878 resultados para onion routing
Dissertação submetida para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Watershed-scale runoff routing and solute transport in a spatially aggregated hydrological framework
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logica Computicional
Conventionally the problem of the best path in a network refers to the shortest path problem. However, for the vast majority of networks present nowadays this solution has some limitations which directly affect their proper functioning, as well as an inefficient use of their potentialities. Problems at the level of large networks where graphs of high complexity are commonly present as well as the appearing of new services and their respective requirements, are intrinsically related to the inability of this solution. In order to overcome the needs present in these networks, a new approach to the problem of the best path must be explored. One solution that has aroused more interest in the scientific community considers the use of multiple paths between two network nodes, where they can all now be considered as the best path between those nodes. Therefore, the routing will be discontinued only by minimizing one metric, where only one path between nodes is chosen, and shall be made by the selection of one of many paths, thereby allowing the use of a greater diversity of the present paths (obviously, if the network consents). The establishment of multi-path routing in a given network has several advantages for its operation. Its use may well improve the distribution of network traffic, improve recovery time to failure, or it can still offer a greater control of the network by its administrator. These factors still have greater relevance when networks have large dimensions, as well as when their constitution is of high complexity, such as the Internet, where multiple networks managed by different entities are interconnected. A large part of the growing need to use multipath protocols is associated to the routing made based on policies. Therefore, paths with different characteristics can be considered with equal level of preference, and thus be part of the solution for the best way problem. To perform multi-path routing using protocols based only on the destination address has some limitations but it is possible. Concepts of graph theory of algebraic structures can be used to describe how the routes are calculated and classified, enabling to model the routing problem. This thesis studies and analyzes multi-path routing protocols from the known literature and derives a new algebraic condition which allows the correct operation of these protocols without any network restriction. It also develops a range of software tools that allows the planning and the respective verification/validation of new protocols models according to the study made.
Autor proof
The selective collection of municipal solid waste for recycling is a very complex and expensive process, where a major issue is to perform cost-efficient waste collection routes. Despite the abundance of commercially available software for fleet management, they often lack the capability to deal properly with sequencing problems and dynamic revision of plans and schedules during process execution. Our approach to achieve better solutions for the waste collection process is to model it as a vehicle routing problem, more specifically as a team orienteering problem where capacity constraints on the vehicles are considered, as well as time windows for the waste collection points and for the vehicles. The final model is called capacitated team orienteering problem with double time windows (CTOPdTW).We developed a genetic algorithm to solve routing problems in waste collection modelled as a CTOPdTW. The results achieved suggest possible reductions of logistic costs in selective waste collection.
Traffic Engineering (TE) approaches are increasingly impor- tant in network management to allow an optimized configuration and resource allocation. In link-state routing, the task of setting appropriate weights to the links is both an important and a challenging optimization task. A number of different approaches has been put forward towards this aim, including the successful use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In this context, this work addresses the evaluation of three distinct EAs, a single and two multi-objective EAs, in two tasks related to weight setting optimization towards optimal intra-domain routing, knowing the network topology and aggregated traffic demands and seeking to mini- mize network congestion. In both tasks, the optimization considers sce- narios where there is a dynamic alteration in the state of the system, in the first considering changes in the traffic demand matrices and in the latter considering the possibility of link failures. The methods will, thus, need to simultaneously optimize for both conditions, the normal and the altered one, following a preventive TE approach towards robust configurations. Since this can be formulated as a bi-objective function, the use of multi-objective EAs, such as SPEA2 and NSGA-II, came nat- urally, being those compared to a single-objective EA. The results show a remarkable behavior of NSGA-II in all proposed tasks scaling well for harder instances, and thus presenting itself as the most promising option for TE in these scenarios.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2013
L’objectiu del projecte és tractar de donar solució al problema d’interconnexió de dispositius mòbils, en concret de PDAs Nokia 810, en una situació on no es disposa d’un punt d’accès fixe. Per a fer-ho possible es forma una xarxa MANET, és a dir una xarxa Ad-hoc mòbil, on els nodes són els propis dispositius. Un cop establerta la connexió, s’obté un llistat actualitzat amb les adreces IP de tots els nodes visibles de la xarxa.
