901 resultados para neighbourhood assignment
Dispersal, or the amount of dispersion between an individual's birthplace and that of its offspring, is of great importance in population biology, behavioural ecology and conservation, however, obtaining direct estimates from field data on natural populations can be problematic. The prickly forest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae, is a rainforest endemic skink from the wet tropics of Australia. Because of its log-dwelling habits and lack of definite nesting sites, a demographic estimate of dispersal distance is difficult to obtain. Neighbourhood size, defined as 4 piD sigma (2) (where D is the population density and sigma (2) the mean axial squared parent-offspring dispersal rate), dispersal and density were estimated directly and indirectly for this species using mark-recapture and microsatellite data, respectively, on lizards captured at a local geographical scale of 3 ha. Mark-recapture data gave a dispersal rate of 843 m(2)/generation (assuming a generation time of 6.5 years), a time-scaled density of 13 635 individuals * generation/km(2) and, hence, a neighbourhood size of 144 individuals. A genetic method based on the multilocus (10 loci) microsatellite genotypes of individuals and their geographical location indicated that there is a significant isolation by distance pattern, and gave a neighbourhood size of 69 individuals, with a 95% confidence interval between 48 and 184. This translates into a dispersal rate of 404 m(2)/generation when using the mark-recapture density estimation, or an estimate of time-scaled population density of 6520 individuals * generation/km(2) when using the mark-recapture dispersal rate estimate. The relationship between the two categories of neighbourhood size, dispersal and density estimates and reasons for any disparities are discussed.
Sympatric individuals of Rattus fuscipes and Rattus leucopus, two Australian native rats from the tropical wet forests of north Queensland, are difficult to distinguish morphologically and are often confused in the field. When we started a study on fine-scale movements of these species, using microsatellite markers, we found that the species as identified in the field did not form coherent genetic groups. In this study, we examined the potential of an iterative process of genetic assignment to separate specimens from distinct (e.g. species, populations) natural groups. Five loci with extensive overlap in allele distributions between species were used for the iterative process. Samples were randomly distributed into two starting groups of equal size and then subjected to the test. At each iteration, misassigned samples switched groups, and the output groups from a given round of assignment formed the input groups for the next round. All samples were assigned correctly on the 10th iteration, in which two genetic groups were clearly separated. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained from samples from each genetic group identified by assignment, together with those of museum voucher specimens, to assess which species corresponded to which genetic group. The iterative procedure was also used to resolve groups within species, adequately separating the genetically identified R. leucopus from our two sampling sites. These results show that the iterative assignment process can correctly differentiate samples into their appropriate natural groups when diagnostic genetic markers are not available, which allowed us to resolve accurately the two R. leucopus and R. fuscipes species. Our approach provides an analytical tool that may be applicable to a broad variety of situations where genetic groups need to be resolved.
Opposite enantiomers exhibit different NMR properties in the presence of an external common chiral element, and a chiral molecule exhibits different NMR properties in the presence of external enantiomeric chiral elements. Automatic prediction of such differences, and comparison with experimental values, leads to the assignment of the absolute configuration. Here two cases are reported, one using a dataset of 80 chiral secondary alcohols esterified with (R)-MTPA and the corresponding 1H NMR chemical shifts and the other with 94 13C NMR chemical shifts of chiral secondary alcohols in two enantiomeric chiral solvents. For the first application, counterpropagation neural networks were trained to predict the sign of the difference between chemical shifts of opposite stereoisomers. The neural networks were trained to process the chirality code of the alcohol as the input, and to give the NMR property as the output. In the second application, similar neural networks were employed, but the property to predict was the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents. For independent test sets of 20 objects, 100% correct predictions were obtained in both applications concerning the sign of the chemical shifts differences. Additionally, with the second dataset, the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents was quantitatively predicted, yielding r2 0.936 for the test set between the predicted and experimental values.
The relation between the information/knowledge expression and the physical expression can be involved as one of items for an ambient intelligent computing [2],[3]. Moreover, because there are so many contexts around user/spaces during a user movement, all appplcation which are using AmI for users are based on the relation between user devices and environments. In these situations, it is possible that the AmI may output the wrong result from unreliable contexts by attackers. Recently, establishing a server have been utilizes, so finding secure contexts and make contexts of higher security level for save communication have been given importance. Attackers try to put their devices on the expected path of all users in order to obtain users informationillegally or they may try to broadcast their SPAMS to users. This paper is an extensionof [11] which studies the Security Grade Assignment Model (SGAM) to set Cyber-Society Organization (CSO).
It is generally challenging to determine end-to-end delays of applications for maximizing the aggregate system utility subject to timing constraints. Many practical approaches suggest the use of intermediate deadline of tasks in order to control and upper-bound their end-to-end delays. This paper proposes a unified framework for different time-sensitive, global optimization problems, and solves them in a distributed manner using Lagrangian duality. The framework uses global viewpoints to assign intermediate deadlines, taking resource contention among tasks into consideration. For soft real-time tasks, the proposed framework effectively addresses the deadline assignment problem while maximizing the aggregate quality of service. For hard real-time tasks, we show that existing heuristic solutions to the deadline assignment problem can be incorporated into the proposed framework, enriching their mathematical interpretation.
