993 resultados para nonparametric statistics


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INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos estudos disponibilizam evidências sobre características do desempenho motor e cognitivo de indivíduos com Síndrome de Down (SD), porém poucos estudos analisam a força muscular nestes indivíduos. As alterações apresentadas por indivíduos com SD podem manifestar-se funcionalmente e interferir na sua capacidade de desempenhar de forma independente diversas atividades e tarefas da rotina diária. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da textura do objeto na força de preensão palmar em indivíduos com Síndrome de Down. Participaram do estudo dez indivíduos com SD, com idade entre 4 e 30 anos. MÉTODO: A análise da força de preensão palmar foi mensurada por meio de um transdutor de força. A tarefa proposta para a coleta dos dados foi realizar a preensão do transdutor, revestido com diferentes texturas, transportá-lo até um ponto previamente demarcado, e posteriormente o retorno à posição inicial. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica. RESULTADOS: Os dados da estatística descritiva permitiram observar que a textura áspera foi a que exigiu menor força de preensão palmar dos participantes neste estudo, no entanto a análise não-paramétrica indicou não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que textura do objeto não influenciou a força de preensão palmar executada pelos indivíduos com Síndrome de Down.


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This study aims to analyze tourist information provided by the official websites of the 2014 FIFA World Cup host cities. The framework developed by Díaz (2005) was applied to analyze different aspects, such as: local tourist information, tourist services distribution, communication and interaction between website and users, and website foreign language versions. This dissertation describes how society and tourism are related by analyzing the consequences of technological evolution in the travel and tourism sector, showing the importance of the use of information and communication technology to provide accurate, upto- date and low-cost information to tourist destinations. Because of the nature of the study, the research subjects are the 12 Brazilian host cities represented by their respective official webpages (cities, states and convention bureaus), and also Brazil s official website, totalizing 36 elements to be analyzed. The methodology has been characterized as descriptive and exploratory with quantitative analysis, and also using desk research and survey literature review. In order to analyze the data collected, parametric and nonparametric statistics tests were used, such as: variance analysis (ANOVA and KRUSKAL-WALLIS) to measure means variance between groups combined with multiple comparison tests (Tukey and Games Howell); nonparametric correlations tests (Kendall s Tau b); and cluster analyses. Finally, Microsoft Excel was used to collect data and SPSS for managing data through quantitative analyses tests. Overall, the websites of the south region showed better results than the other Brazilian regions. Despite this result, the data analysis demonstrated that the available tourist information are incomplete as it was verified that tourist host cities websites are unable to provide all the information needed for the web visitors to organize and plan their journey. This means that visitors have to look for more information in other sources


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CONTEXTO: Mães relatam início precoce de constipação em crianças atendidas em clínicas de gastroenterologia. OBJETIVOS: Estudar o hábito intestinal em crianças de baixa idade na comunidade, para avaliar se início precoce da constipação é confirmado neste contexto e se há concordância entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado prospectivamente. MÉTODOS: Obtiveram-se dados sobre evacuações de 57 crianças com idade 6.0-40.7 meses, mediante relato materno (questionário sobre características fecais predominantes) e, a seguir, foram registradas 1.934 evacuações em casa e na creche. O hábito intestinal foi classificado como adequado, constipação, diarréia funcional, outro hábito intestinal, conforme frequência evacuatória e proporção das características fecais (macias, duras e/ou que escorrem). Usaram-se dois critérios para classificar o hábito intestinal registrado, devido indefinição no ponto de corte para fezes duras na identificação de constipação em crianças: critério predominante e critério adulto, respectivamente com >50% e >25% de evacuações com consistência alterada. Usou-se estatística não-paramétrica e, para concordância entre hábito intestinal relatado e registrado, o índice Kappa. RESULTADOS: Constipação ocorreu em 17.5%, 10.5%, 19.3% das crianças, respectivamente pelo relato e pelo registro segundo critérios predominante e adulto. Constipação foi o hábito intestinal mais frequentemente relatado, versus 12.3% outro hábito intestinal. Só uma criança se classificou como tendo diarréia funcional (pelo critério adulto). Concordância entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado foi razoável (fair) para constipação, pelos critérios predominante e adulto (K=0.28 e 0.24, respectivamente), mas apenas leve (slight) para os demais hábito intestinal (K <0.16). Entretanto, dados individuais indicaram melhor relação entre relato de constipação com o critério adulto do que com o critério predominante. CONCLUSÕES: Confirmou-se que constipação é frequente e de início precoce. Concordância razoável entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado segundo os dois critérios indica que o relato materno é razoavelmente confiável para detectar constipação.


