814 resultados para newborn screening
Background: Hepatorenal tyrosinaemia (Tyr 1) is a rare inborn error of tyrosine metabolism. Without treatment, patients are at high risk of developing acute liver failure, renal dysfunction and in the long run hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study was to collect cross-sectional data. Methods. Via questionnaires we collected retrospective data of 168 patients with Tyr 1 from 21 centres (Europe, Turkey and Israel) about diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and outcome. In a subsequent consensus workshop, we discussed data and clinical implications. Results: Early treatment by NTBC accompanied by diet is essential to prevent serious complications such as liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal disease. As patients may remain initially asymptomatic or develop uncharacteristic clinical symptoms in the first months of life newborn mass screening using succinylacetone (SA) as a screening parameter in dried blood is mandatory for early diagnosis. NTBC-treatment has to be combined with natural protein restriction supplemented with essential amino acids. NTBC dosage should be reduced to the minimal dose allowing metabolic control, once daily dosing may be an option in older children and adults in order to increase compliance. Metabolic control is judged by SA (below detection limit) in dried blood or urine, plasma tyrosine (<400 μM) and NTBC-levels in the therapeutic range (20-40 μM). Side effects of NTBC are mild and often transient. Indications for liver transplantation are hepatocellular carcinoma or failure to respond to NTBC. Follow-up procedures should include liver and kidney function tests, tumor markers and imaging, ophthalmological examination, blood count, psychomotor and intelligence testing as well as therapeutic monitoring (SA, tyrosine, NTBC in blood). Conclusion: Based on the data from 21 centres treating 168 patients we were able to characterize current practice and clinical experience in Tyr 1. This information could form the basis for clinical practice recommendations, however further prospective data are required to underpin some of the recommendations.
Objective: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and natural history of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy (PSR). Design: Prospective longitudinal study over 20 years. Participants: Newborn screening of 100000 consecutive deliveries from 1973 to 1981 identified 315 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease and 201 with SS-hemoglobin C (SC) disease. By the age of 5 years, 307 SS patients and 166 SC patients were alive and living in Jamaica and were recruited for this ophthalmic study. Methods: Description of retinal vascular changes on annual angiography and angioscopy. Main Outcome Measures: Incidence and prevalence of PSR and its behavior on follow-up. Progression of PSR was investigated using the number of eyes affected (none, one, both) and the interval until PSR onset. Results: At last review in January 2000, PSR had developed in 59 patients (14 SS, 45 SC), unilaterally in 36 patients and bilaterally in 23. Incidence increased with age in both genotypes, with crude annual incidence rates of 0.5 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.8) per 100 SS subjects and 2.5 cases (95% CI, 1.9-3.3) per 100 SC subjects. Prevalence was greater in SC disease, and by the ages of 24 to 26 years, PSR had occurred in 43% subjects with SC disease and in 14% subjects with SS disease. Patients with unilateral PSR had a 16% (11% SS, 17% SC) probability of regressing to no PSR and a 14% (16% SS, 13% SC) probability of progressing to bilateral PSR. Those with bilateral PSR had an 8% (8% SS, 8% SC) probability of regressing to unilateral PSR and a 1% (0 SS, 2% SC) probability of regressing to a PSR-free state. Irretrievable visual loss occurred in only 1 of 82 PSR-affected eyes, and 1 required detachment surgery and recovered normal visual acuity. Conclusions: Longitudinal observations over 20 years in a cohort of patients followed from birth confirms a greater incidence and severity of PSR in SC disease, and shows that spontaneous regression occurred in 32% of PSR-affected eyes. Permanent visual loss was uncommon in subjects observed up to the age of 26 years. © 2005 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
RATIONALE: Risk of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis (CF) may be associated with environmental factors.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether residential location is associated with risk of first acquisition of P. aeruginosa.
METHODS: We performed bronchoalveolar lavage and upper airway cultures in children newly diagnosed with CF to identify infection with P. aeruginosa during infancy and early childhood. Children were assessed according to their residence in a regional or metropolitan area. Multilocus sequence typing was used to determine P. aeruginosa genotype. An environmental questionnaire was also administered.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A total of 105 of 120 (87.5%) infants diagnosed with CF were included in this study. Diagnosis in 65 infants (61.9%) followed newborn screening at mean age of 4.6 weeks. Sixty subjects (57.1%) were homozygous ΔF508, and 47 (44.8%) were female. Fifty-five (52.3%) infants were regional, of whom 26 (47.3%), compared with 9 of 50 (18.0%) metropolitan children, acquired infection with P. aeruginosa (odds ratio, 4.084; 95% confidence interval, 1.55-11.30). Age at acquisition was similar (regional: median, 2.31 yr; range, 0.27-5.96 yr; metropolitan: median, 3.10 yr, range, 0.89-3.70 yr). Strain typing identified P. aeruginosa genotypes often encountered in different ecological settings and little evidence of cross-infection. Ninety questionnaires (85.7%) were completed. Those who acquired P. aeruginosa were more likely to be living in a household that used water sprinkler systems (P = 0.032), but no differences were identified to explain increased risk of acquisition of P. aeruginosa in regional children.
