969 resultados para nursing process


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BACKGROUND: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) 2013 includes over 4000 concepts for global nursing diagnoses, outcomes and interventions and is a large and complex set of standardised nursing concepts and expressions. Nurses may use subsets from the ICNP as concepts and expressions for research, education and clinical practice. The objective of this study was to identify and validate concepts for an ICNP subset to guide observations and documentation of nursing care for patients with dementia.

METHOD: The process model for developing ICNP subsets was followed, according to the guidelines adopted by the International Council of Nursing (ICN). To identify relevant and useful concepts for the subset, a modified form of the Delphi method was used. Six nurses working in healthcare services in three municipalities in Norway with postgraduate education in geriatric psychiatry and dementia care participated in two Delphi sessions. The participants reviewed and scored the concepts included in the suggested subset and had an opportunity to rewrite them and offer alternatives. To validate the subset after the Delphi study, a group interview was conducted with six other nurses with postgraduate education in geriatric psychiatry and dementia care. The group interview was recorded and transcribed, and summative content analysis was used.

RESULTS: Suitable concepts for an ICNP subset to guide observations and documentation of nursing care for patients with dementia were identified. In total, 301 concepts were identified, including 77 nursing diagnoses, 78 outcomes and 146 nursing interventions. An increased focus on concepts to describe basic psychosocial needs such as identity, comfort, connection, inclusion and engagement was recommended by nurses in the validation process.

CONCLUSIONS: Relevant and pre-formulated nursing diagnoses, goals and interventions were identified, which can be used to develop care plans and facilitate accuracy in the documentation of individuals with dementia. The participants believed that it may be difficult to find formulations for all steps of the nursing process. In particular, nursing diagnoses and psychosocial needs are often inadequately documented. The participants highlighted the need for the subset to contain essential information about psychosocial needs and communication.


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Este estudo objetiva descrever as concepções dos profi ssionais de Enfermagem sobre o processo de enfermagem, a fi m de embasar as ações de implementação do processo na instituição do estudo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido durante uma pesquisa ação, com a equipe de Enfermagem de um hospital pediátrico de ensino. O processo de enfermagem é concebido como um instrumento para organizar a assistência e prescrever os cuidados de Enfermagem. As rotinas de trabalho evidenciam as atividades técnicas. As expectativas com a implementação do processo de enfermagem envolvem a melhoria da qualidade da assistência. O estudo reforça a importância de incluir os membros da equipe de enfermagem, na implementação das etapas do processo de enfermagem e aponta o desafi o de enfrentar as rotinas tecnicistas


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Objetivou-se caracterizar os saberes de enfermeiros sobre o Processo de Enfermagem. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de natureza exploratório-descritivo, efetivado nos meses de agosto de 2010 a junho de 2011 com 12 enfermeiros atuantes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte-Ceará. Aplicou-se uma entrevista através de um roteiro semiestruturado após a assinatura do termo de anuência pelos participantes. Resultados: Os enfermeiros percebem o Processo de Enfermagem como uma ferramenta tecnológica que permite a oferta de uma assistência de enfermagem sistemática, racional e planejada, tendo em vista o reconhecimento e atendimento das necessidades humanas básicas do ser cuidado. Conclusão: Portanto, os enfermeiros detêm uma convicção clara acerca da significação do Processo de Enfermagem e sua capacidade de satisfazer as demandas de cuidado do indivíduo, família e comunidade


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Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência


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It is in the work environment that occurs the relations of production, economy, personal development and professional growth. Thus, this environment characterizes for being a propitious way to the intellectual development diligent them. In this context, this study it had as objective to analyze the possibilities and challenges of the education to consist integrant part of the process of work of the nursing, in an education hospital. One is about a research of analytical matrix and qualitative boarding, that had as collaborating fifteen professionals of the nursing, middle- and upper-level, of a hospital of education in Natal/RN. It followed the metodológicos estimated ones of the thematic verbal history, which looks for to promote the agreement or clarification of determined situations, catching experiences of made use people to say on aspects of its life, keeping a commitment with the social context. The information then had been gotten by means of a research instrument that made possible the accomplishment of interviews, which had been marked anticipatedly and counted on the assent of that in they had participated. The interviews had been recorded in proper equipment, so that you say them of the collaborators transcribing and they were analyzed with the support of pertinent literature. The content of you say them was classified in empirical categories, as the nuclei of felt that they presented. With the analysis of the data, one evidenced that the education in the process of work of the nursing is something possible to occur, but that diverse they are the challenges that the same one has that to face to promote this phenomenon in its daily one of work. The collaborators had affirmed that the worker is necessary to remain itself permanently in study so that, thus, it grows professionally and improves its assistance. They had still affirmed that she is possible to work and to study, but that this requires determination of who intends such intention. E also guarantees that the diverse forms of education directed toward the care in nursing can have resolution, since that has collective compromising of the institution. This, as education hospital, recognizes to be necessary to possess one politics of education for its workers and is if considering implementation the same one through a structuralized program already. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of changes in the current scene where if they find the workers of nursing of the institution in study. These changes can be reached through one politics of investment in the workers, allowing, beyond other benefits, the reach of new knowledge that take them to a significant learning in favor of the population, reflecting in the quality of the given assistance


