977 resultados para new taxa
The cohort Astigmatina is divided in two major groups: Psoroptidia, composed mainly by feather and fur mites, and Non-psoroptidia, a dominant component of the acarofauna in ephemeral habitats. In these environments Astigmatina usually are saprophages or feed on fungi or bacteria. Astigmatina protonymphs undergo a complete reorganization of the body structure leading to the production of heteromorphic deutonymphs, generally specialized for dispersion through phoresy using arthropods and vertebrates as phoronts. Although most Astigmatina occur in natural environments, some species live in anthropic environments, such as food deposits, where some of them became pests; some Astigmatina infest subterraneous plant organs. Despite their economic and ecological importance, studies on the diversity and taxonomy of Astigmatina in Brazil have been rare over the last decades. The general objective of this thesis was to collaborate to the knowledge of the diversity and to evaluate the potential practical uses of these mites in Brazil. For this, new genera and species were described, method for rearing dust mites was studied and the efficiency of Astigmatina as prey for edaphic predators was evaluated. A new species of Thyreophagus (Astigmatina: Acaridae) was described based on specimens collected in Brazil, the association of three other species of this genus with stored food was reviewed and a key to all species of this genus was prepared. The genus Neotropacarus (Astigmatina: Acaridae), commonly found on plant leaves, was reviewed with the redescription of two species and description of new species collected in Brazil and from the Philippines. Two new genera and seven new species of Acaridae associated with the bee family Apidae was described and a key to Acaridae genera in subfamily Horstiinae was prepared. Several species of Astigmatina were evaluated as prey for predatory mites Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley) (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) and Protogamasellopsis zaheri Abo-Shnaf, Castilho and Moraes (Mesostigmata: Rhodacaridae), which oviposited on all evaluated astigmatids, with Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) and Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Tropeau) (Acaridae) being the most suitable prey. Seven foods and two development period, 30 and 60 days, after the introduction of 400 females of two important dust mite species, Blomia tropicalis van Bronswijk, de Cock e Oshima and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart) were evaluate. With the most suitable foods, the population growth were higher than 20.2 and 15.3 for B. tropicalis and D. pteronyssinus, respectively.
[ES]Se describe una nueva especie del género Uromastyx sobre la base de dos especímenes procedentes del Adrar Sutuf (Sahara Occidental). Los individuos del nuevo taxón difieren fuertemente de Uromastyx acanthinura por el gran tamaño que llegan a alcanzar los adultos, su siempre mayor número de escamas, la disposición diferente de los tubérculos en los muslos, y por su diseño y coloración. Sus características generales se asemejan a las de Uromastyx aegyptia, un hecho que sugiere la posible existencia de lagartos del complejo U. aegyptia en poblaciones relícticas a lo largo del desierto del Sahara.
Background: Baurusuchidae is a group of extinct Crocodyliformes with peculiar, dog-faced skulls, hypertrophied canines, and terrestrial, cursorial limb morphologies. Their importance for crocodyliform evolution and biogeography is widely recognized, and many new taxa have been recently described. In most phylogenetic analyses of Mesoeucrocodylia, the entire clade is represented only by Baurusuchus pachecoi, and no work has attempted to study the internal relationships of the group or diagnose the clade and its members. Methodology/Principal Findings: Based on a nearly complete skull and a referred partial skull and lower jaw, we describe a new baurusuchid from the Vale do Rio do Peixe Formation (Bauru Group), Late Cretaceous of Brazil. The taxon is diagnosed by a suite of characters that include: four maxillary teeth, supratemporal fenestra with equally developed medial and anterior rims, four laterally visible quadrate fenestrae, lateral Eustachian foramina larger than medial Eustachian foramen, deep depression on the dorsal surface of pterygoid wing. The new taxon was compared to all other baurusuchids and their internal relationships were examined based on the maximum parsimony analysis of a discrete morphological data matrix. Conclusion: The monophyly of Baurusuchidae is supported by a large number of unique characters implying an equally large morphological gap between the clade and its immediate outgroups. A complex phylogeny of baurusuchids was recovered. The internal branch pattern suggests two main lineages, one with a relatively broad geographical range between Argentina and Brazil (Pissarrachampsinae), which includes the new taxon, and an endemic clade of the Bauru Group in Brazil (Baurusuchinae).
Acanthotylotra a new monotypic genus of freshwater sponge is defined. Its sole species A. alvarengai sp. nov. is described based upon microscopic specimens recovered from the Tocantins river, Pará State, Brazil, when the deep rocky substrate was temporarily exposed downstream from the dam at the time it was closed for lake formation. A unique set of megascleres, allied to the paucity of spongin, the renieroid skeleton and the fact that gemmules or new specimens remain undetected, call for the proposition of a new monospecific genus to be retained as incertae sedis until new larger and probably gemmuliferous specimens come to be found.