CONCLUSIONS: Geographical difference in residence of children with CF was associated with increased risk of first acquisition of P. aeruginosa, usually with strains associated with the environment rather than with cross-infection.
Mitochondria are central organelles for cell survival with particular relevance in energy production and signalling, being mitochondrial fatty acid β–oxidation (FAO) one of the metabolic pathways harboured in this organelle. FAO disorders (FAOD) are among the most well studied inborn errors of metabolism, mainly due to their impact in health. Nevertheless, some questions remain unsolved, as their prevalence in certain European regions and how pathophysiological determinants combine towards the phenotype. Analysis of data from newborn screening programs from Portugal and Spain allowed the estimation of the birth prevalence of FAOD revealing that this group of disorders presents in Iberia (and particularly in Portugal) one of the highest European birth prevalence, mainly due to the high birth prevalence of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. These results highlight the impact of this group of genetic disorders in this European region. The characterization of mitochondrial proteome, from patients fibroblasts with FAOD, namely multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) and long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD), provided a global perspective of the mitochondrial proteome plasticity in these disorders and highlights the main molecular pathways involved in their pathogenesis. Severe MADD forms show an overexpression of chaperones, antioxidant enzymes (MnSOD), and apoptotic proteins. An overexpression of glycolytic enzymes, which reflects cellular adaptation to energy deficiency due to FAO blockage, was also observed. When LCHADD fibroblasts were analysed a metabolic switching to glycolysis was also observed with overexpression of apoptotic proteins and modulation of the antioxidant defence system. Severe LCHADD present increased ROS alongside with up regulation of MnSOD while moderate forms have lower ROS and down-regulation of MnSOD. This probably reflects the role of MnSOD in buffering cellular ROS, maintain them at levels that allow cells to avoid damage and start a cellular response towards survival. When ROS levels are very high cells have to overexpress MnSOD for detoxifying proposes. When severe forms of MADD were compared to moderate forms no major differences were noticed, most probably because ROS levels in moderate MADD are high enough to trigger a response similar to that observed in severe forms. Our data highlights, for the first time, the differences in the modulation of antioxidant defence among FAOD spectrum. Overall, the data reveals the main pathways modulated in FAOD and the importance of ROS levels and antioxidant defence system modulation for disease severity. These results highlight the complex interaction between phenotypic determinants in FAOD that include genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. The development of future better treatment approaches is dependent on the knowledge on how all these determinants interact towards phenotype.!
Only few cases of classical phenylketonuria (PKU) in premature infants have been reported. Treatment of these patients is challenging due to the lack of a phenylalanine-free amino acid solution for parenteral infusion. The boy was born at 27 weeks of gestation with a weight of 1000 g (P10). He received parenteral nutrition with a protein intake of 3 g/kg/day. On day 7 he was diagnosed with classical PKU (genotype IVS10-11G>A/IVS12+ 1G>A) due to highly elevated phenylalanine (Phe) level in newborn screening (2800 micromol/L). His maximum plasma Phe level reached 3696 micromol/L. Phe intake was stopped for 4 days. During this time the boy received intravenous glucose and lipids as well as little amounts of Phe-free formula by a nasogastric tube. Due to a deficit of essential amino acids and insufficient growth, a parenteral nutrition rich in branched-chain amino-acids and relatively poor in Phe was added, in order to promote protein synthesis without overloading in Phe. Under this regimen, Phe plasma levels normalized on day 19 when intake of natural protein was started. The boy has now a corrected age of 2 years. He shows normal growth parameters and psychomotor development. Despite a long period of highly elevated Phe levels in the postnatal period our patient shows good psychomotor development. The management of premature infants with PKU depends on the child's tolerance to enteral nutrition. It demands an intensive follow-up by an experienced team and dedicated dietician. Appropriate Phe-free parenteral nutrition would be necessary especially in case of gastro-intestinal complications of prematurity.
