40 resultados para multigrid
A necessidade de obter solução de grandes sistemas lineares resultantes de processos de discretização de equações diferenciais parciais provenientes da modelagem de diferentes fenômenos físicos conduz à busca de técnicas numéricas escaláveis. Métodos multigrid são classificados como algoritmos escaláveis.Um estimador de erros deve estar associado à solução numérica do problema discreto de modo a propiciar a adequada avaliação da solução obtida pelo processo de aproximação. Nesse contexto, a presente tese caracteriza-se pela proposta de reutilização das estruturas matriciais hierárquicas de operadores de transferência e restrição dos métodos multigrid algébricos para acelerar o tempo de solução dos sistemas lineares associados à equação do transporte de contaminantes em meio poroso saturado. Adicionalmente, caracteriza-se pela implementação das estimativas residuais para os problemas que envolvem dados constantes ou não constantes, os regimes de pequena ou grande advecção e pela proposta de utilização das estimativas residuais associadas ao termo de fonte e à condição inicial para construir procedimentos adaptativos para os dados do problema. O desenvolvimento dos códigos do método de elementos finitos, do estimador residual e dos procedimentos adaptativos foram baseados no projeto FEniCS, utilizando a linguagem de programação PYTHONR e desenvolvidos na plataforma Eclipse. A implementação dos métodos multigrid algébricos com reutilização considera a biblioteca PyAMG. Baseado na reutilização das estruturas hierárquicas, os métodos multigrid com reutilização com parâmetro fixo e automática são propostos, e esses conceitos são estendidos para os métodos iterativos não-estacionários tais como GMRES e BICGSTAB. Os resultados numéricos mostraram que o estimador residual captura o comportamento do erro real da solução numérica, e fornece algoritmos adaptativos para os dados cuja malha retornada produz uma solução numérica similar à uma malha uniforme com mais elementos. Adicionalmente, os métodos com reutilização são mais rápidos que os métodos que não empregam o processo de reutilização de estruturas. Além disso, a eficiência dos métodos com reutilização também pode ser observada na solução do problema auxiliar, o qual é necessário para obtenção das estimativas residuais para o regime de grande advecção. Esses resultados englobam tanto os métodos multigrid algébricos do tipo SA quanto os métodos pré-condicionados por métodos multigrid algébrico SA, e envolvem o transporte de contaminantes em regime de pequena e grande advecção, malhas estruturadas e não estruturadas, problemas bidimensionais, problemas tridimensionais e domínios com diferentes escalas.
A new deterministic three-dimensional neutral and charged particle transport code, MultiTrans, has been developed. In the novel approach, the adaptive tree multigrid technique is used in conjunction with simplified spherical harmonics approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation. The development of the new radiation transport code started in the framework of the Finnish boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) project. Since the application of the MultiTrans code to BNCT dose planning problems, the testing and development of the MultiTrans code has continued in conventional radiotherapy and reactor physics applications. In this thesis, an overview of different numerical radiation transport methods is first given. Special features of the simplified spherical harmonics method and the adaptive tree multigrid technique are then reviewed. The usefulness of the new MultiTrans code has been indicated by verifying and validating the code performance for different types of neutral and charged particle transport problems, reported in separate publications.
A heated rotating cavity with an axial throughflow of cooling air is used as a model for the flow in the cylindrical cavities between adjacent discs of a high-pressure gas-turbine compressor. In an engine the flow is expected to be turbulent, the limitations of this laminar study are fully realised but it is considered an essential step to understand the fundamental nature of the flow. The three-dimensional, time-dependent governing equations are solved using a code based on the finite volume technique and a multigrid algorithm. The computed flow structure shows that flow enters the cavity in one or more radial arms and then forms regions of cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation. This basic flow structure is consistent with existing experimental evidence obtained from flow visualization. The flow structure also undergoes cyclic changes with time. For example, a single radial arm, and pair of recirculation regions can commute to two radial arms and two pairs of recirculation regions and then revert back to one. The flow structure inside the cavity is found to be heavily influenced by the radial distribution of surface temperature imposed on the discs. As the radial location of the maximum disc temperature moves radially outward, this appears to increase the number of radial arms and pairs of recirculation regions (from one to three for the distributions considered here). If the peripheral shroud is also heated there appear to be many radial arms which exchange fluid with a strong cyclonic flow adjacent to the shroud. One surface temperature distribution is studied in detail and profiles of the relative tangential and radial velocities are presented. The disc heat transfer is also found to be influenced by the disc surface temperature distribution. It is also found that the computed Nusselt numbers are in reasonable accord over most of the disc surface with a correlation found from previous experimental measurements. © 1994, MCB UP Limited.
