preliminary testing PIV was found to be good addition to the measuring equipment for Nuclear Safety Research Unit of LUT. The installation to PPOOLEX facility was successful even though there were many restrictions considering it. All parts of the PIV system worked and they were found out to be appropriate for the planned use. Results and observations presented in this thesis are a good background to further PIV use.
Observation of autosoliton propagation in a dispersion-managed optical transmission system controlled by in-line nonlinear fiber loop switches is reported for what is believed to be the first time. The system is based on a strong dispersion map with large amplifier spacing. Operation at transmission rates of 10 and 40 Gbits/s is demonstrated. ©2004 Optical Society of America.
We present the compensation of the equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN) in the long-haul n-level phase shift keying (n-PSK) coherent optical transmission system, by employing a scheme of phase modulated optical pilot carrier. © OSA 2013.
This work presents an automated system for the measurement of form errors of mechanical components using an industrial robot. A three-probe error separation technique was employed to allow decoupling between the measured form error and errors introduced by the robotic system. A mathematical model of the measuring system was developed to provide inspection results by means of the solution of a system of linear equations. A new self-calibration procedure, which employs redundant data from several runs, minimizes the influence of probes zero-adjustment on the final result. Experimental tests applied to the measurement of straightness errors of mechanical components were accomplished and demonstrated the effectiveness of the employed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tendo por referência a diretiva 2006/95/CE, o trabalho desenvolvido no contexto da disciplina de Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do Mestrado de Engenharia de Instrumentação e Metrologia, decorreu nas instalações do IEP (Instituto Electrotécnico Português) e teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos no olho e pele provocados por fontes de emissão contínua (LED), doravante designado método alternativo ao de referência. Os dois métodos, alternativo e de referência, utilizam respectivamente um foto-radiómetro multicanal e um espetro-radiómetro. O procedimento desenvolvido (método alternativo) de acordo com a norma EN/IEC62471) consiste na aquisição dos valores de irradiância com recurso a um foto-radiómetro e posterior determinação dos valores da radiância, com os quais se faz a avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos, para fontes de luz LED (Light Emitting Diode) ou GLS (General Lighting Service). A consulta detalhada da norma EN/IEC62471 e a pesquisa sobre os conceitos, definições, equipamentos e metodologias relacionadas com o tema em causa, constituiu o primeiro passo deste projecto. Com recurso aos dois equipamentos, uma fonte de luz LED (módulo de 12 lâmpadas LED) é avaliada em relação aos perigos (ou riscos) actínico UV e UV-A, ao perigo da luz azul e ainda o perigo térmico na retina e térmico na pele, permitindo fazer uma análise comparativa dos resultados. O método alternativo revelou-se bastante flexível e eficaz, proporcionando bons resultados em termos da irradiância e radiância dos referidos efeitos fotobiológicos. A comparação destes resultados com os valores limites de exposição mencionados na norma EN/IEC6247 permitiu afirmar que a fonte de luz LED avaliada não representa perigo fotobiológico para a saúde humana e classifica-se no grupo de risco “isento”. Uma vez cumpridos os objectivos, entendeu-se que seria uma mais-valia para o trabalho já realizado, estudar outro caso prático. Sendo assim, fez-se a avaliação da radiação de apenas um dos LED´s que constituíam a fonte usada nos ensaios anteriores, com o espetro-radiómetro (método de referência) e com uma distância de 200 mm entre a fonte e o medidor. Neste caso verificaram-se diferenças significativas nas quantidades obtidas quando comparadas com os valores normativos. Concluiu-se que o efeito fotobiológico da luz azul insere-se no grupo de “isento”, sem perigo para a saúde. Contudo, o efeito térmico da retina apresenta um aumento considerável da quantidade de radiância, embora dentro do grupo de risco “isento”. Esta classificação de grupos de risco. Face aos resultados obtidos, pode confirmar-se que as lâmpadas LED apresentam segurança fotobiológica, atendendo aos baixos valores de irradiância e radiância dos efeitos fotobiológicos estudados. Pode ainda afirmar-se que a utilização do foto-radiómetro em alternativa ao espetro-radiómetro se revela mais eficaz do ponto de vista de metodologia prática. Este trabalho demonstra a robustez desses dois equipamentos de avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos, e procura estabelecer uma linha de orientação para a prevenção dos efeitos adversos na pele e olhos de todos os seres humanos sujeitos à radiação ótica artificial. Quanto às incertezas de medições, em relação ao processo de medição com foto-radiómetro, a sua estimação não se realizou, devido a não rastreabilidade entre as medições indicadas pelo fabricante, no certificado de calibração e as medidas realizadas por outras entidades. Contudo, é propõe-se a sua realização em trabalhos futuros dentro desse âmbito. As incertezas dos resultados de medições com espetro-radiómetro foram parcialmente estimadas. Atendendo às potencialidades do sistema de medição, propõe-se como trabalho futuro, a aplicação da norma IEC62478, que faz parte da aplicação da norma EN/IEC62471 na avaliação do efeito da luz azul, com base na determinação da temperatura de cor correlacionada (CCT) de lâmpadas ou sistemas de lâmpadas incluindo luminárias. Os valores de irradiância e radiância adquiridos nos processos de avaliação, tanto com foto-radiómetro como espectro-radiómetro foram gravados em ficheiro Excel para um CD e anexados a este trabalho.
