63 resultados para nifurtimox


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Four pentacyclic triterpenes isolated from Austroplenckia populnea and four compounds of known anti T. cruzi or anti-malarial activity were tested. Of those triterpenes tested 20alpha-hydroxy-tingenone showed high activity, epikatonic acid was less active, while populnilic and populninic acids were inactive against the trypanosome of the subgenus Schizotrypanum tested. Benzonidazole, nifurtimox, ketoconazole and primaquine presented a remarkable dose-dependent inhibitory effect reaching practically to a total growth inhibition of the parasite at the end of incubation time. The trypanosome tested appear to be a suitable model for preliminary screen for anti T. (S.) cruzi compounds.


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This work compared the time at which negative seroconversion was detected by conventional serology (CS) and by the ELISA-F29 test on a cohort of chronic chagasic patients treated with nifurtimox or benznidazole. A retrospective study was performed using preserved serum from 66 asymptomatic chagasic adults under clinical supervision, and bi-annual serological examinations over a mean follow-up of 23 years. Twenty nine patients received trypanocide treatment and 37 remained untreated. The ELISA-F29 test used a recombinant antigen which was obtained by expressing the Trypanosoma cruzi flagellar calcium-binding protein gene in Escherichia coli. Among the untreated patients, 36 maintained CS titers. One patient showed a doubtful serology in some check-ups. ELISA-F29 showed constant reactivity in 35 out of 37 patients and was negative for the patient with fluctuating CS. The treated patients were divided into three groups according to the CS titers: in 13 they became negative; in 12 they decreased and in four they remained unchanged. ELISA-F29 was negative for the first two groups. The time at which negativization was detected was significantly lower for the ELISA-F29 test than for CS, 14.5 ± 5.7 and 22 ± 4.9 years respectively. Negative seroconversion was observed in treated patients only. The results obtained confirm that the ELISA-F29 test is useful as an early indicator of negative seroconversion in treated chronic patients.


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Coelhos inoculados com tripomastigotas da cepa Ernestina do Trypanosoma cruzi tiveram parasitemias, demonstradas pelo xenodiagnóstico, até cinco meses e meio após a infecção. O tratamento de alguns desses coelhos com benzonidazol, na dose de 8mg/kg durante sessenta dias, após dois meses de infecção, resultou na negativação dos xenos após 30 dias de uso da medicação. Os coelhos chagásicos crônicos, após seis meses de infecção, já tinham a parasitemia subpatente quando foram submetidos a tratamento idêntico àqueles da fase aguda. Em ambos os casos, os coelhos tratados com benzonidazol tiveram títulos de anticorpos humorais semelhantes àqueles verificados nos coelhos chagásicos não- tratados, inclusive durante a quimioterapia. A não alteração da imunidade humoral em coelhos tratados foi comprovada quando animais chagásicos e não chagásicos submetidos ao tratamento produziram títulos de anticorpos hemolíticos idênticos àqueles verificados nos animais não-tratados. Em acentuado contraste, a função imune timo-dependente foi severamente alterada pelo uso do benzonidazol. As reações de hipersensibilidade tardia contra um antígeno sub- celular do T. cruzi foram suprimidas durante a vigência do tratamento dos coelhos chagásicos. Paralelamente, estas reações eram intensas nos coelhos chagásicos não-tratados e negativas em coelhos controles normais. Todavia, as reações cutâneas tornaram-se novamente positivas 10 dias após o tratamento. Foi interessante notar que as reações de hipersensibilidade tardia in vivo, em coelhos imunizados com BCG e testados com PPD ou em coelhos sensibilizados com DNCB também foram suprimidas durante o tratamento com o benzonidazol. Contudo, as reações de imunidade celular contra estes antígenos também reverteram aos valores normais 7 a 10 dias após a suspensão do benzonidazol. Resultados semelhantes foram relatados em relação ao nifurtimox, outra droga utilizada no tratamento da doença de Chagas. 0 benzonidazol e o nifurtimox são compostos nitro-aromáticos cuja nitrorredução resulta na formação de metabólitos intermediários potencialmente citotóxicos para o protozoário e para as células do hospedeiro.