Surface temperature measurements from two discs of a gas turbine compressor rig are used as boundary conditions for the transient conduction solution (inverse heat transfer analysis). The disc geometry is complex, and so the finite element method is used. There are often large radial temperature gradients on the discs, and the equations are therefore solved taking into account the dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature. The solution technique also makes use of a multigrid algorithm to reduce the solution time. This is particularly important since a large amount of data must be analyzed to obtain correlations of the heat transfer. The finite element grid is also used for a network analysis to calculate the radiant heat transfer in the cavity formed between the two compressor discs. The work discussed here proved particularly challenging as the disc temperatures were only measured at four different radial locations. Four methods of surface temperature interpolation are examined, together with their effect on the local heat fluxes. It is found that the choice of interpolation method depends on the available number of data points. Bessel interpolation gives the best results for four data points, whereas cubic splines are preferred when there are considerably more data points. The results from the analysis of the compressor rig data show that the heat transfer near the disc inner radius appears to be influenced by the central throughflow. However, for larger radii, the heat transfer from the discs and peripheral shroud is found to be consistent with that of a buoyancy-induced flow.
The parallelization of an industrially important in-house computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for calculating the airflow over complex aircraft configurations using the Euler or Navier–Stokes equations is presented. The code discussed is the flow solver module of the SAUNA CFD suite. This suite uses a novel grid system that may include block-structured hexahedral or pyramidal grids, unstructured tetrahedral grids or a hybrid combination of both. To assist in the rapid convergence to a solution, a number of convergence acceleration techniques are employed including implicit residual smoothing and a multigrid full approximation storage scheme (FAS). Key features of the parallelization approach are the use of domain decomposition and encapsulated message passing to enable the execution in parallel using a single programme multiple data (SPMD) paradigm. In the case where a hybrid grid is used, a unified grid partitioning scheme is employed to define the decomposition of the mesh. The parallel code has been tested using both structured and hybrid grids on a number of different distributed memory parallel systems and is now routinely used to perform industrial scale aeronautical simulations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The PHYSICA software was developed to enable multiphysics modelling allowing for interaction between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) and Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). PHYSICA uses the finite volume method with 3-D unstructured meshes to enable the modelling of complex geometries. Many engineering applications involve significant computational time which needs to be reduced by means of a faster solution method or parallel and high performance algorithms. It is well known that multigrid methods serve as a fast iterative scheme for linear and nonlinear diffusion problems. This papers attempts to address two major issues of this iterative solver, including parallelisation of multigrid methods and their applications to time dependent multiscale problems.
We consider the multilevel paradigm and its potential to aid the solution of combinatorial optimisation problems. The multilevel paradigm is a simple one, which involves recursive coarsening to create a hierarchy of approximations to the original problem. An initial solution is found (sometimes for the original problem, sometimes the coarsest) and then iteratively refined at each level. As a general solution strategy, the multilevel paradigm has been in use for many years and has been applied to many problem areas (most notably in the form of multigrid techniques). However, with the exception of the graph partitioning problem, multilevel techniques have not been widely applied to combinatorial optimisation problems. In this paper we address the issue of multilevel refinement for such problems and, with the aid of examples and results in graph partitioning, graph colouring and the travelling salesman problem, make a case for its use as a metaheuristic. The results provide compelling evidence that, although the multilevel framework cannot be considered as a panacea for combinatorial problems, it can provide an extremely useful addition to the combinatorial optimisation toolkit. We also give a possible explanation for the underlying process and extract some generic guidelines for its future use on other combinatorial problems.