The following new taxa of South American Cercopidae are described: Ferorhinella gen. nov., with type species Sphenorhina brevis Walker, 1851; Deois (Deois) knighti sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Deois) sexpunctata sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Pandysia) constricta sp. nov. (Brazil), Mahanarva (Ipiranga) bahiaensis sp. nov. (Brazil), Maxantonia bifurcata sp. nov. (Brazil), Neosphenorhina curvipenis sp. nov. (Brazil), Sphenorhina brevispina sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina nigricephala sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina minuta sp. nov. (Brazil), Tropidorhinella onorei sp. nov. (Colombia), Zuata luteofascia sp. nov. (Colombia). Ferorhinella brevis (Walker, 1851) comb. nov. In addition, descriptions are given for a new colour form of Mahanarva (M.) phantastica (Breddin, 1904) and a newly found variation in the male genitalia of Deoisella fasciata Costa & Sakakibara, 2002.
Three new species of Amastris Stål and one of Erosne Stål are described and illustrated. Amastris rotheai sp. nov. (Paraiba, Brazil), A. gibberula sp. nov. (Mato Grosso, Brazil), A. comarapa sp. nov. (Santa Cruz, Bolivia), and Erosne parvula sp. nov. (Paraiba, Brazil).
Two new Neotropical species of the genus Oxysarcodexia Townsend (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Oxysarcodexia nitida sp. nov. and O. notata sp. nov. from Peru are described and illustrated based on male specimens. These new taxa are morphologically more similar to O. vittata (Walker) and O. xon (Dodge) respectively.
Review of Thoreyella Spinola with the description of two new species from Brazil (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Thoreyella Spinola is revised, with detailed descriptions of the four known species (T. brasiliensis Spinola, 1850, T. trinotata Berg, 1878, T. cornuta Berg, 1883 and, T. taurus Jensen-Haarup, 1931), and two new species from Brazil: T. maracaja sp. nov. (Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul states) and T. paraiba sp. nov. (Paraíba State). New geographical country and state/ province records are as follows: T. cornuta from Rio Grande do Sul; T. brasiliensis from Mato Grosso, Espírito Santo, Catamarca, and Córdoba; and T. trinotata from Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul). A key to all species is given.
Three new species of Eugenia sect. Racemosae (Myrtaceae) from cerrado vegetation of central region in Brazil are described and illustrated. They are: Eugenia hatschbachii Mazine, Eugenia mattogrossensis Mazine and Eugenia glabrescens Mazine. Data on the geographic distribution and habitat are given for the new taxa.
Three new species of Sloanea L. are recognized based on specimens collected in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve. These new species are morphologically distinct from other Sloanea in the Neotropics in terms of their vegetative and reproductive characters. The Ducke Reserve contains a total of 18 species of Sloanea, and the species closest to these new taxa occur there. Morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided, together with comments concerning morphological similarities with other species, as well as their geographic distributions and their phenologies.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper the genus Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, 1948, as delimited by Den Heyer (1979a, 1981b), is revised and divided into five genera, viz. Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, Bunaxella gen. nov., Dunaxeus gen. nov., Funaxopsis gen. nov. and Qunaxella gen. nov.. Two new Neotropical species, Dunaxoides duosetosus and Qunaxella triasetosa are described and figured. Additional southern African material is reported. A key to the genera and species of the new genera of the subfamily Cunaxoidinae is provided.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Four new species of Adenocalymma (Bignoniaceae, Bignonieae) from southeastern Brazil are described and illustrated: A. aurantiacum, characterized by dark orange and infundibuliform corolla; A. cinereum, characterized by shrubby habit, greyish inflorescence, infundibuliform corolla, and exserted stamens; A. gibbosum, characterized by gibbous and orange corolla and an inflorescence with dendritic trichomes; and A. sessile, characterized by sessile leaves and gibbous corolla. A discussion on the relationships of the new taxa and a key to all 29 species of Adenocalymma reported from southeastern Brazil are provided. © 2013 The Authors. Nordic Journal of Botany © 2013 Nordic Society Oikos.
Two new species of Gastrotheca are described from northeastern Minas Gerais and southern Bahia, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Data on morphology, calls, mitochondrial, and nuclear DNA are provided. Allied to G. fissipes and G. megacephala, the new taxa provide evidence for a higher diversity of species of Gastrotheca than previously thought at the Atlantic Forest. The data also suggest that G. pulchra, another Atlantic Forest taxon, is more closely related to non-Atlantic Forest species than to the remaining analyzed Brazilian Gastrotheca species. This implies that the Gastrotheca at the Brazilian coastal forests have at least two independent origins.