290 resultados para multicellular spheroids
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al laboratori LSR (Logiciels, Systèmes, Réseaux) – IMAG a Grenoble, França, entre els mesos de setembre del 2005 i febrer del 2006. El grup de recerca Drakkar d’aquest laboratori va desenvolupar un nou mecanisme d’accés al medi per a xarxes d’àrea local sense fils (WLAN) anomenat Idle Sense. S’ha avaluat aquest mecanisme en entorns cel·lulars i s’ha comparat del seu comportament amb l’estàndard IEEE 802.11 DCF mitjançant la implementació en un simulador. En els entorns cel·lulars es troben condicions de transmissió molt allunyades de les ideals, i de les analitzades fins al moment, que consisteixen en escenaris formats per una única cel·la aïllada. Per aquest motiu, primer s’ha estudiat els mecanismes d’accés al medi d’Idle Sense en una cel·la i en condicions de transmissió adverses. Després, s’ha estudiat en entorns multicel·lulars, on les comunicacions entre estacions es veuen influenciades pel problema de solapament de cel·les i per les interferències provocades per les transmissions d’estacions d’altres cel·les. També s’ha comparat els resultats obtinguts amb el comportament d’IEEE 802.11 DCF i d’altres propostes de millora: Asymptotically Optimal Backoff (AOB) i Slow Decrease. Finalment, s’ha realitzat una modificació sobre Idle Sense, que s’ha anomenat Weighted Idle Sense, que resulta més adecuat per a treballar en xarxes d’àrea local sense fils en mode infraestructura.
Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids (HDLS) is an autosomal-dominant central nervous system white-matter disease with variable clinical presentations, including personality and behavioral changes, dementia, depression, parkinsonism, seizures and other phenotypes. We combined genome-wide linkage analysis with exome sequencing and identified 14 different mutations affecting the tyrosine kinase domain of the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (encoded by CSF1R) in 14 families with HDLS. In one kindred, we confirmed the de novo occurrence of the mutation. Follow-up sequencing identified an additional CSF1R mutation in an individual diagnosed with corticobasal syndrome. In vitro, CSF-1 stimulation resulted in rapid autophosphorylation of selected tyrosine residues in the kinase domain of wild-type but not mutant CSF1R, suggesting that HDLS may result from partial loss of CSF1R function. As CSF1R is a crucial mediator of microglial proliferation and differentiation in the brain, our findings suggest an important role for microglial dysfunction in HDLS pathogenesis.
Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids (HDLS) is a progressive white matter disease with a wide range of clinical symptoms including dementia, behavioral changes, seizures, pyramidal signs, ataxia, and parkinsonism.(1-3) Affected individuals develop symptoms in their early 40s with an average survival time of 10 years. HDLS is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Recently, mutations in the colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor gene (CSF-1R) were identified as the genetic cause of HDLS.(4) White matter lesions, easily demonstrated on MRI studies, involve predominantly the frontal lobes and corpus callosum with subsequent cortical atrophy. MRI abnormalities are present prior to symptom onset.(5,6) Histopathology shows widespread myelin and axon destruction with axonal dilations termed spheroids, as well as pigmented macrophages.
