959 resultados para multifaceted aspects of signal processing


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The School of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering of Queensland University of Technology (like many other universities around the world) has recognised the importance of complementing the teaching of signal processing with computer based experiments. A laboratory has been developed to provide a "hands-on" approach to the teaching of signal processing techniques. The motivation for the development of this laboratory was the cliche "What I hear I remember but what I do I understand." The laboratory has been named as the "Signal Computing and Real-time DSP Laboratory" and provides practical training to approximately 150 final year undergraduate students each year. The paper describes the novel features of the laboratory, techniques used in the laboratory based teaching, interesting aspects of the experiments that have been developed and student evaluation of the teaching techniques


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This paper reviews a study to determine the usefulness of signal processing along with lipreading in improving speech perception of profoundly hearing impaired persons.


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The need to provide computers with the ability to distinguish the affective state of their users is a major requirement for the practical implementation of affective computing concepts. This dissertation proposes the application of signal processing methods on physiological signals to extract from them features that can be processed by learning pattern recognition systems to provide cues about a person's affective state. In particular, combining physiological information sensed from a user's left hand in a non-invasive way with the pupil diameter information from an eye-tracking system may provide a computer with an awareness of its user's affective responses in the course of human-computer interactions. In this study an integrated hardware-software setup was developed to achieve automatic assessment of the affective status of a computer user. A computer-based "Paced Stroop Test" was designed as a stimulus to elicit emotional stress in the subject during the experiment. Four signals: the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), the Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), the Skin Temperature (ST) and the Pupil Diameter (PD), were monitored and analyzed to differentiate affective states in the user. Several signal processing techniques were applied on the collected signals to extract their most relevant features. These features were analyzed with learning classification systems, to accomplish the affective state identification. Three learning algorithms: Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine were applied to this identification process and their levels of classification accuracy were compared. The results achieved indicate that the physiological signals monitored do, in fact, have a strong correlation with the changes in the emotional states of the experimental subjects. These results also revealed that the inclusion of pupil diameter information significantly improved the performance of the emotion recognition system. ^


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Concept inventory tests are one method to evaluate conceptual understanding and identify possible misconceptions. The multiple-choice question format, offering a choice between a correct selection and common misconceptions, can provide an assessment of students' conceptual understanding in various dimensions. Misconceptions of some engineering concepts exist due to a lack of mental frameworks, or schemas, for these types of concepts or conceptual areas. This study incorporated an open textual response component in a multiple-choice concept inventory test to capture written explanations of students' selections. The study's goal was to identify, through text analysis of student responses, the types and categorizations of concepts in these explanations that had not been uncovered by the distractor selections. The analysis of the textual explanations of a subset of the discrete-time signals and systems concept inventory questions revealed that students have difficulty conceptually explaining several dimensions of signal processing. This contributed to their inability to provide a clear explanation of the underlying concepts, such as mathematical concepts. The methods used in this study evaluate students' understanding of signals and systems concepts through their ability to express understanding in written text. This may present a bias for students with strong written communication skills. This study presents a framework for extracting and identifying the types of concepts students use to express their reasoning when answering conceptual questions.


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The application of Bayes' Theorem to signal processing provides a consistent framework for proceeding from prior knowledge to a posterior inference conditioned on both the prior knowledge and the observed signal data. The first part of the lecture will illustrate how the Bayesian methodology can be applied to a variety of signal processing problems. The second part of the lecture will introduce the concept of Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods which is an effective approach to overcoming many of the analytical and computational problems inherent in statistical inference. Such techniques are at the centre of the rapidly developing area of Bayesian signal processing which, with the continual increase in available computational power, is likely to provide the underlying framework for most signal processing applications.


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The technical challenges in the design and programming of signal processors for multimedia communication are discussed. The development of terminal equipment to meet such demand presents a significant technical challenge, considering that it is highly desirable that the equipment be cost effective, power efficient, versatile, and extensible for future upgrades. The main challenges in the design and programming of signal processors for multimedia communication are, general-purpose signal processor design, application-specific signal processor design, operating systems and programming support and application programming. The size of FFT is programmable so that it can be used for various OFDM-based communication systems, such as digital audio broadcasting (DAB), digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) and digital video broadcasting-handheld (DVB-H). The clustered architecture design and distributed ping-pong register files in the PAC DSP raise new challenges of code generation.


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Asynchronous Optical Sampling has the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient sperctrometry. The design of an inexpensive control scheme for synchronising two femtosecond pulse frequency comb generators at an offset frequency of 20 kHz is discussed. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing recorded THz transients in the time and frequency domain are outlined. Finally, possibilities for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms are mentioned.


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This masters thesis describes the development of signal processing and patternrecognition in monitoring Parkison’s disease. It involves the development of a signalprocess algorithm and passing it into a pattern recogniton algorithm also. Thesealgorithms are used to determine , predict and make a conclusion on the study ofparkison’s disease. We get to understand the nature of how the parkinson’s disease isin humans.