La plupart des conditions détectées par le dépistage néonatal sont reliées à l'une des enzymes qui dégradent les acyls-CoA mitochondriaux. Le rôle physiopathologique des acyls-CoA dans ces maladies est peu connue, en partie parce que les esters liés au CoA sont intracellulaires et les échantillons tissulaires de patients humains ne sont généralement pas disponibles. Nous avons créé une modèle animal murin de l'une de ces maladies, la déficience en 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase (HL), dans le foie (souris HLLKO). HL est la dernière enzyme de la cétogenèse et de la dégradation de la leucine. Une déficience chronique en HL et les crises métaboliques aigües, produisent chacune un portrait anormal et distinct d'acyls-CoA hépatiques. Ces profils ne sont pas prévisibles à partir des niveaux d'acides organiques urinaires et d'acylcarnitines plasmatiques. La cétogenèse est indétectable dans les hépatocytes HLLKO. Dans les mitochondries HLLKO isolées, le dégagement de 14CO2 à partir du [2-14C]pyruvate a diminué en présence de 2-ketoisocaproate (KIC), un métabolite de la leucine. Au test de tolérance au pyruvate, une mesure de la gluconéogenèse, les souris HLLKO ne présentent pas la réponse hyperglycémique normale. L'hyperammoniémie et l'hypoglycémie, des signes classiques de plusieurs erreurs innées du métabolisme (EIM) des acyls-CoA, surviennent de façon spontanée chez des souris HLLKO et sont inductibles par l'administration de KIC. Une charge en KIC augmente le niveau d'acyls-CoA reliés à la leucine et diminue le niveau d'acétyl-CoA. Les mitochondries des hépatocytes des souris HLLKO traitées avec KIC présentent un gonflement marqué. L'hyperammoniémie des souris HLLKO répond au traitement par l'acide N-carbamyl-L-glutamique. Ce composé permet de contourner une enzyme acétyl-CoA-dépendante essentielle pour l’uréogenèse, le N-acétylglutamate synthase. Ceci démontre un mécanisme d’hyperammoniémie lié aux acyls-CoA. Dans une deuxième EIM des acyls-CoA, la souris SCADD, déficiente en déshydrogénase des acyls-CoA à chaînes courtes. Le profil des acyls-CoA hépatiques montre un niveau élevé du butyryl-CoA particulièrement après un jeûne et après une charge en triglycérides à chaîne moyenne précurseurs du butyryl-CoA.
La Fibrosis Quística es la enfermedad autosómica recesiva mas frecuente en caucásicos. En Colombia no se conoce la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero investigaciones del grupo de la Universidad del Rosario indican que podría ser relativamente alta. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de afectados por Fibrosis Quística en una muestra de recién nacidos de la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se analizan 8.297 muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical y se comparan tres protocolos de tamizaje neonatal: TIR/TIR, TIR/DNA y TIR/DNA/TIR. Resultados: El presente trabajo muestra una incidencia de 1 en 8.297 afectados en la muestra analizada. Conclusiones: Dada la relativamente alta incidencia demostrada en Bogotá, se justifica la implementación de Tamizaje Neonatal para Fibrosis Quística en Colombia.
Introducción: La Enfermedad de Fabry (EF), es una enfermedad multisistémica de almacenamiento lisosomal ligada al cromosoma X que afecta principalmente a hombres, pero también puede causar significativa morbilidad en las mujeres heterocigotas (1–5). La deficiencia de la enzyma α-galactosidaseA (α-Gal A,) provoca acumulación de glicosfingolipidos que afectan diferentes tipos celulares entre ellos el endotelio vascular en vasos de pequeño calibre, células epiteliales y Músculo liso en el sistema cardiovascular (cardiomiocitos), sistema nervioso y células epiteliales tubulares del riñón (6,7). Complicaciones como la falla renal es la causa de muerte más frecuente en la EF (7,8). La incidencia se ha calculado en 1 de cada 117.000 nacidos vivos. (9). Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la Enfermedad de Fabry en pacientes con Insuficiencia renal terminal que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y Post-trasplante Renal en Fundación Cardioinfantil Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional en donde se evaluó la prevalencia de la EF en todos los sujetos mayores de 18 años que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y post-trasplante renal. Resultados: La prevalencia de Enfermedad de Fabry en 98 pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica fue de 7.1% para la muestra general y 12.9% para la muestra con etiología idiopática Conclusiones: La Enfermedad de Fabry es una importante casusa de Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal principalmente en el grupo de etiología idiopática. Palabras Clave: Enfermedad de Fabry (FA)
Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The Fast, F1, F and A peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P > 0.05) between the mean values of the Fast and A peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.
The National Neonatal Screening Program (NNSP) set up in all Brazil, aims, through planned phases of local implementation, to detect diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, hemoglobinopathies and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess, through a cross-sectional observational study, the prevalence of the diseases detected by the NNSP in the city of Araraquara, in records issued by the São Paulo APAE laboratory in the period between April and December 2009.The results show that Araraquara had a prevalence of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism 0.06% above the national averages of 0.01% and 0.03% respectively. With respect to hemoglobinopathies, the prevalence of sickle cell trait was 2.15% below the national average of 2.6%. The prevalence of Hb C in the city was 0.57%, similar to national values reported in the literature. Confirmed Hb Bart's had a prevalence of 0.13% in Araraquara, below the average of 0.38% for the surrounding region. The neonatal screening by heel-prick test and counseling for caregivers are important factors in reducing morbidity related to the evolution of these diseases.