Consider the problem of assigning real-time tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors — such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two linearithmic timecomplexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the follow- ing guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a given task set, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor-type assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type, then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such a feasible task-to- processor-type assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding 2 a feasible task-to-processor assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/times faster, where 0<α≤1. The parameter α is a property of the task set — it is the maximum utilization of any task which is less than or equal to 1.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. We use an algorithm proposed in [1] (we refer to it as LP-EE) from state-of-the-art for assigning tasks to heterogeneous multiprocessor platform and (re-)prove its performance guarantee but for a stronger adversary.We conjecture that if a task set can be scheduled to meet deadlines on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows task migrations then LP-EE meets deadlines as well with no migrations if given processors twice as fast. We illustrate this with an example.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. We consider a restricted case where the maximum utilization of any task on any processor in the system is no greater than one. We use an algorithm proposed in [1] (we refer to it as LP-EE) from state-of-the-art for assigning tasks to heterogeneous multiprocessor platform and (re-)prove its performance guarantee for this restricted case but for a stronger adversary. We show that if a task set can be scheduled to meet deadlines on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows task migrations then LP-EE meets deadlines as well with no migrations if given processors twice as fast.
Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors—such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two low degree polynomial time-complexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the following guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which processors are 1+α times faster. The parameter 0<α≤1 is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than 1. We evaluate average-case performance of both the algorithms by generating task sets randomly and measuring how much faster processors the algorithms need (which is upper bounded by 1+α/2 for SA and 1+α for SA-P) in order to output a feasible task assignment (intra-migrative for SA and non-migrative for SA-P). In our evaluations, for the vast majority of task sets, these algorithms require significantly smaller processor speedup than indicated by their theoretical bounds. Finally, we consider a special case where no task utilization in the given task set can exceed one and for this case, we (re-)prove the performance guarantees of SA and SA-P. We show, for both of the algorithms, that changing the adversary from intra-migrative to a more powerful one, namely fully-migrative, in which tasks can migrate between processors of any type, does not deteriorate the performance guarantees. For this special case, we compare the average-case performance of SA-P and a state-of-the-art algorithm by generating task sets randomly. In our evaluations, SA-P outperforms the state-of-the-art by requiring much smaller processor speedup and by running orders of magnitude faster.
Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising a constant number (denoted by t) of distinct types of processors—such a platform is referred to as a t-type platform. We present two algorithms, LPGIM and LPGNM, each providing the following guarantee. For a given t-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet their deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then: (i) LPGIM succeeds in finding such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies (intra-migrative) but given a platform in which only one processor of each type is 1 + α × t-1/t times faster and (ii) LPGNM succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which every processor is 1 + α times faster. The parameter α is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than one. To the best of our knowledge, for t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors: (i) for the problem of intra-migrative task assignment, no previous algorithm exists with a proven bound and hence our algorithm, LPGIM, is the first of its kind and (ii) for the problem of non-migrative task assignment, our algorithm, LPGNM, has superior performance compared to state-of-the-art.
The multiprocessor scheduling scheme NPS-F for sporadic tasks has a high utilisation bound and an overall number of preemptions bounded at design time. NPS-F binpacks tasks offline to as many servers as needed. At runtime, the scheduler ensures that each server is mapped to at most one of the m processors, at any instant. When scheduled, servers use EDF to select which of their tasks to run. Yet, unlike the overall number of preemptions, the migrations per se are not tightly bounded. Moreover, we cannot know a priori which task a server will be currently executing at the instant when it migrates. This uncertainty complicates the estimation of cache-related preemption and migration costs (CPMD), potentially resulting in their overestimation. Therefore, to simplify the CPMD estimation, we propose an amended bin-packing scheme for NPS-F allowing us (i) to identify at design time, which task migrates at which instant and (ii) bound a priori the number of migrating tasks, while preserving the utilisation bound of NPS-F.
Consider scheduling of real-time tasks on a multiprocessor where migration is forbidden. Specifically, consider the problem of determining a task-to-processor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct types of processors. For this problem, we propose a new algorithm, LPC (task assignment based on solving a Linear Program with Cutting planes). The algorithm offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then LPC succeeds in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment as well but on a platform in which each processor is 1.5 × faster and has three additional processors. For systems with a large number of processors, LPC has a better approximation ratio than state-of-the-art algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that develops a provably good real-time task assignment algorithm using cutting planes.
In this paper, we propose the Distributed using Optimal Priority Assignment (DOPA) heuristic that finds a feasible partitioning and priority assignment for distributed applications based on the linear transactional model. DOPA partitions the tasks and messages in the distributed system, and makes use of the Optimal Priority Assignment (OPA) algorithm known as Audsley’s algorithm, to find the priorities for that partition. The experimental results show how the use of the OPA algorithm increases in average the number of schedulable tasks and messages in a distributed system when compared to the use of Deadline Monotonic (DM) usually favoured in other works. Afterwards, we extend these results to the assignment of Parallel/Distributed applications and present a second heuristic named Parallel-DOPA (P-DOPA). In that case, we show how the partitioning process can be simplified by using the Distributed Stretch Transformation (DST), a parallel transaction transformation algorithm introduced in [1].
Biomol NMR Assign (2007) 1:81–83 DOI 10.1007/s12104-007-9022-3
J Biol Inorg Chem (2004) 9: 145–151 DOI 10.1007/s00775-003-0506-z