955 resultados para neutron-halo projectile


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In this work, we investigate the limitation of the use of strength coefficients on double folding potentials to study the presence of the threshold anomaly in the elastic scattering of halo nuclei at near barrier energies. For this purpose, elastic angular distributions and reaction cross sections for the He-6 on Bi-209 are studied. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We exploit the possibility of new configurations in three-body halo nuclei, Samba type (the neutron-core form a bound system) as a doorway to Borromean systems. The nuclei Be-12, B-15, N-23 and F-27 are of such nature, in particular N-23 with a half-life of 37.7 s and a halo radius of 6.07 fm is an excellent example of Samba-halo configuration. The fusion below the barrier of the Samba halo nuclei with heavy targets could reveal the so far elusive enhancement and a dominance of one-neutron over two-neutron transfers, in contrast to what was found recently for the Borromean halo nucleus He-6 + U-238.


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A systematic study of the root-mean-square distance between the constituents of weakly-bound nuclei consisting of two halo neutrons and a core is performed using a renormalized zero-range model. The radii are obtained from a universal scaling function that depends on the mass ratio of the neutron and the core, as well as on the nature of the subsystems, bound or virtual. Our calculations are qualitatively consistent with recent data for the neutron-neutron root-mean-square distance in the halo of Li-11 and Be-14 nuclei. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The structure of three-body halo nuclei formed by two neutrons and a core (nnc) is studied using zero-range interactions. The halo wave function can be completely parameterized only by the s-wave scattering lengths and two-neutron separation energy. The sizes and the neutron-neutron correlation function of Li-11 and Be-14 are calculated and compared to experimental data. A general classification scheme for three-body halos with two identical particles is discussed as well as the critical conditions to allow excited Efimov states.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Universal aspects of few-body systems will be reviewed motivated by recent interest in atomic and nuclear physics. The critical conditions for the existence of excited states in three-body systems with two-identical particles will be explored. In particular, we consider halo nuclei that can be modeled as three-body nuclear systems, with two halo neutrons and a core. In this context, we also discuss the low-energy neutron-C-19 elastic scattering, near the conditions for the appearance of an Efimov state.


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The parametric region in the plane defined by the ratios of the energies of the subsystems and the three-body ground state, in which Efimov states can exist, is determined. We use a renormalizable model that guarantees the general validity of our results in the context of short-range interactions. The experimental data for one-and two-neutron separation energies, implies that among the halo nuclei candidates, only 20C has a possible Efimov state, with an estimated energy less than 14 KeV below the scattering threshold.


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It is shown that three-body non-Borromean halo nuclei like 12Be, 18C, 20C, considered as neutron-neutron-core systems, have p-wave virtual states with energy of about 1.7 times the corresponding neutron-core binding energy. We use a renormalizable model that guarantees the general validity of our results in the context of short range interactions.


