742 resultados para nurse midwife


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A triquinelose é uma zoonose parasitária que é transmitida aos humanos e animais, através da ingestão de carne crua ou insuficientemente cozinhada, que contenha larvas infectantes de Trichinella spp., sendo actualmente considerada uma doença emergente e/ou re-emergente. O sucesso do parasitismo do nemátode Trichinella spiralis está intimamente ligado com o processo de angiogénese, ou seja, a formação de novos vasos a partir de vasos pré-existentes. Com o objectivo de estudar a actividade angiogénica na nurse cell de T. spiralis, realizaram-se técnicas imunohistoquímicas e imunofluorescentes para o factor de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF), molécula-1 de adesão celular endotelial a plaquetas (PECAM-1) e actina músculo liso (AML), em tecido muscular de Rattus rattus infectado com T. spiralis. Através destas técnicas observou-se marcação intensa no infiltrado inflamatório adjacente à nurse cell e também na larva. Já o citoplasma da nurse cell apresentou uma marcação moderada. Este padrão de marcação manteve-se desde os 45 até aos 120 dias após a infecção. A avaliação da densidade vascular (PECAM-1) e da densidade da expressão de células positivas para AML permitiu estabelecer uma correlação positiva entre o aumento da densidade vascular e o número de dias de infecção. Adicionalmente estabeleceu-se uma correlação negativa entre o aumento da densidade de células que expressam AML e o número de dias de infecção. Os resultados indicam uma produção constante de VEGF pela larva, pelo citoplasma da nurse cell e pelo hospedeiro (infiltrado inflamatório), durante todo período de infecção, levando à formação de uma rede vascular crescente (com um aumento médio de 79% face ao controlo), acompanhada de células murais que promovem a sua estabilização (com um aumento médio de 50% face ao controlo) com particular incidência no primeiro período estudado (45 a 55 dias).


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A Guide to Implementing Nurse and Pharmacist Independent Prescribing within the HPSS in Northern Ireland


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Review of the Nurse Consultant role undertaken by the Beeches Management Centre


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Review of the Nurse Consultant Role Northern Ireland 2005


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Extending Independent Nurse Prescribing Within the HPSS in N.I.


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10.12.2000 The Department of Health and Children is implementing the recommendations of the Commission on Nursing (1998). It agreed with the Nursing Alliance in early 2000 to set up working groups to inform the implementation of specific recommendations in relation to nurse education. One of these working groups was to address paediatric nurse education. In March 2000, a Steering Group to oversee a review of paediatric nurse education was convened and the following terms of reference agreed. To consider the future of paediatric nurse education in the light of the recommendations of the Report of the Commission on Nursing, Labour Court recommendation LCR 16330, and current practice and development in child health services. To make recommendations within the context of current developments in nursing, nurse education and service delivery. Download the Report here


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Guidance for Best Practice on the Recruitment of Overseas Nurses and Midwives is prepared specifically for employers. The document includes a set of principles which are fundamental to the development of a model of transcultural nursing and midwifery. The document is based on the assumption that each potential employee has the qualifications and experience required to meet the criteria for registration as a nurse or midwife in Ireland Download the Report here


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This strategic document sets policy direction for the enhancement of nursing and midwifery roles. It builds on the achievements of the past ten years for nursing and midwifery and is set within the context of clinical and regulatory standards. The Programme for Government 2011 and policy initiatives such as legislative changes for the introduction of nurse and midwife medication prescribing create significant opportunities toexpand the role of nurses and midwives in a proactive manner.   Click here to download   PDF 1.12MB


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Clinical Nurse Specialist Job Planning ToolkitThe toolkit is the first of its kind for clinical nurse specialists in Northern Ireland and has been achieved in partnership with PHA, NIPEC, the Health and Social Care Trusts, Northern Ireland Cancer Network, and the Royal College of Nursing.�


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This job planning toolkit has been developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in partnership with the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC). This job planning toolkit was designed for nurses in roles who have the title Clinical Nurse Specialist and carry a defined caseload of patients and/or run their own clinics. The toolkit provides information to support: ��.������������ Clinical Nurse Specialists in meeting the requirements of their job


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Background Demand for home care services has increased considerably, along with the growing complexity of cases and variability among resources and providers. Designing services that guarantee co-ordination and integration for providers and levels of care is of paramount importance. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a new case-management based, home care delivery model which has been implemented in Andalusia (Spain). Methods Quasi-experimental, controlled, non-randomised, multi-centre study on the population receiving home care services comparing the outcomes of the new model, which included nurse-led case management, versus the conventional one. Primary endpoints: functional status, satisfaction and use of healthcare resources. Secondary endpoints: recruitment and caregiver burden, mortality, institutionalisation, quality of life and family function. Analyses were performed at base-line, and at two, six and twelve months. A bivariate analysis was conducted with the Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney's U, and the chi squared test. Kaplan-Meier and log-rank tests were performed to compare survival and institutionalisation. A multivariate analysis was performed to pinpoint factors that impact on improvement of functional ability. Results Base-line differences in functional capacity – significantly lower in the intervention group (RR: 1.52 95%CI: 1.05–2.21; p = 0.0016) – disappeared at six months (RR: 1.31 95%CI: 0.87–1.98; p = 0.178). At six months, caregiver burden showed a slight reduction in the intervention group, whereas it increased notably in the control group (base-line Zarit Test: 57.06 95%CI: 54.77–59.34 vs. 60.50 95%CI: 53.63–67.37; p = 0.264), (Zarit Test at six months: 53.79 95%CI: 49.67–57.92 vs. 66.26 95%CI: 60.66–71.86 p = 0.002). Patients in the intervention group received more physiotherapy (7.92 CI95%: 5.22–10.62 vs. 3.24 95%CI: 1.37–5.310; p = 0.0001) and, on average, required fewer home care visits (9.40 95%CI: 7.89–10.92 vs.11.30 95%CI: 9.10–14.54). No differences were found in terms of frequency of visits to A&E or hospital re-admissions. Furthermore, patients in the control group perceived higher levels of satisfaction (16.88; 95%CI: 16.32–17.43; range: 0–21, vs. 14.65 95%CI: 13.61–15.68; p = 0,001). Conclusion A home care service model that includes nurse-led case management streamlines access to healthcare services and resources, while impacting positively on patients' functional ability and caregiver burden, with increased levels of satisfaction.


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ABSTRACT: We evaluated the impact of a nurse program for hepatitis B virus vaccination in a center from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Immunity (anti-HBs >10 IU/mL) increased from 32% to 76% in the intervention center (n = 238) where vaccine management was endorsed by nurses, but only from 33% to 39% in control centers (n = 2712, P < 0.001) where management remained in charge of physicians. Immunity against HBV in the HIV population is insufficient in Switzerland. Specific nurse vaccination program may efficiently improve health care.


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This paper presents Brazilian's experience with the organization of methods and strategies for the assessment of competencies for technical level of nursing workers. The evaluative process proposed includes the creation of a learning-oriented and distance-based virtual assessment environment. The proposed methodology for professional competencies assessment adopted a critical-emancipatory perspective. A tele-education environment was deployed, involving software development - a virtual man - and an assessment cybertutor. Learning modules for the cybertutor were developed and videos of clinical simulations, structured around assessment in cognitive, behavioral, and simulation areas. The evaluation modules considered aspects of competencies in know-know, know-how and know-act professional ethics. Also the variability of practices of nursing - hospitals and primary health care units - was considered. This instrument showed as an important strategy for the optimization of assessment procedures that are widely used across Brazil and it is a powerful tool for incorporation into the continuing professional education.