The multilevel paradigm as applied to combinatorial optimisation problems is a simple one, which at its most basic involves recursive coarsening to create a hierarchy of approximations to the original problem. An initial solution is found, usually at the coarsest level, and then iteratively refined at each level, coarsest to finest, typically by using some kind of heuristic optimisation algorithm (either a problem-specific local search scheme or a metaheuristic). Solution extension (or projection) operators can transfer the solution from one level to another. As a general solution strategy, the multilevel paradigm has been in use for many years and has been applied to many problem areas (for example multigrid techniques can be viewed as a prime example of the paradigm). Overview papers such as [] attest to its efficacy. However, with the exception of the graph partitioning problem, multilevel techniques have not been widely applied to combinatorial problems and in this chapter we discuss recent developments. In this chapter we survey the use of multilevel combinatorial techniques and consider their ability to boost the performance of (meta)heuristic optimisation algorithms.
La tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) est une modalité d’imagerie moléculaire utilisant des radiotraceurs marqués par des isotopes émetteurs de positrons permettant de quantifier et de sonder des processus biologiques et physiologiques. Cette modalité est surtout utilisée actuellement en oncologie, mais elle est aussi utilisée de plus en plus en cardiologie, en neurologie et en pharmacologie. En fait, c’est une modalité qui est intrinsèquement capable d’offrir avec une meilleure sensibilité des informations fonctionnelles sur le métabolisme cellulaire. Les limites de cette modalité sont surtout la faible résolution spatiale et le manque d’exactitude de la quantification. Par ailleurs, afin de dépasser ces limites qui constituent un obstacle pour élargir le champ des applications cliniques de la TEP, les nouveaux systèmes d’acquisition sont équipés d’un grand nombre de petits détecteurs ayant des meilleures performances de détection. La reconstruction de l’image se fait en utilisant les algorithmes stochastiques itératifs mieux adaptés aux acquisitions à faibles statistiques. De ce fait, le temps de reconstruction est devenu trop long pour une utilisation en milieu clinique. Ainsi, pour réduire ce temps, on les données d’acquisition sont compressées et des versions accélérées d’algorithmes stochastiques itératifs qui sont généralement moins exactes sont utilisées. Les performances améliorées par l’augmentation de nombre des détecteurs sont donc limitées par les contraintes de temps de calcul. Afin de sortir de cette boucle et permettre l’utilisation des algorithmes de reconstruction robustes, de nombreux travaux ont été effectués pour accélérer ces algorithmes sur les dispositifs GPU (Graphics Processing Units) de calcul haute performance. Dans ce travail, nous avons rejoint cet effort de la communauté scientifique pour développer et introduire en clinique l’utilisation des algorithmes de reconstruction puissants qui améliorent la résolution spatiale et l’exactitude de la quantification en TEP. Nous avons d’abord travaillé sur le développement des stratégies pour accélérer sur les dispositifs GPU la reconstruction des images TEP à partir des données d’acquisition en mode liste. En fait, le mode liste offre de nombreux avantages par rapport à la reconstruction à partir des sinogrammes, entre autres : il permet d’implanter facilement et avec précision la correction du mouvement et le temps de vol (TOF : Time-Of Flight) pour améliorer l’exactitude de la quantification. Il permet aussi d’utiliser les fonctions de bases spatio-temporelles pour effectuer la reconstruction 4D afin d’estimer les paramètres cinétiques des métabolismes avec exactitude. Cependant, d’une part, l’utilisation de ce mode est très limitée en clinique, et d’autre part, il est surtout utilisé pour estimer la valeur normalisée de captation SUV qui est une grandeur semi-quantitative limitant le caractère fonctionnel de la TEP. Nos contributions sont les suivantes : - Le développement d’une nouvelle stratégie visant à accélérer sur les dispositifs GPU l’algorithme 3D LM-OSEM (List Mode Ordered-Subset Expectation-Maximization), y compris le calcul de la matrice de sensibilité intégrant les facteurs d’atténuation du patient et les coefficients de normalisation des détecteurs. Le temps de calcul obtenu est non seulement compatible avec une utilisation clinique des algorithmes 3D LM-OSEM, mais il permet également d’envisager des reconstructions rapides pour les applications TEP avancées telles que les études dynamiques en temps réel et des reconstructions d’images paramétriques à partir des données d’acquisitions directement. - Le développement et l’implantation sur GPU de l’approche Multigrilles/Multitrames pour accélérer l’algorithme LMEM (List-Mode Expectation-Maximization). L’objectif est de développer une nouvelle stratégie pour accélérer l’algorithme de référence LMEM qui est un algorithme convergent et puissant, mais qui a l’inconvénient de converger très lentement. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’entrevoir des reconstructions en temps quasi-réel que ce soit pour les examens utilisant un grand nombre de données d’acquisition aussi bien que pour les acquisitions dynamiques synchronisées. Par ailleurs, en clinique, la quantification est souvent faite à partir de données d’acquisition en sinogrammes généralement compressés. Mais des travaux antérieurs ont montré que cette approche pour accélérer la reconstruction diminue l’exactitude de la quantification et dégrade la résolution spatiale. Pour cette raison, nous avons parallélisé et implémenté sur GPU l’algorithme AW-LOR-OSEM (Attenuation-Weighted Line-of-Response-OSEM) ; une version de l’algorithme 3D OSEM qui effectue la reconstruction à partir de sinogrammes sans compression de données en intégrant les corrections de l’atténuation et de la normalisation dans les matrices de sensibilité. Nous avons comparé deux approches d’implantation : dans la première, la matrice système (MS) est calculée en temps réel au cours de la reconstruction, tandis que la seconde implantation utilise une MS pré- calculée avec une meilleure exactitude. Les résultats montrent que la première implantation offre une efficacité de calcul environ deux fois meilleure que celle obtenue dans la deuxième implantation. Les temps de reconstruction rapportés sont compatibles avec une utilisation clinique de ces deux stratégies.
We consider numerical methods for the compressible time dependent Navier-Stokes equations, discussing the spatial discretization by Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin methods, the time integration by time adaptive implicit Runge-Kutta and Rosenbrock methods and the solution of the appearing nonlinear and linear equations systems by preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov, as well as Multigrid methods. As applications, thermal Fluid structure interaction and other unsteady flow problems are considered. The text is aimed at both mathematicians and engineers.
Im Rahmen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie wurden Orbitalfunktionale wie z.B. B3LYP entwickelt. Diese lassen sich mit der „optimized effective potential“ – Methode selbstkonsistent auswerten. Während sie früher nur im 1D-Fall genau berechnet werden konnte, entwickelten Kümmel und Perdew eine Methode, bei der das OEP-Problem unter Verwendung einer Differentialgleichung selbstkonsistent gelöst werden kann. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Finite-Elemente-Mehrgitter-Verfahren verwendet, um die entstehenden Gleichungen zu lösen und damit Energien, Dichten und Ionisationsenergien für Atome und zweiatomige Moleküle zu berechnen. Als Orbitalfunktional wird dabei der „exakte Austausch“ verwendet; das Programm ist aber leicht auf jedes beliebige Funktional erweiterbar. Für das Be-Atom ließ sich mit 8.Ordnung –FEM die Gesamtenergien etwa um 2 Größenordnungen genauer berechnen als der Finite-Differenzen-Code von Makmal et al. Für die Eigenwerte und die Eigenschaften der Atome N und Ne wurde die Genauigkeit anderer numerischer Methoden erreicht. Die Rechenzeit wuchs erwartungsgemäß linear mit der Punktzahl. Trotz recht langsamer scf-Konvergenz wurden für das Molekül LiH Genauigkeiten wie bei FD und bei HF um 2-3 Größenordnungen bessere als mit Basismethoden erzielt. Damit zeigt sich, dass auf diese Weise benchmark-Rechnungen durchgeführt werden können. Diese dürften wegen der schnellen Konvergenz über der Punktzahl und dem geringen Zeitaufwand auch auf schwerere Systeme ausweitbar sein.
Mesh generation is an important step inmany numerical methods.We present the “HierarchicalGraphMeshing” (HGM)method as a novel approach to mesh generation, based on algebraic graph theory.The HGM method can be used to systematically construct configurations exhibiting multiple hierarchies and complex symmetry characteristics. The hierarchical description of structures provided by the HGM method can be exploited to increase the efficiency of multiscale and multigrid methods. In this paper, the HGMmethod is employed for the systematic construction of super carbon nanotubes of arbitrary order, which present a pertinent example of structurally and geometrically complex, yet highly regular, structures. The HGMalgorithm is computationally efficient and exhibits good scaling characteristics. In particular, it scales linearly for super carbon nanotube structures and is working much faster than geometry-based methods employing neighborhood search algorithms. Its modular character makes it conducive to automatization. For the generation of a mesh, the information about the geometry of the structure in a given configuration is added in a way that relates geometric symmetries to structural symmetries. The intrinsically hierarchic description of the resulting mesh greatly reduces the effort of determining mesh hierarchies for multigrid and multiscale applications and helps to exploit symmetry-related methods in the mechanical analysis of complex structures.