Current parallel applications running on clusters require the use of an interconnection network to perform communications among all computing nodes available. Imbalance of communications can produce network congestion, reducing throughput and increasing latency, degrading the overall system performance. On the other hand, parallel applications running on these networks posses representative stages which allow their characterization, as well as repetitive behavior that can be identified on the basis of this characterization. This work presents the Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing (PR-DRB), a new method developed to gradually control network congestion, based on paths expansion, traffic distribution and effective traffic load, in order to maintain low latency values. PR-DRB monitors messages latencies on intermediate routers, makes decisions about alternative paths and record communication pattern information encountered during congestion situation. Based on the concept of applications repetitiveness, best solution recorded are reapplied when saved communication pattern re-appears. Traffic congestion experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the method, and improvements were observed.
Es presenta un sistema acurat de càlcul web d'itineraris mínims (per a vianants i per a vehicles) entre dos punts de la ciutat de Barcelona, un dels quals es triat per l'usuari directament a sobre un mapa i l'altre, alternativament, a sobre el mateix mapa o bé a sobre una llista de selecció de les principals atraccions turístiques de Barcelona.El sistema es troba implementat per medi de MapServer (1) com a servidor, OpenLayers (2) per a la interfície d'usuari, una base de dades PostrgreSQL (3)/PostGIS (4) que recull dades d'OpenStreetMaps (5) per a la navegació i dades introduïdes manualment, per a la llista de selecció d'atraccions turístiques. Per al càlcul d'itineraris es fa servir, pgRouting (6) alhora que s'accedeix a la cartografia de CartoCiudad (7) per a mostrar un mapa de base i opcionalment els noms dels carrers i punts d'interès a partir de les capes FondoUrbano, Vial i Topónimo del servidor WMS de CartoCiudad.Tot el sistema corre a sobre Windows 7 Home Premium (8).Així mateix es presenten quatre noves funcions i un tipus definit per l'usuari de PostgreSQL per al càlcul acurat d'itineraris mínims i l'estudi teòric que justifica la seva bondat.
La aparición de terminales de telefonía móvil cada vez más potentes abre un nuevo abanico de posibilidades en cuanto a usos y aplicaciones. Sin embargo, y dadas las limitaciones tanto de memoria como de CPU que tienen estos dispositivos, algunas de las aplicaciones potenciales resultan muy difíciles o incluso imposibles de llevar a la práctica. Este es el caso, por ejemplo, de aplicaciones de cálculo de rutas. En el contexto del proyecto Itiner@, un asistente para rutas turísticas completamente autónomo que debe funcionar incluso sin conexión a Internet, todos los procesos deben ejecutarse íntegramente de forma local en el dispositivo móvil. Dado que es un proyecto orientado al ocio, es importante que la experiencia del usuario sea satisfactoria, por lo que además de poder ejecutar el algoritmo de cálculo de rutas, el sistema debe hacerlo de forma rápida. En este sentido, los algoritmos recursivos habituales son demasiado costosos o lentos para su uso en Itiner@ y ha sido necesario reinventar este tipo de algoritmos en función de las limitaciones que tienen estos dispositivos. En el presente trabajo se presenta el proceso seguido y las dificultades encontradas para implementar un algoritmo recursivo de cálculo de rutas que se ejecute íntegramente en un dispositivo móvil Android de forma eficiente. Así, finalmente se llega a un algoritmo recursivo de cálculo de rutas para dispositivos móviles que se ejecuta de forma más eficiente frente a algoritmos directamente portados a dispositivos móviles. La principal contribución del trabajo es doble: por un lado ofrece algunas guías útiles al desarrollo de algoritmos más eficientes para dispositivos móviles; y por el otro, muestra un algoritmo de cálculo de rutas que funciona con un tiempo de respuesta aceptable, en un entorno exigente, como es el de las aplicaciones de turismo en móviles
In this paper a novel methodology aimed at minimizing the probability of network failure and the failure impact (in terms of QoS degradation) while optimizing the resource consumption is introduced. A detailed study of MPLS recovery techniques and their GMPLS extensions are also presented. In this scenario, some features for reducing the failure impact and offering minimum failure probabilities at the same time are also analyzed. Novel two-step routing algorithms using this methodology are proposed. Results show that these methods offer high protection levels with optimal resource consumption