992 resultados para morphology factor
BACKGROUND: Mantle cell lymphoma is a clinically heterogeneous disease characterized by overexpression of cyclin D1 protein. Blastoid morphology, high proliferation, and secondary genetic aberrations are markers of aggressive behavior. Expression profiling of mantle cell lymphoma revealed that predominance of the 3'UTR-deficient, short cyclin D1 mRNA isoform was associated with high cyclin D1 levels, a high "proliferation signature" and poor prognosis. DESIGN AND METHODS: Sixty-two cases of mantle cell lymphoma were analyzed for cyclin D1 mRNA isoforms and total cyclin D1 levels by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, and TP53 alterations were assessed by immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis. Results were correlated with proliferation index and clinical outcome. RESULTS: Predominance of the short cyclin D1 mRNA was found in 14 (23%) samples, including four with complete loss of the standard transcript. TP53 alterations were found in 15 (24%) cases. Predominance of 3'UTR-deficient mRNA was significantly associated with high cyclin D1 mRNA levels (P=0.009) and more commonly found in blastoid mantle cell lymphoma (5/11, P=0.060) and cases with a proliferation index of >20% (P=0.026). Both blastoid morphology (11/11, P<0.001) and TP53 alterations (15/15, P<0.001) were significantly correlated with a high proliferation index. A proliferation index of 10% was determined to be a significant threshold for survival in multivariate analysis (P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: TP53 alterations are strongly associated with a high proliferation index and aggressive behavior in mantle cell lymphoma. Predominance of the 3'UTR-deficient transcript correlates with higher cyclin D1 levels and may be a secondary contributing factor to high proliferation, but failed to reach prognostic significance in this study.
The seven subunit Arp2/3 complex is a highly conserved nucleation factor of actin microfilaments. We have isolated the genomic sequence encoding a putative Arp3a protein of the moss Physcomitrella patens. The disruption of this ARP3A gene by allele replacement has generated loss-of-function mutants displaying a complex developmental phenotype. The loss-of function of ARP3A gene results in shortened, almost cubic chloronemal cells displaying affected tip growth and lacking differentiation to caulonemal cells. In moss arp3a mutants, buds differentiate directly from chloronemata to form stunted leafy shoots having differentiated leaves similar to wild type. Yet, rhizoids never differentiate from stem epidermal cells. To characterize the F-actin organization in the arp3a-mutated cells, we disrupted ARP3A gene in the previously described HGT1 strain expressing conditionally the GFP-talin marker. In vivo observation of the F-actin cytoskeleton during P. patens development demonstrated that loss-of-function of Arp3a is associated with the disappearance of specific F-actin cortical structures associated with the establishment of localized cellular growth domains. Finally, we show that constitutive expression of the P. patens Arp3a and its Arabidopsis thaliana orthologs efficiently complement the mutated phenotype indicating a high degree of evolutionary conservation of the Arp3 function in land plants.
Acquisition of a mature dendritic morphology is critical for neural information processing. In particular, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) controls dendritic arborization during brain development. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of HGF on dendritic growth remain elusive. Here, we show that HGF increases dendritic length and branching of rat cortical neurons through activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Activation of MAPK by HGF leads to the rapid and transient phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), a key step necessary for the control of dendritic development by HGF. In addition to CREB phosphorylation, regulation of dendritic growth by HGF requires the interaction between CREB and CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1), as expression of a mutated form of CREB unable to bind CRTC1 completely abolished the effects of HGF on dendritic morphology. Treatment of cortical neurons with HGF in combination with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a member of the neurotrophin family that regulates dendritic development via similar mechanisms, showed additive effects on MAPK activation, CREB phosphorylation and dendritic growth. Collectively, these results support the conclusion that regulation of cortical dendritic morphology by HGF is mediated by activation of the MAPK pathway, phosphorylation of CREB and interaction of CREB with CRTC1.
Infectious hepatitis C virus (HCV) particle assembly starts at the surface of lipid droplets, cytoplasmic organelles responsible for neutral fat storage. We analysed the relationship between HCV and seipin, a protein involved in lipid droplet maturation. Although seipin overexpression did not affect the total mean volume occupied by lipid droplets nor the total triglyceride and cholesterol ester levels per cell, it caused an increase in the mean diameter of lipid droplets by 60 %, while decreasing their total number per cell. The latter two effects combined resulted in a 34 % reduction of the total outer surface area of lipid droplets per cell, with a proportional decrease in infectious viral particle production, probably due to a defect in particle assembly. These results suggest that the available outer surface of lipid droplets is a critical factor for HCV release, independent of the neutral lipid content of the cell.