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Em 18 pacientes com doença de Chagas aguda foi semiquantificada a parasitemia, pelo método de Strout modificado, antes e durante o tratamento. Antes da terapêutica a parasitemia variou entre 1 e 104 tripanossomos, e após o início do tratamento a parasitemia foi lida repetidamente com um intervalo, na maioria dos casos, entre dois e cinco dias, até a negativação. A dose inicial dos medicamentos foi de 10 a 15mg/kg/dia de Nifurtimox para sete pacientes, e 10 a 20mg/kg/dia de Benzonidazol para onze indivíduos. Após início do tratamento com Nifurtimox um paciente ficou o mínimo de cinco e dois o máximo de 23 dias com parasitemia enquanto com o Benzonidazol um paciente permaneceu o máximo de 15 dias.com parasitemia patente. O Benzonidazol baixou a parasitemia mais rapidamente que o Nifurtimox


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To investigate the influence of chemotherapy on the biochemical beha vior of Trypanosoma cruzi strains, three groups of mice were infected with one of three strains of T. cruzi of different biological and isoenzymic patterns (Peruvian, 21 SF and Colombian strains). Each group was subdivided into subgroups: 1 - treated with nifurtimox; 2 - treated with benznidazole and 3 - untreated infected controls. At the end of treatment, that lasted for 90 days, xenodiagnosis, sub inoculation of blood into new born mice and haemoculture were performed as tests of cure. From the positive tests, 22 samples of T. cruzi were isolated from all subgroups. Electrophoretic analysis of the isoenzymes PGM, GP1, ALAT and AS AT failed to show any difference between parasite strains isolated from treated and untreated mice, which indicates that no detectable clonal selection or parasite genetic markers alterations concerning the isoenzymes analysed have been determined by treatment with drugs of recognized antiparasitic effect, suggesting stability of the phenotypic characteristics of the three biological types of T. cruzi strains.


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Doze pacientes com idades entre 7 a 12 anos, na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas, com sorologia e xenodiagnóstico positivos, receberam tratamento específico. Dois pacientes tomaram 7mg/kg de nifurtimox durante 60 e 90 dias e 10 usaram 5-7mg/kg de benznidazol durante 60 dias. A evolução clínica foi verificada através de exame clínico, eletrocardiograma, exame radiológico contrastado do esôfago. Após o tratamento somente uma (8,3%) paciente apresentou todos os exames negativos. Oito deles foram avaliados após oito anos do tratamento e 4 acompanhados durante 20 anos. Sete (58,4%) permaneceram na forma indeterminada e 4 (33,3%) chagásicos progrediram clinicamente para cardiopatia grau II e/ou esofagopatia, apesar do tratamento precoce. São necessários estudos com maior número de crianças na fase indeterminada e acompanhamento a longo prazo para se estabelecer a influência do tratamento específico na evolução da doença de Chagas.


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Apresenta-se a avaliação clinicoepidemiológica de 95 crianças chagásicas crônicas em idades entre 1 e 14 anos moradoras de Santa Fé, Argentina, não tratadas e tratadas com nifurtimox ou benznidazol, com acompanhamento de até 24 anos. Todas tinham vários antecedentes de risco para transmissão do Trypanosoma cruzi: vetorial, congênito e/ou transfusão sangüínea. O diagnóstico da infecção foi feito através de sorologia convencional. O exame clínico foi complementado por eletrocardiograma, radiografias de tórax e, análise de sangue e urina para avaliação das funções hepáticas. No pós-tratamento, utilizaram-se técnicas idênticas às do diagnóstico, sendo que 33 crianças tiveram, também, avaliação parasitológica. Dentre 24 crianças não tratadas, 14 foram controlados por 8 a 24 anos e mantiveram sorologia positiva e o estado clínico inicial. Das 71 crianças tratadas, 49 tiveram acompanhamento de 4 a 24 anos: 14 mantiveram anticorpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi; 6 resultados discordantes e 29 negativaram a sorologia. Destas, 9 apresentaram oscilações sorológicas, antes da negativação definitiva. A mediana do tempo de negativação pós-tratamento foi, respectivamente, de 3,5 e 8 anos para crianças de 1 a 6 e 7 a 14 anos. A percentagem de soronegativos diminuiu com a idade em que se medicou, desde 75% em <4 anos até 43% em > 9 anos. A intolerância ao tratamento foi de 3,8%. Nenhuma criança modificou seu estado clínico nesta observação.