The immersed boundary method is a versatile tool for the investigation of flow-structure interaction. In a large number of applications, the immersed boundaries or structures are very stiff and strong tangential forces on these interfaces induce a well-known, severe time-step restriction for explicit discretizations. This excessive stability constraint can be removed with fully implicit or suitable semi-implicit schemes but at a seemingly prohibitive computational cost. While economical alternatives have been proposed recently for some special cases, there is a practical need for a computationally efficient approach that can be applied more broadly. In this context, we revisit a robust semi-implicit discretization introduced by Peskin in the late 1970s which has received renewed attention recently. This discretization, in which the spreading and interpolation operators are lagged. leads to a linear system of equations for the inter-face configuration at the future time, when the interfacial force is linear. However, this linear system is large and dense and thus it is challenging to streamline its solution. Moreover, while the same linear system or one of similar structure could potentially be used in Newton-type iterations, nonlinear and highly stiff immersed structures pose additional challenges to iterative methods. In this work, we address these problems and propose cost-effective computational strategies for solving Peskin`s lagged-operators type of discretization. We do this by first constructing a sufficiently accurate approximation to the system`s matrix and we obtain a rigorous estimate for this approximation. This matrix is expeditiously computed by using a combination of pre-calculated values and interpolation. The availability of a matrix allows for more efficient matrix-vector products and facilitates the design of effective iterative schemes. We propose efficient iterative approaches to deal with both linear and nonlinear interfacial forces and simple or complex immersed structures with tethered or untethered points. One of these iterative approaches employs a splitting in which we first solve a linear problem for the interfacial force and then we use a nonlinear iteration to find the interface configuration corresponding to this force. We demonstrate that the proposed approach is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the standard explicit method. In addition to considering the standard elliptical drop test case, we show both the robustness and efficacy of the proposed methodology with a 2D model of a heart valve. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present an efficient numerical methodology for the 31) computation of incompressible multi-phase flows described by conservative phase-field models We focus here on the case of density matched fluids with different viscosity (Model H) The numerical method employs adaptive mesh refinements (AMR) in concert with an efficient semi-implicit time discretization strategy and a linear, multi-level multigrid to relax high order stability constraints and to capture the flow`s disparate scales at optimal cost. Only five linear solvers are needed per time-step. Moreover, all the adaptive methodology is constructed from scratch to allow a systematic investigation of the key aspects of AMR in a conservative, phase-field setting. We validate the method and demonstrate its capabilities and efficacy with important examples of drop deformation, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, and flow-induced drop coalescence (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
We present a variable time step, fully adaptive in space, hybrid method for the accurate simulation of incompressible two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension in two dimensions. The method is based on the hybrid level set/front-tracking approach proposed in [H. D. Ceniceros and A. M. Roma, J. Comput. Phys., 205, 391400, 2005]. Geometric, interfacial quantities are computed from front-tracking via the immersed-boundary setting while the signed distance (level set) function, which is evaluated fast and to machine precision, is used as a fluid indicator. The surface tension force is obtained by employing the mixed Eulerian/Lagrangian representation introduced in [S. Shin, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, V. Daru and D. Juric, J. Comput. Phys., 203, 493-516, 2005] whose success for greatly reducing parasitic currents has been demonstrated. The use of our accurate fluid indicator together with effective Lagrangian marker control enhance this parasitic current reduction by several orders of magnitude. To resolve accurately and efficiently sharp gradients and salient flow features we employ dynamic, adaptive mesh refinements. This spatial adaption is used in concert with a dynamic control of the distribution of the Lagrangian nodes along the fluid interface and a variable time step, linearly implicit time integration scheme. We present numerical examples designed to test the capabilities and performance of the proposed approach as well as three applications: the long-time evolution of a fluid interface undergoing Rayleigh-Taylor instability, an example of bubble ascending dynamics, and a drop impacting on a free interface whose dynamics we compare with both existing numerical and experimental data.