Cells of epithelial origin, e.g. from breast and prostate cancers, effectively differentiate into complex multicellular structures when cultured in three-dimensions (3D) instead of conventional two-dimensional (2D) adherent surfaces. The spectrum of different organotypic morphologies is highly dependent on the culture environment that can be either non-adherent or scaffold-based. When embedded in physiological extracellular matrices (ECMs), such as laminin-rich basement membrane extracts, normal epithelial cells differentiate into acinar spheroids reminiscent of glandular ductal structures. Transformed cancer cells, in contrast, typically fail to undergo acinar morphogenic patterns, forming poorly differentiated or invasive multicellular structures. The 3D cancer spheroids are widely accepted to better recapitulate various tumorigenic processes and drug responses. So far, however, 3D models have been employed predominantly in the Academia, whereas the pharmaceutical industry has yet to adopt a more widely and routine use. This is mainly due to poor characterisation of cell models, lack of standardised workflows and high throughput cell culture platforms, and the availability of proper readout and quantification tools. In this thesis, a complete workflow has been established entailing well-characterised 3D cell culture models for prostate cancer, a standardised 3D cell culture routine based on high-throughput-ready platform, automated image acquisition with concomitant morphometric image analysis, and data visualisation, in order to enable large-scale high-content screens. Our integrated suite of software and statistical analysis tools were optimised and validated using a comprehensive panel of prostate cancer cell lines and 3D models. The tools quantify multiple key cancer-relevant morphological features, ranging from cancer cell invasion through multicellular differentiation to growth, and detect dynamic changes both in morphology and function, such as cell death and apoptosis, in response to experimental perturbations including RNA interference and small molecule inhibitors. Our panel of cell lines included many non-transformed and most currently available classic prostate cancer cell lines, which were characterised for their morphogenetic properties in 3D laminin-rich ECM. The phenotypes and gene expression profiles were evaluated concerning their relevance for pre-clinical drug discovery, disease modelling and basic research. In addition, a spontaneous model for invasive transformation was discovered, displaying a highdegree of epithelial plasticity. This plasticity is mediated by an abundant bioactive serum lipid, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and its receptor LPAR1. The invasive transformation was caused by abrupt cytoskeletal rearrangement through impaired G protein alpha 12/13 and RhoA/ROCK, and mediated by upregulated adenylyl cyclase/cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A, and Rac/ PAK pathways. The spontaneous invasion model tangibly exemplifies the biological relevance of organotypic cell culture models. Overall, this thesis work underlines the power of novel morphometric screening tools in drug discovery.
Este título pertenece a una serie que ofrece en profundidad una visión de las células en todo el mundo vivo, su estructura y los procesos en que se basa la vida en la Tierra. Explora cómo las células han formado la vida que vemos a nuestro alrededor. Nadie sabe cuántos millones de especies diferentes pueden existir en nuestro planeta, y cada año se descubren otras nuevas. Los científicos clasifican los seres vivos en distintos grupos para ayudar a dar sentido a esta diversidad de la vida. Esta publicación examina cómo ha cambiado la clasificación a lo largo del tiempo, incluyendo una reciente propuesta para clasificar a los seres vivos en tres dominios en lugar de seis reinos. Tiene índice, glosario, referencias bibliográficas y un gráfico ramificado para dar una idea aproximada de la diversidad del reino animal.
The mechanisms underlying the formation of necrotic regions within avascular tumours are not well understood. In this paper, we examine the relative roles of nutrient deprivation and of cell death, from both the proliferating phase of the cell cycle via apoptosis and from the quiescent phase via necrosis, in changing the structure within multicellular tumour spheroids and particularly the accumulation of dead cell material in the centre. A mathematical model is presented and studied that accounts for nutrient diffusion, changes in cell cycling rates, the two different routes to cell death as well as active motion of cells and passive motion of the dead cell material. In studying the accumulation of dead cell matter we do not distinguish between the route by which each was formed. The resulting mathematical model is examined for a number of scenarios. Results show that in many cases the size of the necrotic core is closely correlated with low levels in nutrient concentration. However, in certain cases, particularly where the rate of necrosis is large, the resulting necrotic core can lead to regions of non-negligible nutrient concentration-dependent upon the mode of cell death.
3D (three-dimensional) cell culture permits a more integrated analysis of the relationship between cells, inserting them into a structure more closely resembling the cellular microenvironment in vivo. The development of in vitro parameters to approximate in vivo 3D cellular environments makes a less reductionist interpretation of cell biology possible. For breast cells, in vitro 3D culture has proven to be an important tool for the analysis of luminal morphogenesis. A greater understanding of this process is necessary because alterations in the lumen arrangement are associated with carcinogenesis. Following lumen formation in 3D cell culture using laser scanning confocal microscopy, we observed alterations in the arrangement of cytoskeletal components (F-actin and microtubules) and increasing levels of cell death associated with lumen formation. The formation of a polarized monolayer facing the lumen was characterized through 3D reconstructions and the use of TEM (transmission electron microscopy), and this process was found to occur through the gradual clearing of cells from the medullary region of the spheroids. This process was associated with different types of cell death, such as apoptosis, autophagy and entosis. The present study showed that changes in the extracellular matrix associated with long periods of time in 3D cell culture lead to the formation of a lumen in MCF-7 cell spheroids and that features of differentiation such as lumen and budding formation occur after long periods in 3D culture, even in the absence of exogenous extracellular compounds.