Esta pesquisa procurou identificar variáveis que interferem na adesão ao tratamento segundo relato de cuidadores de crianças com Hipotireoidismo Congênito atendidas em um centro de referência no Estado do Pará. Participaram 50 cuidadores primários, com idade entre 17 e 55 anos, com diferentes graus de parentesco com a criança. As variáveis relacionadas à adesão foram identificadas por meio de entrevistas com os cuidadores, seguindo roteiro estruturado. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos cuidadores desconhece sobre características da doença, etiologia, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico, independentemente da idade, escolaridade, grau de parentesco e tempo em que a criança está no Programa, dificultando a adesão ao tratamento. Para a maioria das crianças, o Teste do Pezinho foi realizado com atraso, indicando prejuízos ao tratamento.
The most frequent form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency, accounting for more than 90% of cases. Affected patients cannot synthesize cortisol efficiently. Thus the adrenal cortex is stimulated by corticotropin (ACTH) and overproduces cortisol precursors. Some precursors are diverted to sex hormone biosynthesis, causing signs of androgen excess including ambiguous genitalia in newborn females and rapid postnatal growth in both sexes. In the most severe "salt wasting" form of CAH (similar to 75% of severe or "classic" cases), concomitant aldosterone deficiency may lead to salt wasting with consequent failure to thrive, hypovolemia, and shock. Newborn screening minimizes delays in diagnosis, especially in males, and reduces morbidity and mortality from adrenal crises. CAH is a recessive disorder caused by mutations in the CYP21 (CYP21A2) gene, most of which arise from recombination between CYP21 and a nearby pseudogene, CYP21P (CYP21A1P). Phenotype is generally correlated with genotype. Classic CAH patients require chronic glucocorticoid treatment at the lowest dose that adequately suppresses adrenal androgens and maintains normal growth and weight gain, and most require mineralocorticoid (fludrocortisone). Transition of care of older patients to adult physicians should be planned in advance as a structured, ongoing process.
Patients with rare and complex diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) often receive fragmented and inadequate care unless efforts are coordinated among providers. Translating the concepts of the medical home and comprehensive health care for individuals with CAH offers many benefits for the affected individuals and their families. This manuscript represents the recommendations of a 1.5 day meeting held in September 2009 to discuss the ideal goals for comprehensive care centers for newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and adults with CAH. Participants included pediatric endocrinologists, internal medicine and reproductive endocrinologists, pediatric urologists, pediatric surgeons, psychologists, and pediatric endocrine nurse educators. One unique aspect of this meeting was the active participation of individuals personally affected by CAH as patients or parents of patients. Representatives of Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), New York-Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetics and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC), and National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center (NNSGRC) also participated. Thus, this document should serve as a "roadmap" for the development phases of comprehensive care centers (CCC) for individuals and families affected by CAH.
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) is one of the most severe forms of primary immunodeficiency (PID). Complications of BCG vaccination, especially disseminated infection and its most severe forms, are known to occur in immunodeficient patients, particularly in SCID. A carefully taken family history before BCG injection as well as delaying vaccination if PID is suspected could be a simple and effective method to avoid inappropriate vaccination of an immunodeficient child in some cases until the prospect of newborn screening for SCID has been fully developed. We describe a patient with a very early diagnosis of SCID, which was suspected on the basis of the previous death of two siblings younger than one year due to severe complications secondary to the BCG vaccine. We suggest that a family history of severe or fatal reactions to BCG should be included as a warning sign for an early diagnosis of SCID.
Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) are inherited disorders of ammonia detoxification often regarded as mainly of relevance to pediatricians. Based on an increasing number of case studies it has become obvious that a significant number of UCD patients are affected by their disease in a non-classical way: presenting outside the newborn period, following a mild course, presenting with unusual clinical features, or asymptomatic patients with only biochemical signs of a UCD. These patients are surviving into adolescence and adulthood, rendering this group of diseases clinically relevant to adult physicians as well as pediatricians. In preparation for an international workshop we collected data on all patients with non-classical UCDs treated by the participants in 20 European metabolic centres. Information was collected on a cohort of 208 patients 50% of which were ≥ 16 years old. The largest subgroup (121 patients) had X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) of whom 83 were female and 29% of these were asymptomatic. In index patients, there was a mean delay from first symptoms to diagnosis of 1.6 years. Cognitive impairment was present in 36% of all patients including female OTCD patients (in 31%) and those 41 patients identified presymptomatically following positive newborn screening (in 12%). In conclusion, UCD patients with non-classical clinical presentations require the interest and care of adult physicians and have a high risk of neurological complications. To improve the outcome of UCDs, a greater awareness by health professionals of the importance of hyperammonemia and UCDs, and ultimately avoidance of the still long delay to correctly diagnose the patients, is crucial.