In this study, the concentration and morphological characteristics of inhalable particulate material (PM10) were evaluated and associated with climatic conditions. The mean annual concentration was 11.0 µg m−3, varying between 0,647 µg m−3 and 36.8 µg m−3. Wind speed has a higher influence on PM10 dispersion, but direction was associated with particle source. During the wet period, wind speed is the main dispersion factor, while speed and direction both are important during the dry period. Based on the morphological characteristics, it is concluded that biogenic particles prevail during the rainy season and terrigenous particles during the dry period, depending on the wind direction and intensity.
The study aimed to quantify the concentrations of free IGF-I in serum and fluid of ovarian follicles in pre-pubertal gilts and describe the ovarian morphology by measuring the size of the ovaries and counting the number of surface follicles. Ovaries (n=1,000) from pre-pubertal gilts were obtained immediately after slaughter. A total of 10 samplings were performed, with ovaries obtained from 50 females for each collection. The follicles situated on the surface of each ovary were classified as small (SFs, 2 to 5mm in diameter) or large (LFs 6 to 10mm in diameter) and the follicular fluid was obtained by follicle aspiration. The collection of serum samples was performed after the gilts exsanguination using sterile tubes. From the pool of serum and follicular fluid obtained from 50 females, the concentration of free IGF-I was determined in each sample using an enzyme immunoassay kit (ELISA). The description of ovarian morphometry was performed in 100 ovaries from randomly selected gilts. The larger and smaller lengths of ovaries were measured, and the total number of SFs and LFs present on the surface of each ovary were also counted. The IGF-I concentration was greater (P<0.05) in LFs (170.92±88.29 ng/mL) compared with SFs (67.39±49.90ng/mL) and serum (73.48±34.63ng/mL). The largest and smallest length of the ovaries was 26.0±3.0 and 19.0mm ±2.0mm, respectively. The number of SFs (70.86±25.76) was greater (P<0.01) than LFs (6.54±5.26). The study concluded that LFs present greater levels of IGF-I when compared with SFs and blood, which is related to increased activity of the LFs and its differentiation to ovulation. In addition, ovaries of pre-pubertal gilts have a higher number of SFs compared to LFs. Therefore, our study demonstrated unique data regarding the physiological concentration of free IGF-I in ovarian follicles, that can be used in future research to evaluate the addition of this hormone in the in vitro production media of porcine embryos with the goal to improve the technique efficiency.
Exclusion of the transcription factor Max from the nucleus of retinal ganglion cells is an early, caspase-independent event of programmed cell death following damage to the optic axons. To test whether the loss of nuclear Max leads to a reduction in neuroprotection, we developed a procedure to overexpress Max protein in rat retinal tissue in vivo. A recombinant adeno-associated viral vector (rAAV) containing the max gene was constructed, and its efficiency was confirmed by transduction of HEK-293 cells. Retinal ganglion cells were accessed in vivo through intravitreal injections of the vector in rats. Overexpression of Max in ganglion cells was detected by immunohistochemistry at 2 weeks following rAAV injection. In retinal explants, the preparation of which causes damage to the optic axons, Max immunoreactivity was increased after 30 h in vitro, and correlated with the preservation of a healthy morphology in ganglion cells. The data show that the rAAV vector efficiently expresses Max in mammalian retinal ganglion cells, and support the hypothesis that the Max protein plays a protective role for retinal neurons.
Neuronal apoptosis occurs in the diabetic brain due to insulin deficiency or insulin resistance, both of which reduce the expression of stem cell factor (SCF). We investigated the possible involvement of the activation of the MAPK/ERK and/or AKT pathways in neuroprotection by SCF in diabetes. Male C57/B6 mice (20-25 g) were randomly divided into four groups of 10 animals each. The morphology of the diabetic brain in mice treated or not with insulin or SCF was evaluated by H&E staining and TUNEL. SCF, ERK1/2 and AKT were measured by Western blotting. In diabetic mice treated with insulin or SCF, there was fewer structural change and apoptosis in the cortex compared to untreated mice. The apoptosis rate of the normal group, the diabetic group receiving vehicle, the diabetic group treated with insulin, and the diabetic group treated with SCF was 0.54 ± 0.077%, 2.83 ± 0.156%, 1.86 ± 0.094%, and 1.78 ± 0.095% (mean ± SEM), respectively. SCF expression was lower in the diabetic cortex than in the normal cortex; however, insulin increased the expression of SCF in the diabetic cortex. Furthermore, expression of phosphorylated ERK1/2 and AKT was decreased in the diabetic cortex compared to the normal cortex. However, insulin or SCF could activate the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT in the diabetic cortex. The results suggest that SCF may protect the brain from apoptosis in diabetes and that the mechanism of this protection may, at least in part, involve activation of the ERK1/2 and AKT pathways. These results provide insight into the mechanisms by which SCF and insulin exert their neuroprotective effects in the diabetic brain.
