991 resultados para nicotinic receptor alpha5 receptor


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) exert pivotal roles in synaptic transmission, neuroprotection and differentiation. Particularly, homomeric alpha 7 receptors participate in neurite outgrowth, presynaptic control of neurotransmitter release and Ca(2+) influx. However, the study of recombinant alpha 7 nAChRs in transfected cell lines is difficult due to low expression of functional receptor channels. We show that PC12 pheochromocytoma cells induced to differentiation into neurons are an adequate model for studying differential nAChR gene expression and receptor activity. Whole-cell current recording indicated that receptor responses increased during the course of differentiation. Transcription of mRNAs coding for alpha 3, alpha 5, alpha 7, beta 2 and beta 4 subunits was present during the course of differentiation, while mRNAs coding for alpha 2, alpha 4 and beta 3 subunits were not expressed in PC12 cells. alpha 7 subunit expression was highest following 1 day of induction to differentiation. Activity of alpha 7 nAChRs, however, was most elevated on day 2 as revealed by inhibition experiments in the presence of 10 nM methyllycaconitine, rapid current decay and receptor responsiveness to the alpha 7 agonist choline. Increased alpha 7 receptor activity was noted when PC12 were induced to differentiation in the presence of choline, confirming that chronic agonist treatment augments nAChR activity. In summary, PC12 cells are an adequate model to study the role and pharmacological properties of this receptor during neuronal differentiation.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate if the immunohistochemical expression of alpha-3 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit in sympathetic ganglia remains stable after brain death, determining the possible use of sympathetic thoracic ganglia from subjects after brain death as study group. The third left sympathetic ganglion was resected from patients divided in two groups: BD-organ donors after brain death and CON-patients submitted to sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis (control group). Immunohistochemical staining for alpha-3 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit was performed; strong and weak expression areas were quantified in both groups. The BD group showed strong alpha-3 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression in 6.55% of the total area, whereas the CON group showed strong expression in 5.91% (p = 0.78). Weak expression was found in 6.47% of brain-dead subjects and in 7.23% of control subjects (p = 0.31). Brain death did not affect the results of the immunohistochemical analysis of sympathetic ganglia, and its use as study group is feasible.


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In the mammalian visual system the formation of eye-specific layers at the thalamic level depends on retinal waves of spontaneous activity, which rely on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activation. We found that in mutant mice lacking the β2 subunit of the neuronal nicotinic receptor, but not in mice lacking the α4 subunit, retinofugal projections do not segregate into eye-specific areas, both in the dorso-lateral geniculate nucleus and in the superior colliculus. Moreover, β2−/− mice show an expansion of the binocular subfield of the primary visual cortex and a decrease in visual acuity at the cortical level but not in the retina. We conclude that the β2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is necessary for the anatomical and functional development of the visual system.


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protein modulation of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) channels in rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia was examined using dialyzed whole-cell and excised membrane patch-recording configurations. Cell dialysis with GTP gamma S increased the agonist affinity of nAChRs, resulting in a potentiation of nicotine-evoked whole-cell currents at low concentrations. ACh- and nicotine-evoked current amplitudes were increased approximately twofold in the presence of GTP gamma S. In inside-out membrane patches, the open probability (NPo) of nAChR-mediated unitary currents was reversibly increased fourfold after bath application of 0.2mM GTP gamma S relative to control but was unchanged in the presence of GDP gamma S. The modulation of nAChR-mediated whole- cell currents was agonist specific; currents evoked by the cholinergic agonists ACh, nicotine, and 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide, but not cytisine or choline, were potentiated in the presence of GTP gamma S. The direct interaction between G-protein subunits and nAChRs was examined by bath application of either G(o)alpha or G beta gamma subunits to inside-out membrane patches and in glutathione S-transferase pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Bath application of 50 nM G beta gamma increased the open probability of ACh- activated single-channel currents fivefold, whereas G(o)alpha( 50 nM) produced no significant increase in NPo. Neuronal nAChR subunits alpha 3-alpha 5 and alpha 2 exhibited a positive interaction with G(o)alpha and G beta gamma, whereas beta 4 and alpha 7 failed to interact with either of the G-protein subunits. These results provide evidence for a direct interaction between nAChR and G-protein subunits, underlying the increased open probability of ACh-activated single-channel currents and potentiation of nAChR-mediated whole-cell currents in parasympathetic neurons of rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia.