The use of adhesive joints has increased in recent decades due to its competitive features compared with traditional methods. This work aims to estimate the tensile critical strain energy release rate (GIC) of adhesive joints by the Double-Cantilever Beam (DCB) test. The J-integral is used since it enables obtaining the tensile Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) law. An optical measuring method was developed for assessing the crack tip opening (δn) and adherends rotation (θo). The proposed CZM laws were best approximated by a triangular shape for the brittle adhesive and a trapezoidal shape for the two ductile adhesives.
O ensaio de dureza, e mais concretamente o ensaio de micro dureza Vickers, é no universo dos ensaios mecânicos um dos mais utilizados quer seja na indústria, no ensino ou na investigação e desenvolvimento de produto no âmbito das ciências dos materiais. Na grande maioria dos casos, a utilização deste ensaio tem como principal aplicação a caracterização ou controlo da qualidade de fabrico de materiais metálicos. Sendo um ensaio de relativa simplicidade de execução, rapidez e com resultados comparáveis e relacionáveis a outras grandezas físicas das propriedades dos materiais. Contudo, e tratando-se de um método de ensaio cuja intervenção humana é importante, na medição da indentação gerada por penetração mecânica através de um sistema ótico, não deixa de exibir algumas debilidades que daí advêm, como sendo o treino dos técnicos e respetivas acuidades visuais, fenómenos de fadiga visual que afetam os resultados ao longo de um turno de trabalho; ora estes fenómenos afetam a repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade dos resultados obtidos no ensaio. O CINFU possui um micro durómetro Vickers, cuja realização dos ensaios depende de um técnico treinado para a execução do mesmo, apresentando todas as debilidades já mencionadas e que o tornou elegível para o estudo e aplicação de uma solução alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma solução alternativa ao método ótico convencional na medição de micro dureza Vickers. Utilizando programação em LabVIEW da National Instruments, juntamente com as ferramentas de visão computacional (NI Vision), o programa começa por solicitar ao técnico a seleção da câmara para aquisição da imagem digital acoplada ao micro durómetro, seleção do método de ensaio (Força de ensaio); posteriormente o programa efetua o tratamento da imagem (aplicação de filtros para eliminação do ruído de fundo da imagem original), segue-se, por indicação do operador, a zona de interesse (ROI) e por sua vez são identificadas automaticamente os vértices da calote e respetivas distâncias das diagonais geradas concluindo, após aceitação das mesmas, com o respetivo cálculo de micro dureza resultante. Para validação dos resultados foram utilizados blocos-padrão de dureza certificada (CRM), cujos resultados foram satisfatórios, tendo-se obtido um elevado nível de exatidão nas medições efetuadas. Por fim, desenvolveu-se uma folha de cálculo em Excel com a determinação da incerteza associada às medições de micro dureza Vickers. Foram então comparados os resultados nas duas metodologias possíveis, pelo método ótico convencional e pela utilização das ferramentas de visão computacional, tendo-se obtido bons resultados com a solução proposta.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da Qualidade
This paper presents a method to reconstruct 3D surfaces of silicon wafers from 2D images of printed circuits taken with a scanning electron microscope. Our reconstruction method combines the physical model of the optical acquisition system with prior knowledge about the shapes of the patterns in the circuit; the result is a shape-from-shading technique with a shape prior. The reconstruction of the surface is formulated as an optimization problem with an objective functional that combines a data-fidelity term on the microscopic image with two prior terms on the surface. The data term models the acquisition system through the irradiance equation characteristic of the microscope; the first prior is a smoothness penalty on the reconstructed surface, and the second prior constrains the shape of the surface to agree with the expected shape of the pattern in the circuit. In order to account for the variability of the manufacturing process, this second prior includes a deformation field that allows a nonlinear elastic deformation between the expected pattern and the reconstructed surface. As a result, the minimization problem has two unknowns, and the reconstruction method provides two outputs: 1) a reconstructed surface and 2) a deformation field. The reconstructed surface is derived from the shading observed in the image and the prior knowledge about the pattern in the circuit, while the deformation field produces a mapping between the expected shape and the reconstructed surface that provides a measure of deviation between the circuit design models and the real manufacturing process.