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Nursing as a profession goes in search on quality of their care through new frameworks, trying to break postures of the health care system so fragmented in the care. To change professional practices, it is necessary to build their own knowledge grounded on Nursing Care System. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nurses' knowledge on care systematization in nursing in the University Hospital Natal-RN. It is an analytical descriptive study carried out at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal-RN, 2010, the sample was composed of 40 active nurses working in hospitalization units of the hospital, the inclusion criteria were being in the monthly scale sector and agree to participate in the study. The non-participant observation and another interview were used for collecting data, statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential with reliability test, Pearson test, chi-square and Fischer, the variables that correlated were analyzed in a model Multiple logistic , calculating odds ratio. The results were: predominance of female professionals (90%), predominantly in the age range 39-46 years (37.5%), nurses who have the undergraduate degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (80%), and who have expertise training as a minimal degree (62.5%). Among the surveyed, the knowledge showed significance with the graduation time (p = 0.018) and time working in HUOL (p = 0.036). The majority of the professionals surveyed do not know which organ is responsible for the SAE legislation (52.5%), aware of the steps needed to build the nursing diagnosis (92.5%), understand the characteristics of nursing planning (90% ). However the same professionals do not perform physical examination in patients (50.0%) did not classify the clinical findings (68.4%), and identify the problems encountered as a classification (13.2%). The planning of nursing care is carried out by verbal order of nurses (82.5%), 41% of the professionals assess only the intervention stage, in other words, the actions taken. Regarding the practical application of nursing records 53% of nurses do not realize records, 30.8% is incomplete, the other held notes (p = 0.003). The nurses know the nursing process (90% of appropriate responses), despite the actions defined by the theory are not applied in practice. Investigators believe the condition of the hospital teacher (22.5%) could positively affect the implementation of the SAE associated with the interest of professionals (20%). Of the respondents, 17.5% accept as truth the lack of facilities to assist the SAE implementation in the hospital. It was concluded that nurses know the theory that underlies the SAE and the nursing process, but do not develop the service know as well, there is need for action to boost the SAE implementation as practice of nurses in the hospital investigated


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The incessant search if nurse for qualify nursing care makes the Nursing Assistance Systematization, a current topic of discussion throughout the country, not only in order to comply the legal requirements of their practice, but especially by the expected benefits of its application. In this meaning, this research had a qualitative approach, developed for a way of research-action. The general purpose was to analyze the change in the nursing practices in a pediatric teaching hospital, based on construction and implementation of Nursing Assistance Systematization by the nursing team. The results had the thematic analysis of Paulo Freire and were shown in the form of reports. To achieve these purposes, it began by steps pre-trial, to review the charts of the institution and an approach with the managers. In the situational diagnosis of nursing practices without the systematization followed by applying a questionnaire with a nursing team and a focal group with nurses. These ways supported the implementation stage of the Nursing Assistance Systematization which developed actions associate such as focal group with the nurses about the nursing history, capacity with the nursing team about the Nursing Assistance Systematization, development, application and reworking of printed, and discussions in the small groups. The evaluations of the changes after the actions of the research occurred through individual interview with the nurses, to check the results. The charts review confirmed the deficit in the records performed by the nurse on the chart, which reinforced the need for implementation of Nursing Assistance Systematization, an argument used on the meeting with the managers, who promptly agree with the search. The questionnaire and the focal group with the nurses reveal a process of nursing work without systematization, showing gaps in practices, but also obtained relate of expectations of improvements in quality of care as of Nursing Assistance Systematization, furnishing data to the development of ways following-up. The prints were gradually used and modified as the team understood the Nursing Assistance Systematization and its purposes through capacity course. The final evaluation pointed to the partial implementation of the stages of Nursing Assistance Systematization had been institutionalized at the history and the development of nursing, beyond difficulties with diagnosis and prescription of nursing, in later representing a paradigm shift. This search collaborated to change the view about the Nursing Assistance Systematization by nursing team at the institution had been revealed through introduction of new practices in the process of nursing work, as examination of physical exam of the patient, the interview in the admission of customers on service and the daily monitoring by nursing through development of nursing. Before addition, it was noted which the purposes of this search were achieved, since were analyzed the changes in the nursing practices with the systematization. The research-action achieved proposes of the involvement of nursing team in changing their practices. This search contributed to the implementation of the Nursing Assistance Systematization in a pediatric teaching hospital and showed which is possible to seek resolution of problems when the objective is of the group and gave access for further searches within this theme