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate, over 24 months, the intake of dietary fiber (DF) and the bowel habit (BH) of constipated children advised a DF-rich diet containing wheat bran.Patients and Methods: BH and dietary data of 28 children with functional constipation defined by the Boston criteria were obtained at visit 1 (V1, n = 28) and at 4 follow-up visits (V2-V5, n = 80). At each visit the BH was rated BAD (worse/unaltered; improved but still complications) or RECOVERY (REC) (improved, no complications; asymptomatic), and a food intake questionnaire was applied. DF intake was calculated according to age (year)+5 to 10 g/day and bran intake according to international tables. Nonparametric statistics were used.Results: Median age (range) was 7.25 years (0.25-15.6 years); 21 children underwent bowel washout (most before V1/V2), and 14 had the last visit at V3/V4. DF intake, bran intake, and the BH rate significantly increased at V2 and remained higher than at V1 through V2 to V5. At V1, median DF intake was 29.9% below the minimum recommended and at the last visit 49.9% above it. Twenty-four children accepted bran at 60 visits, at which median bran intake was 20 g/day and median proportion of DF due to bran 26.9%. Children had significantly higher DF and higher bran intake at V2 to V5 at which they had REC than at those at which they presented BAD BH. DF intake > age+10 g/day was associated with bran acceptance and REC. At the last visit 21 children presented REC (75%); 20 of them were asymptomatic and 18 were off washout/laxatives.Conclusions: High DF and bran intake are feasible in constipated children and contribute to amelioration of constipation.


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The aim of the present investigation was to provide information about the long-term effects and optimal timing for class-II treatment with the Bionator appliance. Lateral cephalograms of 23 class-II patients treated with the Bionator were analyzed at three time periods: T1, start of treatment; T2, end of Bionator therapy; and T3, long-term observation (after completion of growth). T3 includes a phase with fixed appliances. The treated sample was divided into two groups according to their skeletal maturity as evaluated by the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method. The early-treated group (13 subjects) initiated treatment before the peak in mandibular growth, which occurred after completion of Bionator therapy. The late-treated group (10 subjects) received Bionator treatment during the peak. The T1-T2, T2-T3, and T1-T3 changes in the treated groups were compared with changes in control groups of untreated class-II subjects by nonparametric statistics (P < .05). The findings of the present study on Bionator therapy followed by fixed appliances indicate that this treatment protocol is more effective and stable when it is performed during the pubertal growth spurt. Optimal timing to start treatment with the Bionator is when a concavity appears at the lower borders of the second and the third cervical vertebrae (CVMS 11). In the long term, the amount of significant supplementary elongation of the mandible in subjects treated during the pubertal peak is 5.1 mm more than in the controls, and it is associated with a backward direction of condylar growth. Significant increments in mandibular ramus height also were recorded.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Baseado no conjunto de dados diários de precipitação e temperatura do ar de oito estações meteorológicas sobre o Pará, pertencentes ao INMET, disponíveis no período 1961-2007, foram calculados índices de extremos climáticos através da metodologia estatística do software RClimdex. Utilizando-se ainda um conjunto de dados mensais de precipitação de 134 estações pluviométricas da Amazônia oriental, provenientes da ANA e INMET, foram analisadas as tendências anual e sazonal num período de 25 a 37 anos (1970-2009), através da aplicação da estatística não-paramétrica (teste de Mann-Kendall e método de Sen). E por fim, utilizaram-se dados de desmatamento do PRODES/INPE no período 2000-2007, para analisar a possível influência do desmatamento nas tendências de precipitação anual e sazonal do Pará. Considerando os índices de extremos climáticos referentes aos dados diários de precipitação, constatou-se que a variabilidade interanual dos índices possui relações com os episódios ENOS e as fases do Dipolo do Atlântico. Para os extremos climáticos de temperatura evidenciaram-se reduções sistemáticas dos dias frios (TX10p) e aumentos sistemáticos da mínima da máxima temperatura (TXN), da percentagem de noites quentes (TX90p) e da temperatura máxima da máxima (TXX). Os resultados das tendências da precipitação anual usando os testes não-paramétricos evidenciaram que do total de 134 estações, em torno de 51% apresentam tendências positivas e 41% tendências negativas sobre a Amazônia oriental. Contudo, essas tendências anuais “mascararam” de certa forma as tendências sazonais, cujos resultados mostraram-se mais diversificados, explicando melhor os aspectos da variabilidade climática regional. Para o trimestre MAM, observaram-se 99 estações (74%) com tendências positivas, indicando que a quantidade de precipitação durante o período chuvoso principal vem aumentando sistematicamente durante a última década. Em DJF, notaram-se 45 estações (34%) com tendências positivas e 78 estações (58%) com tendências negativas. Por outro lado, nos trimestres que englobam o período seco ou menos chuvoso verificaram-se tendências sazonais predominantemente negativas, com 84 estações (62%) em JJA e 89 estações (66%) em SON. Portanto, a evidência observacional de que a precipitação do período seco encontra-se em diminuição gradativa nas últimas décadas corrobora com a hipótese de que o desmatamento associa-se com a redução da precipitação em escala regional, porém sugere-se que isso ocorra em escala de tempo sazonal.


