999 resultados para off-shell decomposition


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The first step toward the application of an effective non partial wave (PW) numerical approach to few-body atomic bound states has been taken. The two-body transition amplitude which appears in the kernel of three-dimensional Faddeev-Yakubovsky integral equations is calculated as function of two-body Jacobi momentum vectors, i.e. as a function of the magnitude of initial and final momentum vectors and the angle between them. For numerical calculation the realistic interatomic interactions HFDHE2, HFD-B, LM2M2 and TTY are used. The angular and momentum dependence of the fully off-shell transition amplitude is studied at negative energies. It has been numerically shown that, similar to the nuclear case, the transition amplitude exhibits a characteristic angular behavior in the vicinity of He-4 dimer pole.


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Complex Kohn variational principle is applied to the numerical solution of the fully off-shell Lippmann-Schwinger equation for nucleon-nucleon scattering for various partial waves including the coupled S-3(1), D-3(1), channel. Analytic expressions are obtained for all the integrals in the method for a suitable choice of expansion functions. Calculations with the partial waves S-1(0), P-1(1), D-1(2), and S-3(1)-D-3(1) of the Reid soft core potential show that the method converges faster than other solution schemes not only for the phase shift but also for the off-shell t matrix elements. We also show that it is trivial to modify this variational principle in order to make it suitable for bound-state calculation. The bound-state approach is illustrated for the S-3(1)-D-3(1) channel of the Reid soft-core potential for calculating the deuteron binding, wave function, and the D state asymptotic parameters. (c) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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A recently proposed renormalization scheme can be used to deal with nonrelativistic potential scattering exhibiting ultraviolet divergence in momentum space. A numerical application of this scheme is made in the case of potential scattering with r(-2) divergence for small r, common in molecular and nuclear physics, by using cut-offs in momentum and configuration spaces. The cut-off is finally removed in terms of a physical observable and model-independent result is obtained at low energies. The expected variation of the off-shell behaviour of the t-matrix arising from the renormalization scheme is also discussed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) seems to be a very promising technique for evaluating massless and/or massive Feynman diagrams. It is unique in the sense that the method gives solutions in different regions of external momenta simultaneously. Moreover, it is a technique whereby the difficulties associated with performing parametric integrals in the standard approach are transferred to a simpler solving of a system of linear algebraic equations, thanks to the polynomial character of the relevant integrands. We employ this method to evaluate a scalar integral for a massless two-loop three-point vertex with all the external legs off-shell, and consider several special cases for it, yielding results, even for distinct simpler diagrams. We also consider the possibility of NDIM in non-covariant gauges such as the light-cone gauge and do some illustrative calculations, showing that for one-degree violation of covariance (i.e. one external, gauge-breaking, light-like vector n μ) the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via either the usual dimensional regularization technique, or the use of the principal value prescription for the gauge-dependent pole, while for two-degree violation of covariance - i.e. two external, light-like vectors n μ, the gauge-breaking one, and (its dual) n * μ - the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via causal constraints or the use of the so-called generalized Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A challenge in mesonic three-body decays of heavy mesons is to quantify the contribution of re-scattering between the final mesons. D decays have the unique feature that make them a key to light meson spectroscopy, in particular to access the Kn S-wave phase-shifts. We built a relativis-tic three-body model for the final state interaction in D+ → K -π+π+ decay based on the ladder approximation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation projected on the light-front. The decay amplitude is separated in a smooth term, given by the direct partonic decay amplitude, and a three-body fully interacting contribution, that is factorized in the standard two-meson resonant amplitude times a reduced complex amplitude that carries the effect of the three-body rescattering mechanism. The off-shell reduced amplitude is a solution of an inhomogeneous Faddeev type three-dimensional integral equation, that includes only isospin 1/2 K -π+ interaction in the S-wave channel. The elastic K-π+ scattering amplitude is parameterized according to the LASS data[1]. The integral equation is solved numerically and preliminary results are presented and compared to the experimental data from the E791 Collaboration[2, 3] and FOCUS Collaboration[4, 5].


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, we reported some results about the stochastic quantization of the spherical model. We started by reviewing some basic aspects of this method with emphasis in the connection between the Langevin equation and the supersymmetric quantum mechanics, aiming at the application of the corresponding connection to the spherical model. An intuitive idea is that when applied to the spherical model this gives rise to a supersymmetric version that is identified with one studied in Phys. Rev. E 85, 061109, (2012). Before investigating in detail this aspect, we studied the stochastic quantization of the mean spherical model that is simpler to implement than the one with the strict constraint. We also highlight some points concerning more traditional methods discussed in the literature like canonical and path integral quantization. To produce a supersymmetric version, grounded in the Nicolai map, we investigated the stochastic quantization of the strict spherical model. We showed in fact that the result of this process is an off-shell supersymmetric extension of the quantum spherical model (with the precise supersymmetric constraint structure). That analysis establishes a connection between the classical model and its supersymmetric quantum counterpart. The supersymmetric version in this way constructed is a more natural one and gives further support and motivations to investigate similar connections in other models of the literature.