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O presente caso ilustra uma forma de eritema nodoso, cujo agente foi o Trypanosoma cruzi em paciente chagásica submetida a transplante cardíaco. O diagnóstico foi firmado através do exame histopatológico de biópsia da lesão cutânea e estudo imunohistoquímico. O tratamento com nifurtimox promoveu regressão total das lesões.


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Susceptibility to chemotherapy with benznidazole was investigated of 5 clones isolated from the 21 SF strain (biodeme Type II, Trypanosoma cruzi II). Swiss mice were infected with the parental strain for each clone and submitted to chemotherapy with benznidazole (100mg/kg/day during 90 days). Treatment determined negativity of the parasitemia. Cure rates were evaluated by parasitological cure tests. Serology was evaluated for treated animals (titers from negative to 1:640) and untreated controls (1:160 to 1:640). Cure rates varied from 30 to 100% for the 5 clones, and were 25% for the parental strain. Results suggested that the variability of response to treatment of the clonal populations of Trypanosoma cruzi II strains is responsible for the high variation in the response to chemotherapy with benznidazole and nifurtimox by strains of this biodeme.


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The efficacy of treatment with nifurtimox and/or benznidazole among adults with chronic Chagas disease with no previous electrocardiographic disturbances was evaluated over a mean follow-up of 21 years, by means of conventional serology, xenodiagnosis, clinical examination, electrocardiograms and chest X-ray. One hundred and eleven patients, between 17 and 46 years old, were studied: 54 underwent treatment (nifurtimox 27, benznidazole 27) and 57 remained untreated (control group). Xenodiagnosis was performed on 65% of them: 36/38 of the treated and 9/34 of the untreated patients had previous positive xenodiagnosis. Post-treatment, 133 xenodiagnoses were performed on 41 patients, all resulting negative. In the control group, 29 xenodiagnoses were performed on 14 patients; 2 resulted positive. Sera stored during the follow-up were simultaneously analyzed through conventional serology tests (IHA; DA-2ME; IIF). The serological evolution in the treated group was: a) 37% underwent negative seroconversion (nifurtimox 11, benznidazole 9); b) 27.8% decreased titers (nifurtimox 9, benznidazole 6), 9 showed inconclusive final serology (nifurtimox 7, benznidazole 2); c) 35.2% remained positive with constant titers (nifurtimox 7; benznidazole 12). The control group conserved the initial antibody levels during the follow-up. In the clinical evolution, 2/54 (3.7%) of the treated and 9/57 (15.8%) of the untreated patients showed electrocardiographic disturbances attributable to Chagas myocardiopathy, with a statistically relevant difference (p<0.05). Treatment caused deparasitation in at least 37% of the chronically infected adults and a protective effect on their clinical evolution.


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Megazol, nifurtimox, benznidazol and allopurinol were investigated, by light and electron µscopy, for their action on T. cruzi. Both the direct effect upon amastigote and trypomastigote forms and the effect upon the interaction of heart muscle cells (HMC) with bloodstream trypomastigotes were studied. The proliferation of amastigotes in Warren medium was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by megazol, nifurtimox and benznidazol. Treatment of amastigotes (25-50 µM/24 h) and trypomastigotes (25 µM/24h) led to several ultrastructural alterations in the parasites. These three drugs also had a potent effect on the treatment of infected heart muscle cells when added at the beginning of the interaction or after one or three days of infection. The interiorized parasites showed a similar pattern of ultrastructural alterations as observed by the direct effect on the amastigotes. The primary heart muscle cell culture proved to be a suitable model for the study of drugs on intracellular parasites. Likewise, the amastigote proliferation in axenic medium was shown to be an adequate assay for an initial trial of drugs. These parameters seem very reliable to us for a systematic investigation of the mechanism of action of new drugs.