Naïvement perçu, le processus d’évolution est une succession d’événements de duplication et de mutations graduelles dans le génome qui mènent à des changements dans les fonctions et les interactions du protéome. La famille des hydrolases de guanosine triphosphate (GTPases) similaire à Ras constitue un bon modèle de travail afin de comprendre ce phénomène fondamental, car cette famille de protéines contient un nombre limité d’éléments qui diffèrent en fonctionnalité et en interactions. Globalement, nous désirons comprendre comment les mutations singulières au niveau des GTPases affectent la morphologie des cellules ainsi que leur degré d’impact sur les populations asynchrones. Mon travail de maîtrise vise à classifier de manière significative différents phénotypes de la levure Saccaromyces cerevisiae via l’analyse de plusieurs critères morphologiques de souches exprimant des GTPases mutées et natives. Notre approche à base de microscopie et d’analyses bioinformatique des images DIC (microscopie d’interférence différentielle de contraste) permet de distinguer les phénotypes propres aux cellules natives et aux mutants. L’emploi de cette méthode a permis une détection automatisée et une caractérisation des phénotypes mutants associés à la sur-expression de GTPases constitutivement actives. Les mutants de GTPases constitutivement actifs Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V ont été analysés avec succès. En effet, l’implémentation de différents algorithmes de partitionnement, permet d’analyser des données qui combinent les mesures morphologiques de population native et mutantes. Nos résultats démontrent que l’algorithme Fuzzy C-Means performe un partitionnement efficace des cellules natives ou mutantes, où les différents types de cellules sont classifiés en fonction de plusieurs facteurs de formes cellulaires obtenus à partir des images DIC. Cette analyse démontre que les mutations Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V induisent respectivement des phénotypes amorphe, allongé, rond et large qui sont représentés par des vecteurs de facteurs de forme distincts. Ces distinctions sont observées avec différentes proportions (morphologie mutante / morphologie native) dans les populations de mutants. Le développement de nouvelles méthodes automatisées d’analyse morphologique des cellules natives et mutantes s’avère extrêmement utile pour l’étude de la famille des GTPases ainsi que des résidus spécifiques qui dictent leurs fonctions et réseau d’interaction. Nous pouvons maintenant envisager de produire des mutants de GTPases qui inversent leur fonction en ciblant des résidus divergents. La substitution fonctionnelle est ensuite détectée au niveau morphologique grâce à notre nouvelle stratégie quantitative. Ce type d’analyse peut également être transposé à d’autres familles de protéines et contribuer de manière significative au domaine de la biologie évolutive.
A field monitoring study was carried out to follow the changes of fine root morphology, biomass and nutrient status in relation to seasonal changes in soil solution chemistry and moisture regime in a mature Scots pine stand on acid soil. Seasonal and yearly fluctuations in soil moisture and soil solution chemistry have been observed. Changes in soil moisture accounted for some of the changes in the soil solution chemistry. The results showed that when natural acidification in the soil occurs with low pH (3.5-4.2) and high aluminium concentration in the soil solution (> 3-10 mg l(-1)), fine root longevity and distribution could be affected. However, fine root growth of Scots pine may not be negatively influenced by adverse soil chemical conditions if soil moisture is not a limiting factor for root growth. In contrast, dry soil conditions increase Scots pine susceptibility to soil acidification and this could significantly reduce fine root growth and increase root mortality. It is therefore important to study seasonal fluctuations of the environmental variables when investigating and modelling cause-effect relationships.
Most current research into therapeutic approaches to muscle diseases involves the use of the mouse as an experimental model. Furthermore, a major strategy to alleviate myopathic symptoms through enhancing muscle growth and regeneration is to inhibit the action of myostatin (Mstn), a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family member that inhibits muscle growth. Presently, however, no study has expanded the morphological analysis of mouse skeletal muscle beyond a few individual muscles of the distal hindlimb, through which broad conclusions have been based. Therefore, we have initially undertaken an expansive analysis of the skeletal musculature of the mouse forelimb and highlighted the species-specific differences between equivalent muscles of the rat, another prominently used experimental model. Subsequently, we examined the musculature of the forelimb in both young and old adult wild-type (mstn(+/+)) and myostatin null (mstn(-/-)) mice and assessed the potential beneficial and detrimental effects of myostatin deletion on muscle morphology and composition during the aging process. We showed that: (1) the forelimb muscles of the mouse display a more glycolytic phenotype than those of the rat; (2) in the absence of myostatin, the induced myofiber hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and glycolytic conversion all occur in a muscle-specific manner; and, importantly, (3) the loss of myostatin significantly alters the dynamics of postnatal muscle growth and impairs age-related oxidative myofiber conversion.