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We revisit the supermultiplet structure of Noether currents for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. Using superfield identities and the field equations we show how to derive a superfield equation for the divergences of the Noether currents in terms of the supercurrent and anomaly superfields containing 16_B+16_F components. We refer to this as the natural supercurrent structure as it is invariant under all local symmetries of the theory. It corresponds to the S-multiplet of Komargodski and Seiberg. We clarify the on/off-shell nature of the currents appearing in this multiplet and we study in detail the effect of specific improvement transformations leading to 1) a Ferrara-Zumino multiplet and to 2) a multiplet containing the new improved energy-momentum tensor of Callan, Coleman and Jackiw. Our methods also apply to supersymmetric gauge theories with a Fayet-Iliopoulos term. We construct the natural supercurrent multiplet for such a theory and show how to improve this to a formally gauge-invariant Ferrara-Zumino multiplet by introducing a non-dynamical chiral superfield S to ensure superfield gauge invariance. Finally we study the coupling of this theory to supergravity and show that S remains non-dynamical if the theory is R-symmetric and that S becomes propagating if the theory is not R-symmetric, leading to non-minimal 16_B+16_F supergravity


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A search is presented for direct top-squark pair production in final states with two leptons (electrons or muons) of opposite charge using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data at ps = 8TeV, collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. No excess over the Standard Model expectation is found. The results are interpreted under the separate assumptions (i) that the top squark decays to a b-quark in addition to an on-shell chargino whose decay occurs via a real or virtual W boson, or (ii) that the top squark decays to a t-quark and the lightest neutralino. A top squark with a mass between 150 GeV and 445 GeV decaying to a b-quark and an on-shell chargino is excluded at 95% confidence level for a top squark mass equal to the chargino mass plus 10 GeV, in the case of a 1 GeV lightest neutralino. Top squarks with masses between 215 (90) GeV and 530 (170) GeV decaying to an on-shell (off-shell) t-quark and a neutralino are excluded at 95% confidence level for a 1 GeV neutralino.


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We derive a torsionfull version of three-dimensional N=2 Newton-Cartan supergravity using a non-relativistic notion of the superconformal tensor calculus. The “superconformal” theory that we start with is Schrödinger supergravity which we obtain by gauging the Schrödinger superalgebra. We present two non-relativistic N=2 matter multiplets that can be used as compensators in the superconformal calculus. They lead to two different off-shell formulations which, in analogy with the relativistic case, we call “old minimal” and “new minimal” Newton-Cartan supergravity. We find similarities but also point out some differences with respect to the relativistic case.


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Iridium-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Ir-MWNT) are the future catalyst support material for hydrazine fuel decomposition. The present work demonstrates decoration of iridium particle on iron-encapsulated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) by wet impregnation method in the absence of any stabilizer. Electron microscopy studies reveal the coated iridium particle size in the range of 5-10 nm. Elemental analysis by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction confirms 21 wt% of Ir coated over MWNT. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) shows 4f(5/2) and 4f(7/2) lines of iridium and confirms the metallic nature. The catalytic activity of Ir-MWNT/Shell 405 combination is performed in 1 N hydrazine micro-thrusters. The thruster performance shows increase in chamber pressure and decrease in chamber temperature when compared to Shell 405 alone. This enhanced performance is due to high thermal conducting nature of MWNTs and the presence of Ir active sites over MWNTs.


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Various methods of assessment have been applied to the One Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus and experiments with the aim of allowing an estimate of the comparative violence of the explosion event to be made. Non-mechanical methods used were a simple visual inspection, measuring the increase in the void volume of the anvils following an explosion and measuring the velocity of the sound produced by the explosion over 1 metre. Mechanical methods used included monitoring piezo-electric devices inserted in the frame of the machine and measuring the rotational velocity of a rotating bar placed on the top of the anvils after it had been displaced by the shock wave. This last method, which resembles original Hopkinson Bar experiments, seemed the easiest to apply and analyse, giving relative rankings of violence and the possibility of the calculation of a “detonation” pressure.


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Aquatic species can experience different selective pressures on morphology in different flow regimes. Species inhabiting lotic regimes often adapt to these conditions by evolving low-drag (i.e., streamlined) morphologies that reduce the likelihood of dislodgment or displacement. However, hydrodynamic factors are not the only selective pressures influencing organismal morphology and shapes well suited to flow conditions may compromise performance in other roles. We investigated the possibility of morphological trade-offs in the turtle Pseudemys concinna. Individuals living in lotic environments have flatter, more streamlined shells than those living in lentic environments; however, this flatter shape may also make the shells less capable of resisting predator-induced loads. We tested the idea that ‘‘lotic’’ shell shapes are weaker than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, concomitantly examining effects of sex. Geometric morphometric data were used to transform an existing finite element shell model into a series of models corresponding to the shapes of individual turtles. Models were assigned identical material properties and loaded under identical conditions, and the stresses produced by a series of eight loads were extracted to describe the strength of the shells. ‘‘Lotic’’ shell shapes produced significantly higher stresses than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, indicating that the former is weaker than the latter. Females had significantly stronger shell shapes than males, although these differences were less consistent than differences between flow regimes. We conclude that, despite the potential for many-to-one mapping of shell shape onto strength, P. concinna experiences a trade-off in shell shape between hydrodynamic and mechanical performance. This trade-off may be evident in many other turtle species or any other aquatic species that also depend on a shell for defense. However, evolution of body size may provide an avenue of escape from this trade-off in some cases, as changes in size can drastically affect mechanical performance while having little effect on hydrodynamic performance.