Ein neuer Ansatz der immunologischen Krebstherapie ist die Verwendung der bispezifischen, trifunktionalen Antikörper catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM x anti-CD3) und ertumaxomab (anti-Her2/neu x anti-CD3). Die Bispezifität besteht in der Bindung eines Tumor-assoziierten Antigens (EpCAM bzw. Her2/neu) und des CD3 Moleküls auf der Oberfläche von T-Zellen. Darüber hinaus stellt die Interaktion des Fc-Teils mit FcγRI/IIa/III positiven akzessorischen Immunzellen die dritte Funktion der Antikörper dar. Diese einzigartige Kombination ermöglicht theoretisch die Ausbildung eines Tri-Zell-Komplexes. In klinischen Studien konnte bereits die Wirksamkeit beider Antikörper nachgewiesen werden. Die eigentlichen Wirkmechanismen der trifunktionalen Antikörper jedoch sind noch nicht ausreichend bekannt. Um die Wechselwirkung zwischen den stark EpCAM- und schwach Her2/neu-positive FaDu- sowie den stabil mit humanem Her2/neu transfizierten FaDu E593-Tumorzellen, peripheren Blutmonozyten (PBMC) und trifunktionalen Antikörpern systematisch zu untersuchen wurde ein 3D-Tumormodell, die so genannten multizellulären Tumorsphäroide (MCTS), angewandt. Als Endpunkte zur Beurteilung der Therapieeffizienz dienten das Volumenwachstum der Sphäroide, sowie die Klonogenität und die Zellvitalität. Zur Beurteilung der PBMC-Penetration in die Sphäroide erfolgten immunhistochemische Färbungen und molekularbiologische Nachweise der Abwehrzellantigene. Entsprechend wurden in den Sphäroiden die Proliferationsrate über eine Ki67-Färbung sowie die Apoptoserate über eine FragEL-Markierung identifiziert. Die Aktivität der PBMC wurde durch die Bestimmung ausgewählter Zytokine (ELISA) und der Zellzahl aus den Medienüberständen charakterisiert. Die an den FaDu- und E593-Sphäroiden erzielten Ergebnisse zeigten, dass catumaxomab und ertumaxomab eine konzentrations- und zeitabhängige Abnahme des Sphäroidvolumens bewirkten. Die Schrumpfung der Tumorsphäroide ging mit einer Reduktion des proliferativen und mit einer Steigerung des apoptotischen Tumorzellanteils einher. Die histologischen Befunde weisen darauf hin, dass die Volumenreduktion durch eine gesteigerte Anzahl infiltrierender Leukozyten bedingt ist. Auf verschiedenen Methoden basierende Analysen der Immunzellsubtypen zeigten eine dominierende Infiltration von zytotoxischen T-Zellen in die Tumorsphäroide. Der Aktivitätsnachweis der T-Zellen wurde über die Detektion der IL-2 mRNA und des sekretierten Zytokins erbracht. Einen zusätzlichen Hinweis auf eine zelluläre Immunantwort liefert das Zytokinmuster mit hohen Konzentrationen an IFN-γ. Der direkte Vergleich beider Antikörper zeigte, dass der anti-tumorale Effekt abhängig von der Antigenexpression auf den Tumorzellen war. Die Analyse von Medienüberständen wies auf eine mehrheitlich höhere Zytokinausschüttung in Gegenwart des Tumorantigens hin. Sphäroid-Kokulturen, die mit dem parentalen anti-EpCAM Antikörper behandelt wurden, zeigten keine Volumenreduktion. Im Gegensatz dazu führte der parentale CD3-Antikörper, das CD3- und Tumorzell-bindende catumaxomab F(ab')2 Fragment oder eine Kombination beider parentaler Antikörper zu einer anti-tumoralen Wirkung, die jedoch nicht so stark war wie die des trifunktionalen Antikörpers catumaxomab. Demnach ist für catumaxomab gezeigt, dass für die Effektivität des Antikörpers die Trifunktionalität unabdingbar ist. Daraus leitet sich ab, dass die Aktivierung der Abwehrzellen durch kostimulatorische Signale notwendig ist und über die Tumorantigenbindung Mechanismen wie ADCC (antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity) zum Tragen kommen. Die Experimente mit gleichzeitiger Gabe von trifunktionalen Antikörpern und Immunsuppressiva haben gezeigt, dass eine Kombination beider Agenzien möglich ist. Die Konzentrationen sind jedoch sorgfältig derart zu wählen, dass die Zytokinausschüttung und die damit verbundenen Nebenwirkungen reduziert sind, ohne dass die anti-tumorale Wirkung der Antikörper maßgeblich beeinflusst wird. T-Zellen bedienen sich nach Aktivierung für die rasche Proliferation einer gesteigerten aeroben Glykolyse. Unter Behandlung der Kokulturen mit catumaxomab konnte im Vergleich zu anderen immunstimulatorischen Agenzien die größte Steigerung der Laktatproduktion bzw. der Azidifizierungs- und Sauerstoffverbrauchsrate detektiert werden. Diese Effekte weisen auf eine metabolische Aktivierung der PBMC durch catumaxomab hin. Das von den Tumorzellen abgegebene Laktat kann die Immunzellen jedoch inhibieren. Daher wäre die Kombination mit Glykolyseinhibitoren ein möglicher Ansatz, um die Therapieeffizienz weiter zu steigern. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Komedikation der trifunktionalen Antikörper mit Chemotherapeutika zu einer gesteigerter Wirkung führte. Insgesamt liegt die Zukunft der Immuntherapien wohl in der Kombination mit anderen Wirkstoffklassen, die anti-tumorale Effekte verstärken oder immunsupprimierende Mechanismen inhibieren.