Työn tavoitteena oli pienentää kuorinnassa syntyviä puuhäviöitä ja parantaa linjan käytettävyyttä nykyaikaisella puunkuorimolla. Tavoitteet toteutettiin automaatiojärjestelmään tehdyillä muutoksilla. Rumpukuorintaprosessi on säilynyt pitkään samanlaisena. Viime vuosina on markkinoille tullut uusia älykkäitä mittalaitteita ja optimointiin kykeneviä säätöjärjestelmiä. Uudenlaisella automaatiotekniikalla on mahdollista mitata kuorintatulosta ja kuorinnassa syntyneitä puuhäviöitä reaaliaikaisesti. Laaduntarkkailun lisäksi tietoja hyödynnetään kuorintaprosessin automaattisessa ohjauksessa. Optimaalisen kuorintatuloksen saavuttaminen edellyttää virheetöntä automaation toimintaa ja tarkkaa viritystä säädöiltä. Työssä perehdyttiin kuorimon perusautomaatioon ja ylemmän tason säädön toimintaan. Prosessinohjauksessa havaitut ongelmakohdat korjattiin. Lopputuloksena saatiin vakiokuorintatehon malli, joka pienentää puuhäviöitä ja parantaa linjaston käytettävyyttä. Saaduilla tuloksilla on merkittävä taloudellinen arvo, ja menetelmät ovat hyödynnettävissä myös toisilla rumpukuorimoilla.
Dirt counting and dirt particle characterisation of pulp samples is an important part of quality control in pulp and paper production. The need for an automatic image analysis system to consider dirt particle characterisation in various pulp samples is also very critical. However, existent image analysis systems utilise a single threshold to segment the dirt particles in different pulp samples. This limits their precision. Based on evidence, designing an automatic image analysis system that could overcome this deficiency is very useful. In this study, the developed Niblack thresholding method is proposed. The method defines the threshold based on the number of segmented particles. In addition, the Kittler thresholding is utilised. Both of these thresholding methods can determine the dirt count of the different pulp samples accurately as compared to visual inspection and the Digital Optical Measuring and Analysis System (DOMAS). In addition, the minimum resolution needed for acquiring a scanner image is defined. By considering the variation in dirt particle features, the curl shows acceptable difference to discriminate the bark and the fibre bundles in different pulp samples. Three classifiers, called k-Nearest Neighbour, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multi-layer Perceptron are utilised to categorize the dirt particles. Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multi-layer Perceptron are the most accurate in classifying the segmented dirt particles by the Kittler thresholding with morphological processing. The result shows that the dirt particles are successfully categorized for bark and for fibre bundles.
Meesauuni on osa sulfaattisellutehdasta ja sen kemikaalikiertoa. Se on pyörivä kaltevaan tasoon asetettu rumpu-uuni, joka voi olla jopa 160 metriä pitkä ja halkaisijaltaan 5,5 metriä. Kalkki on kiertävä apukemikaali, jota käytetään soodakattilalta tulevan viherlipeän muuttamiseen valkolipeäksi. Meesauunin tehtävänä on kierrättää kalkki (CaO) uudelleen käytettäväksi kaustisoinnissa syntyneestä meesasta (CaCO3). Meesauunin vaipan konepajavalmistus on prosessina hyvin yksinkertainen, mutta toleranssivaatimukset ovat hyvin tiukat suhteutettuna meesauunin kokoon. Vaippalohkojen valmistus on siirtynyt halpatyövoiman maihin lähelle loppukäyttäjiä, joten vaatimukset piirustusten laadulle, valmistukselle, ohjeille ja tarkastamiselle ovat lisääntyneet. Uunin vaippa toimitetaan asennuspaikalle useassa lohkossa ja jokainen vaippalohko on tarkastettava ennen toimitusta. Virheellisten vaippalohkojen siirtyminen asennuspaikalle on estettävä. Työn tavoitteena oli parantaa meesauunin vaippalohkojen konepajavalmistuksen laaduntarkastusta. Tässä työssä tutkitaan mittausmenetelmiä vaippalohkojen geometrian mittaamiseen. Tärkeimmät uunin toiminnallisiin ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavat muototoleranssit vaippalohkoille ovat ympyrämäisyys ja keskiviivan suoruus. Virheet näissä toleransseissa aiheuttavat vaurioita uunin muurauksille ja liian suuria kuormituksia tuennoille. Vaippalohkot on mitattava pyöritysrullaston päällä ja konepajan olosuhteissa, mikä aiheuttaa omat haasteensa. Vaippalohkojen suuret massat ja dimensiot aiheuttavat vaippalohkoihin muodonmuutoksia. Muodonmuutokset täytyy olla hallinnassa, mikäli halutaan käyttää CMS-laitteistoja (Coordinate Measuring System). Meesauunin vaippalohkot ovat mitattavissa radiaalimittauksina tai käyttäen CMS-laitteistoja.
A ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulator is used to generate up to 24 independently controllable traps in a holographic optical tweezers system using time-multiplexed Fresnel zone plates. For use in biological applications, helical zone plates are used to generate Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes. The high speed switching of the ferroelectric device together with recent advances in computer technology enable fast, smooth movement of traps that can be independently controlled in real time. This is demonstrated by the trapping and manipulation of yeast cells and fungal spores. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
This thesis proposes design methods and test tools, for optical systems, which may be used in an industrial environment, where not only precision and reliability but also ease of use is important. The approach to the problem has been conceived to be as general as possible, although in the present work, the design of a portable device for automatic identification applications has been studied, because this doctorate has been funded by Datalogic Scanning Group s.r.l., a world-class producer of barcode readers. The main functional components of the complete device are: electro-optical imaging, illumination and pattern generator systems. For what concerns the electro-optical imaging system, a characterization tool and an analysis one has been developed to check if the desired performance of the system has been achieved. Moreover, two design tools for optimizing the imaging system have been implemented. The first optimizes just the core of the system, the optical part, improving its performance ignoring all other contributions and generating a good starting point for the optimization of the whole complex system. The second tool optimizes the system taking into account its behavior with a model as near as possible to reality including optics, electronics and detection. For what concerns the illumination and the pattern generator systems, two tools have been implemented. The first allows the design of free-form lenses described by an arbitrary analytical function exited by an incoherent source and is able to provide custom illumination conditions for all kind of applications. The second tool consists of a new method to design Diffractive Optical Elements excited by a coherent source for large pattern angles using the Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm. Validation of the design tools has been obtained, whenever possible, comparing the performance of the designed systems with those of fabricated prototypes. In other cases simulations have been used.
Percutaneous needle intervention based on PET/CT images is effective, but exposes the patient to unnecessary radiation due to the increased number of CT scans required. Computer assisted intervention can reduce the number of scans, but requires handling, matching and visualization of two different datasets. While one dataset is used for target definition according to metabolism, the other is used for instrument guidance according to anatomical structures. No navigation systems capable of handling such data and performing PET/CT image-based procedures while following clinically approved protocols for oncologic percutaneous interventions are available. The need for such systems is emphasized in scenarios where the target can be located in different types of tissue such as bone and soft tissue. These two tissues require different clinical protocols for puncturing and may therefore give rise to different problems during the navigated intervention. Studies comparing the performance of navigated needle interventions targeting lesions located in these two types of tissue are not often found in the literature. Hence, this paper presents an optical navigation system for percutaneous needle interventions based on PET/CT images. The system provides viewers for guiding the physician to the target with real-time visualization of PET/CT datasets, and is able to handle targets located in both bone and soft tissue. The navigation system and the required clinical workflow were designed taking into consideration clinical protocols and requirements, and the system is thus operable by a single person, even during transition to the sterile phase. Both the system and the workflow were evaluated in an initial set of experiments simulating 41 lesions (23 located in bone tissue and 18 in soft tissue) in swine cadavers. We also measured and decomposed the overall system error into distinct error sources, which allowed for the identification of particularities involved in the process as well as highlighting the differences between bone and soft tissue punctures. An overall average error of 4.23 mm and 3.07 mm for bone and soft tissue punctures, respectively, demonstrated the feasibility of using this system for such interventions. The proposed system workflow was shown to be effective in separating the preparation from the sterile phase, as well as in keeping the system manageable by a single operator. Among the distinct sources of error, the user error based on the system accuracy (defined as the distance from the planned target to the actual needle tip) appeared to be the most significant. Bone punctures showed higher user error, whereas soft tissue punctures showed higher tissue deformation error.