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The Nursing Process (NP) is considered as the dynamics of the systemized and inter-related actions of human care. We believe that the nursing manager, as the representative of all the nursing care provided in the hospital setting, is an important agent for the implementation of institutional policies, such as the NP, in the service. However, there is little information in the literature about the NP in the perspective of the nurse manager. The objective of this study was to analyze the viability of the Nursing Process in the hospital context based on the attitudes of the nurse managers toward the Process. We conducted a descriptive-exploratory research study, of quantitative approach, with a population of 45 nurse managers that worked in the state hospitals located in Natal, RN and in the university hospitals of the UFRN. Two instruments were used for the collection of data: a nursing process questionnaire, constructed for use in this study, and the scale for the measurement of the attitudes titled Positions on the Nursing Process. The population is predominantly feminine (91,0%) and have relative nursing practice experience (Mean=17,6 years). However, they have little experience in management (Mean=8,6 years). They express little knowledge of the PE nursing terms and little experience with the Process. They have a positive atitude toward the NP (Mean = 110,9); are favorable to its developement in the service (86,7%); 48,9% indicated little possibility of institutionalization in the service and 37,8% indicated large possibility. The Spearman test for association between the variables of attitude about the NP and the possibility of its institutionalization demonstrated a weak negative association in the total individual scores of the attitudes (-,316) as in the 20 itens of the instrument, with coefficients varying from 0,014 to 0,464. Factorial analysis of the instrument identified three underlying factors to the attitudes of the managers in this study: relevance, operationalization and collaboration, with Cronbach Alpha coeficients of 0,955, 0,844 and 0,807, respectively, and 0,956 for the whole instrument, indicating that the scale and its factorial subscales have internal consistency. We conclude that there is a weak tendency for the managers with a favorable attitude to have a negative perception about the possibility of institutionalization of the NP in the service. The favorable position does not appear to be sufficient for the viability of this methodology in the hospital sector, results that is worrisome for nursing. This situation suggests that the difficulties with the institution of the NP in the hospitals may be related to other factors, including the organizational conditions. We believe that the institucionalization of the NP in a servisse where it is not known and not practiced, constitutes the introduction of an innovative work technology that involves many demands, among them the adherence of the persons to the proposed innovation. This demands time and the institutional adjustments and the human resources necessary. In this process, the involvement of the health professional of the institution is necessary. This situation brings to light the discussions of professional autonomy, the action limits and perspectives, the redefinition of roles, delimiation (or consensus) of the objects of study and of the work processes, among others.


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The nursing process (NP) it s the systematized way of offering humanized care with the objective of reaching the expected results. The concern of the health and education institutions of elaborating implementation strategies of it is growing. The objective of this research was to know the vision of the senior students of the nursing graduation courses from Natal/RN, about the teaching of the NP. It s about a descriptive and exploratory study of the qualitative and quantitative type, done in five teaching institutions of the undergraduate nursing course of the municipality of Natal- RN in 2011. The research was composed by 48 students of the last 2 years of the nursing course. The gathering of the data was done through an online survey with open and closed questions via SurveyMonkey. For the quantitative data it was used the descriptive statistics from Microsoft Office Excel and for the qualitative data the Content Analysis of Bardin. The results pointed a predominance of female students (81,25%) with an age between 21- 39 years old (75,00%) and in the last year of the course (62,50%). As the opinion of the students about the NP two categories emerged: 1) Nursing Process as grounded method in scientific knowledge and established in two stages; 2) Nursing Assistance Quality, with two subcategories: Nursing Process as Nursing Practice and Nursing Process as instrument of improvement of the aid quality and promotion of well-being. In relation to the tuition of the NP the students (45,83%) said that the knowledge on the subject of the instructor was good; 81,25% reported that the professors use a traditional teaching methodology with the problem solving components and 45,83% answered that is addressed in specific disciplines in an isolated way starting from the professional line. The phase of NP that the nursing students have more difficulties of learning and implementing, being mentioned 22 times (29,70%). In relation to the student s difficulties, in the fields of supervised internships, in applying the NP it was stated for 83,50% that the barriers were related to the non implementation of the practice, overwork and the lack of trust of the nurse in the NP. The teaching-care strategies described as the internship fields were: the training of nurses to be able to contribute with the University in the implementation of the service and teaching; and the need of the universities to focus, continuously throughout the course, the NP with the involvement and incentive of the instructors in this process. These results show that the NP for the nursing students is a work methodology of the profession that needs to be implemented effectively in the practical reality for its teaching to turn effective and for the future professionals to be able to bring real contributions in the achievement of systematized actions trying to improve the assistance quality and the nursing actions. It is expected that this study could help bringing some strategies to facilitate the merging between theory and practice in teaching the NP and stimulate a discussion about the topic at the Nursing Schools where the research was held together with the coordinators, instructors and students