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Human genetic association studies have shown gene variants in the α5 subunit of the neuronal nicotinic receptor (nAChR) influence both ethanol and nicotine dependence. The α5 subunit is an accessory subunit that facilitates α4* nAChRs assembly in vitro. However, it is unknown whether this occurs in the brain, as there are few research tools to adequately address this question. As the α4*-containing nAChRs are highly expressed in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) we assessed the molecular, functional and pharmacological roles of α5 in α4*-containing nAChRs in the VTA. We utilized transgenic mice α5+/+(α4YFP) and α5-/-(α4YFP) that allow the direct visualization and measurement of α4-YFP expression and the effect of the presence (α5+/+) and absence of α5 (-/-) subunit, as the antibodies for detecting the α4* subunits of the nAChR are not specific. We performed voltage clamp electrophysiological experiments to study baseline nicotinic currents in VTA dopaminergic neurons. We show that in the presence of the α5 subunit, the overall expression of α4 subunit is increased significantly by 60% in the VTA. Furthermore, the α5 subunit strengthens baseline nAChR currents, suggesting the increased expression of α4* nAChRs to be likely on the cell surface. While the presence of the α5 subunit blunts the desensitization of nAChRs following nicotine exposure, it does not alter the amount of ethanol potentiation of VTA dopaminergic neurons. Our data demonstrates a major regulatory role for the α5 subunit in both the maintenance of α4*-containing nAChRs expression and in modulating nicotinic currents in VTA dopaminergic neurons. Additionally, the α5α4* nAChR in VTA dopaminergic neurons regulates the effect of nicotine but not ethanol on currents. Together, the data suggest that the α5 subunit is critical for controlling the expression and functional role of a population of α4*-containing nAChRs in the VTA.


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Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are complex and developing effective treatments will require the combination of novel medications and cognitive behavioral therapy approaches. Epidemiological studies have shown there is a high correlation between alcohol consumption and tobacco use, and the prevalence of smoking in alcoholics is as high as 80% compared to about 30% for the general population. Both preclinical and clinical data provide evidence that nicotine administration increases alcohol intake and nonspecific nicotinic receptor antagonists reduce alcohol-mediated behaviors. As nicotine interacts specifically with the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) system, this suggests that nAChRs play an important role in the behavioral effects of alcohol. In this review, we discuss the importance of nAChRs for the treatment of AUDs and argue that the use of FDA approved nAChR ligands, such as varenicline and mecamylamine, approved as smoking cessation aids may prove to be valuable treatments for AUDs. We also address the importance of combining effective medications with behavioral therapy for the treatment of alcohol dependent individuals.


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Nicotinic receptors are the target of nicotine in the brain. They are pentameric ion channels. The pentamer structure allows many combinations of receptors to be formed. These various subtypes exhibit specific properties determined by their subunit composition. Each brain region contains a fixed complement of nicotinic receptor subunits. The midbrain region is of particular interest because the dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain express several subtypes of nicotinic receptors, and these dopaminergic neurons are important for the rewarding effects of nicotine. The α6 nicotinic receptor subunit has garnered intense interest because it is present in dopaminergic neurons but very few other brain regions. With its specific and limited presence in the brain, targeting this subtype of nicotinic receptor may prove advantageous as a method for smoking cessation. However, we do not fully understand the trafficking and membrane localization of this receptor or its effects on dopamine release in the striatum. We hypothesized that lynx1, a known modulator of other nicotinic receptor subtypes, is important for the proper function of α6 nicotinic receptors. lynx1 has been found to act upon several classes of nicotinic receptors, such as α4β2 and α7, the two most common subtypes in the brain. To determine whether lynx1 affects α6 containing nicotinic receptors we used biochemistry, patch clamp electrophysiology, fast scan cyclic voltammetry, and mouse behavior. We found that lynx1 has effects on α6 containing nicotinic receptors, but the effects were subtle. This thesis will detail the observed effects of lynx1 on α6 nicotinic receptors.


