996 resultados para multiple-valued logic


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* The work is partially supported by Grant no. NIP917 of the Ministry of Science and Education – Republic of Bulgaria.


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For the first time, the impact of energy quantisation in single electron transistor (SET) island on the performance of hybrid complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-SET transistor circuits has been studied. It has been shown through simple analytical models that energy quantisation primarily increases the Coulomb Blockade area and Coulomb Blockade oscillation periodicity of the SET device and thus influences the performance of hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. A novel computer aided design (CAD) framework has been developed for hybrid CMOS-SET co-simulation, which uses Monte Carlo (MC) simulator for SET devices along with conventional SPICE for metal oxide semiconductor devices. Using this co-simulation framework, the effects of energy quantisation have been studied for some hybrid circuits, namely, SETMOS, multiband voltage filter and multiple valued logic circuits. Although energy quantisation immensely deteriorates the performance of the hybrid circuits, it has been shown that the performance degradation because of energy quantisation can be compensated by properly tuning the bias current of the current-biased SET devices within the hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. Although this study is primarily done by exhaustive MC simulation, effort has also been put to develop first-order compact model for SET that includes energy quantisation effects. Finally, it has been demonstrated that one can predict the SET behaviour under energy quantisation with reasonable accuracy by slightly modifying the existing SET compact models that are valid for metallic devices having continuous energy states.


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This paper proposes compact adders that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single-electron (SE) devices. The adders use the number of single electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic state and manipulate single electrons to perform arithmetic operations. These adders have fast speed and are referred as fast adders. We develop a family of SE transfer circuits based on MOSFET-based SE turnstile. The fast adder circuit can be easily designed by directly mapping the graphical counter tree diagram (CTD) representation of the addition algorithm to SE devices and circuits. We propose two design approaches to implement fast adders using SE transfer circuits the threshold approach and the periodic approach. The periodic approach uses the voltage-controlled single-electron transfer characteristics to efficiently achieve periodic arithmetic functions. We use HSPICE simulator to verify fast adders operations. The speeds of the proposed adders are fast. The numbers of transistors of the adders are much smaller than conventional approaches. The power dissipations are much lower than CMOS and multiple-valued current-mode fast adders. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes novel fast addition and multiplication circuits that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single electron (SE) devices. The circuits consist of MOSFET-based single-electron (SE) turnstiles. We use the number of electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic states and we finish arithmetic operations by controlling the number of electrons transferred. We construct a compact PD2,3 adder and a 12x12bit multiplier using the PD2,3 adder. The speed of the adder can be as high as 600MHz with 400nW power dissipation. The speed of the adder is regardless of its operand length. The proposed circuits have much smaller transistors than conventional circuits.


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In t-norm based systems many-valued logic, valuations of propositions form a non-countable set: interval [0,1]. In addition, we are given a set E of truth values p, subject to certain conditions, the valuation v is v=V(p), V reciprocal application of E on [0,1]. The general propositional algebra of t-norm based many-valued logic is then constructed from seven axioms. It contains classical logic (not many-valued) as a special case. It is first applied to the case where E=[0,1] and V is the identity. The result is a t-norm based many-valued logic in which contradiction can have a nonzero degree of truth but cannot be true; for this reason, this logic is called quasi-paraconsistent.


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Canonical forms for m-valued functions referred to as m-Reed-Muller canonical (m-RMC) forms that are a generalization of RMC forms of two-valued functions are proposed. m-RMC forms are based on the operations ?m (addition mod m) and .m (multiplication mod m) and do not, as in the cases of the generalizations proposed in the literature, require an m-valued function for m not a power of a prime, to be expressed by a canonical form for M-valued functions, where M > m is a power of a prime. Methods of obtaining the m-RMC forms from the truth vector or the sum of products representation of an m-valued function are discussed. Using a generalization of the Boolean difference to m-valued logic, series expansions for m-valued functions are derived.


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Single-electron devices (SEDs) have ultra-low power dissipation and high integration density, which make them promising candidates as basic circuit elements of the next generation VLSI circuits. In this paper, we propose two novel circuit single-electron architectures: the single-electron simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) circuit and the single-electron cellular neural network (CNN). We used the MOSFET-based single-electron turnstile [1] as the basic circuit element. The SAA circuit consists of the voltage-controlled single-electron random number generator [2] and the single-electron multiple-valued memories (SEMVs) [3]. The random-number generation and variable variations in SAA are easily achieved by transferring electrons using the single-electron turnstile. The CNN circuit used the floating-gate single-electron turnstile as the neural synapses, and the number of electrons is used to represent the cells states. These novel circuits are promising in future nanoscale integrated circuits.


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The choice of radix is crucial for multi-valued logic synthesis. Practical examples, however, reveal that it is not always possible to find the optimal radix when taking into consideration actual physical parameters of multi-valued operations. In other words, each radix has its advantages and disadvantages. Our proposal is to synthesise logic in different radices, so it may benefit from their combination. The theory presented in this paper is based on Reed-Muller expansions over Galois field arithmetic. The work aims to firstly estimate the potential of the new approach and to secondly analyse its impact on circuit parameters down to the level of physical gates. The presented theory has been applied to real-life examples focusing on cryptographic circuits where Galois Fields find frequent application. The benchmark results show the approach creates a new dimension for the trade-off between circuit parameters and provides information on how the implemented functions are related to different radices.


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Relation algebras is one of the state-of-the-art means used by mathematicians and computer scientists for solving very complex problems. As a result, a computer algebra system for relation algebras called RelView has been developed at Kiel University. RelView works within the standard model of relation algebras. On the other hand, relation algebras do have other models which may have different properties. For example, in the standard model we always have L;L=L (the composition of two (heterogeneous) universal relations yields a universal relation). This is not true in some non-standard models. Therefore, any example in RelView will always satisfy this property even though it is not true in general. On the other hand, it has been shown that every relation algebra with relational sums and subobjects can be seen as matrix algebra similar to the correspondence of binary relations between sets and Boolean matrices. The aim of my research is to develop a new system that works with both standard and non-standard models for arbitrary relations using multiple-valued decision diagrams (MDDs). This system will implement relations as matrix algebras. The proposed structure is a library written in C which can be imported by other languages such as Java or Haskell.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)