995 resultados para nanoemulsions (NE)
10th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, The University of Western Australia, 12-17 de janeiro.
Copyright © 2014 Société Française d’Ichtyologie.
Conference: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2014. Peniche, Portugal, 10 Jul - 11 Jul, 2014. Presentation Type: Poster Presentation.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Copyright © 2014 Société Française d'Ichtyologie.
Morphological and anatomical characters used for segregating species within the genus Corallina (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) have been compiled and evaluated in 120 specimens collected in the Azores. The morphological, anatomical and statistical evaluation of the thirty four segregating characters for the genus Corallina performed in the present study revealed no species segregation, either showing no differences across the whole lot of specimens or being highly variable within sets of plants. This suggests that all studied material belongs to one species, so far Ellisolandia elongata (formely Corallina elongata), thus reinforcing old proposed synonyms. A morphological and anatomical account is provided for this species, considering the whole set of studied specimens.
The Late Miocene Malbusca outcrop is located in the southeastern coast of Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic), interspersed in volcanic formations. At ~20 meters above present sea level, a prominent discontinuous layer of rhodoliths seizes with an extension of ~250 meters. This paper presents the first taxonomic record of fossil rhodolith forming coralline algae for the Miocene of the Azores. The preserved taxonomic features used were the following: (1) arrangement of basal filaments, (2) epithallial cells (when observable), (3) presence of cell fusions, (4) conceptacle type, (5) number of cells layers which conceptacle chamber floors are situated below the surrounding thallus surface and (6) for the sporangial pores, the orientation of the filaments around the conceptacle pores. Based on these characters, six taxa were identified encompassing three Corallinaceae (Lithophyllum prototypum, Lithophyllum sp., Spongites sp., Hydrolithon sp.) and one Hapalidaceae (Phymatolithon calcareum and cf. Phymatolithon sp.). An unidentified coaxial thallus was also present, the coaxial construction ascribing the specimens to the genus Mesophyllum or Neogoniolithon. Taxonomic accounts for the identified taxa are described, illustrated and an identification key is provided. The report of L prototypum represents the first Miocene record and the preservation of the specimens is very good. Miocene coralline algae seem very consistent among deposits but some species are relevant for particular areas, like in the Azores.
Congrès de l’Association de Sociologues de Langue Française, Comité de Recherche n° 21 « Transactions Sociales », Istambul
The studied materials were sampled from several conglomerate and carbonate sandstone units, overlapped for 23 meters. This formation represents a debris flow dominated alluvial fan alternating with quiet sedimentary conditions. These deposits of probably Paleogene age were placed upon mafic and ultramafic rocks that are the exclusive source of sediments. Optical and SEM identification, microanalysis and XRD studies (with decomposition procedures) of clay fractions obtained after high-speed centrifugation were performed in order to characterise the clay minerals content. The results of the analytical program allowed the establishment of the following remarks: a) Fe-rich montmorillonite dominance over paligorskite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite mixed-layers, serpentine and talc; b) smectites in the 12.4 - 15 A range, expanding to about 17 A after EG treatment; c) serpentine and talc as secondary minerals in the interior of altered clasts; d) chlorite and clorite smectite mixed-layer compositions in the borders of the clasts and in the cement. The composition of sediments results from coarse clasts eroded from mafic and ultramafic rocks and clayey material. Clasts show evidences of post-depositional weathering (coatings of chlorite and smectite). Clayey material has the contributions of i) inherired chlorite, smectite and chlorite-smectite mixed-layers; ii ) authigenic crystallisation of Fe-montmorillonite (due to availability of Fe in the crystallising solutions following previous weathering events); iii) authigenic paligorskite associated to a carbonate cement.