Tissue engineering strategies are gathering clinical momentum in regenerative medicine and are expected to provide excellent opportunities for therapy for difficult-to-treat human pathologies. Being aware of the requirement to produce larger artificial tissue implants for clinical applications, we used microtissues, produced using gravity-enforced self-assembly of monodispersed primary cells, as minimal tissue units to generate scaffold-free vascularized artificial macrotissues in custom-shaped agarose molds. Mouse myoblast, pig and human articular-derived chondrocytes, and human myofibroblast (HMF)-composed microtissues (microm3 scale) were amalgamated to form coherent macrotissue patches (mm3 scale) of a desired shape. Macrotissues, assembled from the human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC)-coated HMF microtissues, developed a vascular system, which functionally connected to the chicken embryo's vasculature after implantation. The design of scaffold-free vascularized macrotissues is a first step toward the scale-up and production of artificial tissue implants for future tissue engineering initiatives.
Unraveling intra- and inter-cellular signaling networks managing cell-fate control, coordinating complex differentiation regulatory circuits and shaping tissues and organs in living systems remain major challenges in the post-genomic era. Resting on the laurels of past-century monolayer culture technologies, the cell culture community has only recently begun to appreciate the potential of three-dimensional mammalian cell culture systems to reveal the full scope of mechanisms orchestrating the tissue-like cell quorum in space and time. Capitalizing on gravity-enforced self-assembly of monodispersed primary embryonic mouse cells in hanging drops, we designed and characterized a three-dimensional cell culture model for ganglion-like structures. Within 24h, a mixture of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) and cells, derived from the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) (sensory neurons and Schwann cells) grown in hanging drops, assembled to coherent spherical microtissues characterized by a MEF feeder core and a peripheral layer of DRG-derived cells. In a time-dependent manner, sensory neurons formed a polar ganglion-like cap structure, which coordinated guided axonal outgrowth and innervation of the distal pole of the MEF feeder spheroid. Schwann cells, present in embryonic DRG isolates, tended to align along axonal structures and myelinate them in an in vivo-like manner. Whenever cultivation exceeded 10 days, DRG:MEF-based microtissues disintegrated due to an as yet unknown mechanism. Using a transgenic MEF feeder spheroid, engineered for gaseous acetaldehyde-inducible interferon-beta (ifn-beta) production by cotransduction of retro-/ lenti-viral particles, a short 6-h ifn-beta induction was sufficient to rescue the integrity of DRG:MEF spheroids and enable long-term cultivation of these microtissues. In hanging drops, such microtissues fused to higher-order macrotissue-like structures, which may pave the way for sophisticated bottom-up tissue engineering strategies. DRG:MEF-based artificial micro- and macrotissue design demonstrated accurate key morphological aspects of ganglions and exemplified the potential of self-assembled scaffold-free multicellular micro-/macrotissues to provide new insight into organogenesis.