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Foi estudado o perfil isoenzimático da cepa Y do Trypanosoma cruzi isolada de camundongos tratados e não curados com o Nufurtimox (Bay 2502) ou com o Benzonidazol (Ro 7.1051), submetida à passagens em camundongos recém-nascidos e a seguir inoculada nos seguintes grupos experimentais: I - camundongos inoculados com a cepa Y resistente ao Nifurtimox e tratados com esta mesma droga; II - camundongos inoculdado com a cepa Y resistente ao Nifurtimox e tratados com o Benzonidazol e III - camundognos resistentes ao tratamento com o Benzonidazol e tratados com esta mesma droga. Os inóculos foram de 15 x 10 [elevado a 4 ] tripomastigotas sanguícolas. Houve aumento de resistência em relação a cepa original com a mesma droga e resistência cruzada. A cepa Y isolada dos animais não curados foi passada em cultura em meio Warren e preparados os extratos enzimáticos para a eletroforese das seguintes enzimas: GPI, PGM, ALAT e ASAT. Como controle isoenzimático foram utilizadas as cepas Peruana (Tipo I), 21 SF (Tipo II) e Colombiana (Tipo III) e duas amostras da cepa Y mantidas por diferentes período em cultura e em criopreservação dos extraidos enzimáticos. Não houve modificações do perfil isoenzimático da cepa Y, que Tipo I (Peruana) e ao padrão das amostras da cepa Y com diferentes períodos de manutenção.


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Megazol (CL 64,855) a very effective drug in experimental infections by Trypanosoma cruzi, and also in in vitro assays with vertebrate forms of the parasite, had its parasite, had its activity upon macromolecule biosynthesis tested using tissue culture-derived amastigote forms. Megazol presented a drastic inhibition of [3H]-uridine incorporation, suggesting a selective activity upon protein synthesis. Comparing the three drugs, megazol was more potent than nifurtimox and benznidazole in inhibiting protein an DNA synthesis. Megazol showed a 91% of inhibition of [3H]-leucine incorporation whereas nifurtimox and benznidazole, 0% and 2%, respectively. These latter two drugs inhibited the incorporation of all the precursors tested at similar levels, but the concentration of benznidazole was always three times higher, suggesting different mechanisms of action or, more probably, a greater efficiency of the 5-nitrofuran derivate in relation to the 2-nitroimidazole. So, wes conclude that the mode of action of megazol is different from the ones of nifurtimox and benznidazole and that its primary effect is associated with an impairment of protein synthesis.


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Single doses of drugs active aginst Trypanosoma cruzi (megazol, nifurtimox and benznidazole) induce a rapid clearence of the blood parasites in experimentally infected mice. Furthermore, the in vitro phagocytosis and intracellular destruction by mouse peritoneal macrophage of blood forms collected from the treatment animals is strongly enhanced as compared with parasites from untreated controls. The uptake of the blood forms by macrophages is significantly higher with megazol than with benznidazole and nifurtimox, a finding that concurs with data showing that megazol is also the most active compound in the living host. The possibility that macrophages participate in a synergic effect between the host immune response and chemotherapeutic effect is discussed.


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The author investigated the distribution of lectin receptors on Trypanosoma cruzi blood forms collected from mice inoculated with, respectively, the drug-resistant and drug-sensitive strains VL-10 and CL, and treated with the two standard active nitroheterocyclic compounds nifurtimox and benznidazole used for treatment of human Chagas' disease. Blood trypomastigotes purified in Fycoll-Hypaque were incubated with fluorescein-labelled lectins Con A, WGA, EE, WFA, TPA and PNA and then microscopically examined. Neither qualitative or quantitative differences in the fluorescence intensity could be detected between parasites from VL-10 and CL strains submitted or not to treatment. The results suggest that both strains do not differ in their surface membrane carbohydrate moieties. Moreover, the rapid clearance of blood forms the drug-sensitive strain in animals treated with singlo doses of both compounds is not likely to depend on membrane alterations expressed by changes in the carbohydrate components. furthermore, resistance or sensitivity to drugs is not apparently related to carbohydrate distribution on T. cruzi blood forms.