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A collection of 237,954 sugarcane ESTs was examined in search of signal transduction genes. Over 3,500 components involved in several aspects of signal transduction, transcription, development, cell cycle, stress responses and pathogen interaction were compiled into the Sugarcane Signal Transduction (SUCAST) Catalogue. Sequence comparisons and protein domain analysis revealed 477 receptors, 510 protein kinases, 107 protein phosphatases, 75 small GTPases, 17 G-proteins, 114 calcium and inositol metabolism proteins, and over 600 transcription factors. The elements were distributed into 29 main categories subdivided into 409 sub-categories. Genes with no matches in the public databases and of unknown function were also catalogued. A cDNA microarray was constructed to profile individual variation of plants cultivated in the field and transcript abundance in six plant organs (flowers, roots, leaves, lateral buds, and 1(st) and 4(th) internodes). From 1280 distinct elements analyzed, 217 (17%) presented differential expression in two biological samples of at least one of the tissues tested. A total of 153 genes (12%) presented highly similar expression levels in all tissues. A virtual profile matrix was constructed and the expression profiles were validated by real-time PCR. The expression data presented can aid in assigning function for the sugarcane genes and be useful for promoter characterization of this and other economically important grasses.


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Machines with moving parts give rise to vibrations and consequently noise. The setting up and the status of each machine yield to a peculiar vibration signature. Therefore, a change in the vibration signature, due to a change in the machine state, can be used to detect incipient defects before they become critical. This is the goal of condition monitoring, in which the informations obtained from a machine signature are used in order to detect faults at an early stage. There are a large number of signal processing techniques that can be used in order to extract interesting information from a measured vibration signal. This study seeks to detect rotating machine defects using a range of techniques including synchronous time averaging, Hilbert transform-based demodulation, continuous wavelet transform, Wigner-Ville distribution and spectral correlation density function. The detection and the diagnostic capability of these techniques are discussed and compared on the basis of experimental results concerning gear tooth faults, i.e. fatigue crack at the tooth root and tooth spalls of different sizes, as well as assembly faults in diesel engine. Moreover, the sensitivity to fault severity is assessed by the application of these signal processing techniques to gear tooth faults of different sizes.


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This special section contains papers addressing various aspects associated with the issue Of Cultured neural networks. These are networks, that are formed through the monitored growth of biological neural tissue. In keeping with the aims of the International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, the key focus of these papers is to took at particular aspects of signal processing in terms of both stimulating such a network and in assigning intent to signals collected as network outputs. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Interfacings of various subjects generate new field ofstudy and research that help in advancing human knowledge. One of the latest of such fields is Neurotechnology, which is an effective amalgamation of neuroscience, physics, biomedical engineering and computational methods. Neurotechnology provides a platform to interact physicist; neurologist and engineers to break methodology and terminology related barriers. Advancements in Computational capability, wider scope of applications in nonlinear dynamics and chaos in complex systems enhanced study of neurodynamics. However there is a need for an effective dialogue among physicists, neurologists and engineers. Application of computer based technology in the field of medicine through signal and image processing, creation of clinical databases for helping clinicians etc are widely acknowledged. Such synergic effects between widely separated disciplines may help in enhancing the effectiveness of existing diagnostic methods. One of the recent methods in this direction is analysis of electroencephalogram with the help of methods in nonlinear dynamics. This thesis is an effort to understand the functional aspects of human brain by studying electroencephalogram. The algorithms and other related methods developed in the present work can be interfaced with a digital EEG machine to unfold the information hidden in the signal. Ultimately this can be used as a diagnostic tool.


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Structural health monitoring (SHM) is the term applied to the procedure of monitoring a structure’s performance, assessing its condition and carrying out appropriate retrofitting so that it performs reliably, safely and efficiently. Bridges form an important part of a nation’s infrastructure. They deteriorate due to age and changing load patterns and hence early detection of damage helps in prolonging the lives and preventing catastrophic failures. Monitoring of bridges has been traditionally done by means of visual inspection. With recent developments in sensor technology and availability of advanced computing resources, newer techniques have emerged for SHM. Acoustic emission (AE) is one such technology that is attracting attention of engineers and researchers all around the world. This paper discusses the use of AE technology in health monitoring of bridge structures, with a special focus on analysis of recorded data. AE waves are stress waves generated by mechanical deformation of material and can be recorded by means of sensors attached to the surface of the structure. Analysis of the AE signals provides vital information regarding the nature of the source of emission. Signal processing of the AE waveform data can be carried out in several ways and is predominantly based on time and frequency domains. Short time Fourier transform and wavelet analysis have proved to be superior alternatives to traditional frequency based analysis in extracting information from recorded waveform. Some of the preliminary results of the application of these analysis tools in signal processing of recorded AE data will be presented in this paper.


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The School of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (QUT), offers three bachelor degree courses in electrical and computer engineering. In all its courses there is a strong emphasis on signal processing. A newly established Signal Processing Research Centre (SPRC) has played an important role in the development of the signal processing units in these courses. This paper describes the unique design of the undergraduate program in signal processing at QUT, the laboratories developed to support it, and the criteria that influenced the design.