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For light exotic nuclei modeled as two neutrons n and a core A, we report results for the two-neutron correlation functions and also for the mean-square radii, considering a universal scaling function. The results of our calculations for the neutron-neutron correlation functions are qualitatively consistent with recent data obtained for 11Li and 14Be nuclei. The root-mean-square distance in the halo of such nuclei are also consistent with data, which means that the neutrons of the halo have a large probability to be found outside the interaction range. Therefore the low-energy properties of these halo neutrons are, to a large extend, model independent as long as few physical input scales are fixed. The model is restricted to s-wave subsystems, with small energies for the bound or virtual states. For the radii we are also shown results for the 6He and 20C. All the interaction effects, as higher partial wave in the interaction and/or Pauli blocking effect are, to some extend, included in our model, as long as the three-body binding energy is supplied. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We report a renormalized zero-range interaction approach to estimate the size of generic weakly bound three-body systems where two particles are identical. We present results for the neutron-neutron root-mean-square distances of the halo nuclei 6He, 11Li, 14Be and 20C, where the systems are taken as two halo neutrons with an inert point-like core. We also report an approach to obtain the neutron-neutron correlation function in halo nuclei. In this case, our results suggest a review of the corresponding experimental data analysis. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We present results for spatial distributions of weakly-bound three-body systems, derived from a universal scaling function that depends on the mass ratio of the particles, as well as on the nature of the subsystems. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Within general characteristics of low-energy few-body systems, we revise some well-known correlations found in nuclear physics, and the properties of low-mass halo nuclei in a three-body neutron-neutron-core model. In this context, near the critical conditions for the occurrence of an Efimov state, we report some results obtained for the neutron- 19C elastic scattering. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The C-13(O-18,O-16)C-15 reaction has been studied at 84 MeV incident energy. The ejectiles have been detected at forward angles and C-15 excitation energy spectra have been obtained up to about 20 MeV. Several known bound and resonant states of C-15 have been identified together with two unknown structures at 10.5 MeV (FWHM = 2.5 MeV) and 13.6 MeV (FWHM = 2.5 MeV). Calculations based Oil the removal of two uncorrelated neutrons from the projectile describe a significant part of the continuum observed in the energy spectra. In particular the structure at 10.5 MeV is dominated by a resonance of C-15 near the C-13 + n + n threshold. Similar structures are found in nearby nuclei such as C-14 and Be-11. (c) 2012 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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The proton-nucleus elastic scattering at intermediate energies is a well-established method for the investigation of the nuclear matter distribution in stable nuclei and was recently applied also for the investigation of radioactive nuclei using the method of inverse kinematics. In the current experiment, the differential cross sections for proton elastic scattering on the isotopes $^{7,9,10,11,12,14}$Be and $^8$B were measured. The experiment was performed using the fragment separator at GSI, Darmstadt to produce the radioactive beams. The main part of the experimental setup was the time projection ionization chamber IKAR which was simultaneously used as hydrogen target and a detector for the recoil protons. Auxiliary detectors for projectile tracking and isotope identification were also installed. As results from the experiment, the absolute differential cross sections d$sigma$/d$t$ as a function of the four momentum transfer $t$ were obtained. In this work the differential cross sections for elastic p-$^{12}$Be, p-$^{14}$Be and p-$^{8}$B scattering at low $t$ ($t leq$~0.05~(GeV/c)$^2$) are presented. The measured cross sections were analyzed within the Glauber multiple-scattering theory using different density parameterizations, and the nuclear matter density distributions and radii of the investigated isotopes were determined. The analysis of the differential cross section for the isotope $^{14}$Be shows that a good description of the experimental data is obtained when density distributions consisting of separate core and halo components are used. The determined {it rms} matter radius is $3.11 pm 0.04 pm 0.13$~fm. In the case of the $^{12}$Be nucleus the results showed an extended matter distribution as well. For this nucleus a matter radius of $2.82 pm 0.03 pm 0.12$~fm was determined. An interesting result is that the free $^{12}$Be nucleus behaves differently from the core of $^{14}$Be and is much more extended than it. The data were also compared with theoretical densities calculated within the FMD and the few-body models. In the case of $^{14}$Be, the calculated cross sections describe the experimental data well while, in the case of $^{12}$Be there are discrepancies in the region of high momentum transfer. Preliminary experimental results for the isotope $^8$B are also presented. An extended matter distribution was obtained (though much more compact as compared to the neutron halos). A proton halo structure was observed for the first time with the proton elastic scattering method. The deduced matter radius is $2.60pm 0.02pm 0.26$~fm. The data were compared with microscopic calculations in the frame of the FMD model and reasonable agreement was observed. The results obtained in the present analysis are in most cases consistent with the previous experimental studies of the same isotopes with different experimental methods (total interaction and reaction cross section measurements, momentum distribution measurements). For future investigation of the structure of exotic nuclei a universal detector system EXL is being developed. It will be installed at the NESR at the future FAIR facility where higher intensity beams of radioactive ions are expected. The usage of storage ring techniques provides high luminosity and low background experimental conditions. Results from the feasibility studies of the EXL detector setup, performed at the present ESR storage ring, are presented.