In the Longroiva-Vilariça area, the identification of Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units, the sedimentology and the characterization of its geometric relations with tectonic structures allowed the interpretation of the palaeogeographic main stages: 1) the greenwhitish Vilariça Arkoses (Middle Eocene to Oligocene ?) represent proximal sediments of a very low gradient drainage towards the eastern Spanish Tertiary Duero Basin; 2)Quintãs Formation (late Miocene ?) are brown-reddish coloured piedmont alluvial deposits, correlative of important vertical displacement (western tectonic block relative uplift) along the NNE-SSW indent-linked strike-slip Bragança-Vilariça-Longroiva fault zone, interpreted as a reactivated deep hercynian fracture, with left-lateral movement; 3) the red Sampaio Formation (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?)was interpreted as downhill conglomeratic deposits related with important overtrusting along this fault zone (the definition of the present-day narrow graben configuration) and correlative of the atlantic hydrographic incision stage beginning; 4) conglomeratic terraces (middle and late Pleistocene ?); 5) alluvial plains and colluvial deposits (Holocene).
The geomorphologic characteristics and lithostratigraphic units of the transition from the Tertiary filling stage to the Quaternary fluvial incision in the Vila Velha de Ródão area (Lower Tagus Basin, NE sector) are presented. Several morphodynamic episodes, which had an important tectonic control, were distinguished. The same main morphosedimentary processes can be identified in other areas of this important river basin. Five periods of Quaternary fluvial incision were characterized.
Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.
The Santa Tenesinha region in northeaster Mato Grosso has a varied vegetation which is principally hammock pantanal. The flat clayey alluvial ground between the hummocks is coveted with a continuous non-cerrado ground cover dominated by grasses but which harbors sedges and a lange herb flora. No woody plants grow in it. The tops of the 10-20m wide, slightly elliptical hummocks, 1.5-2 m high, 10-40 per hectare, are covered with cerrado plants: herbs, semlshrubs, thin- and thick-stemmed shrubs and low trees. For 4-5 months during the latter part of the rainy season, the regional water table rises to the surface and the ground between the hummocks becomes saturated or floods up to 1.5-2 m deep. The tops of the hummocks almost always remain above high water level. In the dry season the surface soil dries out completely. This alternation of saturation or shallow flooding and dryness, prevents woody plant, growth between the hummocks, and except for a few tolerant species, also prevents woody plant. growth on the lower part of the hummochs. The gallery forests in the pantanal are seasonally flooded more deeply but their soil does not dry out so thonoughly in the dry season so woody plant growth is not prevented.
As intervenções arqueológicas concretizadas entre 1999-2001 permitiram o reconhecimento de contextos referentes ao Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, nomeadamente o claustro NE, bem como uma estrutura hidráulica no seu perímetro interno. A identificação do espólio cerâmico e vítreo aqui descartado permite, numa primeira fase, a aferição cronológica e tipológica destes e, consequentemente, do perfil funcional (utilitário, de cozinha e medicinal), numa tentativa de padronização do conjunto arte factual no edifício hospitalar e na cidade de Lisboa. Num segundo estágio, pretendese obter uma leitura concreta no que concerne ao período de utilização desta estrutura, indo de encontro às distintas áreas a vigorar no espaço claustral.
Relevamiento y estudio de aspectos relacionados con el conjunto hídrico, ecológico y paisajístico asociado con la Laguna de Mar Chiquita, y una propuesta de Plan Director integrado que permita lograr un funcionamiento sustentable del sistema. Abarcará la recopilación de antecedentes sobre variaciones en los regímenes hidrológicos de la laguna y sus tributarios, junto con las variaciones en calidad de agua y sus consecuencias sobre el ecosistema dependiente. Se utilizará la información disponible en bases de datos de organismos públicos, y a partir de trabajos anteriores del grupo de investigadores involucrados, sobre caudales, calidad de agua, recursos en flora, fauna, paisaje, y sus variaciones en función de los cambios hidrológicos, climáticos, o por efecto de contaminación del medio. Se realizarán también estudios exploratorios para identificar factores de riesgo y cambios evidentes o inminentes en los ecosistemas causados por mal uso o contaminación del recurso hídrico. Dichos estudios abarcarán relevamientos, monitoreos planificados y/o verificaciones in situ, con posterior análisis de los datos obtenidos, análisis de muestras de agua y sedimento en la laguna y sus tributarios, evaluación de cambios en comunidades de peces, aves, plantas, paisaje, etc.