894 resultados para nature of science
Ontic structural realism is the view that structures are what is real in the first place in the domain of fundamental physics. The structures are usually conceived as including a primitive modality. However, it has not been spelled out as yet what exactly that modality amounts to. This paper proposes to fill this lacuna by arguing that the fundamental physical structures possess a causal essence, being powers. Applying the debate about causal vs. categorical properties in analytic metaphysics to ontic structural realism, I show that the standard argument against categorical and for causal properties holds for structures as well. Structural realism, as a position in the metaphysics of science that is a form of scientific realism, is committed to causal structures. The metaphysics of causal structures is supported by physics, and it can provide for a complete and coherent view of the world that includes all domains of empirical science.
The nature of the diperiodatocuprate(III) (DPC) species present in aqueous alkaline medium has been investigated by a kinetic and mechanistic study on the oxidation of iodide by DPC. The reaction kinetics were studied over the 1.0 ´ 10)3±0.1 mol dm)3 alkali range. The reaction order with respect to DPC, as well as iodide, was found to be unity when [DPC] [I)]. In the 1.0 ´ 10)3±1.0 ´ 10)2 mol dm)3 alkali region, the rate decreased with increase in the alkali concentration and a plot of the pseudo-®rst order rate constant, k versus 1/[OH)] was linear. Above 5.0 ´ 10)2 mol dm)3, a plot of k versus [OH)] was also linear with a non-zero intercept. An increase in ionic strength of the reaction mixtures showed no e ect on k at low alkali concentrations, whereas at high concentrations an increase in ionic strength leads to an increase in k. A plot of 1/k versus [periodate] was linear with an intercept in both alkali ranges. Iodine was found to accelerate the reaction at the three di erent alkali concentrations employed. The observed results indicated the following equilibria for DPC.
Glucoamylase was immobilized on acid activated montmorillonite clay via two different procedures namely adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilized enzymes were characterized by XRD, NMR and N2 adsorption measurements and the activity of immobilized glucoamylase for starch hydrolysis was determined in a batch reactor. XRD shows intercalation of enzyme into the clay matrix during both immobilization procedures. Intercalation occurs via the side chains of the amino acid residues, the entire polypeptide backbone being situated at the periphery of the clay matrix. 27Al NMR studies revealed the different nature of interaction of enzyme with the support for both immobilization techniques. N2 adsorption measurements indicated a sharp drop in surface area and pore volume for the covalently bound glucoamylase that suggested severe pore blockage. Activity studies were performed in a batch reactor. The adsorbed and covalently bound glucoamylase retained 49% and 66% activity of the free enzyme respectively. They showed enhanced pH and thermal stabilities. The immobilized enzymes also followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Km was greater than the free enzyme that was attributed to an effect of immobilization. The immobilized preparations demonstrated increased reusability as well as storage stability.
We present the analytical investigations on a logistic map with a discontinuity at the centre. An explanation for the bifurcation phenomenon in discontinuous systems is presented. We establish that whenever the elements of an n-cycle (n > 1) approach the discontinuities of the nth iterate of the map, a bifurcation other than the usual period-doubling one takes place. The periods of the cycles decrease in an arithmetic progression, as the control parameter is varied. The system also shows the presence of multiple attractors. Our results are verified by numerical experiments as well.
It has long been suggested that the overall shape of the antigen combining site (ACS) of antibodies is correlated with the nature of the antigen. For example, deep pockets are characteristic of antibodies that bind haptens, grooves indicate peptide binders, while antibodies that bind to proteins have relatively flat combining sites. In. 1996, MacCallum, Martin and Thornton used a fractal shape descriptor and showed a strong correlation of the shape of the binding region with the general nature of the antigen. However, the shape of the ACS is determined primarily by the lengths of the six complementarity-determining regions (CDRs). Here, we make a direct correlation between the lengths of the CDRs and the nature of the antigen. In addition, we show significant differences in the residue composition of the CDRs of antibodies that bind to different antigen classes. As well as helping us to understand the process of antigen recognition, autoimmune disease and cross-reactivity these results are of direct application in the design of antibody phage libraries and modification of affinity. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some of the most pressing problems currently facing chemical education throughout the world are rehearsed. It is suggested that if the notion of "context" is to be used as the basis for an address to these problems, it must enable a number of challenges to be met. Four generic models of "context" are identified that are currently used or that may be used in some form within chemical education as the basis for curriculum design. It is suggested that a model based on physical settings, together with their cultural justifications, and taught with a socio-cultural perspective on learning, is likely to meet those challenges most fully. A number of reasons why the relative efficacies of these four models of approaches cannot be evaluated from the existing research literature are suggested. Finally, an established model for the representation of the development of curricula is used to discuss the development and evaluation of context-based chemical curricula.
A semi-structured interview was used in Brazil to enquire into the 'notion of model' held by a total sample of 39 science teachers who were: employed in 'fundamental' (6-14 years) and 'medium' (15-17 years) schools; student science teachers currently doing their practicum; and university science teachers. Seven 'aspects' of their notions of a model were identified: the nature of a model, the use to which it can be put, the entities of which it consists, its relative uniqueness, the time span over which it is used, its status in the making of predictions, and the basis for the accreditation of its existence and use. Categories of meaning were identified for each of these aspects. The profiles of teachers' notions of 'model' in terms of the aspects and categories were complex, providing no support for the notion of 'Levels' in understanding. Teachers with degrees in chemistry or physics had different views about the notion of 'model' to those with degrees in biology or with teacher training certificates.
