66 resultados para nifH


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The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global ocean and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Working within a uniform and consistent spatial and depth grid (map) of the global ocean, the researchers compiled thousands and tens of thousands of data points to identify regions of plankton abundance and scarcity as well as areas of data abundance and scarcity. At many of the grid points, the MAREDAT team accomplished the difficult conversion from abundance (numbers of organisms) to biomass (carbon mass of organisms). The MAREDAT atlas provides an unprecedented global data set for ecological and biochemical analysis and modeling as well as a clear mandate for compiling additional existing data and for focusing future data gathering efforts on key groups in key areas of the ocean. The present data set presents depth integrated values of diazotrophs Gamma-A nifH genes abundance, computed from a collection of source data sets.


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Diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere play a major role in providing new nitrogen to the mangrove ecosystem and their composition and activity are strongly influenced by anthropogenic activity and ecological conditions. In this study, the diversity of the diazotroph communities in the rhizosphere sediment of five tropical mangrove sites with different levels of pollution along the north and south coastline of Singapore were studied by pyrosequencing of the nifH gene. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that in all the studied locations, the diazotroph communities comprised mainly of members of the diazotrophic cluster I and cluster III. The detected cluster III diazotrophs, which were composed entirely of sulfate-reducing bacteria, were more abundant in the less polluted locations. The metabolic capacities of these diazotrophs indicate the potential for bioremediation and resiliency of the ecosystem to anthropogenic impact. In heavily polluted locations, the diazotrophic community structures were markedly different and the diversity of species was significantly reduced when compared with those in a pristine location. This, together with the increased abundance of Marinobacterium, which is a bioindicator of pollution, suggests that anthropogenic activity has a negative impact on the genetic diversity of diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere.


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Há poucas informações a respeito da diversidade e do potencial biotecnológico dos micro-organismos do solo no Semiárido, em especial daqueles envolvidos com processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a diversidade de uma coleção de bactérias associadas ao milho (Zea mays L.) em solos do Semiárido. As bactérias foram avaliadas quanto à amplificação de um fragmento do gene nifH por meio de PCR e pela técnica de ARDRA. Dentre as 72 bactérias testadas, 47 foram considerados nifH positivos e a análise dos perfis de ARDRA mostrou que o local de origem dos isolados foi fator determinante para o agrupamento das bactérias.


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植生克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella planticola 19-1)是从新疆鄯善地区玉米根际分离得到的一株联合固氮菌。在40℃高温下有较强的乙炔还原活性。 本工作利用Southern Blot分子杂交技术, 以Klebsiella pneumoniae的nifA为探针,证明了在K.planticola 19-1中存在nifA-like基因,由nifH-lacZ实验推论其nifA-like基因产物对高温相对稳定。经过大质粒电泳和Southern Blot分子杂交,发现nifA-like基因定位于染色体外的大质粒上。本工作进一步克隆了含有K.plonticola 19-1的nifA-like基因的DNA片段,做了它的限制性酶切图谱,并将nifA-like基因初步定位。


