985 resultados para non-fiction


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This essay began as a hybrid critical/creative paper that was presented as part of an all-female panel discussing the intersections between writing and extreme violence. My own paper was on the relationship between my creative nonfiction novel The Museum of Atheism and the real life murder of six-year-old beauty queen, JonBenet Ramsey. This essay is an attempt to represent the writing process of the creative nonfiction author, and to consider the ways in which critical theory can be used to highlight, or conversely obscure, fictional writing. In addition to considering the effect of using a real story, a true crime, as the basis for a semi-fictional work, this essay will also consider the relationship I had as a writer to my publisher, editor and agent, and their interventions in the writing process to ensure that facts were deliberately skewed or warped in order to avoid litigation. Finally, I will consider my own relationship to the material, and the impact that this had on the writing process.


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Partiendo de la noción de literatura de pensamiento, como conjunto heterogéneo y complejo de formas literarias con vocación argumentativa, el estudio que sigue pretende mostrar a la vez el valor paradigmático del ensayo, en el marco de estas escrituras, y la naturaleza transfronteriza de los géneros de no-ficción, entre los cuales el ensayo y la crónica periodística constituyen dos de las formas más próximas. En un primer momento, se analizan los rasgos característicos del ensayo, tal como Montaigne lo concibió, con el fin de determinar las líneas de fuerza de esta forma matricial, de la que procede hasta hoy toda una tradición de escritos asistemáticos y porosos de naturaleza personal y reflexiva. En un segundo momento, se estudian los rasgos específicos de la crónica periodística contemporánea, a la luz del modelo canónico, poniendo el énfasis en la perspectiva subjetiva de la mirada y en la noción de actualidad, como principales indicadores de la dimensión permeable e híbrida de este género.


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Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy debaty publicznej wywołanej publikacją na początku marca 2010 roku biografii Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego zatytułowanej "Kapuściński non-fiction". Debata ta była pod wieloma względami zjawiskiem bez precedensu. Jak wskazywano, być może po raz pierwszy od roku 1989 zawiodły w jej trakcie proste osie predykcji - nie był to konflikt lewica/prawica, starzy/młodzi czy III RP/IV RP. W debacie wokół książki Artura Domosławskiego głos zabrali ludzie, którzy często traktowali Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego jako swojego mistrza i guru zawodowego, koledzy i koleżanki po piórze, adepci tzw. polskiej szkoły reportażu, publicyści i dziennikarze najważniejszych tytuł prasowych oraz mediów elektronicznych, ale także pisarze, politycy oraz duchowni. Przedmiotem szczególnie wnikliwego namysłu były zwłaszcza trzy kwestie: proporcja faktów i fikcji literackiej w twórczości Kapuścińskiego, jego młodzieńcze heglowskie ukąszenie i późniejsza wieloletnia identyfikacja z Polską Ludową, oraz ewolucja ideowa po 1989 roku. W niniejszym artykule pominięto pierwszy wątek i skupiono się na dwóch kolejnych, traktując je jako szczególnie interesujące przy rozważaniu związków między polityką a kulturą.


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A great football novel is like a perfectly executed bicycle-kick goal, like players such as Argentine legends Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi; they come along once in a generation. Against the accumulated volume of non-fiction football literature (some people still call it soccer), which could fill and spill out of a World Cup Stadium, football novels are comparatively rare. That said, football or soccer fiction is a genre with a very real and important historical longevity...


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"The non-fiction titles formerly in the sixth revision are to be issued, much expanded, in a separate volume."


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The first chapter called 'Investigating texts' asks students to investigate the concept of text and what it might mean to 'behave like a reader'. After reading and comparing two short stories, the question, 'what is a story?' is posed. Students are then asked to distinguish a fiction text from a number of non-fiction texts and to identify the sources of the latter. It is suggested that although it is quite easy to perform these tasks, it is not so easy to describe texts in terms only of their features or ingredients; that it is necessary to talk about how texts are read, and what is more, how they are read on particular occasions. 'Making texts', the second chapter, asks students via a series of activities to consider what they expect of texts, and to investigate the conventions of fiction and non-fiction. They are given the opportunity to manipulate the 'ingredients' of texts, to read in terms of commonalities and to speculate about the rules by which both the composition and consumption of texts are organised. The ways in which particular kinds of reading and writing activities assume the text as a certain kind of object - as a model, for example, or as an object of criticism or as an occasion for self-questioning - is made explicit, and students are encouraged to investigate a range of uses of texts and the implications of these for reading and writing. Chapter three, 'Changing texts' asks students to consider, through a number of fascinating examples, how both fiction and non-fiction texts have changed over time, and how the ways in which readers read texts can change too. The 'retelling' of texts in terms of changing norms is considered via an 'updated' version of 'Scheherazade'; a student's feminist adaptation of her own text (initially written using a romance as a model), and an encyclopedia entry. 'Reading practices', the fourth chapter, poses further questions about different ways of reading. Through reading a number of didactic texts alongside three stories from a genre that is not usually read for morally improving lessons, students are asked to consider how different their reading practices can be.


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Creating an acceptance of Visual Effects (VFX) as an effective non-fiction communication tool has the potential to significantly boost return on investment for filmmakers producing documentary. Obtaining this acceptance does not necessarily mean rethinking the way documentary is defined, however, the need to address negative perceptions presently dominant within the production industry does exist; specifically, the misguided judgement that use of sequences which include visual effects discredits a filmmaker's attempt to represent reality. After completing a documentary utilising a traditional model of production for methodology, the question of how to increase this film's marketability is then examined by testing the specific assertion that Visual Effects is capable of increasing the level of appeal inherent within the documentary genre. Whilst this area of research is speculative, qualifying Visual Effects as an acceptable communication tool in non-fiction narratives will allow the documentary sector to benefit from increased production capabilities.


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Norman K. Denzin (1989) claims that the central assumption of the biographical method—that a life can be captured and represented in a text—is open to question. This paper explores Denzin’s statement by documenting the role of creative writers in re-presenting oral histories in two case studies from Queensland, Australia. The first, The Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame, was a commercial research project commissioned by the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) in 2009, and involved semi-formal qualitative interviews and digital stories. The second is an on-going practice-led PhD project, The Artful Life: Oral History and Fiction, which investigates the fictionalisation of oral histories. Both projects enter into a dialogue around the re-presentation of oral and life histories, with attention given to the critical scholarship and creative practice in the process. Creative writers represent a life having particular preoccupations with techniques that more closely align with fiction than non-fiction (Hirsch and Dixon 2008). In this context, oral history resources are viewed not so much as repositories of historical facts, but as ambiguous and fluid narrative sources. The comparison of the two case studies also demonstrates that the aims of a particular project dictate the nature of the re-presentation, revealing that writing about another’s life is a complex act of artful ‘shaping’. Alistair Thomson (2007) notes the growing interdisciplinary nature of oral history scholarship since the 1980s; oral histories are used increasingly in art-based contexts to produce diverse cultural artefacts, such as digital stories and works of fiction, which are very different from traditional histories. What are the methodological implications of such projects? This paper will draw on self-reflexive practice to explore this question.


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Creative non-fiction published by Voiceworks.