Gene compensation by members of the myogenic regulatory factor (MRF) family has been proposed to explain the apparent normal adult phenotype of MyoD(-/-) mice. Nerve and field stimulation were used to investigate contraction properties of muscle from MyoD(-/-) mice, and molecular approaches were used to investigate satellite-cell behavior. We demonstrate that MyoD deletion results in major alterations in the organization of the neuromuscular junction, which have a dramatic influence on the physiological contractile properties of skeletal muscle. Second, we show that the lineage progression of satellite cells (especially initial proliferation) in the absence of MyoD is abnormal and linked to perturbations in the nuclear localization of beta-catenin, a key readout of canonical Wnt signaling. These results show that MyoD has unique functions in both developing and adult skeletal muscle that are not carried out by other members of the MRF family.
Salmonella enteritidis isolated from poultry infections generated a convoluted colonial morphology after 48 h growth on colonisation factor antigen (CFA) agar at 25 degrees C. A mutant S. enteritidis defective for the elaboration of the SEF17 fimbrial antigen, in which the agf gene cluster was inactivated by insertion of an ampicillin resistance gene cassette, and other wild-type S. enteritidis transduced to this genotype failed to produce convoluted colonies. However, growth of SEF17(-) mutans at 25 degrees C on CFA agar supplemented with 0.001% Congo red resulted in partial recovery of the phenotype. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that copious amounts of the SEF17 fimbrial antigen were present in the extracellular matrix of convoluted colonies of wild-type virulent S. enteritidis isolates. Bacteria were often hyperflagellated also. Immunoelectron microscopy of SEF17(-) mutants grown on CFA agar+0.001% Congo red demonstrated the elaboration of an as yet undefined fimbrial structure. Isolates of S. enteritidis which were described previously as avirulent and sensitive to environmental stress failed to express SEF17 or produce convoluted colonies. These data indicate an essential role for SEF17, and possibly for another fimbria and flagella, in the generation of the convoluted colonial phenotype. The relationship between virulence and colonial phenotype is discussed.
Vegetation and building morphology characteristics are investigated at 19 sites on a north-south LiDAR transect across the megacity of London. Local maxima of mean building height and building plan area density at the city centre are evident. Surprisingly, the mean vegetation height (zv3) is also found to be highest in the city centre. From the LiDAR data various morphological parameters are derived as well as shadow patterns. Continuous images of the effects of buildings and of buildings plus vegetationon sky view factor (Ψ) are derived. A general reduction of Ψ is found, indicating the importance of including vegetation when deriving Ψ in urban areas. The contribution of vegetation to the shadowing at ground level is higher during summer than in autumn. Using these 3D data the influence on urban climate and mean radiant temperature (T mrt ) is calculated with SOLWEIG. The results from these simulations highlight that vegetation can be most effective at reducing heat stress within dense urban environments in summer. The daytime average T mrt is found to be lowest in the densest urban environments due to shadowing; foremost from buildings but also from trees. It is clearly shown that this method could be used to quantify the influence of vegetation on T mrt within the urban environment. The results presented in this paper highlight a number of possible climate sensitive planning practices for urban areas at the local scale (i.e. 102- 5 × 103 m).
A set of high-resolution radar observations of convective storms has been collected to evaluate such storms in the UK Met Office Unified Model during the DYMECS project (Dynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms). The 3-GHz Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar was set up with a scan-scheduling algorithm to automatically track convective storms identified in real-time from the operational rainfall radar network. More than 1,000 storm observations gathered over fifteen days in 2011 and 2012 are used to evaluate the model under various synoptic conditions supporting convection. In terms of the detailed three-dimensional morphology, storms in the 1500-m grid-length simulations are shown to produce horizontal structures a factor 1.5–2 wider compared to radar observations. A set of nested model runs at grid lengths down to 100m show that the models converge in terms of storm width, but the storm structures in the simulations with the smallest grid lengths are too narrow and too intense compared to the radar observations. The modelled storms were surrounded by a region of drizzle without ice reflectivities above 0 dBZ aloft, which was related to the dominance of ice crystals and was improved by allowing only aggregates as an ice particle habit. Simulations with graupel outperformed the standard configuration for heavy-rain profiles, but the storm structures were a factor 2 too wide and the convective cores 2 km too deep.