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The nurses in the hemodialysis has an important role in the nursing process implementation, in the context of a theoretical referential. Among the nursing theories, highlights the Roy´s adaptations model, who considers a person as an holistic adaptive system that aims to adapt customers to different living conditions. Thus, it is believed that the Roy´s nursing process will guide nursing care to patients on dialysis. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the nursing diagnosis present in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis based on the theoretical model of Roy and NANDA-International. Descriptive and cros-sectional study, performed at a dialysis center in a city in northeastern Brazil. Sample of 178 patients and consecutive sampling by convenience. Data collection ocurred from October/2011 until February/2012, through interview and physical examination forms. Data analysis was initiated by clinical reasoning, diagnosis judgment and similarity relation. Then, the data were entered into SPSS program, 16.0 version, generating descriptive statistics. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee (protocol nº 115/11) with a Presentation Certificate for Ethics Appreciation (in 0139.0.051.000-111) and was funded by the Universal edict MCT / CNPq 14/2010. The results revealed that most patients were male (52.2%), married (62.9%) and residents in the Natal´s metropolitan region (54.5%). The mean age was 46.6 years and the years of study, 8,5. Regarding nursing diagnosis obtained an average of 6.6, especially: Risk of Infection (100%), excessive fluid volume (99.4%) and hypothermia (61.8%). On the other hand the adaptive problems average was 6.4, and the most common: intracellular fluid retention (99.4%); Hyperkalemia (64.6%); Hypothermia (61.8%) and edema (53.9%). Were established 20 similarity relations between the NANDA-International nursing diagnosis and adaptive problems of Roy, namely: risk of falls / injury risk and potential for injury, impaired physical mobility and walking mobility and / or restricted coordination, dressing self-care deficit and loss of self-care ability; hypothermia and hypothermia; impaired skin integrity and impaired skin integrity; excessive fluid volume and intracellular fluid retention / Hyperkalemia / Hypocalcemia / edema; imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements and Nutrition less than the body's needs; constipation and constipation, acute pain and acute pain, chronic pain and chronic pain, sensorial perception disturbed: visual, tactile and auditory disabilities and a primary sense: sight, hearing and tactile; sleep deprivation and insomnia, fatigue and intolerance to activities; ineffective self health and fails in the role; sexual dysfunction and sexual dysfunction; situational low self-esteem and low self-esteem, and diarrhea and diarrhea. We conclude that there is similarity between the typologies and was required a model´s analysis, because they present different ways to establish the nursing diagnosis. Moreover, the nursing process use, under the context of a theory and a classification system, subsidizes the care and contributes to the strengthening of nursing science


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The implementation of the nursing process should be experienced by all nurses during their formative years. However, the lack of implementation of the nursing process for care planning during the educational process and the existing disorder in the formation process prompted the following research questions: What is the meaning of teaching the nursing process to the nursing professors? Do nursing professors use strategies and methods that promote critical thinking in their students? The objective of the study was to analyze the meaning that teaching of the nursing process has for the nursing faculty of the bachalaureate nursing course. Qualitative descriptive study conducted with a sample of 30 faculty members that taught nursing care courses in the nursing program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, RN. Two instruments were used, a questionaire and an interview guide. The questionnaire was designed to obtain sociodemographic, educational and work information, of faculty activities and of the teaching of nursing care. The guide was composed of five open questions regarding the understanding and perceptions of the nursing process, its utilization in teaching, and the nursing care teaching strategies. Interview data were submitted to content analysis techniques and interpreted according to the principles of Symbolic Interactionism. Six categories related to the analytical themes were identified: the nursing process as the guide for the care actions; clinical rationality; use of the care activities; teaching relevance; teaching barreirs; teaching strategies with focus on the abilities and competencies of the clinical rationale. Faculty perceptions regarding the teaching of the nursing process; nursing care approach in the nurses‟ formation. The study indicates that the participants understand the relevance of the nursing process a work instrument and that the use of this method during the nurses‟ formation enhances the abilities and competencies for critical thinking that is essencial for care. The strategies for teaching of abilities and competencies were identified, however the nursing faculty should use codes, direction and the influence so that the students can Interact and therefore stimulate the use of the nursing process