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The first naturally occurring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors described are pyroglutamyl proline-rich oligopeptides, found in the venom of the viper Bothrops jararaca, and named as bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs). Biochemical and pharmacological properties of these peptides were essential for the development of Captopril, the first active site-directed inhibitor of ACE, currently used for the treatment of human hypertension. However, a number of data have suggested that the pharmacological activity of BPPs could not only be explained by their inhibitory action on enzymatic activity of somatic ACE. In fact, we showed recently that the strong and long-lasting anti-hypertensive effect of BPP-10c [nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in blood vessels have been related to blood pressure regulation. Therefore, we have studied the effects of BPP-10c on acetylcholine receptor function in the PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line, which following induction to neuronal differentiation expresses most of the nicotinic receptor subtypes. BPP-10c did not induce receptor-mediated ion flux, nor potentiated carbamoylcholine-provoked receptor activity as determined by whole-cell recording. This peptide, however, alleviated MK-801-induced inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activity. Although more data are needed for understanding the mechanism of the BPP-10c effect on nicotinic receptor activity and its relationship with the anti-hypertensive activity, this work reveals possible therapeutic applications for BPP-10c in establishing normal acetylcholine receptor activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recent work has shown that strychnine, the potent and selective antagonist of glycine receptors, is also an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine (AcCho) receptors including neuronal homomeric α7 receptors, and that mutating Leu-247 of the α7 nicotinic AcCho receptor-channel domain (L247Tα7; mut1) converts some nicotinic antagonists into agonists. Therefore, a study was made of the effects of strychnine on Xenopus oocytes expressing the chick wild-type α7 or L247Tα7 receptors. In these oocytes, strychnine itself did not elicit appreciable membrane currents but reduced the currents elicited by AcCho in a reversible and dose-dependent manner. In sharp contrast, in oocytes expressing L247Tα7 receptors with additional mutations at Cys-189 and Cys-190, in the extracellular N-terminal domain (L247T/C189–190Sα7; mut2), micromolar concentrations of strychnine elicited inward currents that were reversibly inhibited by the nicotinic receptor blocker α-bungarotoxin. Single-channel recordings showed that strychnine gated mut2-channels with two conductance levels, 56 pS and 42 pS, and with kinetic properties similar to AcCho-activated channels. We conclude that strychnine is a modulator, as well as an activator, of some homomeric nicotinic α7 receptors. After injecting oocytes with mixtures of cDNAs encoding mut1 and mut2 subunits, the expressed hybrid receptors were activated by strychnine, similar to the mut2, and had a high affinity to AcCho like the mut1. A pentameric symmetrical model yields the striking conclusion that two identical α7 subunits may be sufficient to determine the functional properties of α7 receptors.


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Knock-in mice were generated that harbored a leucine-to-serine mutation in the α4 nicotinic receptor near the gate in the channel pore. Mice with intact expression of this hypersensitive receptor display dominant neonatal lethality. These mice have a severe deficit of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, possibly because the hypersensitive receptors are continuously activated by normal extracellular choline concentrations. A strain that retains the neo selection cassette in an intron has reduced expression of the hypersensitive receptor and is viable and fertile. The viable mice display increased anxiety, poor motor learning, excessive ambulation that is eliminated by very low levels of nicotine, and a reduction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic function upon aging. These knock-in mice provide useful insights into the pathophysiology of sustained nicotinic receptor activation and may provide a model for Parkinson's disease.


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The neuronal nicotinic synapse in tissue slices of the adrenal medulla was studied with whole-cell patch-clamp. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were evoked by local field stimulation or occurred spontaneously especially when external [K+] was increased. EPSCs were carried by channels sharing biophysical and pharmacological properties of neuronal-type nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). A single-channel conductance (gamma) of 43-45 pS was found from nonstationary variance analysis of EPSCs. Spontaneous EPSCs were tetrodotoxin-insensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent and occurred in burst-like clusters. Quantal analysis of spontaneous EPSCs gave a quantal size of 20 pA and amplitude histograms were well described by binomial models with low values of quantal content, consistent with a small number of spontaneously active release sites. However, rare large amplitude EPSCs suggest that the total number of sites is higher and that extrajunctional receptors are involved. Our estimates of quantal content and size at the chromaffin cell neuronal nicotinic synapse may be useful in characterizing central neuronal-type nicotinic receptor-mediated cholinergic synaptic transmission.