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一、 △nifZ MoFe蛋白的纯化、特性及晶体生长 从缺失nifZ的棕色因氮菌突变种DJ194中,经离子交换层析和凝胶过滤提纯得到△nifZ MoFe蛋白,其纯度可达SDS凝胶电泳纯。它的Fe、Mo含量分别为野生型OP MoFe蛋白的56.6%和75.0%左右;C_2H_2、H~+还原活性和△H_2均只有OP MoFe蛋白的14.6%、21.7%和21.7%;其可见吸收光谱、CD及AR谱都与OP MoFe蛋白有较大差异,其中,可以反应P-cluster氧还状态和含量的ε_(450nm)、ε_(700nm)及△ε_(450nm)均要比OP MoFe蛋白低;由紫外CD谱反映的△nifZ MoFe蛋白的构象也与OP MoFe蛋白有所不同。由此我们推测,nifZ可能与固氮酶MoFe蛋白中P-cluster的合成或组装有关。为进一步阐明△nifZ MoFe蛋白的结构和功能特性,我们对△nifZ MoFe蛋白的晶体生长进行了研究,通过对沉淀剂浓度、缓冲体系和pH、蛋白浓度以及温度等条件的不断优化组合,目前我们已获得棕色短斜四棱柱形△nifZ MoFe蛋白的最大晶体为0.15 * 0.09mm。 二、 MoFe(C,O)与含Mo、Mn和Cr重组液重组的比较研究 MoFe(R)经O_2和o-phen共同处理后,成为部分缺失FeMoco和P-cluster的不全蛋白(MoFe(C,O)),其C_2H_2还原活性降至MoFe(R)的40%左右,将其分别与含Mo、Cr和Mn的重组液进行保温重组,其C_2H_2还原活性及光谱学特征都得到明显恢复。通过对不同重组液及与MoFe(C,O)形成的重组蛋白的比较,我们认为:1)MoFe(R)中的Fe和Mo原子可能是逐步被鳌合除去的,且不同蛋白中的Fe和Mo原子的缺失程度不同,因而MoFe(C,O)会以多种状态存在;2)在重组液配制过程中,发生的一系列颜色变化及沉淀反应与其是否具有重组激活能力具有相关性,重组液中可能已合成一些简单的含M(M=Mo或Cr或Mn或V)的铁硫化物,但不可能形成完整的金属原子簇;3)含M(M=Mo或Cr或Mn)的重组液均能使MoFe(C,O)中遭到破坏的FeMoco和P-cluster及其连接部分得以重新组装和修复,进而恢复其底物还原活性和光谱学特征。 三、 含锰固氮酶的初步探索 棕色固氮菌突变种UW_3(nifH~-)不能在含钼的培养中固氮生长,但能在含MnSO_4的无氮培养基中固氮生长。用含MnSO_4的无钼无氮培养基培养该突变种从中纯化得到的固氮酶组分1蛋白,其C_2H_2及H~+还原活性约相当于MoFe(R)的20%左右,Mn元素含量测定表明,其中已经含有Mn元素,Fe/Mn比值比OP MoFe蛋白中的Fe/Mo低。这些结果表明:UW_3突变种在该种条件下可能已表达了不同于已发现的三种固氮酶的新的固氮酶组分1蛋白,并且其中含有Mn元素。


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从构建具有稳定泌氨能力的联合固氮工程菌的目的出发,首先构建Enterobacter gergoviae57-7 (E57-7)基因文库并与所筛选的泌氨突变株进行遗传互补实验,得到可互补 泌氨特性的克隆,经Southern杂交后推测其中包含与glnA、amtB基因无关的另一类与泌 氨相关的基因。同时根据铵载体基因amtB的已知序列设计两对简并性引物,经PCR从 E57-7 DNA中扩增得到约340bp的片段,序列分析和Blast序列同源性比较后确定为amtB 基因片段,申报并获得序列号AJ132232,最终从基因库中筛选到两个包含E57-7 amtB 基因的克隆。 用K. pneumoniae的glnA基因片段为探针,通过Southern杂交从E57-7基因库中筛选到包含有glnAntrBC基因的克隆,经亚克隆后对包含有这个操纵元的4316bp片段进行了全序列分析,申报GenBank获得序列号AF072440。在体外实验中构建了Km-cassette 插入glnA的重组质粒pA,将此质粒转入E57-7野生型菌株后经筛选同源重组子获得glnA 突变的具有稳定泌氨能力的菌株15、I9。并进行了盆栽玉米接种实验,确定在灭菌上壤实验体系下I5对玉米幼苗有显著促生效应。 利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP-S65T,V68L,S72A)基因建立分子生物学研究手段,构建了新 型克隆载体pGreenLD,建立了绿白斑筛选重组质粒的的技术。构建组成型表达gfp的质粒载体研究了E57-7在玉米根际的定殖模式;构建nifH-gfp表达载体,确定在与植物联合生活时其固氮酶结构基因nifHDK的表达与碳源物质供应密切相关。利用不同抗性基因和gfp基因片段构建出在E57-7中组成型表达抗性和GFP的质粒载体,建立了监测接种菌在土壤中释放的双标记系统。 最后克隆了E57-7 glg cluster并测定部分glgCA和glgP基因序列,申报后获得序列号AJ132233和AJ132234,这是首例从联合固氮菌中克隆得到glg cluster的报道。