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This study aimed to understand the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care in the light of the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. It is a comprehensive phenomenological research, using the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. For the unveiling of the phenomenon (the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care), the search process was configured from the proposed guiding principles for a research methodology based on the work itself of Schutz held by Zeferino (2010) in his PhD. For data collection, we used the focus group technique, counting on the collaboration of thirteen practical nurses working in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, who responded positively to the inclusion criteria: working in the study hospital, performing care direct to patients. Forty-four subjects showed interest in participating, being held a draw for selection of the research sample, consisting of 14 professionals, one of whom did not attend the gathering of data collection. The focus group, entitled "What I think about the systematization of nursing care", took place on February 15th, 2013, totaling 101 minutes. It was performed according to the Experiential Education Humanescent using building posters as projective technique, from the key question: "What is the systematization of nursing care for you?". In order to understand some of the biographical situation of the participants, a questionnaire was administered to study participants. From the agreement of the subjects, the focus group was recorded and photographed with the cooperation of one reporter and two other employees. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to perform the transcript of the meeting and Microsoft Excel 2010 for synthesizing the results via a spreadsheet. The study followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on humans, recommended in Resolution nº 196/96, it was approved by Opinion Embodied Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), nº 98 424, of August 31th, 2012, CAAE No. 05906912.0.0000.5537. The analysis of the nursing staff speeches, along with the contemplation of their posters and their written descriptions, allowed from the guiding principles of Zeferino (2010), in light of the reference of Alfred Schutz, unveiling the typical ideal of nursing technicians about the systematization of nursing care, passing four themes: typing of the concept of systematization of nursing care; benefits, which resulted in the reasons to believe in the positivity of this working tool; experienced problems, revealing the world of everyday life of nursing professionals, and possibilities for improvement. It was concluded that the nursing technicians are unaware of the systematization of nursing care. However, they typify a very positive perception about the same, especially with regard to improvements that may foster care


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Despite of the technological advances that favor the transplant process, there are issues of effectiveness of care necessary for the maintenance of potential organ donors with brain death, which contribute to the no realization of transplants of organs and tissues of these patients. It is presupposed that the problems could be related to perceptions and understandings that the professionals of the units of internment have about the care required by the diagnosis of brain death. The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of the nursing care of the potential organ donor with brain death to the nursing staff. Descriptive study with qualitative approach guided by Action Science Theory and the critic-reflexive research methodology accomplished with five nurses and 19 nursing technicians from Operative Rehabilitation Center in a public hospital at Natal / RN, Brazil, between March and May 2013. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with individual reflection about the care and through group interview, after approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, CAAE No.: 04255612.7.0000.5537. The analysis was performed in a thematic way according to Bardin. During the group meeting the participants were driven in a discussion about the need for change and how to perform them. The results indicate that the professionals actions are consistent with those required for maintenance of potential organ donors, although the material and human resources are not adequate. That situation leads the professionals to develop a meaning of care as one labor more, demanding more than they can give. They express beliefs and feelings concerning the hope that their care brings a greater good that is to save lives. The reflection for a possible change of action was difficult to accomplish due to professionals not to be able to self evaluate, what lead to direct your changes suggestions for other team members. It is concluded that the care provided to these patients is a difficult care, evidenced by suffering both death situation of the person cared and pain of their families, as the dehumanizing conditions of work, helping themselves to keep distance from patients to not suffer so much. The knowledge impregnated in their act, are scientific, ethical, aesthetic and personal kind with a predominance of the scientific followed by the personal. The study was also relevant to the practice of nursing in maintaining the potential donor, in that it allowed the identification of the knowledge used by nurses in their care practice and the meaning understanding of the professionals on the care provided, as a good action that brings satisfaction when the transplanting is executed. Other experiences are suggested with the critic-reflexive research methodology, both in research as in teaching nursing


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The purpose of this study was to understand and analyse the meanings given to caring of patients on the isolation ward by nursing students, focusing particularly on the aspects of communication and interpersonal relationships. The data were collected from individual interviews with 18 nursing students who were performing nursing practice on the isolation ward. The results, analysed and interpreted according to existential phenomenology, describe the structure of the phenomenon 'taking care on the isolation ward' from a relational perspective. The students described their difficulties and anxieties, as well as their willingness to take care of isolated patients, resulting in the overcoming of obstacles and in contacting and becoming involved when taking care of these patients.