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The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a chronic, neurodegenerative and progressive disorder, characterized by cognitive decline, affecting brain functions like memory, reasoning and communication, occurrence of behavioral disturbances and difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). These conditions lead to patient’s dependence, which can cause depressive symptoms in caregivers, due to physical and mental burden caused by of the difficulties of the act of caring. Whereupon, it became necessary to find strategies to improve the caregivers’ quality of life. An interesting hypothesis is that physical activity can be considered a non-pharmacological alternative in reducing depressive symptoms, being an important factor for maintaining the physical and mental well-being of the general population, especially on positive changes in mood and social interaction. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a physical activity protocol on depressive symptoms and burden of caregivers of patients with AD. This experimental study, of longitudinal character, comprised a sample of 19 caregivers, of both genders, divided into two groups: a) intervention group – IG (10 caregivers who participated in a physical activity protocol) and b) control group – CG (9 caregivers who didn’t participate in the physical activity protocol). This protocol, which worked the components of functional ability and social interaction of participants, was held three times a week, being 48 sessions of 60 minutes each, for 16 weeks. Data collect was performed at pre and post-intervention for both groups. The assessment instruments used were: a) Zarit Burden Interview, b) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and c) battery of motor tests of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). Nonparametric statistics was used, with intra-group comparison by Wilcoxon test... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia in the elderly. Among the harmful changes arising from the DA, there may be sleep disturbance and impaired quality of life. Physical activity is an important non-pharmacological feature that would provide positive effects for the treatment of disease. However, there are still few studies that clarify the effects of resistance training in this population. Thus, the present study has as objective analyzes the effects of the resistance training in sleep disturbance and quality of life of patients with AD. Participated in this study 22 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD divided into two groups: Training Group (TG) and Social Interaction Group (SIG). The subjects of TG underwent a resistance training protocol, appropriate to the individual conditions, during three days no consecutive in the week, with duration of 60 minutes each session, for 16 weeks. The SIG won't participate in any systematized physical activity, but they realized other activities, such as reading, poetry, hiking and painting, among others. This protocol also was realized three times in week for 16 weeks, with duration of 60 minutes each session. Both groups were assessed at the beginning of the program and after 16 weeks. For the assessment of sleep disturbance was used the Mini Sleep Questionnaire and to assess of quality of life was used the Scale for Assessment of Quality of Life in Alzheimer's disease (QL), versions: patient, caregiver, family and the final score. Due to the scalar nature of the data and small sample, all variables were analyzed by nonparametric statistics. The U-Mann Whitney test, Wilcoxon test and Spearman correlation test was used, except for the Modified Baecke... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Fossil pollen data from stratigraphic cores are irregularly spaced in time due to non-linear age-depth relations. Moreover, their marginal distributions may vary over time. We address these features in a nonparametric regression model with errors that are monotone transformations of a latent continuous-time Gaussian process Z(T). Although Z(T) is unobserved, due to monotonicity, under suitable regularity conditions, it can be recovered facilitating further computations such as estimation of the long-memory parameter and the Hermite coefficients. The estimation of Z(T) itself involves estimation of the marginal distribution function of the regression errors. These issues are considered in proposing a plug-in algorithm for optimal bandwidth selection and construction of confidence bands for the trend function. Some high-resolution time series of pollen records from Lago di Origlio in Switzerland, which go back ca. 20,000 years are used to illustrate the methods.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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A Bayesian procedure for the retrieval of wind vectors over the ocean using satellite borne scatterometers requires realistic prior near-surface wind field models over the oceans. We have implemented carefully chosen vector Gaussian Process models; however in some cases these models are too smooth to reproduce real atmospheric features, such as fronts. At the scale of the scatterometer observations, fronts appear as discontinuities in wind direction. Due to the nature of the retrieval problem a simple discontinuity model is not feasible, and hence we have developed a constrained discontinuity vector Gaussian Process model which ensures realistic fronts. We describe the generative model and show how to compute the data likelihood given the model. We show the results of inference using the model with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods on both synthetic and real data.