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Binding of agonists to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors generates a sequence of changes that activate a cation-selective conductance. By measuring electrophysiological responses in chimeric alpha7/alpha3 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes, we have showed the involvement of the M2-M3 loop in coupling agonist binding to the channel gate. An aspartate residue therein, Asp-266 in the alpha7 subunit, was identified by site-directed mutagenesis as crucial, since mutants at this position exhibited very poor functional responses to three different nicotinic agonists. We have extended this investigation to another neuronal nicotinic receptor (alpha3/beta4), and found that a homologous residue in the beta4 subunit, Asp-268, played a similar role in coupling. These findings are consistent with a hypothesis that the aspartate residue in the M2-M3 loop, which is conserved in all homomer-forming alpha-type subunits and all neuronal beta-type subunits that combine to form functional receptors, is a major determinant of information transmission from binding site to channel gate in all neuronal nicotinic receptors.


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The expression and function of nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) in rat coronary microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) were examined using RT-PCR and whole cell patch-clamp recording methods. RT-PCR revealed expression of mRNA encoding for the subunits alpha(2), alpha(3), alpha(4), alpha(5), alpha(7), beta(2), and beta(4) but not beta(3). Focal application of ACh evoked an inward current in isolated CMECs voltage clamped at negative membrane potentials. The current-voltage relationship of the ACh-induced current exhibited marked inward rectification and a reversal potential (E-rev) close to 0 mV. The cholinergic agonists nicotine, epibatidine, and cytisine activated membrane currents similar to those evoked by ACh. The nicotine-induced current was abolished by the neuronal nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. The direction and magnitude of the shift in E-rev of nicotine-induced current as a function of extracellular Na+ concentration indicate that the nAChR channel is cation selective and follows that predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation assuming K+/Na+ permeability ratio of 1.11. In fura-2-loaded CMECs, application of ACh, but not of nicotine, elicited a transient increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that neuronal nAChR activation by cholinergic agonists evokes an inward current in CMECs carried primarily by Na+, which may contribute to the plasma nicotine-induced changes in microvascular permeability and reactivity induced by elevations in plasma nicotine.


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The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27 and PACAP38) on isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac and submandibular ganglia were examined under voltage clamp using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. VIP and PACAP (less than or equal to 10 nm) selectively and reversibly increased the affinity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels (nAChRs) for their agonists resulting in a potentiation of acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked whole-cell currents at low agonist concentrations. VIP-induced potentiation was observed with either ACh or nicotine as the cholinergic agonist. The VIP- but not the PACAP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked currents was inhibited by [Ac-Tyr(1), D-Phe(2)]-GRF 1-29, amide (100 nm), a selective antagonist of VPAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptors; whereas the PACAP38- but not the VIP-induced potentiation was inhibited by 100 nm PACAP6-38, a PAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptor antagonist. The signal transduction pathway mediating VIP- and PACAP-induced potentiation of nicotinic ACh-evoked currents involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. Intracellular application of 200 mu m GTP gamma S or GDP beta S inhibited VIP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked whole-cell currents. GTP gamma S alone potentiated ACh- and nicotine-evoked currents and the magnitude of these currents was not further increased by VIP or PACAP. The G-protein subtype modulating the neuronal nAChRs was examined by intracellular dialysis with antibodies directed against alpha(o), alpha(i-1,2), alpha(i-3) or beta G-protein subunits. Only the anti-G alpha(o) and anti-G beta antibodies significantly inhibited the effect of VIP and PACAP on ACh-evoked currents. The potentiation of ACh-evoked currents by VIP and PACAP may be mediated by a membrane-delimited signal transduction cascade involving the PTX-sensitive G(o) protein.


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Nicotine addiction remains the leading cause of death and disease in developed and developing nations and a major cause of mortality around the world. Currently, nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), bupropion, and varenicline are approved by the regulatory agencies as first-line treatments for nicotine addiction. Emerging evidence indicates that varenicline and bupropion have some therapeutic limitations for treating nicotine addiction with oral route of administration. Thus, continued investigation of innovative drug delivery for nicotine addiction remains a critical priority. This review will discuss some novel strategies and future directions for pulmonary drug delivery, an emerging route of administration for smoking cessation. It is anticipated that the advancement of knowledge on pulmonary drug delivery will provide better management for nicotine addiction and other addictive disorders.