Cancer is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide and the variability in disease patterns calls for patient-specific treatment. Therefore, personalized treatment is expected to become a daily routine in prospective clinical tests. In addition to genetic mutation analysis, predictive chemosensitive assays using patient's cells will be carried out as a decision making tool. However, prior to their widespread application in clinics, several challenges linked to the establishment of such assays need to be addressed. To best predict the drug response in a patient, the cellular environment needs to resemble that of the tumor. Furthermore, the formation of homogeneous replicates from a scarce amount of patient's cells is essential to compare the responses under various conditions (compound and concentration). Here, we present a microfluidic device for homogeneous spheroid formation in eight replicates in a perfused microenvironment. Spheroid replicates from either a cell line or primary cells from adenocarcinoma patients were successfully created. To further mimic the tumor microenvironment, spheroid co-culture of primary lung cancer epithelial cells and primary pericytes were tested. A higher chemoresistance in primary co-culture spheroids compared to primary monoculture spheroids was found when both were constantly perfused with cisplatin. This result is thought to be due to the barrier created by the pericytes around the tumor spheroids. Thus, this device can be used for additional chemosensitivity assays (e.g. sequential treatment) of patient material to further approach the personalized oncology field.
Initiation of Myxococcus xanthus multicellular development requires both nutrient limitation and high cell density. The extracellular signal, A signal, which consists of a set of amino acids at specific concentrations, serves as a cell density signal in M. xanthus early development. A reporter gene, designated 4521, that requires both starvation and A signal for developmental expression was used to identify mutations in the signal transduction pathways. A group of point mutations located in the chromosomal sasB locus that bypasses both requirements was previously isolated. One of these point mutations, sasB7, was mapped to the sasS gene, which is predicted to encode a transmembrane histidine protein kinase required for normal development. SasS is a positive regulator of 4521 and a candidate A signal sensor. This dissertation continues the characterization of the sasB locus, focusing on the sasR gene and the functional relationship of SasS and SasR. ^ The sasR gene is located 2.2-kb downstream of sasS. It is predicted to encode an NtrC-like response regulator, which belongs to the family of sigma54 transcriptional activators. SasR is a positive regulator of 4521 gene and is required for normal development. The sasR mutant displays phenotypes similar to that of sasS mutant. Both SasS and SasR are required for the A-signal-dependent 4521 expression. Genetic epistasis analysis indicates that SasR functions downstream of SasS. Biochemical studies show that SasS has autokinase activity, and phosphorylated SasS is able to transfer its phosphate to SasR. We propose that SasS and SasR form a two-component signal transduction system in the A signal transduction pathway. ^ To search for the genes regulated by SasS and SasR, expression patterns of a group of developmental genes were compared in wild-type and sasS null mutant backgrounds. SasS and SasR were found to positively regulate sasN and 4521. The sasN gene was previously identified as a negative regulator of 4521, located at about 170-bp downstream of sasR. It is required for normal fruiting body development. Based on the above data, a regulatory network consisting of sasS, sasR, sasN, and 4521 is hypothesized, and the interactions of the components in this network can now be further studied. ^
The gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus aggregates to form spore-filled fruiting bodies when starved at high density. All of the identified M. xanthus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen biosynthesis mutants exhibit defective motility and fruiting-body development. To determine the cause of these phenotypes, the cell-surface properties of the LPS O-antigen mutants were compared to wild-type cells. The binding characteristics of wild-type and LPS O-antigen-defective strains to cationic resin indicate that the mutant cell surfaces are more electronegative. Antibiotic sensitivity and hexadecane adhesion assays indicate that the wild-type M. xanthus cell surface is hydrophobic, supporting the idea that phospholipids are present in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane. The absence of the LPS O-antigen appears to expose charges associated with phospholipids and LPS core/lipid A, resulting in a dramatic alteration of the cell-surface organization and charge. These differences may affect the interaction of the LPS O-antigen mutants with their substratum and neighboring cells, leading to defects in social and single-cell gliding motility and thus, deficiencies in fruiting body formation. ^ The LPS O-antigen biosynthetic mutations also bypass the requirement of 4521 gene expression for the cell-density signal, A signal. The 4521 gene is overexpressed in these mutants. This 4521 overexpression is dependent on the sensor kinase SasS. Co-development with wild-type cells, or the addition of crude polysaccharides or membrane vesicles restores the ability of LPS O-antigen mutants to form fruiting bodies and lowers 4521 developmental gene expression to wild-type levels. Wild-type vesicles may attach or incorporate into the outer membrane of the mutants that lack LPS O-antigen, restoring a wild-type periplasmic status and allowing for normal levels of 4521 activity and fruiting body formation. We propose that the LPS composition and the configuration of the outer membrane are important elements for the complex behavioral response of M. xanthus fruiting body development. ^