Scientists hold a wide range of beliefs on matters of religion, although popular media coverage in the UK commonly suggests that atheism is a core commitment for scientists. Considering the relationship between religion and science is a recommended topic in the English National Curriculum for lower secondary pupils (11-14 year-olds), and it is expected that different perspectives will be considered. However it is well established that many pupils may have difficulty accessing sophisticated ideas about the nature of science, and previous research suggests some may identify science with scientism. To explore pupil impressions of the relationship between science and religion, 13-14 year old pupils were surveyed in one class from each of four English secondary schools, by asking them to rate a set of statements about the relationship between science and religion, and scientific and religious perspectives on the origins of the world, and of life on earth, on the value of prayer and on the status of miracles. The survey revealed diverse views on these issues, reflecting the wider society. However it was found that a considerable proportion of the pupils in the sample considered religious beliefs and scientific perspectives to be opposed. The basis and potential consequences of such views are considered, and the need for more attention to this area of student thinking is highlighted.
Possible impairments of memory in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, in which stimulus words were presented visually, participants were tested on conceptual or perceptual memory tasks, with retrieval being either explicit or implicit. Compared with healthy controls, ESRD patients were impaired when memory required conceptual but not when it required perceptual processing, regardless of whether retrieval was explicit or implicit. An impairment of conceptual implicit memory (priming) in the ESRD group represented a previously unreported deficit compared to healthy aging. There were no significant differences between pre- and immediate post-dialysis memory performance in ESRD patients on any of the tasks. In Experiment 2, in which presentation was auditory, patients again performed worse than controls on an explicit conceptual memory task. We conclude that the type of processing required by the task (conceptual vs. perceptual) is more important than the type of retrieval (explicit vs. implicit) in memory failures in ESRD patients, perhaps because temporal brain regions are more susceptible to the effects of the illness than are posterior regions.
The timing and nature of the penultimate deglaciation, also known as Termination II (T-II), is subject of controversial discussions due to the scarcity of precisely-dated palaeoclimate records. Here we present a new precisely-dated and highly-resolved multi-proxy stalagmite record covering T-II from the high alpine Schafsloch Cave in Switzerland, an area where climate is governed by the North Atlantic. The inception of stalagmite growth at 137.4 ± 1.4 kyr before present (BP) indicates the presence of drip water and cave air temperatures of above 0°C, and is related to a climate-induced change in the thermal state (from cold- to warm-based) of the glacier above the cave. The cessation of stalagmite growth between 133.1 ± 0.7 and 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is most likely related to distinct drop in temperature associated with Heinrich stadial 11. The resumption of stalagmite growth at 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is accompanied by an abrupt increase in temperature and precipitation as indicated by distinct shifts in the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition as well as in trace element concentrations. The mid-point of T-II is around 131.8 ± 0.6 kyr BP in the Schafsloch Cave record is significantly earlier compared to the age of 129.1 ± 0.1 kyr BP in the Sanbao Cave record from China. The different ages between both records can be best explained by the competing effects of insolation and glacial boundary forcing on seasonality and snow cover extent in Eurasia.
We study by numerical simulations the time correlation function of a stochastic lattice model describing the dynamics of coexistence of two interacting biological species that present time cycles in the number of species individuals. Its asymptotic behavior is shown to decrease in time as a sinusoidal exponential function from which we extract the dominant eigenvalue of the evolution operator related to the stochastic dynamics showing that it is complex with the imaginary part being the frequency of the population cycles. The transition from the oscillatory to the nonoscillatory behavior occurs when the asymptotic behavior of the time correlation function becomes a pure exponential, that is, when the real part of the complex eigenvalue equals a real eigenvalue. We also show that the amplitude of the undamped oscillations increases with the square root of the area of the habitat as ordinary random fluctuations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The metastable phase diagram of the BCC-based ordering equilibria in the Fe-Al-Mo system has been calculated via a truncated cluster expansion, through the combination of Full-Potential-Linear augmented Plane Wave (FP-LAPW) electronic structure calculations and of Cluster Variation Method (CVM) thermodynamic calculations in the irregular tetrahedron approximation. Four isothermal sections at 1750 K, 2000 K, 2250 K and 2500 K are calculated and correlated with recently published experimental data on the system. The results confirm that the critical temperature for the order-disorder equilibrium between Fe(3)Al-D0(3) and FeAl-B2 is increased by Mo additions, while the critical temperature for the FeAl-B2/A2 equilibrium is kept approximately invariant with increasing Mo contents. The stabilization of the Al-rich A2 phase in equilibrium with overstoichiometric B2-(Fe,Mo)Al is also consistent with the attribution of the A2 structure to the tau(2) phase, stable at high temperatures in overstoichiometric B2-FeAl. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication accompanied with repetitive behavioral patterns and unusual stereotyped interests. Autism is considered a highly heterogeneous disorder with diverse putative causes and associated factors giving rise to variable ranges of symptomatology. Incidence seems to be increasing with time, while the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain virtually uncharacterized (or unknown). By systematic review of the literature and a systems biology approach, our aims were to examine the multifactorial nature of autism with its broad range of severity, to ascertain the predominant biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions integral to the disorder, and finally, to elucidate the most central contributions (genetic and/or environmental) in silico. With this goal, we developed an integrative network model for gene-environment interactions (GENVI model) where calcium (Ca2+) was shown to be its most relevant node. Moreover, considering the present data from our systems biology approach together with the results from the differential gene expression analysis of cerebellar samples from autistic patients, we believe that RAC1, in particular, and the RHO family of GTPases, in general, could play a critical role in the neuropathological events associated with autism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)